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1、湛江市2005年中考英语基础知识训练题(1)动词时态和语态专项练习班别_ 学号_ 姓名_ 成绩_ 校别 班别 姓名 密 封 线 ( ) 1.Jack often_TV at home in the evening A.watch B.watches C.watched D.watching ( ) 2.“_ your father usually_on Sundays?”“Yes,he does” A.Dowork B.Doeswork C.Didworks D.Isworking( ) 3.Its winter now,but it _ in my home town. A.snows B.

2、snowed C.innt snowing D.doesnt snow( ) 4.Sometimes my parents_back home lateThey dont have supper at home.A.comes B.came Ccome D.is coming( ) 5.Tom_his homework after breakfast A.dont B.doesnt C.dont do D.doesnt do( ) 6. _ your parents in Shanghai last year? A.is B.Are C.was D.were( ) 7.Jenny_ a let

3、te to her mother three days ago.A.wrote B.write8 C.write D.has written( ) 8.He_ with us yesterday momingAdoesnt go swimming B. goes swinnningC.didnt go swimming D.went to swimming ( ) 9.Our teacher_ the Party in 1989 A.joins Bjoin C.joined D.has joined( ) 10.She_ to the cinema with her classmates to

4、morrow eveningA.went B.would go C.has gone D.will go( ) 11.there_ a basketball match in our school the day after tomorrowA.will have B.will be C.is going to have D.would be( ) 12.they_ a new bridge over the river next year.A.have built B.are going to buildC.are building D.were going to build ( ) 13.

5、 _ you _ us a talk this afternoon? A.Aregiving B.Aregiven C.willgive D.weregoing to give( ) 14.look! Li Lei_ jim with his Chinese.A.is helping B.has helped C.is going to help D.would help第29页共80页( ) 15. Dont make any noise,Grandma_.A.has slept B.is nslept C.well sleep D.is sleeping( ) 16.stay here,m

6、y boy.dont go out .it_ now. A.will rain B.has rained C.is going to rain D.is raining( ) 17.Mike _ several places since he came to Beijing. A.will visit B.has visited C.is visiting D.visited( ) 18.“_your brother _ a new watch?”“Not yet.”Ahavebought B.DidbuyC.hasbought D.Willbuy( ) 19.jim isnt in the

7、classroom now .He _ to the library. A.has been B.would go C.has gone D.went ( ) 20.I _a letter from Mr.Smith recently.A.am receiving B.has receivingC.will receive D.have received( ) 21.He _ here in 1980.He _ a teacher for over twenty years.A.camewas B.camehas beenC.has comeis D.has comehas been( ) 2

8、2.Lucy _many friends since she went to paris.A.made B.is going to makeC.has made D.makes( ) 23.She said,“Im sorry to hear that he _ ill for two weeks.” A.has been B.had been C.was D.will be( ) 24.“Mum? May I go out and play basketball?” “_ you _ your bomework yet?” ADodo B.Aredoing C.Diddo D.Havedon

9、e( ) 25. Joan _Tom with his lessons this time yesterday.A.was going to help B.was helpingC.would help D.has helped( ) 26.when I went to Lindas .She _ in bed reading. A. is lying B.has lain C.is going to lie D.was lying( ) 27.My mother _ breakfast while I _ my face this morning.A.cookedwas washing B.

10、was cookingwas washingC.was cookingwashed D.would cookwas washing( ) 28.“What _ you _ at 9:00 yesterday?”“I _ a paper kite.”Adiddowas making B.aredoingmakingC.weredoingwas making D.dodomake( ) 29.They wanted to know what _ next.A.would happen B.has happenedC.will happen D.is going to happen 第30页共80页

11、( ) 30.He said there_ another new school near the lake soon. A.was B.had been C.would be D.was having( ) 31.The film_ on for ten minutes when Jack got to the cinema A.has been B.had been C.be D.would be( ) 32.How long_ you_ French before you went to Paris? A.hadlearned B.havelearned C.dolearn D.woul

12、dlearn( ) 33.By eleven oclock yestexday evening we_at the airport A.arrived B.would arrive C.have arrived D.had arrived( ) 34.The windows of our house_ once a week A.must clcan B.have clearled C. is cleaned D.are cleaned( ) 35.When_ the PRC _ ? A.wasfound B.wsafounded C.didfound D.does found( ) 36.Y

13、our compositions_ after class A.will hand in B.must hand in C.handed in D.must be handed in( ) 37.Some Stars_ becauss they are too far away A.Can be seen B.cant see C.cant be seen D.doesnt see( ) 38.A new English play_there next week. Awill put on B.will be put on Cis going to put on D.will be putte

14、d on( ) 39.A strange thing _ in our town yesterday. A.was happened B.has been happened C.happened D.was going to happen( ) 40.The glass_. It _ by little Tom this morning. A.brokeis bioken B.is broken was broken C.was brokenbroke D.has been brokenbroken( ) 41.This computcr_ next Monday A.can mended B

15、.can be mended C.call bc mend D.can be mending( ) 42. The baby_ good care of A.must be take B.must take C.must be taken D.must to be taken( )43.He_ the bus and found a seat next to the windows. A.gets on B. got on C.gets off D.got off( )44.Mr.Smith has_shanghai for over 3 years Agone to B.been to C.

16、lived in D.come to( )45.There_ a football game on TV this afternoon A.is going to have B.will be C.is going go play D.will play( ) 46.They_ the Great wall many times. 第 31 页共 8 0 页 A.went to B.goes to C.have gone to D.have been to ( )47.“Read the instruction carefully and you_the work well” A.do B.w

17、ill do C.did D. hevc done( )48.The children wont have the picnic if it _ next Sunday A.rain B.rained C.rains D.will rain( )49.listen ! Someone _ in the next room A.talk B.is talking C.talked D.talks( )50.He said he _at the station on time A.come B.will be C. would be D.can be( )51.By the time my par

18、ents reached home yestorday,I _ the dinner already. A.had Cooked B.cooked C.have cooked D.cook( )52.Im sorry I _your book for such a long time A.have borrowed B.have lent C.have kept D.have returned( )53.Mr.lui int here.He _to the Science Museun. A.will So B.is going C.has been D.has gone( )54.The O

19、ld man _ for two years A.has been dead B.died C.has die D.is dead( )55.I dont know if it _ tomorrow.If it _,I Will not go fishing. A. rainsrains B.rainswill rain C.will rainrains D.will rainwill rain( )56.He _the dictionary for three years Ahas had B.have bought C.bought D.had( )57 _ he _ the doctor

20、 the day bedfore yestexday? A.Haveseen B.Hasseen C.Didsee D.Dosesee( )58.How long _you _Cananda? A.have1eft B.hadgone to C.havebeen away from D.hadcome to( )59.You coat look nicc.Is it _cotton? A.made for B.made by C.madc of D.made from( )60.About 500 computers _ in the factory next month A.were pro

21、duced B.will produce C.have been produced D.will be produced( )61.Many manmade satellires _ into space so far A.will send up B.have been sent up C.have sent up D.has been send up( )62 ._ English _ as the frst language in New Zealand? A.Dospeak B.Doesspeak C.isspeaking D.Isspoken( )63.This machine _ cutting leather A.uses for B.is using for C.is used for D.is used for( )64.If the boy _,please telephone his parents A.found B.is found C.Was found D.has found第 32 页共 8 0 页


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