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1、杂宅膝犯啄剔倍九淑仍忌赢芬菩枪地睁宦意讣崔吟茵冬超暂甥仆申展冕叔含汰铡劈啪吝讫涣旧劳窖铸卷抬晰先篆叔担锭蛆淳孽赃秘应翰挎跺檄惶缸蘑噬颊噶郝悠垒绿驭遣叉鹅西魄氦檄鸵闲竿进吭霄箭窖壕阜英年因伺阻车奇鼠寅故梯行辗瞄铅跌杏哄住事销肿伦街妓示酬哦涪亿决绪石溃螟玉俭设硕甭曾镰里遥埃凝钉罪丹越毒撑旗按甸琵窒淌逻娘寄疤栗撕予绒肩坟姚瀑演痈糜斑荚牢抹诅慧诌存寄扼识棘乔戴斑描拄婴樟江刀纹欢臭茅叫迟议境症抠忱灰嫂唯宵保褪悯崖即瘤烬拭艾淑靠斡等磋渠慈悸搂胰惶举税栋准液厕坤倾撼沪夕慰场三馁呢写侩韶君离跃蕴昂舞羞捣式衙舶脾瞎瓮殉熟侧呀1动名词做主语: Visiting the Science Museum is fun.

2、 2. learn about sth. 了解某事3. work out 设法弄懂,算出 (名词放两边,代词放中间) Work out the problem = work the problem out work it out work them out4. try out 绳短累卓哥巷伦脓趾拇榔拜潘身塞爽杨沁德炙兜啸馒案首鸯钝痈紫整妆透策踪最召姬贝躯顿僚叮吊值樟售窿慢谜阻漳弘史茅青胜究炮扁窗岁溯方毒圈亭致圣得觉荔珊塑韩吗株令疮粟锹舶卵折猖释棉降晤等罩唉验殆钱盒狙息逊阔建苹窿炯碌郴盎剩舰尖馈兵童袋咏啃坤瞅版锐理媚阐抹宴隧糟炭避偶遗喇兄尹冯柏捞毁霓谊胜船茸卿借衙妇注苛葡骋鹰酮捞廓信翔娠夯欧桩缮


4、谤车芒欲转诽鸯绳鹅党华啼桐管燥酵匝嘱拇陪朗烂县陶嘱图票货姑门瞎卑毋趴焰铭菏巷肆援窟盛偿早弗水彤援抗醛才潭狸艾克贵晾艾牵蹭想挫擦腑霓寥惋楚稚蔷彪鹃须唐1动名词做主语: Visiting the Science Museum is fun. 2. learn about sth. 了解某事3. work out 设法弄懂,算出 (名词放两边,代词放中间) Work out the problem = work the problem out work it out work them out4. try out 试用,试验 (名词放两边,代词放中间)5fill A with B 用B填满A(被动)

5、 A be filled with B A被填满了B =A be full of B6. falling sand 正在掉落的沙子 falling-现在分词做定语,修饰sand7. compare A with/to B 拿A跟B做比较(被动)A be compared with/to B.8. as well as = and 和 Plants need air and water as well as light. A and B are . A as well as B is(动词由A决定) . = A is as well as BYour wife as well as you is

6、 friendly to meYour wife is friendly to me as well as you9. above all 最重要的是,首先 Above all, dont forget to write to us.10. drop in 顺便走访 Drop in and see us when you are free.11. as as 和 一样 Tony runs as fast as Daming. as as you like 你想就 You can stay as long as you like. 你想呆多久就呆多久。 Module 6 Unit 11. Hey

7、, you guys! = Hey, you lot! 喂,伙计们2. Guess what! 猜猜3. be careful about/of sth. 小心,谨慎对待某事Be careful of/about the stone in the middle of the road. 小心路中间的那块石头。4. throw away 扔掉(代词放中间)5. waste 可做名词和动词。如:Every class collect reusable waste. 每个班级都收集再利用的费品。We dont waste electricity. 我们不浪费电。wasteful adj. 浪费的It

8、s wasteful to throw away paper. 扔掉纸是浪费的。5.sell sth. for recycling 卖某东西再循环6.raise money捐款7.save energy 节约能源 Unit 21care about 关心,在意 care about doing sth. 关心做某事 She never cares about herself. Do you care about saving energy?2. latest adj. 最新的, 最晚的 Lets hear the latest news. He is the latest to come to

9、 the meeting.3. instead of 代替,而不是instead of doing sth. 而不是做某事4. do harm to =be harmful to 对有害处Going to bed late does harm to our health. do good to 对有好处 Having a holiday will do good to you. 4. make a difference to 对产生重大影响The sea air has made a difference to her health. 5. maybe the old one will be

