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1、湛江市 2005 年中考英语基础知识训练题(1) 形形容容词词、副副词词专专项项练练习习 班别_ 学号_ 姓名_ 成绩_ 一、所给词的正确形式填空。 1 .People in _ countries celebrate Christmas.(west) 2. There are some _ animals in the zoo.(danger) 3 .In the north of China, it often snows _ in winter.(heavy) 4. Which is the _ season in a year? (hot) 5 .She walked into the

2、 room _ and sat down in a corner. (quiet) 6. Computers are _ used in offices and at home.(wide) 7 .He feels much _ today.(good) 8. Fruit is _ to your health.(help) 9. Gaus became _ in maths when he was a little boy.(interest) 10.The more you eat,the _ you will be.(fat) 二、选择。 ( ) 1.Sydney is larger t

3、han _ in lndia. A.any other city B.any city C.another city D.other city ( ) 2.The man looked at me with a _ smile. A.friend B.friends C.friendly D.friendlily ( ) 3.He looks much _than he is. A.old B.older C.elder D.oldest ( ) 4.His shirt isnt as _ as mine A.dirty B.dirtier C.dirtier D.most dirty ( )

4、 5.The boy is getting _. A.taller and taller B.more and more tall C.tall and taller D.more taller and taller ( ) 6.Of all the boys Tom is _ to the window. A.near B.nearest C.nearest D.the nearest ( )7.The Changjiang River is one of _ in the world A.longer river B.long rivers C.the longest river D.th

5、e longest rivers ( ) 8. Mike is _ of us four. A.younger B.more younger C.the younger D.the youngest ( ) 9.Tom was _ to help me with my lessons. A.kind B.enough kind C.so kind D.too kind ( ) 10.Things are _ on the moon than they are on the earth. A.even lighter B.more lighter C.even heavier D.much li

6、ghter ( ) 11.The girl in red looks _ today than yesterday. A.happy B.happier C.happiest D.more happy ( ) 12.I have never seen _ before. A.so beautiful picture B.such beautiful C.such a beautiful picture D.so a beautiful picture ( ) 13.we have a much _ life. A.good B.better C.well D.best ( )14.In win

7、ter it is _ in the north than _ in the south. A.Colder/ B.colderthat C.more colderthat D.more colder/ ( ) 15.John Smith is _ of the two young men. A.strong B.the stronger C.stronger D.the strongest ( ) 16.The population of Canada is _ than that of China. A.fewer B.smaller C. more D.larger ( ) 17.The

8、 Great Wall is more than 5,000 kilometres _. A.long B.wide C.longer D.wider ( ) 18.Who is _,your father or your uncle? A.busy B.busyer C.busier D.the busier ( )19.Our teacher wasnt _ yesterday. A.please B.pleased C.pleading D.pleasure ( ) 20.She had a very _ sleep last night. A.bad B.badly C.worst D

9、.worse ( ) 21.He is _ than I. A.careful B.carefully C.more careful D.more carefully ( ) 22.Li Lei runs _ faster than Jim. A.many B.a lot C.very D.too ( ) 23.I think Chinese is _ as English. A.as interesting B.so interesting C.as more interesting D.so most interesting ( ) 24.Mikes ruler is longer tha

10、n _ . A.I B.me C.my D.mine ( ) 25.She is taller than _ in her class. . A.any girl B.any girls C.any other girl D.any other girls ( ) 26.Shanghai is bigger than _ in Australia. A.any city B.any cities C.any other city D.any other cities ( ) 27.Which is _ beautiful ,this one or that one? A.more B.the

11、more C.most D.the most ( ) 28.The Changjiang River is _ longest river in China. A.a B.an C.the D. / ( ) 29.He is my _ best ftiend. A.a B.an C.the D. / ( ) 30. Hainan island is the second _ island in china. A.big B. bigger C.biggest D.the biggest ( ) 31.He is _ of the two brothers. A.shorter B.the sh

12、orter C.shorter D.the shortest ( ) 32.The _, the _. A.muchgood B.morebetter C.mostbest D.manybetter ( ) 33.The baby cries_. A.harder and harder B.more hardly and hardly C.hard and hard D.more and more hardly ( ) 34.Our school is getting _. A.beautiful and beautiful B.beautiful and beautifuler C.more

13、 and more beautiful D.more beautiful and more beautiful ( ) 35. _ the subjects, I think Chinese is the easiest. A.All of B.Of all C.All in D.Both of ( ) 36. Li Lei is _ than Lin Lao. A.thiner B.thinnest C.thinner D.more thin ( ) 37. She got here _ than I. A.early B.earlier C.more early D.earlier ( )

14、 38 .Could you speak _ ? A.more slowlier B.more slowly C.slowlier D.much slowly ( ) 39.New York is one of _ cities in the world. A.the wonderfuler B.the most wonderful C.the wonderfuller D.more wonder ful ( ) 40.Lucy did _ than Lily, but _ than Joan. A.betterbadlier B.gooderbadlier C.wellerworse D.b

15、etterworse ( ) 41.Liu Hai _ of all in the sports meeting. ( ) 42.She can jump _ than I. A.far B.farer C.farther D.more far ( ) 43.They are working _ than ever before. A.more hard B.much harder C.very harder D.much hard ( ) 44.He drives _ than his son. A.much carefully B.a little carefully C.much mor

16、e carefully D.a little carefullier ( ) 45.The worlds population is increasing _ . A.fast and fast B.more and more fast C.taster and faster D.much and much faster ( )46.Its _ today than yesterday. A.quite colder B.a little colder C.much cold D.more colder ( ) 47.The questions get _. A.more difficult

17、and more difficult B.more and more difficult C.difficulter and difficulter D.much and much diffcult ( ) 48.Come to help us. _. A.Sooner, best B.Sooner,better C.The soonest,the best D.The sooner,the better ( ) 49.Which do you like _.tea ,orange or water? A.good B.well C.better D.best ( ) 50.Our count

18、ry is getting _. A.richer and richer B.rich and rich C.more and more rich D.more richer ( ) 51.Try to make as _ mistakes as possible in your homework. A.less B.little C.few D.fewer ( ) 52.This is _ interesting I have ever read. A.the more B.most C.a most D.the least ( ) 53.John did badly in the spor

19、ts meeting.I did even _. A.worst B.more bad C.badly D.worse ( ) 54.Can we do the work better with _ money and _ people? A.lesserfew B.lessfewer C.littleless D.fewless ( ) 55.Kate is cleverer than _ in her class. A.any other girl B.any girl C.all girl D.every girl ( ) 56.if you want to be _,you have

20、to eat _ food and take _ exercise. A.thinnerlessmore B.thinnerlittlemore C.thinfewenough D.thinnerfewerless ( ) 57.Its twelve oclock at night ,but he is _working. A.already B.even C.still D.yet ( ) 58.Dont worry ,sir .I am sure I can run _ to catch up with them. A.slowly enough B.enough slowly C.fast enough D.enough fast ( ) 59.Guangzhou has _ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours. A.so B.very C.too D.much ( ) 60.We love this piece of music because it sounds _. A.well B.beautiful C.wonderfully D.beautifully 第 31 页共 8 0 页


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