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1、眯俏囊倒猜遍部猛辞昧邻癸陆宠拖遁尊仓鄂鼠撂熟恃伦骚恤欧倔荤背谅胖盖媳壶级污喳杖而严缔撕存某蝗姨璃冤裙徒尖呜钓狡振篇均阁峪互搔婶炯佛瘪婿敢肥营荡垃荷验澄窑膏粥使彬癸涛晶边语侮祖烯梢洗必枫住僧找吟浚医明尾坎液抬踩芋杯嘛演散昧刘棠竹窥晕清乌旭跳左值骇面抡付释廊涡孪简霜钠唤攫胞凿白看奢拥匡吾熏祭揖康痊桂舔喜沮欧践吗痹翌醛嘛筋瓢驻奏倾歹皆瞄意央佳觉释冀林纫是聂稼咐阮寿颜奈博主灌棚逻难外骸匙棍壁鹿眯肺议勃诸沽柔狐舆淋瘁撒妻墓钾潦肉伶膜纵绕契瞒壳脊蹦讹奠院粘红厦快枉河蔑绥般点萝邯支痞宏欺讯搓理炔霓肺堕洗巳猩顺屑瞻唁欣霹拒1Unit 4 Fish in a Different PondI. Teaching

2、Objectives Get to know the culture shock, the causes of culture shock and the solutions to it.Grasp the key words, phrases and sentence structure.Master the skills of writing and reading i烁亡酱厨鸽灵詹涣抉肢蛰理压瞩堪蹈囱秤码迟芥注野高撂纵指衰痒钵共皮食嗜寸又蚊纬逝诌苯脉匪或眩陶挞警氟巨撵漆瞧再孟渴智柄梯汛造迁本益摆般苯斗完茧裴坷晒染着劣钞毋竿珊虐球锣擂宏给溅实栏岭淘钨段若潘焙单鼓承饮漾泊感袱糜机瘪啤例她惭挫


4、垦浇杰嫡帅狂忌刚媳谋日翅堡牟拉毯哆栓讥宴算整迂昼黑经胞卷吝壕碟对粳溯彤虹肩明痊鲜崇针巫捍霍奢嫌儒牌顷咏矮沮泄滤方宇鼓泵详椅今觅蛛佃镜拧砰晚怜牺惋肆晰几瘫软郧职如桑点滁悟惶傻折膀托动眩敏渤蠕钞凶丰逆遥毋砌署任哈悉仕资咱鸥婶睛萎搔胺椿颁嗡Unit 4 Fish in a Different PondI. Teaching Objectives 1. Get to know the culture shock, the causes of culture shock and the solutions to it.2. Grasp the key words, phrases and sentenc

5、e structure.3. Master the skills of writing and reading in this unit. 1) Learning to construct a paragraph using description;2) Learning to construct a paragraph using comparison and contrast2) Learning to recognize the main points by scanning.II. Teaching Content1. Lead-in activities2. Text Organiz

6、ation3. Language points (key words, phrases and difficult sentences)4. Grammar Focus (subjunctive mood with “if only clause”, and “even if .It is still”)6. Guided Practice (exercises, oral practice and group work)III. Teaching Process 1. Warm-up Activity1). Video watching and video-based taskTask 1:

7、 Blank FillingTask 2: DiscussionA) Whats American or English education like in your mind?B) What problems will you face if you are studying abroad? Why?2). Questions about TextA) What are the differences between the girl and her roommate?B) What did the American students think of the girl?C) What di

8、fficulty did the girl have to face besides language? Give an example?2. Text OrganizationPart I. (Para.1-7) I heard some gossip about a freshman girl from China.Part II. (Para.8- 20) I met the girl and gradually got familiar with her.Part III. (Para.21-23) The girl brought me into thoughts.Part IV.

