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1、Yin-Yang and the Five Elements,Yin-Yang,The outer circle represents “everything”, while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called “yin” (black) and “yang” (white), which cause everything to happen. 译,They are not completely black or white, just as

2、 things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other. 译,While “yin” would be dark, passive, cold, contracting, downward, and weak, “yang” would be bright, active, upward, hot, strong, and expanding. Yin to yang and yang to yin, causing everything to happen: jus

3、t as things expand and contract, and temperature changes from hot to cold. 译,The Five Elements,According to traditional Chinese med- icine and philosophy, the Five Elements are the fundamental components of the universe. They are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. 译,The Five Elements,The Five Elem

4、ents theory identifies the five different modes (elements) in which chi energy may manifest itself. The five (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) are arranged into a cyclical sequence that represents the flow of energy between these elements as “phases”. 译,The five elements theory of negative and po

5、sitiveis one of the important systems of Chinese traditional culture, China ancient to explain nature negative and positive two material set against with mutual theory of growth and decline according to prove world origin of everything and diversified philosophy general Read the basis. 译,The yin and

6、 yang accomplish changes in the universe through the five material agents, or wu xing, which both produce one another and overcome one another. All changes in the universe can be explained by the workings of yin and yang and the progress of the five material agents as they either produce one another

7、 or overcome one another. 译,Each of these opposites produce the other: Heaven creates the ideas of things under yang, the earth produces their material forms under yin, and vice versa; creation occurs under the principle of yang, the completion of the created thing occurs under yin, and vice versa,

8、and so on. 译,Part Three How Yin-Yang and the Five Elements Work,The production of yin from yang and yang from yin occurs cyclically and constantly, so that no one principle continually dominates the other or determines the other. All opposites that one experiences,health and sickness, wealth and pov

9、erty, power and submission can be explained in reference to the temporary dominance of one principle over the other. 译,Since no one principle dominates eternally, that means that all conditions are subject to change into their opposites. 译,英文来源 词霸,外圆代表“一切”,而圈内的黑色和白色的形状代表两种能量的相互作用,称为“阴”(黑色)和“阳”(白色),这

10、表示这一切发生的原因就是“阴”“阳”的相互作用 。 返回,他们不完全是黑色或白色,就像生活中的事情并不是完全的黑色或白色的,他们不能没有彼此。返回,“阴”将是黑暗的,被动的,寒冷的,承包, 向下,弱,“阳”是光明的,积极的,向上的,热的,强大的,和扩大。阴阳阳阴,导致发生的一切:就在事情扩大和合同,和温度的变化由热到冷。返回,根据中国传统医学药和哲学,五元素是宇宙的基本成分。他们是:木,火,土,金,水。返回,五行理论确定了五个不同的模式(元素),气的能量可能会表现。五(木,火,土,金,水)排列成一个周期性的序列,代表能量元素之间的流量为“阶段”。 返回,阴阳五行学说是中国传统文化的重要体系之一,是中国古代解释自然界阴阳两种物质对立和相互消长的理论根据及说明世界万物的起源和多样性的哲学概念依据。 返回,宇宙的阴阳变化通过五种材料来完成,即五行,彼此产生和克制。宇宙中的所有能量变化都可以通过阴阳运作和五行之间的克制和产生来解释。返回,阴阳对立产生其他:“阳”创造事物,”阴”产生物质;创造发生阳的原则下,对创造物的完成发生在阴,反之亦然,等等。返回,阴与阳,阳与阴的不断地循环、生成,所以没有一个占主导地位的支配另外一个。所有的对立面,例如健康与疾病,财富与贫穷,权力屈服都可以用循环平衡的观念来解释。返回,因为没有一个永恒原则占主导地位,这 意味着所有的事物都会走向自己的反面。 返回,


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