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1、1,Order 订单,2,An order is a request to supply a specified quantity of goods. An order may be given by a printed order form, letter, fax, e-mail, etc. When you receive an order from a customer, you need to identify it. And then, you can accept it, counter-offer it and confirm it.,1. What is an order?,

2、3,(1) a full description of the commodity, including model number, size, color, or any other relevant information (2) quantity (3) date and method of shipment (4) price per item (5) packing (6) payment,2. Format of the order,4,Expressions (1),1. initial orders 首次订单; trial orders 试订单; repeat orders 重

3、复订单,续订单; 2. accept an order 接受订单; confirm an order 确认订单; cancel/withdraw an order 取消订单 amended orders 修改订单 3. book an order 接受订单; place an order 下订单 4. carry out/execute/fulfill/ an order 执行订单 5. decline an order, refuse an order 拒绝订单 6. send/give sb. an order for sth. 向某人下的订单,5,Expressions (1),7. o

4、rder sth. at a. (price) 以(价格)订购某物 8. confirm acceptance of ones order 确认接受某人的订单 9. in/out of stock 有/无存货 10. recommend sth. as a substitute 推荐某物作为替代品 11. be unable/not in a position to accept/entertain ones order 无法接受某人的订单 12. ensure the fulfillment of an order 保证订单的执行,6,1. Put the following English

5、 into Chinese.,首次订单,(1) initial orders,(2) book an order,下订单,订购,(3) in stock,有存货,(4) ensure the fulfillment of an order,保证订单的执行,7,1. Put the following English into Chinese.,推荐某物作为替代品,(5) recommend sth. as a substitute,(6) Hereby we enclose.,兹附寄,(7) quadruplicate,一式四份,8,(8) We are hereby pleased to p

6、lace an order for 100 sets of sewing machines with you, at US$250 each set.,我们特此高兴地向贵方订购100台缝纫机,每台250美元。,(9) We enclose a trial order as the quality is up to our expectation. We will send duplicate orders in the near future.,由于货物的质量达到我们的要求,我们附上试订单。 在不久的将来我们会下重复订单。,9,关于贵方2015年9月5日的来函,我们很高兴告知 贵方我们已经接受

7、你们关于2000台闹钟的订单。,(10) With reference to your letter of September 5, 2015, we have pleasure in informing you that we have booked your order for 2000 sets of clocks.,(11) We are pleased to find that your material appears to be of fine quality. As a trial, we are delighted to send you a small order for

8、2500 dozen rubber shoes.,我们很高兴发现贵方用料品质优良。现寄去2500 打胶鞋的小额订单以作试购。,10,(15) As wages and prices of materials have risen considerably, we regret that we are not in a position to book the order at the prices we quoted half a year ago.,由于工资和原料价格大幅度上涨,很抱歉无法按 我方半年前所报价格接受订单。,11,1. Put the following Chinese int

9、o English.,amended orders,(1) 修改后的订单,(2) 执行订单,carry out/execute/fulfill/work on/fill an order,(3) 以价格订购某物,order sth. at a (price),(4) 无存货,out of stock,12,be unable/not in a position to accept/entertain ones order,(5) 无法接受某人的订单,(8) 附件为,请查收,Attached please find,(9) 现(特此)寄上,We are sending you,13,As we

10、find both quality and prices satisfactory, we are placing an order with you for the following.,(14) 由于我们对质量和价格都比较满意,现就以下货物向贵方订货,(15) 作为试订,我们欣然小量订购贵公司AC106号空调机150台,As a trial order, we are delighted to give you a small order for 150 sets of your air conditioners AC106.,14,in duplicate,(10) 一式两份,(11)

11、如果质量合适,我们会向贵方下续订单,(12) 从你们6月5日寄来的样品中,我们已经做出了选择 很高兴向贵方下订单,If the quality is suitable, we may place repeat orders with you.,From the samples sent on June 5, we have made selections, and have the pleasure to place an order with you.,(13) 我方接受该项订单,并会尽早安排发货,We accept the order and shall arrange delivery as soon as possible.,15,Thank You !,


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