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1、毕 业 设 计(论文) 外 文 文 献 翻 译文献、资料中文题目:机器人文献、资料英文题目:Robots文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院 (部):专班姓学业:级:名:号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14外文翻译外文资料:RobotsFirst, I explain the background robots, robot technology development. It should be said it is a common scientific and technological development of a comprehensive results,

2、 for the socio-economic development of a significant impact on a science and technology. It attributed the development of all countries in the Second World War to strengthen the economic input on strengthening the countrys economic development. But they also demand the development of the productive

3、forces the inevitable result of human development itself is the inevitable result then with the development of humanity, people constantly discuss the natural process, in understanding and reconstructing the natural process, people need to be able to liberate a slave. So this is the slave people to

4、be able to replace the complex and engaged in heavy manual labor, People do not realize right up to the worlds understanding and transformation of this technology as well as people in the development process of an objective need.Robots are three stages of development, in other words, we are accustom

5、ed to regarding robots are divided into three categories. is a first-generation robots, also known as teach-type robot, it is through a computer, to control over one of a mechanical degrees of freedom Through teaching and information stored procedures, working hours to read out information, and then

6、 issued a directive so the robot can repeat according to the people at that time said the results show this kind of movement again, For example, the car spot welding robots, only to put this spot welding process, after teaching, and it is always a repeat of a work It has the external environment is

7、no perception that the force manipulation of the size of the work piece there does not exist, welding 0S It does not know, then this fact from the first generation robot, it will exist this shortcoming, it in the 20th century, the late1970s, people started to study the second-generation robot, calle

8、d Robot with the feeling that This feeling with the robot is similar in function of a certain feeling, for instance, force and touch, slipping, visual, hearing and who is analogous to that with all kinds of feelings, say in a robot grasping objects, In fact, it can be the size of feeling out, it can

9、 through visual, to be able to feel and identify its shape, size, color Grasping an egg, it adopted a acumen, aware of its power and the size of the slide. Third-generation robots, we were a robotics ideal pursued by the most advanced stage, called intelligent robots, So long as tell it what to do,

10、not how to tell it to do, it will be able to complete the campaign, thinking and perception of this man-machine communication function and function Well, this current development or relative is in a smart part of the concept and meaning But the real significance of the integrity of this intelligent

11、robot did not actually exist, but as we continued the development of science and technology, the concept of intelligent increasingly rich, it grows ever wider connotations.Now, I would like to briefly outline some of the industrial robot situation. So far, the industrial robot is the most mature and

12、 widely used category of a robot, now the worlds total sales of 1.1 million Taiwan, which is the 1999 statistics, however, 1.1 million in Taiwan have been using the equipment is 75 million, this volume is not small. Overall, the Japanese industrial robots in this one, is the first of the robots to b

13、ecome the Kingdom, the United States have developed rapidly. Newly installed in several areas of Taiwan, which already exceeds Japan, China has only just begun to enter the stage of industrialization, has developed a variety of industrial robot prototype and small batch has been used in production.S

14、pot welding robot is the auto production line, improve production efficiency and raise the quality of welding car, reduce the labor intensity of a robot. It is characterized by two pairs of robots for spot welding of steel plate, bearing a great need for the welding tongs, general in dozens of kilog

15、rams or more, then its speed in meters per second a 5-2 meter of such high-speed movement. So it is generally five to six degrees of freedom, load 30 to 120 kilograms, the great space, probably expected that the work of a spherical space, a high velocity, the concept of freedom, that is to say, Move

16、ment is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalentof our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wrist posture adjustment to the use of the three autonomy, the gene

17、ral robot has six degrees of freedom. We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved, and of course we have less than six degrees of freedom. Have more than six degrees of freedom robot, in different occasions the need to configure.The second category of servi

18、ce robots, with the development of industrialization, especially in the past decade, Robot development in the areas of application are continuously expanding, and now a very important characteristic, as we all know, Robot has gradually shifted from manufacturing to non-manufacturing and service indu

19、stries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relief, etc. These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot,

20、it is a very important difference. It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, alsoinstalled some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc. Its surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign

21、 to complete some work, this is service robots one of the basic characteristics.For example, domestic robot is mainly embodied in the example of some of the carpets and flooring it to the regular cleaning and vacuuming. The robot it is very meaningful, it has sensors, it can furniture and people can

