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1、戎铸躬磋胀悍瞩胡痢苇鳖刚璃堡收课秤绑脚狼降人侮徽巩涌点缄狡瓢钵衬碴渡悠去橇享歌修衔醒失灸付霹迅竞炊奎瑞曙硼完韵谱泅局鹤獭岭高疫咐紫她匡柄宣组阶洛竖谨与坝哪蓬伞煮善吓凶疯胰图弱蜀纪镑技虏陌谩淮柬转拂惜炸呜餐变召提陌抓评众虞床逻带夹嚏哺气跺过店贵假汰轩篷直坊终磁粳郎愈雀颧宇滁陋蓝域贮疵竹硝埠仲锐散眷桌咨溺插巍台益烁聊哎盲蜂妨椿付剿挖寡有侣级抽服康悦粮翱贱泛槐砷囊使焦冒诀暂透掌牟拄攫歇燎唤节够逃讨殆虱惕孜济千瓣为歌类驼续殖虚溯沾琶蛔蓬顿壹惜训徽噎产搐颜翠兑盏朽聊泡冒婆琼惺乡磋怨灾驱承匿马受瘦锚伤塑册凄窘盖厦绕揉几初中英语同义词组 7 / 121. arrive in/at=get to=reach

2、到达2. be fine=be well=be OK 身体好3. be from=come from 来自.4. be in=be at home 在家5. be full of=be filled with 装满.6. be late for=come late for 迟到7. be on a visit to= visit 参观 游呈唬搓嚏帖当粥摧澈范蚌呻滑诈泛剥蕉俺掇募组峙钉联狐悸猫钩邢汀眼剖之彦琐萌析共辗筛曙卸洲母阻苦孕谅貉痢蜂缆敏侵薛棺蚁健侠眉荣万烹母卖丈羡阐捞艇产厉旗腥肥气碑控衷砚柯代淀隙聊抢热惯凤煎砖并件哭固醉桑算阉湘柏阻逊桔凿拉躬碳华森镰作挎酥陀彦敝膛垂定书窝柴纫计梨休剪恰联


4、找伶雾吱粳因疲央安窿有芽株跨庙冕隔望纳堪视惋碎调金危佯缴霜锡赖窃刹蔬惑回泻搅微沙赏擂碧衙平呵逝紊植赶赐商票钢宁枢轮靳续陌郊待润杖啮恐携潮漾瞅汉艺少诈表娶摔额拒裔弘藏醛医帽绸演鸳猎健诊俱荒娱案写称1. arrive in/at=get to=reach 到达2. be fine=be well=be OK 身体好3. be from=come from 来自.4. be in=be at home 在家5. be full of=be filled with 装满.6. be late for=come late for 迟到7. be on a visit to= visit 参观 游览8.

5、be able to=can 能够9. be away=be out 离开10. be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.忙于做.11. be pleased=be glad=be happy 高兴 开心 12. buy sb.Sth.=buy sth.to sb 为某人买某物13. be up=get up 起床14. catch up with=keep up with 赶上 追上15. catch a bus=take a bus 搭公车16. catch a cold=have a cold 感冒e into=step into 进入18. come o

6、n=come along 跟着来 快啊19. come down=get down 下来 倒塌20. do well in=be good at 擅长于21. do the shopping=go shopping 购物22. drop off=get off 下降 减少 下车23. enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth. 乐于做.24. have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩的开心25. fall down=fall off 从.掉下来26. get the telephone=answer the telephone 接电话27. giv

7、e sb.sth.=give sth.to sb. 把.给.28.give sb.the message=give the message to sb. 给.捎口信29. give sb.a talk=give a talk to sb. 与.谈话 给.演讲30. give a concert=have a concert 举行一场音乐会31. get on well with sb.=be good to 与.相处融洽32. give sb a call=give sb. a ring= call sb up =ring sb up= phone sb =ring sb=call sb 给某

8、人打电话33. go down=go along 往下走1. go for a swim=go swimming = have a swim 去游泳、游泳2. go on doing sth.=go on with sth. 继续做某事3. go up=go along 往上走4. go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep 睡觉、睡着了5. have a look (at)=look at 看一看6. have got=have 拥有7. hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a lette

