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1、 a panda Im Panpan from China. Im Chinese. my air balloon Where are they from? Theyre from America. Theyre American. Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 Where are they from? Theyre from France. Theyre French. Eiffel Tower Where are they from? Theyre from Britain. Theyre British. Big Ben 大本钟 Where is she from? S

2、hes from Canada. Shes Canadian. maples Where is she from? She is from Germany. She is German. Brandenburg Gate 勃兰登堡门 Where is he from? He is from Japan. He is Japanese. Fuji Mount cherry blossoms Berrie Koto is from Australia. Hes Australian. Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 Bobby is from Thailand. Hes Thai

3、lander. Thailand Thai Thailander Water-Splashing Festival 泼水节 Andy is from India. Hes Indian. Taj Mahal泰姬陵 IndiaIndian ItalyItalian Spaghetti Venice 威尼斯 MexicoMexican Thailand Thai Thailander Water-Splashing Festival New Zealand新西 兰 New Zealander EgyptEgyptian the pyramid mummy Spain Spanish the Spa

4、nish bullfight American Australian Indian Korean Russian America Australia India Korea Russia countries Nationalities Summary 规则变化 Chinese Japanese Portuguese China Japan Portugal(葡萄牙) countriesNationalities 规则变化 New Zealand Thailand Finland(芬兰) New Zealander Thailander Finlander Canadian Italian Eg

5、yptian German British Spanish French Canada Italy Egypt Germany Britain Spain France countriespeople Look at my family tree. Lets chant! Father tall, Mother short, Brother big, Sister small, Tall and short, Big and small, I love my family most of all. Frank WebbBetty Webb David WebbLinda WebbTony We

6、bb Janet WebbBen Webb Janets family tree husbandwife wife husband son daughter 1.My grandfather and grandmother _ two children. A. has B. are C. have C 2. Janet and Ben are _. A. husband and wife B.brother and sister C.uncle and aunt B 3. _ Mary Jones? A. Who B. Whos C. Whats B 4. _ my _ brother. A. Hesmother B.He is mother is C.He is mothers C


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