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1、Unit 4 Grammar,Noun Clauses (名词性从句),Subject Clause (主语从句),Appositive Clause (同位语从句),Object Clause (宾语从句),Predicative Clause (表语从句),1.Who will win the match is still unknown. 2. I want to know what he has told you. 3. The fact is that we have lost the game. 4. The news that we won the game is excitin

2、g.,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,What kind of clauses are they?,同位语从句,主语从句 subject clause,主语从句 subject clause,Grammar,3. To find your way can be a problem.,Underlined the subject,2. Smoking is bad for you.,1. You are a student.,5 .What she said is not yet known.,A sentence serving as subject is called Subject Clau

3、se.,4 .Mr. Li is our headmaster.,Who will go makes no difference. Which is the best is not certain. Why dinosaurs died out is still unknown. When we will get together has not been decided. How she can keep healthy is a secret. Whether he will come is not very important.,Who will go,Which is the best

4、,Why dinosaurs died out,When we will get together,How she can keep healthy,Whether he will come,Find out the subject clauses,判断主语从句的方法?,主语从句(Noun Clauses as the Subjet),引导主语从句的连接词有: 从属连词: 连接代词: 连接副词:,that, whether, if;,who, what, which, whatever, whoever;,when, where, how, why, however, whenever.,引导

5、主语从句的关联词有三类:1) 从属连词that eg: That he is the best student in the class is obvious. 很明显, 他是我们班上最优秀的学生。 NOTE: 从句结构完整; that(充当,不充当)句子成份,(有,无)意义,起连接作用,(可以,不可以)省略 。 2)从属连词whether/ifeg: Whether hell come here isnt clear. 他是否会来这里还不清楚。,.,It was not clear whether the solid shape would last or not.,Real Subject

6、,Formed Subject,Whether the solid shape would last or not was not clear.,引导主语从句在句首只能用 , 有it作形式主语的whether/if都可以.,Conclusion:,if,If,whether,3)有时用it作形式主语,将主语从句后置, 这样做是为了避免句子头重脚轻。,这样就构成了下面一些常用句型:,常用句型如下: It+ be + n. + that 从句 It+ be + adj. + that从句 It+ be + done + that从句 It+ be + vi. + that从句,1) It is +

7、 + that从句 It is a pity/shame that. 遗憾的是 It is a surprise that令人惊奇的是 It is a fact that 是事实 It is common knowledge that 是常识 *_(很遗憾)we lost the match. *_(这是事实)he cheated in the exam.,It is a pity that,It is a fact that,n.,2) It is + + that从句 Its certain that 肯定 It is possible that. 很可能 It is unlikely t

8、hat. 不可能 It is obvious that 很明显 It is necessary important naturalstrange. that *_(很可能)she will come back tomorrow. *_(很明显)this measure is effective.,+(should) +do,It is possible that,It is obvious that,adj.,3) It + + that从句 It happened that. 碰巧 It occurred to me that我突然想起 *_(刚好)I came into the offic

9、e at that time. *_(我突然想起)I forget to sent the letter.,It happened that,It occurred to me that,vi.,4) It + be + + that从句 It is said that. 据说 It is known to all that. 众所周知 It is reported that. 据报道 It is believed that.据信;人们相信 It cannot be denied that 不可否认 It is suggested/advised/request/required/ insis

10、ted that + (should)do. 建议 *_(建议)we _ (eat)more vegetable and do more exercise. *It is insisted that he _ (send) to the prison but he insisted that he _ (not steal) the money.,It is suggested that,done,should eat,should send,hadnt stolen,3) 连接代词who, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever, 连

11、接副词 where, when, how, why。 How this happened is not clear to anyone. 这事怎样发生的, 谁也不清楚。 What she did is not yet known. 她干了什么尚不清楚。 Whoever comes is welcome. 不论谁来都欢迎。,whoever and whatever,whoever=anyone who whatever=anything that Think about it: who or whoever? 谁打烂了窗子还不知道,但不管是谁都要赔偿。 broke the window is u

12、nknown, but broke it should pay for it.,anyone who,Who,whoever,主语从句三要素,he became a great scientist is known to us all.,4. What you told me is true.,谓语动词一般用单数,从句用陈述语序,不能省略关联词,3.How,从属连词that/whether/if 不充当句子成分; 连接代词和连接副词则充当一定的成分。,1.That she won the game made her very happy.,2.Whether she will come is

13、unknown.,【常见错误展示】下列各句均有一处错误,请改正并分析错误的原因。 1. Light travels faster than sound is common knowledge. 2. If shes coming or not doesnt matter much.,That,Whether,3. That the professor said is of great importance. 4. Where will the trees be planted has not been decided.,What,5. No matter who breaks the rule

14、 will be punished. 6. When and where the meeting will be held still remain a question.,Whoever,remains,7. What were your problems a year ago has now become mine. 8. It was requested that everyone made a speech at the meeting.,have,(should) make,Pick up one number and finish the task in it, then you

15、can get some points.,Game Time!,Correct or not?,*When the meeting will be held havent been known yet.,. be held hasnt been known yet.,Pay attention:主语从句的谓语用单数形式,1,the cat do,made,What the cat did made the baby cry.,What,cry,Make a sentence,2,1.The question is _ the film is worth seeing. 2._ we shall

16、 attend the meeting hasnt been decided yet.,用whetherif填空,whether,Whether,3,Translate the sentence,*_(他们很需要帮助)is quite clear.,That they are badly in need of help,4,talk about,the use of cell phone,What they are talking about is the use of cell phone.,Make a sentence,5,* If we will have a meeting hasn

17、t been decided yet.,Correct or not?,Whether we will. decided yet.,Pay attention:放在名词性从句句首,表示“是否”,只能用whether, 不能用if,6,Translate the sentence,*It is known to us_ _(马克.吐温怎样成为一位伟大的作家).,how Mark Twain became a great writer,7,report , get the highest points, match It is reported that Yao Ming got the high

18、est points in the match.,Make a sentence,8,Correct or not?,Pay attention:注意虚拟语气在名词性从句中的使用!在It is necessary important natural. that句型中,从句的谓语要用should+do 的形式,It is important that we should finish.,*It is important that we will finish the work on time.,9,Correct or not?,Pay attention:此主语从句缺少成分-宾语,故用作成分的

19、what来引导,而不用that。,What she wants to know is.,*That she wants to know is when the party will be held .,10,Correct or not?,Pay attention:由that引导的主语从句放在句首,that 不能省略。,That he will give up,*He will give up his job surprises all of us.,11,Translate the sentence,*_(她是否出席会议)is not certain.,Whether she will a

20、ttend the meeting,12,1.用 that / whether / if/ /where / how / when /why / who /what/which/ how much / etc. 来连接主语从句.,Summary:,Subject Clause,3.引导主语从句在句首只能用whether, 有it作形式主语的whether/if都可以.,2.That 在主语从句中不能省略,无意义,不成分.,4.有时为了使句子结构平衡, 避免 “头重脚轻”,常用 it 作形式主语,而把从句放在后面.4种句型。 5.主语从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。,Homework: 自主测评P54 语法专练 活页练 课时作业(十六) I II III,


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