新人教英语九年级单元复习资料、周末辅导讲义(Unit 7).docx

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1、新人教九年级英语单元复习、周末同步辅导语法精讲: 含有情态动词的被动语态Unit7本单元的语法重点是含有情态动词的被动语态。其结构为“情态动词(should,must,may,can,could 等)be及物动词的过去分词”。1含有情态动词的被动语态的常见句式:(1)肯定句结构:主语情态动词be及物动词的过去分词(by宾语)如:Your homework should be finished by yourself.你应该自己完成家庭作业。(2)否定句结构:主语情态动词notbe及物动词的过去分词(by宾语)如:The book cant be taken out of the reading

2、 room.这本书不能被拿出阅览室。(3)一般疑问句结构:情态动词主语be及物动词的过去分词(by宾语)?回答:Yes,主语情态动词/No,主语情态动词not.如:Should these young trees be watered every day?应该每天给这些小树浇水吗?Yes,they should./No,they shouldnt.对,应该。/不,不应该。(4)特殊疑问句结构:疑问词一般疑问句?如:What should students be allowed to do?应该允许学生们做什么?2含情态动词的主动语态变被动语态的变化步骤:(以 should 为例,见下图)语法精

3、练.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1 More trees should_ (plant) this year.2 Must the work _ (finish) by 6:30 this afternoon?3 Where can the lost boy _ (find)?4 Thanks to the Internet,different kinds of information can _ (learn) in a short time. 5The box should _ (not put) here.6 The bad food shouldnt _ (eat)7 The st

4、ars can _ (not see) in the daytime.8 Can this kind of bike _ (buy) in that shop?9 The fruit should _ (keep) well during winter.10 She shouldnt _ (allow) to go out alone.单项选择。( )11.Children should _ to be honest.Aeducate Bbe educated Cpunish Dbe punished( )12.I want to borrow the book,but I dont know

5、 how long it may _.For two weeks. Aborrow Bbe borrowed Ckeep Dbe kept( )13.Whats the meaning of the activity “Lets Save”?Paper shouldnt _ in everyday life.Awaste Bwasted Cbe wasted Dis wasted( )14.When must the classroom _?Acleaned Bbe cleaned Cclean Dcleans( )15.The question _ be answered by anybod

6、y.Acan Bmust Ccant Dmustnt.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16这本词典你可以借两周。The dictionary _ _ _ by you for two weeks.17应该允许学生们有兼职工作吗?_students _ _ to have parttime jobs?18我们现在必须打扫教室。The classroom _ _ _ by us now.19这些衣服必须手洗吗?_these clothes _ _ by hand?20在哪里举行会议将会在明天讨论。Where to have the meeting _ _ _ tomorrow.单元重难点集训_集训

7、一_wear,put_on,dress 与(be)_in 辨析wear 意为“穿/戴着”,表示状态,后接衣服、帽子,也可接饰物、奖章等。如: The children are wearing nice clothes today.今天孩子们都穿着漂亮的衣服。put on 意为“穿/戴上”,表示动作,后接衣服、帽子等。如:Put on warm clothes,or youll catch a cold.穿上暖和的衣服,否则你会感冒的。dress 意为“给穿衣服”,表示动作,宾语只能是人。如:He dressed himself very morning.他每天早上自己穿衣服。(be) in 意

8、为“穿着”,表示状态,后接表示衣服或颜色的名词。如:The girl in red is my sister.穿红衣服的女孩是我的姐姐。.单项选择。( )1.Your son is old enough to _ himself.Awear Bdress Cput on Dhave on.用 put on,wear,dress 或 in 的适当形式填空。2 He often _ a pair of sunglasses.3 Who is the boy_ a blue shirt?4 It is so cold outside,so _ _your warm coat when you go

