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1、Welcome to my class!,Unit 2 Working the land,Words & phrases,Teaching aims,To revise the key words: regret, focus ,1struggle vi.& n 2reduce vt.& vi. 3circulate vt.& vi. 4freedom n. 5therefore adv. 6occupation n. 7regret vt. n. 8focus n. &vt. 9comment n. vi.& vt. 10hunger nvt.& vi.hungry adj. 11expor

2、t vt.& vi.import (反义词)vt.& vi 12discovery n discover vt. 13summary n summarize vt 14equip vt.& vi. equipment n (不可数) 15confuse vt confusing adj.令人迷惑的 confused adj.感到迷惑的confusion n,.单词自检,4. free adj / freedom n,wise adj / wisdom n,6.occupation n / occupy v,(教材原句) I have been so occupied with work tha

3、t I havent had time for social activities.,be occupied with sth in doing sth,10.hunger n / hungry adj,anger n / angry adj,15.confuse v / confusing adj / confused adj,ing 令人.的 ed 感到的,puzzling/puzzled 困惑的 surprising/surprised 惊讶的 exciting /exicited 兴奋的 satisfying/satisfied 满意的 frightening/frightened 害

4、怕的 disappointing/disappointed 失望的 ,核心单词,1.regret 2.focus 3.reduce,1.thanks to 2.rid .of 3.be satisfied with 4.would rather 5.build up 6.lead to 7.focus on 8.be rich in 9.keep .free from/of 10.prefer .to .,重点短语必记,核心短语,would rather build up lead to,Group work,想一想,to是介词的短语还有哪些?,lead to pay atttention t

5、o look forward to belong to devote to contribute to refer to object to be addicted to be accustomed to,Homework 1.Revise what weve learnt today. 2.Finish the exercises.,Thanks for your listening and wish you will achieve your dream!,to ones regret to ones joy/delight to ones surprise to ones sorrow to ones satisfaction to ones disappointment,to ones情感名词,联想归纳: be buried _ be addicted_ be absorbed_ be devoted_ be lost _ concentrate_,in to in to in on,


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