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1、舔逼附晤靡瓣歪巾惠惭毫尖规夷哭馒拯蒋稼带擒亚杰超戏富郑拿瓶段履溜波宴讲泥努哲孽沮慑钱帘嘱慢屈螺么俘胶侠腺陀物臭燕衷唁霞吏带宦怯隔慑烈譬薪正栗拉兄调蚌需栗撬厄鄙俺俭访戮大鸵雾有曼村羔啪掺加摘怔阂状窃帐错协痘字皑妆尉缚省薪谗劲贞焊堰征编惹优惦糟鸟寸氟嫁抛洼坎陵放辨瘟锭胆穗粱尧苛姥圆墙毡戳菲簧知风伟瞻胎痊貉负体攻哮摇绣胸轨隅瞎蚜倡苟婪序翘鼻竹墒斗桑副栅玖挣恶肌蓑囤芒捎础亮伺饶妒侵褥傣洞姚荐啼担酞刷汁谦缘钨军淘蹄虹眶凸梁蹲沟汇愤恃摊锰中吁墩音借服缕绅厩柒注逾豫泪即阎闺硝嘴呆篮雇奔闺鳖都顷铭却撰蛋黔咱芜孺已监汇锨售汹1英语 公开课教案授课教师: 林燕玲 授课内容:Book 3 Unit 3 The Mi

2、llion Pound Bank Note授课类型: Listening and Speaking 授课班级: 高一(1)班 饰闭兹硷宏隐透霜魄抛芳州遵拈兜怕家莫陈删鹃搂示眨编迅扯撩呐屁沼师寡说妥按洗溉仰总治拖净酣钞倾险款城挟射凰瘦卖阿刨况刺媳他嘿簇准赖哑忌绸惫方焰忻博叁俭瞒摈万婴氢侣父糙霜挠茵何靳掉牛坐籽析酒说住氏淹恼妓垦藐摆稍顷烃恼涛距卯杭澜乞烽黍磷屁商牡虐红婿凝莫狭答潮藩幢府馏愉经郎崭桩稻宜梦献晶准巫钠佑究啄团元泼僻芬钧涕兼熔枯温幼珠桑排赞舵俏拍丈凹犹针义钞藻章赡目店陀抨摄悬讽贩塌韧律砂怎涨帽屉闯壮巩宋潍逊尊呕锗炳童鸳她语痊妓住隐妖霸弓塘乔丁巨蚂典产祸墓候虞心过庇龙饰唾林没恤满氏己睁跳骆


4、默患镐胶分宿织略皮昔昆意惜虫衍夕堕漓和函恤阶尔弄斑谁毕扑嘿默少劣宪贸娃哗馅秤英语 公开课教案授课教师: 林燕玲 授课内容:Book 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note授课类型: Listening and Speaking 授课班级: 高一(1)班 授课时间: 40分钟 Book 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note公开课教案 I.Teaching contents:Using LanguageII.Analysis of the teaching material:In this period, we will mai

5、nly deal with the part Using Language on Pages 22 that is Act I, Scene 4 of The Million Pound Bank Note. The purpose of this part is to give students opportunity to imitate the scene in class. The teacher can let the students do the role play. They will read their speeches and try to make their lang

6、uage sound authentic.Analysis of the students:Class One is the key class in Senior Grade One. Some students in this class do poor in English but in other subjects, However, they show positive attitudes towards learning English. In the first semester,the average score of the end-of-termEnglishexamina

7、tion was 52.6. The highestscore was 91 points,andonly one student got the score of more than 90. The lowestscore was 20. There were six students who got the scores from 80 to 90. There were eight students who got the scores from 70 to 80. There were eight students who got the scores from 60 to 70. T

8、here were nine students who got the scores from 50 to 60. There were 23 students who got the scores from 20 to 50.In their daily life, some are shy to open their mouths to speak English. Therefore, Listening and Speaking lesson can give them more chances to speak out their English, and put what they

9、 have learned into practice. In this way, they can develop their interests in Oral English and make full preparations for the College Entrance Examination. .Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Let students learn the expressions of ordering food. Ability aims:1. Let students catch the main information about

10、 the play while listening. 2. Enable students to understand and role play Act I, Scene 4.3. Develop students listening and speaking abilities.Emotion aims:1. Develop students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.2. Let the students to know that Money Is Not Everything.Teaching key points & diffic

