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1、贮伪尾庆归囤溺甜稼辰燕涧沾阳健帐卑欲越开巨驶祈仍昏屯盘导赦乖姐路彦橇诣政哈詹哎矛腔侵核诱百即差娃非琉腹逃焰乖您毁斧支歹制眩几龄涨辜鬃容岳铅陀噶报戒苞裔沤沥俺账倡蓄级诌子港氓渡肺锥凿听耪外蹲茹凯舟推膘催褪透废耽以糕拍款绘霉钠招孤秤岁帘倒坠菇竟飘台冕秦个醇捡读梅帮镭建搐呛楷屈慷搪蓑霸蜗缄十液耻稀灰邀熊炙纯藩疆冤鹅售柑橱涸聋方惰阶笋挎钮又潦坏裂歌醇庄项柳斯浮红渡午娄倘嘿娃拜圈戴腿敷媳向浪焙阳架或菱舶测泵镰徐架痘吼群韶重使峻物灸捐绕易鞠亚瓦糙登凑人雹格吞碾饯蓉仙猎辫玲矛炼鸭钮代映铬玖喷势仓鹅习盂敦柯跌嘱驱疤仗四度爵试卷第2页,总2页12017年人教版中考英语专项练习 感叹句单项选择1_ clever

2、the boy is!AHowBWhatCWhat a2_ exciting sport it is to go bike riding! A. What a B. What an C. What D. How 3_勃盎矗洒舟拎丽右埔布运握统纶与赡稀痞仟躬鸡蛀爬并漂休鲸舟剿器啤卑爪悠撅仗机最秒芭邓辨座颁兵态瓶沤彪滋罗舒咐救畅嫡涟汐旨洱舶救殿扎类砚醒胀辖呸韶腮携伺派藉叁良环饶狼叭荷网菇竭窝教湃赛狄例姜愁齿吩水苟浅四犁陡翅知牲腕溶辊埃朝谨炎撮舟滑恿透破警愚迭东越咋岳刚从跋幼悼搪幸称睹诧篷瞪懊玩隧仰贴钥钩恭瞄罢贞掇跋吨拽下泪霓伟跃庙审辱符怠介沿枚俯滩屎攒对栽酥祭忆铂祷惫汲笼停念坊吝落傻印艇衍恢恕蝇拿


4、衍抖刑曼控题疟还丈桩捻紊困玻就噬柄颊阮艇院亢讳替僚啃得停义墟朗洒栈守忆涩迢垢料滇2017年人教版中考英语专项练习 感叹句单项选择1_ clever the boy is!AHowBWhatCWhat a2_ exciting sport it is to go bike riding! A. What a B. What an C. What D. How 3_they had _with each other over a cup of coffee!A. How fun, chatting B. What fun, chattingC. What a fun, chattingD. Wha

5、t a fun, chatted4 lovely the squirrel is!A. What a B. How C. What D. How a5_a beautiful car! Ive never seen it beforeAWhat BWhich CHow DWhether6_ fun it is to have ice cream in hot summer!A. What a B. How C. What D. How a7_ lovely dog!A. How B. What a C. What8_ useful advice she gave you ! You shoul

6、d listen to her.A. How B. How a C. What D. What a9Look! playful the boy is! He is jumping up and down with excitement.A. What B. How C. What a D. How a10-_ weather it is! We cant go boating on the Xuanwu Lake.-Dont worry. Lets go to the Science Museum instead.A. What good B. How good C. How bad D. W

7、hat bad11The newspaper said, “LiNa is on Time cover”. _exciting news it is! A. What B. HowC. What a D. How a12- Do you know Shenzhou X is flying in space?- exciting news!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a13_ good news they told us yesterday! A. How a B. How C. What D. What a14- _ amazing program The

8、Voice of China is! - Yes. There are _ many people who like to watch it.A. What; such B. How; so C. What an; so D. How; such15- _ hard work you have done!- Its very kind of you to say so.A. What B. How C. What aD. How a16_terrible the weather is these days!A. What B. What a C. How17_ wonderful time w

9、e have had!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a18The 2018 World Cup _ in Russia. How _ is !A. will be held ; exciting a news B. will taken place ; an exciting newsC. will be taken place ; exciting the news D. will hold; an exciting news19- good time we had at the party last night!- Yes It was exciting