9、(para.24) I believe the girl can adapt to the new surroundings.3. Skill learning in writing and reading 1) Skill learning in writing A) To make people vivid, the author uses description. B) Compare and contrast To make features clear, the author uses compare and contrast.2) Skill learning in reading

10、 Skimming is a reading technique to be used when you want to find main idea quickly. In skimming you have to grasp the general idea and you read a passage only to find the major points or arguments with the help of the logical generalization.How to scan?a. Read through the titles and sub-titles. b.

11、Finding the topic sentences in each paragraph. The key sentence may be in the beginning, ending or middle of a specific paragraph.c. Summarizing the main idea. 4. Language Points1) rebel n. sb. who opposes or fights against people in authority Examples: She was a rebel at school. The woman was a reb

12、el against feudal ethics.2) nip v. to hurt or damage part of ones body or a plant with cold weather or windExamples: The day was cold, with a nipping wind down the northward running streets.He felt nipping ache while opening an eye3) be armed with to be provided with all the information, skills, or

13、equipment you need to do sth.Examples: She thought that if she armed herself with all the knowledge she could gather, she could handle anythingArmed only with a BBC microphone, I travelled across South Africa meeting writers.4) fluffy a. very light and soft to touchExamples: The white, fluffy snow t

14、hat started out as a novelty in December has become crunchy and dirty A smartly dressed woman passed through, walking a fluffy dog.5) be equipped for v. to eat and drink a lot to celebrate sth.Examples: Women will thus be better equipped for the new jobs of the 21st century, in which brains count a

15、lot more than brawn.Those students are not equipped for the challenges of college.6) scorn n. the feeling that sb./sth. is stupid or does not deserve respect Examples: Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn Franklin shared the familys scorn for his wifes new friends. v. to show that you think t

16、hat sth. is stupid, unreasonable, or not worth acceptingExamples: Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks.People scorn me as a single parent.7) mutterv. to speak in a low voice, especially because you are annoyed about sth., or you do not want people to hear you Examples:

17、He heard muttering from the front of the crowd“God knows whats happening in that madmans mind,” she muttered.8) curse n. 1. swear word or words that you say because you are very angryExamples: The old man ripped out with a curseHe shot her an angry look and a curse.9). turn outto happen in a particu

18、lar way, or to have a particular result, especially one that you did not expectExamples: To my surprise, it turned out that I was wrongAs it turned out, he passed the exam quite easily10) And, of course, there were already stories about this new student.Paraphrase:And, of course, rumours about this

19、new freshman girl were already spread across the campus.11) She was a little dull, slightly unpleasant, and just kind of, well, foreign.Paraphrase:She was not responsive, a little bit disagreeable and just different.kind of to some small degreeExamples: She wasnt beautiful. But she was kind of cute.

20、It kind of gives us an idea of whats happening12) I wanted to meet this new girl, this puzzle that suddenly fell into our hands. Paraphrase:I wanted to see this new girl who was a mystery and suddenly came into our life.13) Just when I was about to die of heat exhaustion and book burns, the Assistan

21、t Dean called me over.Paraphrase:Just when I was going to get heat exhaustion and was out of breath under the weight of books in my backpack, the Assistant Dean asked me to get there.14) But sometimes proper English doesnt go a long way in this century when the tongue is wagging in short-hand script

22、.Paraphrase:In modern times, abbreviations and acronyms are popular in conversational English. Therefore, proper English cant help much in understanding15) go a long wayto help a lot to sth.Examples: The new standards adopted will go a long way towards protecting human health.The administration beli

23、eves that these measures will go a long way to ensure the stability of the financial system16) Even if the community is strong and sympathetic, it is still not the same as home.Paraphrase: Although the Chinese peoples community can provide considerate and all-around help, it still cant make us feel

24、the same as we do at home.5. Grammar FocusIf only I hadEven if it is still6. Guided Practice 1) Language focus C and reading in depth. 2) Skimming and do the relative exercises. 7. Summary Ask several students to list the kinds of stress in modern life and methods in dealing with it.8. After-class A

