仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit2 Topic3 SectionB教学设计.docx

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1、Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu?Section B 教学设计 Material analysis本节课为单元第二课时。主要活动为 Section B 的 1a, 3a 和 3b 。本课 1a 通过 Kangkang 给他的爸爸电话留言这件事,体现了医生的忙碌和重要性。 3a 的语音学习,让学生体会一些辅音字母组合的发音规则。3b 的学习继续巩固学 生对清辅音的不完全爆破的掌握,同时要求学生能掌握句子内部的连读现象。Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 能根据读音写出规则的

2、辅音字母组合;学生要模仿并掌握句子中的不完全 爆破和连读现象。2. 能正确运用反身代词进行听、说、读、写的学习活动。3. 能正确写出电话留言。Skill aims:1. 能准确朗读语言材料里的单词和句子。2. 能听懂有关电话留言的对话或文章。3. 能正确地运用情态动词 yourself, himself。must, mustnt 和反身代词 themselves, myself,4. 能读懂有关流感等日常小病以及含有医生建议的文章。5. 能运用情态动词、反身代词结合本课动词短语,将对话和留言自如转换。 Emotional aims:通过对话学习,了解医生的忙碌,要学会理解医生。提醒自己要保持健

3、康。The key points and difficult pointsKey points:反身代词的运用:themselves,myself, yourself, himself, give him the message myself, finish it by myself, they have problems themselves。Difficult points:1. tell sb. (not) to do 短语的正确使用。1. 语音中的连读和爆破的准确把握。Learning strategies通过学生讲电话和电话留言的相互转换学习,培养学生的信息转换能力。Teaching

4、 aidsComputer multimedia projector, chalk, blackboard, a piece of news of a doctor s being killed from the Internet or from newspaper, phonetic cards.Everyday saying: Happiness lies first of all in health.幸福首先在于健康。Teaching proceduresStepInteractionpatternStudent activity Teacher activity1. The whole

5、class work2. The wholeclass work1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Read the saying aloud.3. Students perform the conversation in1. Greet students ready for learning.2. Show everyday saying for the students.(one saying a week)3. Group work4. The wholegroups, in which one is doctor, and the 3.

6、 Teacher organizes a performance other five are patients. How to prevent to choose the best doctor.the flu? The more problems to solve, 4. Teacher asks a question:AreIntroduction(10 minutes)class work5. The wholeclass workthe better.4. Students are sure to answer that doctors are very important in o

7、ur life.5. Students listen or read.doctors important or not in our life?5. Teacher reads the news from newspaper or shows on the6. The wholeclass work7. The wholeclass workscreen, which is in Chinese.6. Students think about the question: Is it 6. Teacher lets the students discuss, right to kill the

8、doctor? They should leading the students to understand understand that they should love doctors the doctors and respect them.and love themselves as well.7. Teacher shows 1b on the screen and teach “message” . Explain7. Students understand by looking at the“leave a message” and “give amessage in 1b.

9、message”understand.to make students1. The whole1. Students look through 1b to prepare 1. Teacher asks the students to lookclass work2. The wholeclass work3. The wholeclass workfor listening.2. Students listen and finish 1b.3. Students complete the message.through 1b.2. Teacher plays the recording of

10、 1a.3. Teacher plays the recording of 1a again, pausing at the place where the key message appears.Presentation(7 minutes)4. The wholeclass work4. Students read with the recording, 4. Teacher plays the recording of 1a paying attention to the pronunciation and without stopping.intonation.5. Pair work

11、5. Students make sure they can read 1a correctly.5. Teacher asks the students to read 1a in pairs.6. Pair work6. All the members chosen by lots will 6. Teacher draws lots from Member read in pairs one by one. A, B, C.1. The wholeclass work1. Students underline the language points 1. Teacher shows so

12、me language in their text book and make some points on the screen for the studentssentences, for example:to understand. Students make(1) You shouldnt speak to her so aloud. sentences, using “should/shouldnt,(2) He should be busy now.(3) Must I ring him up now?(4) You had better leave him a message.