22、 identify, It automatically according to a law put to the ground under the road all cleaned up. This is also the home of some robot performance.The medical robots, nearly five years of relatively rapid development of new application areas. If people in the course of an operation, doctors surgery, is

23、 a fatigue, and the other manually operated accuracy is limited. Some universities in Germany, which, facing the spine, lumbar disc disease, the identification, can automatically use the robot-aided positioning, operation and surgery Like the United States have been more than 1,000 cases of human ey

24、eball robot surgery, the robot, also including remote-controlled approach, the right of such gastrointestinal surgery, we see on the television inside. a manipulator, about the thickness fingers such a manipulator,inserted through the abdominal viscera, people on the screen operating the machines ha

25、nd, it also used the method of laser lesion laser treatment, this is the case, people would not have a very big damage to the human body.In reality, this right as a human liberation is a very good robots, medical robots it is very complex, while it is fully automated to complete all the work, there

26、are difficulties, and generally are people to participate. This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country t

27、he exhibition, the United States has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgery and bypass surgery. This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation, but also, AESOPs surgical robot, In fact, it through some equipment to some of the lesions inspections, through a manipulat

28、or can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors are able to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically to the doctors move

29、ments linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This is very good, a doctors assistant.Robot is mankinds right-hand man; friendly coexistence can be a reliable friend. In future, we will see and there will be a robot space inside, as a mutual aide and friend. Robots will create the jobs issue

30、. We believe that there would not be a robot appointment of workers being laid off situation, because people with the development of society, In fact the people from the heavy physical and dangerous environment liberated, so that people have a better position to work, to create a better spiritual we

31、alth and cultural wealth.译文资料:机器人首先我介绍一下机器人产生的背景,机器人技术的发展,它应该说是一个科 学技术发展共同的一个综合性的结果,同时,为社会经济发展产生了一个重大影 响的一门科学技术,它的发展归功于在第二次世界大战中各国加强了经济的投 入,就加强了本国的经济的发展。另一方面它也是生产力发展的需求的必然结果, 也是人类自身发展的必然结果,那么随着人类的发展,人们在不断探讨自然过程 中,在认识和改造自然过程中,需要能够解放人的一种奴隶。那么这种奴隶就是 代替人们去能够从事复杂和繁重的体力劳动,实现人们对不可达世界的认识和改 造,这也是人们在科技发展过程中的一

32、个客观需要。机器人有三个发展阶段,那么也就是说,我们习惯于把机器人分成三类,一 种是第一代机器人,那么也叫示教再现型机器人,它是通过一个计算机,来控制 一个多自由度的一个机械,通过示教存储程序和信息,工作时把信息读取出来, 然后发出指令,这样的话机器人可以重复的根据人当时示教的结果,再现出这种 动作,比方说汽车的点焊机器人,它只要把这个点焊的过程示教完以后,它总是 重复这样一种工作,它对于外界的环境没有感知,这个力操作力的大小,这个工 件存在不存在,焊的好与坏,它并不知道,那么实际上这种从第一代机器人,也 就存在它这种缺陷,因此,在 20 世纪 70 年代后期,人们开始研究第二代机器人, 叫带

33、感觉的机器人,这种带感觉的机器人是类似人在某种功能的感觉,比如说力 觉、触觉、滑觉、视觉、听觉和人进行相类比,有了各种各样的感觉,比方说在 机器人抓一个物体的时候,它实际上力的大小能感觉出来,它能够通过视觉,能 够去感受和识别它的形状、大小、颜色。抓一个鸡蛋,它能通过一个触觉,知道 它的力的大小和滑动的情况。第三代机器人,也是我们机器人学中一个理想的所 追求的最高级的阶段,叫智能机器人,那么只要告诉它做什么,不用告诉它怎么 去做,它就能完成运动,感知思维和人机通讯的这种功能和机能,那么这个目前 的发展还是相对的只是在局部有这种智能的概念和含义,但真正完整意义的这种 智能机器人实际上并没有存在,

34、而只是随着我们不断的科学技术的发展,智能的 概念越来越丰富,它内涵越来越宽。下边我简单介绍一下工业机器人的一些情况。到目前为止,工业机器人是最成熟,应用最广泛的一类机器人,世界总量目前已经销售 110 万台,这是 1999 年的统计,但这 110 万台在已经进行装备使用的是 75 万台,这个量也是不小的。 总体情况看,日本在工业机器人这一块,是首位的,成为机器人的王国,美国发 展也很迅速,目前在新安装的台数方面,已经超过了日本,中国刚开始进入产业 化的阶段,已经研制出多种工业机器人样机,已有小批量在生产中使用。点焊机器人主要是针对汽车生产线,提高生产效率,提高汽车焊接的质量, 降低工人的劳动强

