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1、Grammar,1.写出下列单词的过去式和过去分词。 make _ _ carry_ _ blow _ _ give_ _ speak _ _ eat _ _ 1我们每天都打扫教室。 Our classroom_ 2.这座房子是她爸爸1996年建的。 _. 3. 他们的运动会将于下个月举行。 _.,made,made,carried,carried,blew,blown,gave,given,spoke,spoken,ate,eaten,The house was built by her father in 1996.,Their sports meeting will be held ne

2、xt month.,is cleaned by us everyday,课前小测,教学目标 复习一般现在时、过去时和一般将来时被动语态的结构和用法 掌握含情态动词的被动语态的结构和用法,主动语态变被动语态解题步骤:,1. 找到被动语态的主语 -即动作的承受者,They make shoes in that factory.,Shoes,3. 判断被动语态的主语的单复数 -即be动词的单复数,are were,2. 判断动词的时态 -即be动词的时态,4. 修改谓语的时态 -即原句动词改为过去分词,made,5. 修改被动语态的宾语 -即by+宾语,by them in that factory

3、.,一:英语的谓语动词有两种语态,We speak English.,主语,谓语,宾语,English is spoken by us.,主语,谓语,宾语,宾变主,主变宾,前加by,主动语态,1. Tom broke the window. The window was broken by Tom.,2. He broke the windows. The windows were broken by him.,be要随着主语变,逻辑主语by来引,被动语态的大体构成:,be +V-pp (过去分词),1. They make shoes in that factory. 主语+及物动词+宾语,

4、Shoes are made (by them) in that factory.,变为被动语态,一般现在时被动结构:,am /is /are + V-pp (过去分词),He rides the motorbike to his factory every day.,The motorbike is ridden to his factory every day.,Exercise,We call the snowman Mr Strong.,The snowman is called Mr Strong.,2. They bought ten computers last term,Ten

5、 computers were bought (by them) last term.,一般过去时被动结构:,was/were + V-pp (过去分词),He bought some fruits yesterday.,Some fruits were bought yesterday.,Exercise,3.They will finish the work in ten days.,The work will be finished (by them) in ten days.,一般将来时被动结构:,will+ be + V-pp (过去分词),各种时态的被动情况: 一般现在时: 一般过

6、去时: 一般将来时:,am / is / are +过去分词,was / were +过去分词,will be +过去分词,A The passive voice with model verbs,He may carry the basket easily.,The basket may be easily carried by him.,Exercise,7.Aby can take good care of Tina,Tina can be taken good care of by Aby.,情态动词变被动:,情态动词 + be+过去分词,They can sing some beau

7、tiful songs.,Some beautiful songs can be sung by them.,Work out the rule,To make the passive voice with modal verbs,_ is used between the modal verb and the past participle of the main verb.,be,can/could be done must be done should be done may/might be done had better be done have to be done,结论:含情态动

8、词的被动语态情态动词+be +PP,用情态动词被动语态描写图片内容,(should/ water/once a month),The flower should be watered once a month.,(should/ take away /at once /cleaner),The boxes should be taken away by the cleaner at once .,(must/ close /we ),The classroom must be closed by us when we are out .,I dont think the task_in suc

9、h a short time.Can you give me more time? A. can finish B. can be finished C. cant be finished,(含情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词+be+V.过去分词),B,选择最佳答案填空。 ( )1. Your homework should _ at once. A. do B. to do C. be done D. to be done ( )2. This coat _ with water. You must dry-clean it. A. can not wash B. not can wash C

10、. can be not washedD. can not be washed ( )3. These fruits must _ in cool places, or they will get bad easily. A. keep B. be kept C. to be kept D. to keep ( )4. In the past few years, lots of buildings _ in this city. A. have been builtB. are building C. have builtD. will build,C,D,B,A,( )5. So far,

11、 the Moon _ by man a few times. A. is visited B. will be visited C. has been visited D. has visited ( )6. The flowers must _ often. A. water B. be watered C. are watered D. be watering ( )7. These books _ in the library for a long time. A. have kept B. are keeping C. are kept D. have been kept,C,B,D

12、,( )8. Can it _ to make paper? No, it _. A. use, cant B. be used, cant C. is used, isnt D. be used, isnt ( )9. The panda may _ to the zoo tomorrow morning. A. send B. sent C. be sent D. will be sent ( )10. Trees _ in winter because it is too cold. A. not can be planted B. can be not planted C. can n

13、ot be planted D. can not plant,C,B,C,语法选择,I like planting trees . A lot of trees 1 by me every year. Last week , my friend Tom joined me. He went to a hill and 2 a tree, too .The tree 3 after he put it into a hole .The trees 4 by us in the future . In order to make our country more and more beautifu

14、l , more and more trees 5 . 1 A plant B is planted C planted D are planted 2 A planted B plant C is planted D are planted 3 A watered B waters C was watered D is watered 4 A are taken good care of B will take good care of C are taken good care D will be taken good care of 5 A plant B should be plant

15、ed C planted D are planted,D,A,C,D,B,B2 Complete the article below with the correct forms of the words in brackets.,How to make a comic strip To make a comic strip, first, a story _ (must/think) of. The story _ (should/make) interesting with an exciting ending. After the story _ (create), pictures _

16、 (must/draw). Look at the comic strip below. Speech and thought bubbles have been added so that the pictures _ (can/understand) easily. A line of words called a “caption” _(put) at the top of the fifth picture to explain a change of place or time.,must be thought,should be made,has been created,can be understood,must be drawn,has been put,


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