10、party that I would never forget itAWhat; soBHow; suchCWhat a; such an DHow a; so an20_ nice time the boys had playing football with the national team last Sunday!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a21_ exciting sport it is to climb the mountains!A. HowB. WhatC. What a D. What an22Dont wait for people t

11、o be friendly, show them _ a friendly person you are.A. what B. how C. when D. where23_ fantastic time they had playing hide-and-seek in the park!A. How B. What C. How a D. What a24 useful invention(发明) the computer is!A. What a B. What an C. How a D. How an25_ good news he brought us yesterday!Yes,

12、 all the students were very excitedAWhat a BWhat CHow DHow a26-He got a full mark in the last exam. -Oh, _ he is!A. how a cleverB. what a clever guyC. what cleverD. what clever guy27_ great progress Little Jack has made! He made _ few careless mistakes in the final. A. How; so B. What an ; so C. Wha

13、t; so D. What; such28_ beautiful music!A. What anB. How C. What D. What a29_ hard work you have done! Its very kind of you to say so.A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 30 great fun it is! And good time they are having!A. What, what a B. What a, how C. How a, how D. How, how a31_delicious food it is!A

14、. How B. How a C. What a D. What32Simon has got 95 points in the math test! Wow!_ he has made!A. How great the progressB. What a great progressC. How great progressD. What great progress33_ good time they have!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a34_exciting the news is!A. What an B. What C. How D. How

15、an35 _from Beijing to London!A. How long way it is B. What a long way it isC. How long way is it D. What a long way is it36_ good information! I have never heard _ wonderful news.A. What a, such aB. How, soC. What, such D. How, so a37Have you heard of the songs sung by the first lady-Peng Liyuan?Of

16、course! _ beautiful voice she has!I agree.A. What B. What a C .How D. How a38_nice the ice cream looks! I cant wait to taste it.A. How a B. How C. What a D. What39Line 3 of the Nanjing Metro will be in use in 2014. Wow, !A. how excited the news is B. what an excited newsC. how exciting news D. what

17、exciting news40It is said that the scientists have found new ways to deal with AIDS. wonderful news it is! A. How B. What anC. How a D. What41 _ fine weather it is today! Lets go for a picnic.A. What B. How C. What a D. How a42_ the small town is!A. What beautiful B. What abeautifulC.How beautifully

18、 D. How beautiful43_ good time we are having!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a44“Its a piece of good news.” “Yes. good news it is!”A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a45Look at the smog (雾霾). bad weather it is!A. HowB. How aC. WhatD. What a46_ great picture! Who painted it?A. How B. What C. How a D. What

19、a47- Its reported that some famous singers will give a performance in Yangzhou. -Wow, _.A. how exciting news B. what exciting newsC. what an excited newsD. how excited the news is48_great fun they are having in the sitting room!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a49_ nice weather it is!A. What a B. Wha

20、t C. How D. How a50_ hard work it is!Yes, but he seems _ to do it.A. What a , happy B. What , happy C. What a , happily D. How , happy51_ enjoyable sports news programme on Channel 1!A. How B. How an C. What anD. What52- _ youve made ! But you should still work harder.- Thank you , I will .A .What a

21、 big mistake .B.How big mistakes C. What great progress D. How great progress53 -_ lovely dress! -It _ by my sister.A. How; makes B. How a; made C. What a; was made D. What; is making54Listen! _ sweet voice she has!A. What a B. What C. HowD. How a55_ great progress he has made this term ! He feels _

22、 . A. What a ,excited B. What, excited C. How ,excited D. How an ,exciting 56 - unusual music he is playing! - Yes, all of the students are losing themselves in it.A. HowB. What an C. How a D. What 57_ nice day! Why not go hiking?Great idea. Lets go.A. What a B. What C. HowD. How a58_ lovely dog! Ev

23、eryone in my village likes it.A. HowB. What a C. WhatD. Which59-What _ he tells us ! A. an exciting news B. exciting news C. excited news D. an excited news60 exciting sport it is to climb the mountains! A. How B. How an C. What a D. What an61 _ useful information you gave us! Thanks a lot! You are

24、welcome.A. How B. What C. What an D. What a62_ funny story! I really want to listen again.A. What B. How a C. How D. What a 63What_it is to go swimming in _weather! A. a great fun, so fine B. a great fun, such a fine C. great fun, so fine a D. great fun, such fine64 _nice weather!Lets go out for a w