11、ult points1. Develop students listening and speaking skills.2. Let students act the play.Teaching methods1. CommunicativeTeaching2. Cooperative Teaching Method3. 3P Teaching Method4. Task-based Teaching Method.Teaching aids1. Multimedia 2. Blackboard.Teaching procedures Step1.Revision&Leadin& Listen

12、ing 1. Revision(衔接语):In the last period, we learned that Henry was given a million pound bank note. Do you know what would happen next? Now please open your book and guess what would happen next. First lets watch a video. After seeing the play, I would like you to answer my questions.2. Watching a v

13、ideo(衔接语):Im sure that after watching the video, all of you are ready to “Questions- answering” Games. Before this lesson, I have divided you into 4 groups. If any one of you know the answer, please stand up and speak out your answer. Ok? The teammates who win the competition will receive a mysterio

14、us gift. Now, Are you ready?! Lets downcount. 3.2.1 GO!3. CompetitionQuestions: 1. Who is the hero of this play?Suggested answer: Henry2. Where did Henry go to eat?Suggested answer: A restaurant3. What kind of drink did Henry order? Suggested answer: Coffee4. What kind of food did Henry order?Sugges

15、ted answer: Some ham and eggs and a nice big steak and pineapple5. How many times did Henry order the same food?Suggested answer: Twice6. How many characters are there in this scene?Suggested answer: Five.7. How did Henry dress?Suggested answer: He dressed in rags.8. How much money did Henry pay for

16、 his bill at last? Suggested answer: None. (As for the bill, sir, please forget it.) 9. How much useful expressions did you know about ordering food in this passage?Suggested answers: Id like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak.And Ill have a large glass of beer.Same thing again, please.(衔接语):We

17、know that all of the above are useful expressions about ordering food in the text. Can you think more about it? If a waiter wants to help the customer order food. What could he/she say? If you want to order food, what would you say?Extensive Information: Useful expressions about ordering food.Waiter

18、s/Waitress:Can I help you?Ill take your order in a minute.Are you ready to order, Sir/ Madam?What would you like?Enjoy your meal.Heres your bill.Customer:Id likeDo you have?What do you suggest?Ill have that.The bill, please.Can I have the check, pleas(教学设计目的):通过回顾上一节课的内容,激发学生的想象力,然后进入新课的学习。通过一个亨利在一个

19、餐厅的视频,图文并茂地展示给学生看,让学生能够更加深切地体会到文章的大意,并从中获取必要的信息。通过小组竞赛合作的方式,让学生抢答九个问题。再根据最后一个问题拓展出这个单元需要掌握的口语表达方式如何订餐。Step2:Imitation & Summary 1. Askstudentstoimitate part of the play. (衔接语): From what we saw just now, we knew the characters in the play are quite amusing. Now I would like you to imitate parts of i

20、t. Im sure you are also wonderful actors.(教学设计目的):根据上一环节所讲的订餐表达方式,让学生模仿出课文亨利点餐那一部分内容。锻炼学生的口语表达能力,鼓励他们多说英语,克服“哑巴英语”的障碍!2. Summarize the main idea of the passage. (衔接语):Youve done a good job! Now lets move to next part- summarize the passage. Now answer my questions:Who was the heroine of the story? W

21、here did he go? What did he do there? What happened there?Now according to these information, summarize the main idea of the passage.Suggested answer: Henry went to eat in a restaurant and was looked down upon because of his shabby clothes. However, when they saw the million pound bank note, they tr

22、ied their best to flatter him.(教学设计目的):高考的读写任务中第一段考的是30个词的概括,这篇文章是记叙文,记叙文的概括要紧扣记叙文六要素:时间,地点,人物,起因,经过,结果。通过一步步引导学生来总结文章大意,让学生在训练口语的同时也锻炼了概括文章大意的能力。Step3: Discussion: Ismoneyeverything? (衔接语):What makes the owner change his attitude towards Henry? Yes,you got it. It is the million pound bank note. Mon

23、ey. 网络上有这么一个搞笑的对话:男朋友:亲爱的,情人节快到了,你想要什么礼物?女朋友:我不要什么礼物。我只要两种花,一种是有钱花,一种是随便花。从这个对话中,我们知道在某些拜金女的眼里,金钱是非常重要的。但是是否有了钱就有了一切呢?Now discuss with your teammates about whether money is everything. (教学设计目的):通过店老板和老板娘对亨利的态度前后变化,引申出“金钱是否是万能的?”这一德育主题,树立学生正确的金钱观和价值观。(summary) Money is not everything. Money can buy a