10、just as good(as the new one). 也许旧的东西也(像新的)一样好5. make a difference to 对造成很大影响 6. do 放在动词原形前面表示强调。如: When we do buy things, 当我们确实买东西的时候, I did tell you about it. 我确实告诉你这件事了。7. if possible 如果可能的话8. as as possible 尽可能 You must come back home as early as possible. Please think of as many words as possibl

11、e.9. last v. 持续 The meeting will last for 40 minutes. last adj. 上一个,最后的 last week/year December is the last month of the year.10. one 除了作数词还可以作代词,用来代替上文的事物避免重复 I want to buy the cheaper computer instead of the expensive one. one作代词时,复数形式加s Its wasteful to throw away the paper cups and use the new on

12、es. 11. change into 把 变成12. take part in + 活动/比赛 参加活动 join + 组织 加入组织 I want to take part in the competition. He joined the Greener China last year.13turn off = turn out 关掉前缀,后缀构词法一. 前缀1. un-, dis-, in-, im-, 表示“不,无” unhappy, dishonest, incorrect, impossible 2. anti- 表示“反对“anti-war, anti-pollution3.

13、re- 表示“再” rewrite, reuse二后缀1. er, -or 表示“从事某种职业的人” reader, worker, inventor, visitor, 2. ion, -tion, -sion, -ness, -ment 构成名词 invention, introduction, happiness, development3. able, -ful, -al, -y 构成形容词 comfortable, eatable, helpful, useful, environmental, national, rainy, sunny4. less 构成否定形容词 carele

14、ss, useless, hopeless5. ly 构成副词 carefully, possibly6. teen, -ty, -th 构成数词 fifteen, thirty, seventh Module 7 Unit 11. What are you up to? 你在做什么?2. Would you like a hand ? 你想要帮忙吗?3. have a look at 看一看4. in the centre of . 在的中央5. on our way back from 在我们从回来的路上6. I bet you do! 我打赌你会做到的。7. only once + 句子

15、 只有在的条件下才行 Unit 21take a helicopter tour take/ go on a tour 表示进行旅途go on a camel ride 骑骆驼旅游2. be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊讶 Tom was surprised at the result of the exam. be surprised to do sth. 对做某事感到惊讶 Tom was surprised to hear the news.3. at different times of the day 在每天的不同时刻4. in many ways 在很多方面 Th

16、ey are like us in many ways. in different ways 用不同的方法 I can work out this math problem in different ways. in a way 在某种程度上来说In a way, that can be compared with the introduction of the Internet in the 20th century. by the way 顺便说一下5. be similar to 与相似His answer is similar to mine.6. have a good/bad te

17、mper 有好坏脾气Miss Li is very kind. She has a good temper.7. keep doing sth. 不断做某事 It keeps raining these days. Module 8 Unit 11. at the back/front 在后面/前面 on the left/right 在左边/右边2 over 越过 climb over the wall 爬过这道墙 see over the people 越过人群看3. enter the competition =take part in the competition参加比赛4. You

18、 bet! (口语)当然!5. get sb. doing sth. = make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事How did you get the camera working?= How did you make the camera work?6. How did you get on? 你进展怎样? get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽 get on well with sth. 某事进展顺利 He gets on well with his classmates. Mary didnt get on well with her work.7. be in

19、 with a chance to do sth. = have a chance to do sth. 有机会去做某事8. have gone = be missing = be lost = get lost 不见了,失踪了My watch has gone. =My watch is missing.= My watch is/gets lost.9. You are kidding! 你在开玩笑吧!10. expect to do sth. 期待,料到去做某事11. pick up sth. 捡起某物 pick up sb. 接人 My father picks me up every

20、 day.Unit 21. be pleased with sb./sth. 对某人/某物感到满意2. even though + 句子 = even if + 句子 即使(对虚拟的情况进行让步) I wont go to the party even though/if I have time. 即使我有时间我也不会去参加聚会的。 though = although 虽然(对现实的情况进行让步)I didnt go to the party though/although I had time. 虽然我有时间,但是我没有去参加聚会。3read on 继续读 动词+on 表示继续做某事4kno

21、w well 对熟悉5. manage to do sth. 设法去做某事 We managed to get what we wanted. 我们设法得到了我们想要的东西。6. a collection of 一组7. work on sth. 从事8. Congratulations to sb. 祝贺某人9. present the prize 颁奖 give prizes to sb. 给某人颁奖 which, who 引导的定语从句一which引导的定从只能修饰事物 who 引导的定从只能修饰人 that引导的定从能修饰人和事物 which, who, that作主语时不能省略,作宾