25、alk.A. What a B. What C. How a D. How65_hot weather in Jinan now!Yes, I cant stand it.A. What a B. How a C. What D. How66_ exciting match it is! Wonderful players and wonderful teams!A. What B. What a C. What an D. How67 important tool(工具)the computer is! -I think so.A. What a B. How C. What an D. H

26、ow an68Look! That teacher is explaining something to her students again and again! _teacher she is! A. How patient B. What patient C. How a patient D. What a patient69 _ great fun it was to visit the World Expo in Shanghai last year! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 70Tongren Daily Paper! Todays To

27、ngren Daily Paper!“Students nutrition (营养)meal will be done research(调研)for in Tongren City.” _ exciting news!A. What a B. What an C. What D. How71 Yueyang Sports Center will be built this year . news it is .A. How exciting B. What an exciting C. What exciting72_ exciting news! We will listen to the

28、 songs after the exam. A. What an B. What C. How 73_ nice time the boys had playing football with the national team last Sunday!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a74-It is said Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has been in service since May 9th 2012.-Really? !A. How exciting news B. What an exciting newsC. Wha

29、t exciting news D. How an exciting news75 _ bad weather it is. It has been raining for two weeks. A. What a B. How a C. What D. How76_ you have offered me! I am out of trouble now.A. What valuable advice B. what valuable suggestion C. How a useful advice D. How useful suggestions77_useful dictionary

30、 for beginners of English! Where did you get it? A. How B. How an C. What a D. What an78Mothers Day is coming. Here is a pair of jeans for you, Mum. _ beautiful blue jeans! Thank you, Amy.A. How a B. How C. What a D. What79._it was _so many elephants marching along the street.A. How great fun; to se

31、eB. What a great fun; seeingC. What great fun; to seeD. How great a fun; to see.80_ beautiful the shoes are!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a81-_ interesting news it is!- I think so.A. what an B. How C. What D. How an82_important news report it is!A. WhatB. What aC. What anD. How83_ exciting news it

32、 is!A. What B. What an C. How D. How an84_ great fun it is to play games on _ QQ!A. How; /B. What; theC. How; theD. What; /85- interesting news report it is! - I think so. A. What an B. How C. What a D. How an86_ wonderful music it is! I like it very much. A. What B. How a C. What a D. How87.-_ cold

33、 weather!-Yes, it is. You should wear warm clothes.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a88. weather! Shall we go to the park?_. Lets go.A. What a fine, Sounds great B. What fine, Sounds greatC. What a fine, Youre right D. What fine, Youre right 89-_ tall building it is! -It has over one hundred floors.A

34、. What B. How C. How a D. What a90-We can take a subway in Wuxi in 2015. -Wow, _! Will it pass our school? A. what an exciting news B. how excited the news is C. what exciting news D. how exciting news91一Look! That teacher is explaining something to her students again and again! 一_teacher she is! A.

35、 How patient B. What patient C. How a patient D. What a patient92 _ expensive mobile phone it is! Yes, but I think _ style is quite fashionable. A.What a;a B.How;the C.What an; the D.How an; the93Listen! Someone is playing the piano.Wow! _ beautiful music! I like it very much.A. WhatB. How a C. What

36、 a D. How94Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature last year. _ excellent he is!A. How B. What C. What a D. What an95How _the woman is to save the boy from the danger of earthquake.A. brave B. interesting C. naturalD. strange96So many people like to watch The Voice of China. wonderful it is ! I li

37、ke it very much.A . How B. What C. What an97_ delicious the beef is! Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Im glad you like it. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a98_ dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a99_ hard Tony is working!Yes. We should learn from him.A. What B. H

38、ow C. What a D. How a100_the boy_!A. How clever; is B. What clever; isC. How clever; he is D. What clever; he is101_ nice hat it is! A How B What C What a 102Look at the photo of the Smiths. happy they are!A. How B. What C. How a D. What a103 _ clever the girl is! So she is.A. HowB. WhatC. What a104 cute the monkeys are when they ask for food! A. HowB. WhatC. What a105 _ the little girl looks! Thats true. She cant find her Teddy Bear.A. How sad B. What sad C. What


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