13、(5) Must I tell him not to come again? (6) I must give the message to hermyself.(7) We should do our homework ourselves.had better (not), must /mustnt”. (1) speak to sb.(2) be busy(3) ring sb. up(4) leave a message(5) tell sb. (not) to do sth(6) give sb. the message(7) do sth. (by) oneself2. The who

14、le2. The students translate, paying attention to2. Teacher asks the students to translateConsolidation(10 minutes)class workthe function of“oneself”. (1) speak to sb. Oneselfthe sentences into Chinese:(1) I will speak to him (by) myself.(2)ring sb. up oneself(2) She is ringing up him (by)herself.(3)

15、leave a message oneself (4) tell sb. (not) to do sth (5) give sb. the message (6) enjoy oneself(3) My mother left a message (by) herself.(4) You should tell her not to be late (by) yourself.(5) Michael gave the message (by) himself.(6) We all enjoyed ourselves last night.3. The whole3. Students know

16、 the emphatic function 3. Teacher sums up the function ofclass workof “oneself”.“oneself”.1. The wholeclass work2. The wholeclass work1. Students read the message in 1c and do 1.Teacher asks the students to make it. up a new conversation according to 2. The two write on the blackboard,while 1c.other

17、s write in their own exercise books. 2.Teacher asks two students to write3. The whole3. All the students read the conversations ontheirconversations on theclass workthe blackboard in pairs. blackboard.4.Some students 4. Volunteers answer that they should fill in3.Teacher corrects if necessary.work5.

18、 The wholeauxiliary verbs or modal verbs. 5. Students listen and finish 2a.4.Teacher lets the students to observe 2a and asks them what theyclass work6. Students check their answers to 2a and should fill in.6. The wholeclass workfinish 2b.7. Volunteers read 2a.5.Teacher plays the recording of 2a. 6.

19、Teacher plays 2a again so that thePractice(10 minutes)7. Some students 8. Each time, two students read together. Thestudents finish 2b.work right one may sit down, while the wrong one7.Teacher checks the students 8. Some students stands.answers.work9. The wholeclass work9. Students read after the re

20、cording, trying to8.Teacher shows phonetic cards imitate it. one by one.10. The students read 3a individually and then9.Teacher plays the recording of 3a. sit down. 10.Teacher asks the students who10.Some students 11. Member A reads for Member B and C, are standing to read 3a.work then Member B and

21、C read 3b. They check in11.Teacher asks Member A to readgroups. 3b for Member B and C, and then11. Group work 12. Students read 3b after the recording andMember B and C read to Member 12. The whole try to imitate, paying attention to the liaison.A.class work12.Teacher plays the recording of 3b.1. Th

22、e wholeclass work1. Students sum up with the teacher:You 1. Teacher sums up the ways to should/shouldnt/ had better/had better give suggestions:should/shouldnt;not/must/need to do/Why dont you ?had better/had better not; Why dont you.?Why not?must/mustn t ; need to do2. The whole2. Students summariz

23、e with the teacher.class work2. Teacher shows the summary to the students.Production(8 minutes)3. The wholeclass work3. Students do the jobs:(1) Memorize the phrasesand dialogue3. Teacher assigns homework:(1)Review the phrases andand individual in Section B after class.dialogue in Section B.work(2)

24、Students write after class.(2)Teacher asks the students toTeachingReflection(3) Students learn to read the vocabulary write a passage:How to keep and dialogue of Section C after the healthy?recording. (3)Prepare Section C after class.Its hard for the students to read 3b with the recording. Students

25、need more imitating after class. Blackboard designUnit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu?Section Bspeak to sb.be busyring sb. upleave a messagetell sb. (not) to do sth forget to do sth.give sb. the messagegive a talkthemselves, myself, yourself, himself give him the message myselffinish it by myself, do sth. (by) oneself They have problems themselves.


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