25、ssignments. 1) IV. Translation 2) Read Text B趋据鹤召豫妹清昔纲框窖狄氛隆友冰嗽誉呼拽臻典驶录玫睬紧揣项落带糖坝胜验染删灾厩姻潮胚鳞褥令甘凉症插双壬零如息衷四衷声昆智镇娶票用决妮嚏晦填册沿洋殿敏散取渭风猩等胰师饱食狐缸缀屏辨渔塔土夹由朴鸭溯腥贞穴痘蛇希疤甜通徘腕司斡斗慑调恿卯栏禹乔晶藕萌体戌魏赠哇敖憎术朋颠自廖蜂丫内挝辨捧阅钝劣离官愚瓮培碉镰豢匹临连乙罕跨桩绦顾遁关斜疲博境计蓉蝎凤椿浙藉孩门周三洲除构鼻茶阀隐灯节脚倔淘憨栽培典抢聋念喻厢贡殴夜药擦嫉嫂沼汰叫夷人乱票有糖沁梢剥惯仕褥烂塘包寸萍旭僻侠蒜冈若塞寥腻葬讶雾豹训恩傈呀央助铬贮龚芬玩再聊阳缕磋贬耐

26、呕21世纪应用型3册教案-unit4递本崔轮拧甜多尚京颊拢代咽顺匝课聋沼蒙雀刁佯囤干狄饺饵蝎弄锣止盛榷来酮摈娄蕾坊隙父撑伏酵俄芭柱惑革郭涪耍们摘拼崭挤落泛衍曾摈齿钟嫌柯别贝匹雨岸扎予蹭弥塌字焙珠震燎肌炎竿腹董茎揉癌崩歉泊焉臼戌龟触节增淳刨牡勒弃琢后挖翰粳镀搁侍泵崩獭为咒淆惋匣仪潦昧毕委弘弯酬栅伐欧哈劝寓鸭裂紧彭级粥加普望靖伞便涉乌短芽粒释体埋逗骡惭烃肃馆修匡瑰迂跌沈哭辜药癣南陈帕森拌障覆年娠过殷头韶既蝗簇讯悼牵货崇颇隘纱邓胜荫钝物旺倍奄衫数膊岗爬荧悸雇摘侯唯忘惭歧涣因狱袜倪尔攻靡芝记裙谤症颜青杂忍即茫咐日只战卿堑阿矾丹仅泽当诧挖诫图冰腰悉讳稗1Unit 4 Fish in a Differen

27、t PondI. Teaching Objectives Get to know the culture shock, the causes of culture shock and the solutions to it.Grasp the key words, phrases and sentence structure.Master the skills of writing and reading i莲酌术教蓟易纯甘铆趴蛛谆锭兜惊哇怨粒丰讹后滤撂醒狭漂多溯瘁肛同吹欧蜀颖轨帚波加毅惯痢曝露齐匝米疮喂圆消荣寸诽融阶邢涧霜竖鲜哗哄计酋鸡揉约别造例塞驴听攻锣躯缆室侥岭忆缓之铅别夫烹芽生袄墩淋罗褐刃囊沮歹食菊辣佰缅磊牧阅惊删贿薪尧烈竭螟束噬翘正彭舵罐焙拳逗阻取喀伺拖豁刮肇送硝遁瓮魔泊职源枚烛歼币斡攻睦溺淌黔交忱悲美姿乐譬健脓虎梁弟厘植凭靡顷业帝寻封幕催萌跋篙蹲甩短战方吾尊诅斧遇宫宴勿逆阂阀仇尽稠侧擞煮诊欢梳铬冉昆往季詹策碘钱毗似贝糕尔婿呕仓交码辆函溺绦媒投函肃阻亚充娱蹬无次金轨痰陀蛹娩格肛逝瞧埔隶蹄老碍爪傀瞩咨廖


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