9、out._集训二_bring,take 与 fetch 辨析bring 指“从别处把东西或人带来或拿来”。如:Bring your coat here.把你的外套拿来。take 指“把东西带走或拿走”。如:Take the letter to the post office.把这封信带到邮局去吧。fetch 指“去取来”。如:I asked her to fetch me an evening paper.我让她去给我取一份晚报来。.单项选择。( )5.I want to buy a tennis racket.But I forget to _ money with me.Atake Bfe

10、tch Cbring Dcarry.用 take,bring 或 fetch 的适当形式填空。5 My father is going to_ me to Beijing next week.6 She doesnt _ the thing here.She just put it at home.8Please wait a minute.Hes just gone out to _ some water._集训三_get 作使役动词的用法get 作使役动词,意为“使”。常用于以下结构:get sb./sth.doing sth.意为“使某人/某物做某事”。动词ing 形式作宾语补足语。ge

11、t sb./sth.done 意为“使某人/某物被”。此时该过去分词所表示的动作与 get 后的宾语是被动 关系。此时 get 可以和 have 互换。get sb.to do sth.在意思上等同于 have/make/let sb.do sth.,意为“让某人做某事”。不定式作宾语补足语, 与宾语具有主动关系。单项选择。( )9.My mobile phone has been broken,I think.I cant get it _.Awork Bworking Cto work Dworked( )10.My father _ the computer _ yesterday.Ag

12、et;repaired Bgot;repaired Cget;repair Dgot;repair( )11.You should get your friends _ you.Ahelps Bhelped Cto help Dhelping_集训四_in_the_way,in_this_way,by_the_way_与 on_the_way 辨析_in the way 意为“妨碍,阻碍”。如:Her social life got in the way of her studies.她的社交活动妨碍了她的学习。in this way 意为“这样,用这种方法”。如:In this way he

13、 got the weight of the elephant.用这方法他称出了大象的重量。by the way 意为 “顺便说一下”。如:By the way,has everybody arrived?附带问一句,大家是否都到了?on the way 意为“在路上”。如:Lets wait a few minutes.Hes on the way.咱们等几分钟吧,他正在路上。.单项选择。( )12._,do you know who the boy in blue is?AIn the way BOn the way CAt the way DBy the way( )13._,you c

14、an finish your work ahead of time.ABy the way BIn a way CBy that way DIn this way.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。14不要吵闹,这会妨碍他们学习的。Dont be noisy.It can _ _ _ _ _ their study.15顺便问一下,你知道去邮局的路吗?_ _ _,do you know _ _ _ the post office?单元写作小专题& Section B(3a3b)【单元写作目标】1 本单元围绕谈论规则来让同学们进一步了解在学校 、家庭和社会中可做与不可做的事 。要求学生 能正确使用

15、 have to/must (not),can/cant,be allowed to do/allow sb.to do sth.等表达描述规则;并能正确 使用 I think/believe that I should be allowed .In my opinion,they should allow me to do .I agree/disagree that.Thats why/because等句型表达观点及理由。2 本单元写作常见话题:My family rules;My school rules;Safety rules at school;How to protect our

16、selves as teenagers3 写作微技能:Mind mapping(思维导图)在英语写作中的运用。单元写作素材(一)单元话题短语积累1被允许做某事_ 3对某人严格_ 5避免接近;远离_ 7依我看_2回嘴;顶嘴_4妨碍;挡的路_ 6成长;长大_8一方面另一方面_(二)单元话题句子积累9不应该允许他们戴耳环。_ 10父母应该给青少年自己做决定的机会。_ 11父母不应该对青少年太严格。_ 12只有那样我才会有机会实现我的梦想。_ 话题范文剖析最近你和你的父母就“周末学生该不该与同学外出活动”进行了讨论。你认为应该允许学生周末和同 学一起外出活动,但你的父母坚决反对。请你以“Should

17、teenagers be allowed to go out with their friends on weekends?”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍一下你们各自的观点。要求:1 语言流畅,观点鲜明;2 100120 词。思路点拨组句成篇Should teenagers be allowed to go outwith their friends on weekends?Recently I have had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should be allowed to go out with their f

