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1、Whats your favourite food? 教学设计一 学情分析: 本节课的授课对象是小学五年级的学生,他们已经学过许多有关食物的单词,对这个话题也很感兴趣。整体看,他们聪明好学,识记能力强,但由于层次不一,学习态度和学习能力差异较大,授课时,应注重趣味性。为了激发他们的竞争与合作意识。二教学目标:(1) 知识目标:能听,说,读,写本课单词potato ,tomato,fish,tofu,eggplant and green beans,能听说,认读pork ,cabbage,mutton.能够听、说、读、写本课四会词:salty ,sweet ,sour ,fresh ,并认读单词

2、healthy 以及句子The red apple is sweet .The red apples are sweet and fresh . 并能在情景中正确运用。 (2)能力目标:能运用所学单词和句型进行交流。培养学生能够将所学知识运用到生活实际等情境中去。培养学生小组合作学习的能力。(3)情感目标:通过多种形式的活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生竞争与合作的意识,渗透吃蔬菜有益健康的知识。培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,注重日常生活的情感体验培养学生积极运用所学的语言进行表达和交流,注意观察生活及运用所学英语知识、鼓励学生自主、合作,探究的学习行为。 三教学重点:(1)能初步掌握四会单词

3、:potato ,tomato ,fish ,tofu , eggplant ,green beans.(2)能听说认读单词:pork ,cabbage ,mutton.四教学难点:生词pork ,mutton, cabbage ,eggplant的发音,并注意tomato 和potato的复数形式。五教具准备:简易的食物图卡,单词卡,录音机和磁带。六教学过程:Step1 Warm-up/Review(热身/复习)1. Watch some foods video. Then teacher talks with the students. T: What do you see? S1: I

4、see an apple , its sweet. S2: I see a cucumber, its fresh. S3: I see, its . 让学生欣赏一些食物的图片,然后说出自己看到的食物,并做简单介绍。2. Teacher talks with the students .T: Whats your favorite food? S1: Beef is my favorite food. Its tasty.T: Which food do you like best? S2: I like best, because .Step 2 Presentation/Practice(

5、呈现/操练)1. Make a survey. (调查学生最喜爱的食物)Teacher give the students 9 foods , then ask them to talk with their friends.S1:Whats your favorite food? S2: My favorite food is .S2 will choose his / her favorite food. 通过小组成员间的问答,了解同学喜爱的食物,并完成Moodle 上的调查。2.Talking about students favorite foods on line. 让学生进入聊天室

6、,谈论自己喜爱的食物,并说明原因。3. Help teacher describe her favorite food-fish. T: My favorite food is fish. S1: It is fresh. S2: It is very healthy, S3: It is tasty. S4:.教师请学生猜自己喜爱的食物,并要求学生帮忙介绍,学生边说,教师边在Moodle 平台上的讨论区记录。Step3 Extension/Consolidation(拓展/巩固)1.Ask the students to imitate the passage, choose their favorite food to write a little passage. Then hand in the passage on line.让学生模仿刚才共同创造的短文,以小组为单位,完成命题短文My favorite food的撰写。在Moodle的平台上,在线递交。各小组的作业已上交:2.Choose some groups passage and read them. 选择一些组的小短文,让学生进行朗读、学习。3.Watch a video about variety foods.Step4 Homework(家庭作业)1、抄写并朗读单词2、调查家人喜欢吃的食物,编一段对话。


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