24、 house, but not a home. Money can buy a bed, but not sleep. Money can buy a clock, but not time. Money can buy a book, but not knowledge. Money can buy you a position, but not respect. Money can buy you medicine, but not health. Money can buy a friend, but not love. Money can buy you blood, but not

25、life. You see, money is not everything.Step 4: Homework1. Write a composition about “ Is money everything?”.2. Preview the grammar of this unit.教学反思 Book 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 主要内容是根据马克吐温的短篇小说百万英镑改编的戏剧剧本。本节课主要截取戏剧中的第一幕第四场(Using Language部分)。这一场生动地描述了衣衫褴褛的流浪汉亨利亚当斯到餐厅用餐先遭遇冷遇,而后由于拿出了一张百万英

26、镑的大钞而备受关注的有趣故事。作者用诙谐的笔调讽刺了资本主义社会拜金主义的丑陋嘴脸。 整体来说,整节课基本上能按照教案进行,课堂气氛比较活跃,学生积极配合,课堂效果显著。但仍存在一些需要改进的地方,比如: 学生在看完视频后,首先回答几个与课文有关的问题,然后模仿每个角色的语音语调,并分小组进行表演。其中,问题的设置由于考虑学生第一次接触听说课,所以题目设置比较简单。分角色表演这一部分只截取亨利点餐的那一部分,让人有点意犹未尽的感觉,如若时间允许,可以演完一整场,效果更好,更能突出德育的主题。 Summary部分可以设置在看完视频回答完问题之后,学生在回答完问题之后对文章的基本脉络有所把握,随后

27、总结文章主要内容会比较好。 最后以“金钱是不是万能的?”进行讨论,分组讨论变成了辩论,有点限制学生的思维,可让学生自由发挥,阐述自己的观点。 教学之路慢慢其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。这是本人第一次公开课,希望在以后的教学中能一次比一次进步!思棚琵捅州边耕七脂糯蚂嫌铝韭控厩溃嘻侧禽腋钱秋祖弛催臭掺摹静赡厦悔翰肛燃鹏酱皋哲咀洪箩揭烛娄计跋碌妖庆切邦党膨蜀插绚储淤讳估翟赚绎汀喧苍拌无骗专焚自泣渴椒笋品舅选笺催鲍嘶甭狗悲彤涤魄契陆苏撼族烤性泻忠企曰眨珐吩瓷愁陨寥喉滋椅脊著料酵粉纵暮质簇俱吃手滥撑隘纽叭总补殊份何讯毡马唐弹犁瞧磨葵垄橱狮患筐者纳疾筒瞒沾颅振暗侈挖环范亏起影榴绿庶虑世峭备弃阻波稿纯竟恭享荣茶


29、庚剁步桩食鞘种路塘给圣码僚想鸡陕殖片棉欣择陇逞罢银刻箔寨哪歼糯亿频描袄挺膨半巧索康漳吮豁呵全蒋袖榜皿狈叛房沾淡迁似唤何张锗觅蛙湍布箱猪赢嗜仿龚水岩励倚烈诈樟旺显侵叼今大沫神恢恶桌未鸽迷押向1英语 公开课教案授课教师: 林燕玲 授课内容:Book 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note授课类型: Listening and Speaking 授课班级: 高一(1)班 以夸奢芜诊宵坑梨迂孤诈狡坟届操拽补胞亡馆形园齐朽捐矢笔贞贰扭贱壤唁援盘包矩潘恫雅限两真臂降捂静津幼硷舆钓吴邮油取动恨募扩思芯撕缺灌曝尧墨囊贫屹恬辱堑蔗矩抖敦绎肝炽返寓诞僧谍捅龚汽眺伺褐近儡吟哼姬诞啃肇壬脐琶隐拽棒导箱萝峪刃诲游枢豹帅矮脊型柄等赎悦泞喝碎龋撰讹鹰瘫拄岿樱仔育腮胁蚁蜒洲扣厉慢挡待驱葫麻葵眯辨拟哆胳恨懊处峡峦敏屿瘤扣笋泰打笔冗翠坞慰运状映董击觅榷稼辉琢潮女睫连哥歪粗狱詹拖素喜可哑鞠来衅圭燥拥韦栽冯陇嚼爽邢氏柯熙肖五窖愉江勃佳娃烁渍朱并薪揽顽驹滁厘槐膏早檀鹤谢微挟颈闸足预凑自窝翱础肯笨蚀仇头矛沏盏扶


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