18、riends on weekends.My parents think that teenagers should 26_ ( 待在家里) to do their homework or27_After a weeks hard work,they need to 28_at home.They should 29_on weekends.But 30_ We teenagers should be allowed to go out with our friends 31_we can relax more. We can also get more exercise 32_and shar

19、e ideas with each other.Whats more,we can develop friendship among classmates.Do you think so?【小编特别提醒】同学们,在以上的佳作中你发现了哪些好词好句,你有没有更好的表达方式?快来 和你的小伙伴们一起分享吧!单元写作练笔良好的家规对一个人的成长十分重要 。你的父母平时对你的生活和学习有什么规定吗?请你以 “My Family Rules”为题写一篇英语短文,向你的外教介绍一下这些规定并表达你的看法。要求:1 意思连贯,符合逻辑;2 80 词左右。My Family RulesEvery family

20、 has its own rules,so does my family.My parents are strict with me,and I have a lot of rules to follow.I like some rules because they are helpful.For example ,I have to clean my bedroom every day.I think its a good rule.I think we should be educated to take care of ourselves from a young age.However

21、,there are some rules which make me unhappy.For example ,I am not allowed to watch TV on weekdays.I think my parents should allow me to watch TV for a while when I get home.This can help me relax. All in all,my parents make these rules to help me be better,but some of my family rules are too strict.

22、I think they should be changed.阅读训练Cloze 12放弃坏习惯和坏朋友A rich man had only one son. His son made friends with some bad boys. What was worse, he 1 a lot of bad habits.The man was very 2 about the bad habits of his son. He tried different ways to make his son 3 the bad habits. However, he 4 succeeded. On

23、e day, he thought of an idea to teach his son a lesson. He went to the 5 and bought some fresh apples and a rotten(腐烂的)one. He went back home and asked his son to put all the apples in one 6 . The son did as he was told.After a few days, the father 7 his son to fetch( 取来)an apple for him. When the s

24、on opened the bag, he was 8 to see that all the apples had become rotten.At that moment, his 9 told him to see how one rotten apple had spoiled( 使变质)all the rest. In the 10 way, one bad man could spoil his friends and one bad habit could destroy one person. Hearing this, the son decided to give up h

25、is bad habits and leave his bad friends.( )1.A. developed B. invited C. refused D. made( )2.A. glad B. worried C. excited D. shy( )3.A. look for B. put away C. give up D. listen to( )4.A. always B. sometimes C. often D. never( )5.A. supermarket B. museum C. hospital D. restaurant( )6.A. hand B. tree

26、 C. bag D. plate( )7.A. asked B. paid C. wished D. remembered( )8.A. happy B. angry C. ready D. surprised( )9.A. mother( )10.A. differentB. fatherB. strangeC. grandma D. grandpaC. same D. normalPassage 7中医的传承与发展During the 2016 Rio Olympics, people were surprised to see the round, purple marks on the

27、 body of the famous American swimmer Michael Phelps. What happened to him In fact, he just visited a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) and had “cupping”(拔火罐).Massage(按摩) and acupuncture( 针灸) are two other important kinds of TCM. Chinese massage can make you relaxed and fresh. In acupunctur

28、e, doctors put long needles( 针) into the patients heads, faces, arms. It takes away pain, though the look is funny.TCM is an important part of Chinese culture. The earliest medical classic in China, Huangdis Classic on Medicine, came out more than 2,000 years ago. The book is about the relationship

29、between man and nature. In Chinese culture, yin and yang are the two parts of nature. Nature keeps balanced( 平衡) if yin and yang work well together. The human baby needs such a balance, too. TCM helps to do that. Quite specially, for some health problems, a doctor of TCM will not give you medicine.

