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1、第一篇综合阅读Chinas teenage football players in BrazilGrade Level:Junior Teaching Material:Chinas teenage football players in BrazilLast year,twenty-two Chinese boys went to a small village in Brazil. They were not there for a holiday. They were training to become Chinas football stars.These boys were Chi

2、na s top football players. They went to Brazil for a program of training with a Brazilian football coach. “The training was very difficult,”said Wei Bing, the team captain.“Every morning we started at six oclock because it was too hot to play later in the day. We had to play,practice and study footb

3、all for eight hours a day,six days a week.”In their free time,the boys watched Chinese video tapes,Wei Bing said,“Life was sometimes very hard there,I missed my family very much.But we all wanted to be successful.”In the village,local people liked to watch the boys play. One villager said, “Everybod

4、y here liked the Chines eboys. They couldnt speak our language,but they were very popular.”But why did these boys go to train in Brazil? The answer is simple. Brazil has a strong tradition of playing football. The Chinese government hopes that Brazil can help China to produce a successful football t

5、eam.Analysis of the Material: .Brief introduction of the teaching materials:Football is a popular topic now, especially after Chinas National Football Team entered the final of“the World Cup”football match last year.Naturally,Chinese people will be more concerned about the fu ture of Chinas football

6、. Therefore this topic is very interesting and focused. Before learning, students have known some words on sports and phrases like“play football”,“come on”,“hooray”And they seemed to be interested in the sports topic.The teacher will lead them to dip into the language appl ication,so that they can l

7、earn without much diffi culty and develop their abilities. .Teaching Focus: 1.The Simple Past Tense 2.Words on Sports 3.Some Important Sentence Patterns .TeachingDifficulties: The Past Continuous TenseAnalysis of the Students:Psychology:Junior students are teenagers. They are curious, active and fon

8、d of games, competitions, songs and various activities. They enjoy learning in the exciting, interesting and relaxed atmos phere.LearningMethods: 1.Learn to communicate through interaction in the target language.2.Learn to link classroom language with language activation outside the classroom.Teachi

9、ng Aims: .Aims of Basic Knowledge:1.Vocabulary: holiday, train, teenage, coach, captain, produce(very important) tradition, Brazil, Brazilian, video tape(less important) 2.Revise and consolidate the simple past and past continuous tenses. .Aims of Abilities: 1.Enable students to ma nipulate and prac

10、tice specific features of language. 2.Enable students to acquire communicative skills through rehearsing in class. 3.Develop studentsabilities to solve problems by involving them in solving problems in class. .Aimsof Emotion: 1.More interests and better attitude in learning E nglish2.Good cooperatio

11、n 3.More independenceTeaching Methods: .Student -centered: 1.In class students are encouraged to express their opinions by discussing and talking. 2.Students are allowed to speak and listen to each other,offer and accept each others help. 3.When students are engaged in activities,the teacher just jo

12、in them , giving the sugges tions, offering the help they need and encouraging them timely. .Task -based Teaching: Task-based Teaching Method puts an emphasis on learning how to communicate through interaction in the target language. Acquisition will be max imized when learners engage in tasks that“

13、push” them to the limits of their current competence.Teaching Procedure:.Teaching Steps:Step 1:Sing a songA Sports SongI like football,how about you?You like running,so do I. I like volleyball,how about you?You like jumping,so do I.I like ping-pong ball,how about you?You like swimming ball,so do I.I

14、 like basketball,how about you?You like climbing,so do I.Step 2:Listen to a piece of broadcast news and retell it after students answer some questions.1.When and where did the Chinese boys go?2.Did they go there for a holiday?3.What did they go there for?4.Who were the boys?5.Was the training diffic

15、ult?6.Did they start training early in the morning? What time?7.What did they have to do for training every day?8.What did they do in their free time?9.How about their life there?10.Why did they choose there?While Students try to answer all the above questions,teacher shows the blackboard writing de

16、sign and ask Students to retell the text with the help of the following hints:last year Chinese boysBrazilwere trainingteenagefootball playersdifficulttraining timeStep 3:Interview(Students read and act the following dialogue.) Reporter:What do you think of the training?Player 1:The training was ver

17、y difficult.Reporter:What about you?Player 2:I agree with him.The training was very difficult.Reporter:What time did you start every morning? Player 3:Every morning we started at six oclock.Reporter:Why? Player 3:Because it was too hot to play later in the day.Reporter:What did you have to do every

18、day?Player 4:We had to play,practice and study football for eight hours a day.Reporter:How many days a week?Player 4:Six days a week.Reporter:Do the people here like football?Villager:Yes,they do.And in Brazil,people always want to watch a football game.Reporter:Whats your opinion of the Chinese boy

19、s?Villager:Everybody here liked the Chinese boys.They couldnt speak our language,but they were very popular.Group WorkAfter students read and act the above dialogue,they have the similar interviews in groups.Then they act out their interviews with the teaching aids,such as camera,mike and so on.Task

20、 4:Discussion and Debate:Students work in two groups with the topic the teacher gives them as preparation for the debate.Discussion Topic:Should football players be trained from teenagers? Debate Topic:Positive:Football players should be trained from teenagers.Opposite:Football players should not be

21、 trained from teenagers.Summary:Show the blackboard writing design.Homework:1.Finish the written exercises on the paper given by the teacher.2.Task 5:Watch a football match on TV,better in English and make a written sports report.Evaluation:1.Formative Assessment:Good.Most of the students can take p

22、art in class activities actively.2.Summative Assessment:80% students can do the written exercises correctly.表 2 教学反思本人有幸参加了 “东莞市第二届青年英语教师基本功比赛”,并获得 “五项全能”一等奖。在这次比赛的教案设计中,我充分运用了 “任务型”教学途径的思想和理念,创建出真实的语境,让学生置身其中,成为课堂的主体,在有趣的活动中完成任务,学到并能运用有用的英语知识和技巧。这是一堂阅读型的课,内容是关于中国少年足球队在巴西受训的事情。按照传统的教法,自然是将重点放在篇章的理解、语法点以及阅读技巧上,但学生的理解能力和语言运用能力不能提高。为了教出新意,我采用了 “任务型”教学方法,将文章设计成一篇体育新闻,学生首先扮演听众的角色,在能大致转述新闻的内容后,他们的角色变成体育记者和少年足球运动员以及教练,任务是采访和被采访。最后,学生的角色又转换成观点相左的评论家,对足球的相关话题展开争论,提高理解能力。这是三个主要的任务,同时,为了活跃课堂气氛,还有唱歌等辅助性任务。由于课堂时间有限,不是所有的学生都有机会扮演角色和尝试运用英语进行现场交际,这是本堂课的最大不足。


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