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1、Unit6 第5课时教案【课题】Unit 6 The story of rain【教学重点】1. 能够听、说、读、写句子How do you do that? What should you do then? 并能在情景中进行运用。2. 结合种植经验叙述种植植物的过程。【教学难点】结合种植经验叙述种植植物过程是本课时的难点,而且在叙述过程中不可避免地要遇到一些新词,教师要注意突出教学重点,不要面面俱到。【教具准备】1. 教师准备Lets try部分的挂图。2. 教师准备雨水形成过程、花种植过程的挂图。【教学过程】1、Warm up (热身)活动一:口语练习教学参考时间:2-3 分钟教师出示雨水

2、形成过程、花种植过程的挂图,让学生说说各自形成的简单情况。如:The rain comes from the clouds, the cloud comes from the vapour, the vapour comes from the water in the river. And the sun shines and the water becomes vapour. First, we have the seed. And then we put the seed in the soil. Next, we have the sprout. Now, we have the pla

3、nt.2、Review (复习)活动二:猜一猜教学参考时间:2-3 分钟1. 教师拿出B Lets learn 部分的一张单词卡片,只露出第一个字母,将后面的字母挡住,学生猜单词。如果学生猜不出来,教师就再让学生看第二个字母,以此类推,直到学生猜出单词。2. 教师将单词字母顺序打乱,让学生调整字母顺序组成单词。3、Presentation (呈现新知)活动三:试试看教学参考时间:4-5 分钟1. 教师向学生展示Lets try部分的挂图,依次指着插图进行描述,如:The girl is putting the seeds in the soil. She is watering the see

4、ds. She is looking at the sprout. 2. 教师播放Lets try部分的录音,让学生完整的听一遍。录音内容如下:Girl: Im going to plant a flower tomorrow. Boy: How do you do that?Girl: First, put the seeds in the soil.Boy: What should you do then?Girl: Water it. Then wait. You can see the sprout in several days.3. 再次播放录音,教师指导学生完成本部分的练习。活动

5、四:学新知教学参考时间:7-8 分钟1. 教师在学生完成Lets try部分的练习后,提问:What should we do now? 提示学生:Check the answers. 使学生初步了解What should we do now? 一句的含义。2. 教师说:I have a friend. Her / His names . She / He is going to plant a flower on the weekend. But she / he doesnt know how to so that. Can you tell her / him? Who knows? 教

6、师提示学生可以适当用中文解释,如果有学生举手,教师就问:Ok. How do you do that?引导学生回答: First, put the seeds in the soil. 然后,教师接着说:What will he/she do then? 引导学生回答:Water it. 学生学习表述先后顺序的词语:first, then, next。3. 教师说:Zhang Peng is talking to his teacher. Now lets see what theyre talking about. 学生翻开学生用书。教师放录音,学生跟读。教师解释In several day

7、s. 的意思是几天以后。4. 教师板书四会句型:How do you do that? What should you do then? 学生认读。5. 学生2人一组,读Lets talk部分的对话。6. 分角色进行对话表演。活动五:书写练习教学参考时间:2-3 分钟教师让学生仿写四会句子How do you do that? What should you do then?4、Lets play (趣味操练)活动六:补充句子教学参考时间:2-3 分钟教师把B Lets talk部分的主要句型写在黑板上。学生闭上眼睛,教师擦掉其中的一个单词,学生睁开眼睛,说出擦掉的单词并把句子补充完整。 活动

8、七:说说看教学参考时间:4-5 分钟1. 教师给学生分为3-4人一组。2. 引导学生运用主要句型编对话。如:A: How do you clean the classroom?B: First, sweep the floor. A: What should you do after that?B: Then clean the desks and chairs, wash the windows.3. 鼓励学生自己写写相关内容。活动八:玩一玩教学参考时间:2-3 分钟1. 教师让学生3-4人一组,要求每个小组的学生种一棵树,模拟种树情景,边说边种从而应用语言。2. 学生们相互提问:How d

9、o you plant a tree / watermelon / wheat?3. 引导学生们说:First, dig the soil. Then put the plant in the soil. Water it. Wait for it to grow.5、Consolidation and extension (扩展活动)活动九:练一练 教学参考时间:4-5 分钟做本单元B Lets talk部分的活动手册配套练习。1. 教师让学生打开活动手册,翻到Group work. 部分,让学生朗读对话。 2. 集体读对话内容。3. 小组活动,学生在小组中与组员讨论:How do you grow wheat?4. 学生做活动手册中的附加题:Read and match. 朗读句子,并把句子和图连线。活动十:小结教学参考时间:1-2 分钟1. 四会句型:How do you do that? What should you do then?2. 英文中先后顺序的词语表述方法:first, then, next。6、板书设计Unit 6 The story of rain(V)How do you do that? Lets try部分的挂图What should you do then? 雨水形成过程、花种植过程的挂图。 4 / 4


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