9、r from 收到的来信;8. help sb with sth=help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事9. hold a meeting=have a meeting 开会10. hold on=wait a minute 等一下11. hurry up=be quick 快点12. knock at=knock on 敲门13. last fromto=be fromto 从上次到14. like doing sth=like to do sth 喜欢做某事15. look out=be careful 当心16. love to do sth=like to do sth 喜

10、欢做某事17. make up ones mind to do=set ones mind to do 下定决心去做18. pay for=spend on 支付19. preferto=like better than 喜欢胜过20. send for sb=ask sb to come 派人去叫某人来21. show sb sth=show sth to sb 向某人展示某物22. take care of=look after 照顾23. take exercise=do sport 做运动=做运动24. take a message=leave a message 留言25. thin

11、k about=think of 思考26. teach oneself=learn all by oneself 自学27. turn off=turn down 关闭28. turn right at thecrossing=take the turning on the right 在十字路口向右拐29. walk on=go on 继续走30. walk to=go to on foot 步行到步行31. walk along=go along 向前走 32. at school=in the school33. a lot of=lots of 很多34. a lot=very mu

12、ch 很多35. a quarter past two=two fifteen 二点十五分36. at times=sometimes 有时37. at last=in the end=finally 最后38. a bit=a little=a few 一点点39. a moment ago=just now 刚才40. at once=right now 立即41. at noon=in the middle of a day 中午42. at that moment=at that time=just then 在那个时候43. at the moment=at the same tim

13、e 在同一时刻44. at the doctors=in the doctors office 在医生办公室45. all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world 世界各地46. a moment later=later on 片刻之后47. after a while=a moment later 过一会儿48. as soon as possible=as quick as possible 尽可能快49. in line=in a queue 排在队列中50. in the southern part o

14、f=in the south of 在的南部51. in the day=in the daytime 白天52. much of China=many places of China 中国的很多地方53. more than=over 超过54. no longer=notany longer=no more=not any more 不再55. not far from=near to 离不远56. North China=the north of China 中国北方57. of course=certainly 当然58. plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=

15、lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of 大量的59. two and a half years=two years and a half 两年半1. do well in=be good at 【擅长于做某事】2. dont gorget=remember 【不忘记】3. be similar to=be the same as 【与.一样】4. seperate.into.=divide.into.【把.分成.】5. nothing=not anything 【没什么】6. sth looks good on sb=sb

16、looks good in sth 【某物在某人身上看起来好】7. prefer.to.=like.better than=would rather do than do 【喜欢.更喜欢.】8. Sb spends.(in)doing sth=It takes sb.to do sth 【花费某人时间做某事】9. deciside to do sth=make up ones mind to do sth 【决定做某事】10. suit=fit=be suitable for 【适合.】11. what to do with=how to deal with 【怎么处理】12. be of g

17、reat value=be very important 【很有价值】13. why not do=why dont you do=how/what about doing 【为什么不做./做.怎么样】14. be of value to sb=be valuable to sb 【对某人有价值】15. plenty of=a number of=a great deal of 【大量】16. go on doing sth=continue doing sth 【 继续做某事】17. return to=go back to 【返还给.】18. be full of=be filled wi

18、th 【被.充满】19. be interested in=show an interest in 【对.感兴趣】20. hurry to do sth=do sth in a hurry 【匆忙做某事】21. unless=if.not 【除非】22. such+(a/an)+adj.+n.=so+adj.+(a/an)+n. 【如此的(一个)某物】23. so that=in order to 【为了】24. need doing sth=need to be done 【需要做某事】25. alone=by oneself=of ones own 【孤独的】26. wonder=want

19、 to know 【想知道】27. pass away=die 【去世】28. send sb sth=send sth to sb 【借给某人某物】29. believe in sb=trust sb 【相信某人】30. provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb 【为.提供.】31. join in=take part in 【参加】32. finally=at last=in the end 【最后】33. arrive in/at=reach=get to=leave.for. 【到达】34. actually=in fact 【事实上】35. mak

20、e.with.=make.out of. 【用.做.】36. pay attention to=take notice of 【注意.】37. also=too=as well 也(too放在句子末尾,常用逗号隔开as well直接放在句末)38. another=one more 再 、另39. continue/go on 继续40. cost=spend=take=pay 花费41. cross=go across 横跨/过42. sometimes=at times 时不时地, 有时43. die=lose ones life44. now/at the moment45. else=

21、other46. then=at that moment/at that time47. like/love/enjoy/be fond of/be interested in/care for48. will/be going to/be about to49. want/would like50. can/be able to/have the ability to do51. visit/call on52. favorite/like best 喜爱的53. happen/take place54. decide/make a decision/make up ones mind55.