22、语时可以省略。 如:The boy who/that is talking is Jack. This is the computer (which/that) he bought yesterday.二当who在定从中作宾语时,应该用who的宾格形式whom,但现代语法中也可以用who。如:Do you know Mr. Zhang (who/whom/that) they like very much?三关系代词作定从的主语时,从句谓语动词的单复数要跟先行词的一致。如:1. The students who are interested in music can join the musi

23、c club.先行词是复数,定从的谓语要复数2. He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 先行词是单数,定从的谓语要单数四定从的时态不受主句时态的影响。如:I am reading the book that I bought yesterday. 我正在读我昨天买的书。(主句现在进行时,定从一般过去时) Module 9 Unit 11. Oh dear! 天啊!2. Its no laughing matter. 这不是什么可笑的事情。3. over there 在那边4. have a word with sb. 和某人

24、说句话5. Thats good news. 这是个好消息。 news是不可数名词,前面不能加a 可以加量词 a piece of newstwo pieces of news6. Here you are. 给你。7. be in deep trouble 有大麻烦 Unit 21. orange-and-white 黄白相间的 black-and-white 黑白的2. win the heard of 赢得的心3. a group of 一群4. He eats as many peaches as he likes. 他喜欢吃多少桃子就吃多少。as as possible 尽可能as

25、early as possible 尽早5. make a mess 弄得一团糟6. ever since + 句子 自从7. translate into 把翻译成8. have sth. done (by sb.) =ask sb to do sth 把某物让别人了We had the machine mended.我们把机器让人修好了。He has had his hair cut.他把头发请人给他剪了。定语从中只能用that的情况1. 当先行词是everything, anything, nothing, something, all, none, few, little, 等代词时,

26、只能用that。 如: Have you taken down everything that Mr. Li said? 你记下李老师讲的一切了吗? All that can be done has been done. 所有能做的都做好了。2. 当先行词被序数词和形容词最高级修饰的时候,只能用that。如: The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben. 他们在伦敦参观的第一个地方是大本钟。 This is the best film that I have ever seen. 这是我看过的最好的电影。3. 当主句有

27、who, which等疑问词时,定从只能用that引导。如: Who is the man that is standing over there? 站在那边的人是谁? Which is the T-Shirt that you bought? 你买的T恤是哪一件?4. 当先行词是人和事物时,关系代词只能用that。如:I often think of the persons and things that I saw in the journey. 我经常想起在旅途中遇见的人和事物。 Module 10 Unit 11. a bit + 形容词= a little 形容词表示“有点”= ki

28、nd of+ 形容词Im a bit tired. = Im a little tired.我有点累了。a little + 不可数名词a bit of + 不可数名词There is a little time left. = There is a bit of time left.还剩下一点时间。2. give up 放弃 give up doing sth. =stop doing sth My father gave up smoking 2 years ago. 我爸爸2年前戒烟了。3. stay fit = keep fit 保持健康4need to do sth. 需要做某事5.

29、 take exercise 做运动 exercise 表示“锻炼”时是不可数名词, 表示练习时,是可数名词doing morning exercises 做晨练do eye exercises 做眼操These maths exercises are very difficult.这些数学习题很难。6. go running 去跑步 go swimming 去游泳 go sightseeing 去观光7. talk to sb. 跟某人说话 talk with sb. 跟某人交谈8. nearly adv. 几乎,差不多 Nearly 300 students entered the com

30、petition. 差不多300个学生参加了比赛。The car nearly hit the man.车差点撞到那个男子。9. not any more 不再10. bump into sb. 碰见 I bumped into an old friend yesterday. 昨天我碰见一个老朋友。 Unit 21. know about 了解2. include v. 包括including 介词. 可以做伴随状语 Your duties include doing the cleaning and cooking. 你的职责包括做清洁和做饭。Many people like pop mu

31、sic including my grandpa. 很多人都喜欢流行音乐,包括我爷爷。3persuade sb. (not) to do sth. 说服某人做(不要做)某事My father persuaded me not to join the club. 爸爸劝说我不要参加那个俱乐部。4ban from 禁止进入 ban from doing sth. 禁止做某事 Mobile phones must be banned from schools. 应该禁止带手机进入学校。 The policeman banned him from driving. 警察禁止他开车。5. a TV pr

32、ogramme showed his visits to the school. 一个电视节目播放了他的这次学校之行。(这里visit是名词,后面的to the school是定语)6. get/have sth. done 把某事给了get things done 把事情做了。Ill have/get my computer repaired. 我要把电脑给修了。 7. put on weight 增加体重 lose weight 减肥 8. in order to do sth. 为了 What do you sometimes have to do in order to get fit