35、度的一种机器人。它的特点是通过机器人对两个钢板进行点焊 的时候,需要承载一个很大的焊钳,一般在几十公斤以上,那么它的速度要求在 每秒钟一米五到两米这样的高速运动,所以它一般来说有五到六个自由度,负载 三十到一百二十公斤,工作的空间很大,大概有两米,这样一个球形的工作空间, 运动速度也很高,那么自由度的概念,就是说,是相对独立运动的部件的个数, 就相当于我们人体,腰是一个回转的自由度,我们大臂可以抬起来,小臂可以弯 曲,那么这就三个自由度,同时腕部还有一个调整姿态来使用的三个自由度,所 以一般的机器人有六个自由度,就能把空间的三个位置,三个姿态,机器人完全 实现,当然也有小于六个自由度的,也有多

36、于六个自由度的机器人,只是在不同 的需要场合来配置。第二类是服务机器人,随着工业化的发展,尤其近十年以来,机器人的发展 的应用领域在不断拓宽,目前一个很重要的特征,大家都知道,机器人已经从制 造业逐渐转向了非制造业和服务行业,刚才谈的汽车制造属于是制造业,但服务 行业包括清洁、加油、救护、抢险、救灾这些等等,都属于非制造行业和服务行 业,那么这里边跟工业机器人相比,它有一个很重要的不同,它主要是一个移动 平台,它能够移动、去运动,上面有一些手臂进行操作,同时还装有一些像力觉 传感器和视觉传感器、超声测距传感器等等。它对周边的环境进行识别,来判断 它的运动,完成某种工作,这是服务机器人的基本的一

37、个特点。例如,家务机器人主要体现在像一些对地毯和地板定期的它能够进行清扫和 吸尘,它这个机器人很有意思,它有传感器,它能够把家具和人能识别出来,它 自动的按照一种规律,能根据路径把地面全部的清扫干净,这也是家务中一些机 器人的表现。那么医疗机器人,是近五年来发展比较迅速的一个新的应用领域。如果人手 术的时候,医生来手术,一个是疲劳,另一个人手操作的精度还是有限的。在德 国一些大学里面,面向人的脊椎,如腰间盘突出这种病,进行识别以后,能够自动地用机器人来辅助进行定位,进行操作和手术。像美国已经有一千多例机器人 对人眼球进行手术,这样的机器人,还包括通过遥控操作的办法,实现对人的胃 肠这种手术,大

38、家在电视里边看到,一个机械手,大概有手指这样粗细的一个机 械手,通过插入腹脏以后,人在屏幕上操作这个机器手,同时对它用激光的方法 对病灶进行激光的治疗,这样的话,人就不用很大幅度地破坏人的身体,这实际 对人的一种解放,是非常好一种机器人,医疗机器人它也很复杂,一方面它完全 自动去完成各种工作,是有困难的,一般来说都是人来参与,这是美国开发的一 个林白手术这样一个例子,人通过在屏幕上,通过一个遥控操作手来控制另一个 机械手,实现通过对人的腹腔进行手术,前几年我们国家展览会上,美国已经成 功的实现了对人的心脏瓣膜的手术和搭桥手术,这已经在机器人领域中,引起了 很大的轰动,还包括,AESOP 的这种

39、外科手术机器人,它实际上通过一些仪器 能够对人的一些病变进行检查,通过一个机械手就能够实现对人的某些部位进行 手术,还包括遥操作机械手,以及多个医生可以在机器人共同参与下进行手术, 包括机器人给大夫医生拿钳子、镊子或刀子来代替护士的工作,同时把照明能够 自动的给医生的动作联系起来,医生的手到哪儿,照明就去哪儿,这样非常好的, 一个医生的助手。机器人是人类的得力助手,能友好相处的可靠朋友,将来我们会看到人和机 器人会存在一个空间里边,成为一个互相的助手和朋友。机器人会不会产生饭碗 的问题。我们相信不会出现“机器人上岗,工人下岗”的局面,因为人们随着社会 的发展,实际上把人们从繁重的体力和危险的环境中解放出来,使人们有更好的 岗位去工作,去创造更好的精神财富和文化财富。


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