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1、PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit 2 Whats the matter, Mike?第四课时教学设计长安区实验小学刘飞设计老师:刘飞教学年级:六年级Unit2 Whats the matter, Mike?教材版本:PEP六年级下第二单元课时:The fourth periodAnalysisof studentsHaving learned partA of Unit2, Ss are familiar with the following sentence structures“How do you feel?”This sets up a good basis for this peri

2、od.Analysis of the teaching materialThe main content of this period is six words about feeling, which is closely related with the life of students. So it is easy for Ss to understand. Teaching contents and aimsTeaching contents:B、Lets learn Pair work C、Task timeTeaching aims:1. To master the followi

3、ng four skills words: tired,angry,excited,happy,sad,bored2. To enable the Ss to use the following sentences correctly.How does Amy feel? / Shes tire3. To cultivate students cooperative learning and good quality of care for others in the process of group learning work.Teaching StrategySituational tea

4、ching method,Group cooperative learning.Teaching ProceduresStep. Warm up & Revision1. Daily greetings.2. Lets chantHow do you feel? How do you feel?I feel sick. I feel sick. Whats the matter? Whats the matter? My throat is sore, sore, sore. My nose hurts, hurts , hurts (设计意图:通过自编chant复习所学句型,既可以激发学生的

5、学习兴趣,又可以为后面的新授打基础) 3Enjoy a song “If you are happy”(设计意图:用歌曲活跃课堂气氛,并由其中happy一词引出新课。)Step. PresentationLets learnHappyT:(After listening to the song)I feel happy, because I am listening to the music. Do you feel happy? S1: Yes, I feel happy. S2: I am happy.Ss( 在黑板上帖出happy 的表情图并板书单词)T: How does S1 fee

6、l?Ss: She feels happy.T: Yes, I feel happy, you feel happy, she feels happy. We can also say I am happy, you are happy, she is happy. (板书新句型:How does feel? She/He feels/ is (设计意图:通过歌曲引出新单词,并反复操练,给学生提供机会张口说英语;同时通过对比句型让学生了解本课的新句型。)Sad Angry Bored Tired Excited 此五个单词用一个小故事串接起来,让学生在真实的语境中学习新单词。教法同“happy

7、”.(PPT4-10)T: I feel happy, but Peter isnt happy. Because he only got 30 in the test. So he is sad (读贴写在句中问)T:Peter failed the test. So his father is very angry.(强调a 在闭音节中的发音)T: Peters father is angry. So he didnt let Peter watch TV, play football and So Peter is bored(强调字母组合or的发音)T:Peter listens to

8、 the tape in the morning. He does homework in the afternoon. He reads books again and again. He is tiredT: Peter works hard, and he got 100. So he is very very happy. He is excited.(设计意图:通过创设具体的语境,让学生感觉学单词没有那么的枯燥,吸引学生注意力,提高课堂效率。同时在句型中反复操练,不但使学生掌握单词和新句型,而且拉近教师与学生的距离,创建合谐的课堂气氛,让学生敢于开口说英语。)Step:Practic

9、e ( 以下通过猜、说、看、听、演一系列活动巩固新单词和新句型)猜Can you guess(PPT11)(设计意图: 通过让学生猜这节课所学到的几个单词,来进一步让学生练习单词的发音)说Pair work(PPT12-13)Ss make a dialogue in pairs according to the picture.(设计意图:通过看图做对话,既培养了学生的口语能力,又能让学生掌握新句型的句法。)看Look and say(PPT14-19)Ss talk about their feelings when they look at these pictures.(图片:南京大屠

10、杀、神七上天、汶川地震、2008北京奥运会、我校庆六一文艺演出、破坏环境的漫画)(设计意图:通过看图谈感觉,不但使新授的句型能更好的和实际生活相结合,而且帮助学生树立正确的道德观)听:Listen and guess(PPT20)Ss talk about their feelings when they listen to these pieces of music.(设计意图:通过听音乐谈心情,让学生的轻松愉悦的环境下进一步巩固新知。)Which is missingFill in the missing letters in every word.(PPT21)(设计意图,通过前面必个环

11、节的练习,在这一环节检查学生对新单词的拼写情况。)演Story TimeLook at the pictures about Zip and make a story in your group and act at the platform.(PPT22-24) (设计意图:通过表演小话剧,叙述出Zip的情绪变化过程,让学生在真实的语境中体会表示心情的单词的用法。活跃课堂气氛,同时培养学生良好的说的习惯。).ExtensionShow the following sentence and read together.“Happy everyday. Because happy, health

12、y are wealthy”.(设计意图: 通过谚语总结,达到本节课的情感目标-帮助学生树立积极的人生观。)Homework1、Listen to the tape and read the new words.2、Make some cards about feeling (设计意图:课后让学生听录音读单词,充分培养学生听和读的习惯;其次让学生制作心情卡片,进一步培养他们良好的写的习惯)Teaching Reflection本课时的设计,在新知的呈现和游戏的设计上都以培养学生的学习兴趣为主,让学生积极参与到课堂中来,使学生在玩中学,在学中玩。充分的变被动学习为主动学习。在单词的呈现上,用一个小故事串接起来,使单词教学变得有趣,提高课堂效率。但是在最后角色表演这一环节,邮于学生平时缺少英语口语的练习,所以有的学生不能准确描述故事情节,所以今后要注重提高学生口语表达的能力。板书设计Unit 2 Whats the matter, Mike? How does Amy feel? She feels/is happy sad. angryboredtired excited 7


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