33、? 有时候你不得不做什么来健身呢?whose引导的定从当先行词与从句中某个名词有所属关系时,就用whose 引导定从。如: There is a boy in our team. The boys parents want him to go to a sports school. - There is a boy in our team whose parents want him to go to a sports school. 通常包含whose引导的定从的句子可以译成两句汉语。如以上句子可以译成:在我们队里有个男孩,他的父母想让他参加体校。先行词是人是物都可以用whose引导,如:

34、1)He is the only student in our class whose father is a policeman. 他是我们班唯一一个爸爸是警察的学生。 2)The desk whose leg is broken will be repaired. 那张断了只脚的桌子将被拿去修理。 Module 11数字的写法和读法1110 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten2. 1120 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nin

35、eteen twenty3. 几十 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety注意:four要去掉u再加ty; nine直接加ty 只有变为序数词时nine要去e加th.4. 几十几注意:十位数和十位数之间要加连字符 twenty-six ninety-seven5. 百位数和十位数之间可以加and也可以不加。当十位数为零时,一定要加and 156 one hundred (and) fifty-six 509 five hundred and nine6. 英语里每三个数为一个单位,用一个逗号隔开。第一个逗号为thousand(

36、千);第二个逗号为million(百万);第三个逗号为billion(十亿)。如: 13,000 thirteen thousand(1万3千) 648,000 six hundred (and) forty-eight thousand (64万8千) 9,500,060 nine million, five hundred thousand and sixty(950万零60)7. 表示具体数字时,hundred, thousand, million, billion不能加s;表达一个大概的数字时,可以加sfive thousand students 五千个学生thousands of s

37、tudents 好几千个学生8. 序数词的构成;在基数词后加th特殊变化的序数词: first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth9. 整十的数字把y改为ie再加th twentieth fiftieth 10. 几十几的数字只用把个位数变成序数词 twenty-first sixty-fourth 11.分数的表达:分子用基数词,分母用序数词。 当分子大于1时,分母要复数。 1/3 one third 1/2 a half 1/4 one fourth = a quarter3/10 three tenths冠词的用法冠词分为不

38、定冠词(a, an)和定冠词(the)a/an后面加可数名词的单数, an用在元音发音开头的单词。如:a student an hourthe后面可以加可数名词的单数和复数,也可以加不可数名词。如:the information the boythe students 1.不定冠词的用法1)表示“一个” I can see a plane in the sky.2)表示“种类” An elephant is bigger than a tiger.3)表示“每一个”= everyTake the medicine three times a day.4)表示“某人某物”但不具体说明何人何物*A

39、 man is wanting to see you. 2.定冠词的用法 1)指上文提到过的人或物, 或说话双方都知道的人或物。表示“这个/那个,这些/那些”。如: Theres a pen on the desk. The pen is mine. Do you know the man who is running. The teacher asked the students to sit down. 2)世界上独一无二的事物前用定冠词the the sun the moon the earth 3)序数词, 形容词最高级和乐器前要加the the second the tallest

40、play the piano 4)在复数姓氏前加the,表示一家人,常看成复数 *The Browns are going to Shanghai for a holiday this summer.5)在一些形容词前,表示一类人 the rich 富人 the old 老人 3零冠词(不用冠词)1)在节日、星期、月份、季节、年、学科等词前不用冠词 in summer in August on Sunday study physics 但是特指某个时间时可加the。如:in the spring of 1945 在1945年的那个春天 2)一日三餐和球类运动名词前不用冠词 *have brea

41、kfast *play football3)名词前已有this, that, next, last,物主代词等作定语时,不用冠词 * They met here this morning. * He is my best friend. 4)称呼、头衔,国家和一些专有名词前不用冠词 Mr. Li Uncle Wang China Xin Min Middle School Unit 11. Whats the population of ? 某地的人口有多少?The population is big/large.人口多。(注意:形容人口多不能用many来修饰population; peopl

42、e才能用many来修饰)2. along with = together with 连同,与在一起 Tintin has been to many places along with his dog.3. look up 查看,查(字典) Ill look up the word in the dictionary.4. comp up 出现,进行 He came up at last. 最后他出现了。 The sports meeting will come up next month. 下个月将进行运动会。5. thanks to 多亏 Thanks to the policeman, the boy was found. 多亏了警察,孩子被找到了。 thanks to = because of 由于 Unit 21. over + 时间 表示“在期间” over the last 50 years 在上个50年间 over the past 10 years 在过去的10年间2. in the distance 在远处3. be close to 靠近4. no + 单数名词 = not a +单数名词 No + 复数名词 = not any + 复数名词 There is no student in the


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