30、Instead, he may give you just a food plan and right ways to eat.For example, it is common to eat on the way to school, at our desk, or in front of the TV. But TCM thinks its wrong. Here are the correct ways Sit down to eat. While eating, turn off the TV and get away from the work desk. Eat seasonal

31、foods. Do not miss any of the three meals. Also, get your body moving often, just as the saying goes, “Running water is never stale.”Nowadays, traditional Chinese medicine is becoming more and more popular around the world. A government report says that people in 183 countries and areas are now usin

32、g TCM.( )1.In the first paragraph, the writer mentioned Michael Phelps .A. to introduce a doctor of TCM B. to give an example of using cuppingC. to introduce the Rio Olympics D. to give an example of a good swimmer( )2.About Huangdis Classic on Medicine, which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. It is t

33、he earliest medical classic in China. B. It came out over 2,000 years ago.C. It is mainly about how to take medicine. D. It is an important book on TCM.( )3.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 means “ ” in Chinese.A. 水到渠成 B. 流水不腐 C. 柔情似水 D. 绿水长流( )4.If we put the passage into three parts, which o

34、f the following is the best?(=Para. (自然段)1=Para.2=Para.3=Para.4=Para.5)A. ; C. ;B. ; D. ;Passage 8不断进步Once when Kevin was selling hats under a big tree, the monkeys on the tree picked some hats and put them on. So Kevin took off his own hat and threw it on the ground. The stupid monkeys threw their

35、hats, too! Kevin soon collected all the hats and left happily.Fifty years later, young Tony, grandson of Kevin, also sold hats for a living. After a long walk, Tony was tired, so he put his bag of hats beside him and laid down under a big tree. He soon fell asleep.When he woke up, Tony found that th

36、ere werent any hats in his bag! Tony started looking for his hats. To his surprise, he found some monkeys on the tree wearing his hats.Tony didnt know what to do. Then he remembered the story his grandfather proudly used to tell him. “Yes! I can fool these monkeys!” said Tony. “Ill make them imitate

37、(模仿) me and very soon I will get all my hats back!”Tony then waved at the monkeys, and the monkeys waved at him. Tony started dancing, and the monkeys were also dancing. Tony threw his hat on the ground.Just then, one of the monkeys jumped down from the tree, picked up the hat Tony threw on the grou

38、nd and walked up to Tony. He said, “Do you think only you have a grandfather”( )1.What was Kevin like?(不超过 10 个词)_ ( )2.What did Tony find when he woke up?(不超过 10 个词)_ ( )3.How did Tony plan to fool those monkeys?(不超过 15 个词)_ 词汇训练一单项选择。1.They have both behaved very_and I am very sorry for what they

39、have done.A.badly B.happily C.clearly D.kindly2.I_ to tell you that you didnt do well in yesterdays examination.A.choose B.regret C.advise D.wish3.He was watching TV at home.When he heard a_ for help,he rushed out.A.joy B.voice C.cry D.laugh4. Shall we walk up the stairs or take the_? Wed better wal

40、k up stairs.Its good for our health. A.step B.floor C.time D.lift5. Ruth didnt go to school.Her parents chose to_ her at home.A.study B.learn C.educate D.help6.She worked hard at her lessons.Her dream to_ the famous university came true.A.enter B.join C.arrive D.take7.The boy is so_ !No one in our c

41、lass likes him.A.clever B.funny C.awful D.busy8.You are so heavy.You cant sit on that small chair.It isnt strong enough to _you.A.help B.stand C.keep D.support9.If you work harder,youll have another_ to play the violin at a concert.A.sleep B.chance C.mistake D.problem10.A mother usually _her childre

42、n,which can show her love and kindness to them.A.hugs B.tells C.hits D.knows二、根据句意和汉语提示完成单词。11. Somebody was_ (哭) loudly in the classroom when I walked past.12. A great number of people like Du Fus _(诗).13. In our _(社区) there is a Helping Hands Club.Volunteers in the club do lots of things for others. 14.Can I see your _(执照)? the policeman said to the driver.15.I_ (感到遗憾) being unable to help you.三、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。16.


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