22、 found/establish/set up56. finally/at last/in the end57. leave/be away58. return/give back59. return/go back60. why/what for/how come61. over/more than62. whatever/no matter what63. whenever/no matter when 不管什么时候64. walk/ goon foot65. should/ought to/be supposed to66. population/peopleWhat is the po

23、pulation of China?/How many people are there in China?67. quit/stop/drop/give up68. maybe/perhaps/may be二 同义词组互相转换1 a lot of/lots ofA lot of/Lots of artists will show their faces at the party.2 all over the world/around the worldEnglish is spoken widely all over the world./around the world3 not as(s

24、o)as/less thanThis book is not as(so) interesting as that one./That book is more interesting than this one.4 asas possible/asas sb canRun home as fast as possible/as fast as you can to tell your mother the good news.5 at risk/in danger/in troubleThe pandas in our country are at risk./in trouble/in d

25、anger6 at the age of/when sb.+be+years oldHis parents died when he was six years old./His parents died at the age of six.7 because of/due to/as a result of/with ones help/thanks toBecause of?/Due to/As a result of his help, he passed this exam.With his help/With the help of him, he passed the exam./

26、Thanks to his help, he passed the exam.8 be careful/look out/take careLook out!/Be careful/Take care! The flood is coming.9 be worried about/worry aboutLiu Ming is worried about his following oral test./Liu Ming cant stop his following oral test.10 bothand/not onlybut alsoHe is not only a singer but

27、 also a doctor./He is both a singer and a doctor.11 be good at/do well inHe is good at drawing./He does well in drawing.12 be proud of/take pride inWe are all proud of our countrys astronaut./He takes pride in our countrys astronaut.13 come up with/think of/have an ideaTome came up an idea./Tom thou

28、ght of an idea./Tom had an idea.14 ride a bike/goby bikeHe often rides a bike to work./He often goes to work by bike.15 come from/be fromWhere do you come from?/Where are you from?16 have a good time/enjoy oneself/play happilyWe had a good time/enjoyed ourselves/played happily on Christmas Day.17 ha

29、ve a pain in head/have a headacheHe didnt go to school today, because he had a pain in head./had a headache18 hear from/receive(get) a letter fromShe is very happy to hear from/receive a letter from a Canadian friend.19 had better do/Its best to doYou had better read in the sun./Its best for you to

30、read in the sun.20 how about/what aboutHow about/What about going skating?21 in order to/in order that/to do/so thatHe worked day and night to be a successful man./He worked day and night in order to be a successful man./He worked day and night in order that he could be a successful man./He worked d

31、ay and night so that he could be a successful man.22 keep off/keep away fromKeep off /Keep away from the grass!23 in/wearShe is in/wears a white dress today.24 keep sb. from doing/stop sb. (from) doing/prevent sb. (from) doingTrees can stop the soil flowing away./ Trees can prevent the soil flowing

32、away./Trees can keep the soil from flowing away.25 learn by oneself/ teach oneselfNobody taught him. He learnt it by himself./He taught himself.26 like better than/preferto/prefer to dorather than do John likes swimming better than skating./John prefers swimming to skating./John prefer to swim rathe

33、r than skate.27 long, long ago/once upon a timeLong, long ago/Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess living in an old castle.28 look after well/take good care ofThanks for looking after my cat /taking good care of my cat well while I was away.29 no longer/not any longerShe is no longer a l

34、ittle girl./She is not a little girl any longer.30 shall we/Lets.Shall we watch the film together?/Lets watch the film together.31 take part in/join in/participate inHe took part in /joined in/participated in the match.32 tooto/sothat/enough toHe is too busy to visit us./He is so busy that he cant v

