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1、PEP小学五年级英语上册Unitt4 What can you do ?教案一、教学内容Part A: Lets Learn, lets play二、教学目标1.知识目标:1)听、说、读、写本单元的四个动词词组:clean the bedroom, cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor.2) 听说、认读动词词组:empty the trash.3) 认读句子:Im helpful4) 初步熟悉句型:What can you do? I can5) 说唱chant部分2. 语言技能1)能听说认读本单元五个动词词组:clean the

2、 bedroom, cook the meals, water the flowers2)能听说、认读句子:Im helpful3)能听懂句型:What can you do? I can,并作简单回答。3. 学习策略1)能够积极参与小组合作学习,培养相互沟通和协作的能力。2)能通过观察比较,提高自主学习能力。3)克服胆怯心理,增强学习英语的自信心。4.情感态度1)培养学生讲究卫生,热爱劳动的优秀品质。2)培养学生喜欢学习英语,积极向上的态度。5.文化意识让学生知道热爱劳动是我国的一项优良传统。三、教学重难点1.本课时的教学重点是有关家务劳动的五个动词词组。2.本课时的教学难点是掌握四个四动词

3、组以及运用句型:I can四、学情分析学生是五年级学生,学生通过两年的英语学习,有一定基础,他们天真活泼,热情好学,乐于接受新事物,并有较强的集体荣誉感。在前面他们学过的三个单元的内容与本课时无多大联系。本课时是一个新单元的开始,需要教师充分调动学生的积极性。五、教学准备教师准备本课时的CAI课件,一些实事(扫帚、锅铲、洒水壶、垃圾桶、抹布等)。六、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up1.Oral EnglishT: Hello, boys and girls.Ss:Hello, Miss Tang.T: What day is it today?Ss: Its Wednesday.T:

4、 What do you have on Wednesdays?Ss: We have Chinese, math and English.T: OK, Today well have an English class.2.Divide the Ss into two groups.T:This group is Group A. That group is group B.(在黑板上事先画好的两棵大树旁标上A,B)If you answer a question right, I will give you an apple,do you want to be the winner?Step

5、 2 Presentation (1)1.Know the meaning of “What can you do?”T: Now please read after me: What can you do? (Three times.)And who can ask me whatyou can do? (Ask some students to ask the teacher .)S1:What can you do?T: I can read a book.S2:What can you do?T: I can read / dance/ swim/wash clothes.Now wh

6、o can tell me whats the meaning of what you can do?S:你会做什么?T: Yes, very good.2.Presentation the five phrases.T: Who can ask me, else?S:What can you do?T: I can sweep the floor.(教师拿扫帚,做扫地状,并重复sweep the floor,有意识引导学生多读,在黑板上板书该短语)。T: Now, look at me, I can cook the meals.(教师用锅铲做炒菜状,着重读cook the meals,注意

7、词尾s的发言,并板书该短语)。T: Who can ask me, else?S:What can you do?T: I can clean the bedroom.(用抹布做整理房间状)。I can water the flowers. (用晒水壶作浇花状)I can empty the trash.(教师拿起垃圾筒做倒垃圾状)4. Use the CAI to present the phrases .The teacher do the actions , ask the students to say the phrase.When he says,the CAI present i

8、t.设计意图:教师做动作,学生说短语,每说对一个,电脑CAI课件便呈现该短语的图和内容。4.Show the CAI and read after the teacher.T: Now Lets listen to the tape. (听CAI课件里五个词组的录音)Step 3 Practice1.Game 1:T: Now lets play a game. I say, you do.(师说学过的五个短语,学生做动作)2.Game 2:T: I want someone to come to the front, you do the actions and the otherstude

9、nts say the words.(找三至四名学生上台来借助工具表演动作,其他生猜,猜对可以为本组摘取一个苹果)Step 4 Presentation (2)Pair work CAI呈现T:Now please work in pairs,first look at the pictures,then talk about What can you do? with your partner.S1:I can sweep the floor.S2:I can.T: Youre very clever. What can you do? (引导学生用 I can回答)S1:I can swe

10、ep the floor.S2:I can T: Oh, youre so helpful. You can say: Im helpful. I can sweep the floor.(板书Im helpful. 并带读helpful.)You can say: Im helpful. I canStep5 Summary1.Now, today we learn so much housework. You can help your mother and father to do the housework at home. I think all of you are very he

11、lpful.2. Now lets look at the two trees. Lets count the apples. (Group A: One twofifteen apples. Group B: One twosixteen apples. Oh, Group B is the winner!)3.Homework: Help your parents to do some housework.七、板书设计 Unit 4What can you do? I am helpful! I canclean the bedroom. cook the meals. water the flowers. sweep the floor. empty the trash.


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