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1、中国城市户籍制度的弊端探究4500字 本篇论文目录导航: 中国城市户籍制度的弊端探究国内城市户籍制度的改革建议研究引言我国户籍制度的变迁及存在的问题我国户籍制度改革的模式发达国家人口管理办法对我国的启示我国户籍制度改革的方向如何解决城市户籍制度问题结语与参考文献 摘 要 自我国 1951 年颁布城市户口管理暂行条例开始,户籍政策已存在六十余年。伴随着时代的发展,户籍政策也经历了无数次的修改与完善以顺应时代的变换。建国初期,我国确立了户籍制度二元化的格局,这种格局不仅发挥了户籍制度在人口登记方面的作用,也同时增加了户籍制度的社会管理功能和福利分配功能。到改革开放前期,为了缓解*;以及*;所带来的

2、城市资源紧缺、人口发展不均衡,中央出台了一系列的法律法规来限制人口流动,即农村向城市的人口流动。这对于当时农村人口占总人口 90%的中国来说意义重大。近几年,我国连续发布相关改革政策,通过户籍政策的改革推动城市化进程,逐步实现城乡基本公共服务均等化等有利于社会和谐稳定的愿景。可以看出,在这几十年的发展中,户籍制度有着相当大的变化。但是,随着社会迅速发展,户籍制度不合理之处逐渐显现。特别是随着城乡人口比例的逐渐接近,现行户籍政策的弊端越来越明显。它不仅阻碍了城乡一体化,也给社会带来了不稳定的因素。文章第二章在前人研究的基础上总结了现行户籍制度的弊端,在第三章通过对户籍制度一元化和居住证制度的可行

3、性分析探讨户籍制度的主要改革模式,第四章总结了我国户籍制度改革政策的发展方向,第五章选取了成都,郑州和上海三个具有代表性的城市,以实例分析了在我国西部、中部以及东部沿海地区的户籍政策改革进程,第六章分析了发达国家的人口管理经验,总结了适合我国的户籍制度改革几点建议。户籍制度作为我国最基本的制度,其重要性不言而喻。而且户籍制度不仅仅是一项独立的制度,其他与人口相关的政策制定都与它密不可分。因此,发现户籍制度存在的问题并提出相应的解决方案是促进我国经济发展、社会稳定的重要渠道。关键词:改革,利益关系,社会平等,城市化ABSTRACTSince the Provisional Regulations

4、 on the Governance of Populations; promulgated in 1951,household registration policy has existed for over sixty years. With the development of ages,the policy has been modified and improved numerous times to comply with the change of time. In the early years of foundation,the pattern of dualization

5、of household registration system was established to increase more effect on population registration,social administration and welfare distribution through household registration system. At the early stage of reform and opening-up,the centralgovernment released a series of laws and regulations to res

6、trict migration,rural-urban migration,to alleviate problems of the shortage of urban resources and the imbalance of population development caused by Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution,which was of great significance to China owning ninety percent rural population. And the relative reform

7、 policies released continually in recent years,our country has promoted the process of urbanization and achieved the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas through the reform of household registrationpolicy,which makes contributions to social harmony and stability. According

8、to the above,we can conclude that the household registration system has a great change in the decades of development; however,it has become unreasonable in some places along with the rapid development of society. Especially the present proportion of urban and rural population is gradually approachin

9、g,thedisadvantages of the system become more and more obvious,which not only hinder the process of integration of urban and rural, but also bring unstable factors to society.In Chapter two,the shortcomings of existing household registration system has been summarizedbased on the previous studies. Ch

10、apter three discusses the main direction through the feasibility analysis of the unified household registration system and the residential permit system. Chapter fivechooses three representative cities,Chengdu,Zhengzhou and Shanghai as examples to analyze the system reform progress in western,centra

11、l and eastern coastal areas of our country. The sixth chapter makes several suggestions on China s household registration system according to the experience of population management in developed country.As one of the basic system policies in our country,household registration system is of great impo

12、rtance,and moreover,it is a system inseparable to the formulation of other population-related system rather than an independent one. Therefore, it is the crucial channel to promote China s economic development and social stability that finding the problems of household registration system and propos

13、ing appropriate solutions.KEYWORDS:reform,interestrelationship,socialequality,urbanization目录摘 要ABSTRACT目录1 引言1.1 研究对象与研究意义1.2 研究综述1.3 论文结构1.4 研究方法2 我国户籍制度的变迁及存在的问题2.1 我国户籍制度的历史沿革2.2 户籍制度的基本特征2.3 现行户籍制度存在的问题及其对城市化的影响2.3.1 现行户籍制度制约了城市和农村的共同发展2.3.2 现行户籍制度导致农村人口无法享受平等待遇2.3.3 现行户籍制度阻碍公民政治权利的实现2.3.4 现行户籍制

14、度加大人口管理难度3 我国户籍制度改革的模式3.1 实践中的户籍制度改革模式3.1.1 成都户籍制度改革模式3.1.2 郑州户籍制度改革模式3.1.3 上海户籍制度改革模式3.1.4 各地区户籍制度改革比较3.2 现行户籍制度改革模式分析3.2.1 户籍制度二元化向一元化转化3.2.2 全面实施居住证制度4 发达国家人口管理办法对我国的启示4.1 日本的人口管理办法4.2 美国的人口管理办法4.3 法国的人口管理办法4.4 借鉴发达国家经验,建立科学的人口管理系统5 我国户籍制度改革的方向5.1 完善社会保障制度5.2 加速小城镇建设,增强小城镇吸引力5.3 加快推进人口管理信息化、数字化5.4 以法治原则保障公民迁徙自由6 结语参考文献致谢


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