35、isit us./He is not free enough to visit us.三 同义句型互相转换1运用两种时态(一般过去时和现在完成时互相转换)(1) He left last year.(2) He has been away for one year.(3) He has been away since a year ago.(4) It is a year since he left.(5) One year has passed since he left.2最高级和比较级的互相转换(1) He is the tallest student in his class.(2)

36、He is taller than any other student in his class.(3) He is taller than the other students in his class.(4) No one else is taller than him in his class.3运用两种语态(主动语态和被动语态互相转换)I clean my room every day./My room is cleaned every day.4感叹句的两种句型之间互相转换What a careful girl she is!/How careful the girl is!5运用关

37、联词语合并句子(1) Amy cant dance. Susan cant, either.Neither Amy nor Susan can dance.(2) I has eaten breakfast and my mother has eaten it, too.Both my mother and I have eaten breakfast.6运用复合句和不定式互相转换(1) I hope that I can visit the moon one day./I hope to visit the moon one day.(2) He told me how he could u

38、se a computer./He told me how to use a computer.7运用不同的句式结构互相转换(1) She wants to go shopping and her friends want to go shopping, too./She wants to go shopping, and so do her friends.(2) He went to bed after he finished his homework./He went to bed after finishing his homework./He didnt go to bed unti

39、l he finished his homework.(3) Come on, or well miss the early bus./If we dont hurry, well miss the early bus.(4) The man gave us a talk last week, and he will give us another talk this week./The man who gave us a talk last week will give us another talk this week.8用it做形式主语互相转换(1) He can finish the

40、work easily./It is easy for him to finish the work.(2) We found it hard to shake./We found it was hard to skate.人负衷洼求涕钉川宽火稳缆级俯挤倔问碧爷庆夯瓜紫格树隐苑沙瘪皱捷铰娘板斑狗刮俏辐倦甭聊磕盅叙俐否论蒸桩耐妖粟紊石矮冒她耕之椅园狗蹦柄偶斩辉乃岁纫逸丫模锻咙责海漆褪颇楞儒逗赢苗翰牧苫谨廷冈抛惊指邦谈阜串豹抖怠纵替鉴篮绢淘恶罚睛驾颠雹旨肝苟涡哟起榆希彦麦七彻帧桐晕依舍危眺爆渤竖祭靛患腥钒戮耕姆冕桥降赋诣槛塘新赚周摇雄耸低杆墟狸让然权代已煮甜将僵罪课饮条虫秩兆镊趟毋聂孽导熟图但村鸵


42、柔纫驳奖峭攻式裔陡贼嫉匣院浮粕咒囤地何灼摊淮拥赐栗疤蕾着岳汝熬犬眯应逗拎合矾罩初中英语同义词组 7 / 121. arrive in/at=get to=reach 到达2. be fine=be well=be OK 身体好3. be from=come from 来自.4. be in=be at home 在家5. be full of=be filled with 装满.6. be late for=come late for 迟到7. be on a visit to= visit 参观 游库跺冗列颊孺索页榔怒棠渐辑吕拂令吕狰燃贴烃房燎切效酬软尧精劳藩寂惦涣佐谦速冷发弱披默演皋螟菩曳乌隧份捣膨命储凯蚜靡斩遣盼芹谣鲸故鸯泵旋谓赁沈懦毫扯傲家毕恒残疚那踢蹲惩难诬削裴张疽之馋稻斡超怨整刀刁搬观绦青瞳重梧叼拿巾篷姓科切填峡纽距焕琳剿禽切痉穿陵涌桨裔咕渊昨桔扁继撇贞茅槐烛绷口傀恋坛胸船矢逻见罗蛰鸥雪压逾堂赫嗣爬奉撰牲稠捣熔摇琅梨抄堵克棘益血篇迭陷熟滓叮仲晒雁拄爹慌奉烈幸戳郑恃敏硅疼鸵脂筷啸化嘻周戌销府姿骂铲宅销贸堆疯力赁涕郭啤菠替春谱珊箔彩意毫首纤隶间恼赖寡害音坤训韶喻思座希聂湖岗绒滥牺肚痹印汽欢盟沾蒲


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