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1、,形容词副词的比较级,Course tutor:Yang Jianrong,Oct.22,2015,考点:,形容词和副词比较级的用法是高考的重要考点之一,主要用于下列句型中: as+原级(+名词)as与一样 not so/as+原级(+名词)as与不一样 比较级+than比 the+比较级(of two)二者之中较 自身比较 The more(比较级),the more(比较级)越就越 比较级前的修饰语。 题型:单项选择、翻译、写作或阅读理解等。 分值:24,Revision:原级的用法,(1)当A=B时, 表示为: as+adj./adv.原级+as “A和B一样” (2)当AB时, 表示为

2、:not as/so+adj./adv.原级+as “A不及/没有B ” 当asas中间有名词时,采用以下格式 as+ adj.+a/an+可数名词单数 +as as much+不可数名词+as as many+可数名词复数+as Attention: asas之间必须用形容词和副词的原级.,Presentation:比较级的用法,1.比较级的基本用法: 比较级+than “A比B” 我们学校比他们学校大。 Our school is theirs. 你看起来比以前要年轻。 You look before. less+原级+than not as/so+原级+as 表示:“A不及/没有B” 他

3、跑的不及汤姆快。 He runs Tom. He doesnt run Tom.,larger than,younger than,less fast than,as/so fast as,“比较级+and+比较级”或“more and more+原级”意味 “越来越” 天气变得越来越冷。 The weather is getting 我们的学校变得越来越美丽。 Our school is becoming .The+比较级 ,the+比较级 “越,越” 你学习越刻苦,你就会学得越好。 you work, you will learn. .which/who+比较级,or?“哪个更?” 数学和

4、英语,哪个更简单? Which is , or ?,2.比较级的特殊用法:,colder and colder.,more and more beautiful.,The harder,the better,easier,maths,English, the+比较级+of the two”两者中较的一个 ” 他是两个男孩子中较大的一个。 He is older of the two boys. 不含than的比较级,可构成“a/an+形容词比较级+可数名词单数”表示“一个更的” I hope to get a better job. Why dont you use a sharper kni

5、fe? 比较级的单独运用(比较的对象暗含于上下文或一定的语境中) Are you feeling better today? Be more careful next time. 当句中出现than时,一定要用比较级;句中没有than时,有时候也要用比较级。,the,3.“倍数”的表达形式,倍数+比较级+than 这条河比那条河长3倍。 The river is that one. 倍数+as+形容词或副词原级+as 这条轮船是那条轮船的2倍宽。 The ship is that one. 倍数+the+名词(常用:size,height,depth,length,weight.width,a

6、ge) + of 这条河是那条河的3倍长。 This river is that one.,three times longer than,twice as wide as,3 times the length of,4.比较级的修饰状语,可以放在比较级前修饰比较级的有:a bit, a little表示 “一点”;far, much,a lot “得多”;rather “ 稍加”;even, still “更加”;any表疑问;no,not,any表否定。注意:不能用very, quite. 李磊跑得比其他男孩子快得多。 Li Lei ran faster than the other bo

7、ys. 现在我看书比以前快一点。 Now I read faster than before. 也可用表示度量的名词词组 他比我小三岁。 He is younger than I. the same+名词+as“与一样” 这条路与那条路一样长。 The road is that one.,much/far/a lot,a bit/a little,the same length as,three years,比较级常见的错误,more不可修饰比较级,但much可以,意为“的多,更” She looks more younger than I. She looks much younger th

8、an I. 相比较的两者必须是同一类。 The weather of Beijing is colder than Shanghai. The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Shanghai. 在同一范围内比较时要使用other或 else排除自身。 China is larger than any country in Asia. China is larger than any other country in Asia.,(),(),(),(),(),(),Attention!,使用比较级的几个注意点: 比较应在同类事物中进行 避免双

9、重比较 比较级前的修饰语不可误用。 两者中较的比较级前加the,Exercises,Which does Tom like , Chinese or art? A. well B. best C. better D. much of the two women is Mrs. Brown. A.The beautiful B.The more beautiful C.More beautiful D.The most beautiful If you dont like the red coat,take the blue one. Ok,but do you have_size in blu

10、e?This one is a bit tight for me. A.big B.a bigger C.the big D.the bigger He is than his sister. A. two year older B.two years older C.older two years D.old two years My mooncake is nicer his. A. like B. with C.for D.than,C,B,B,B,D,My hair is longer than . A. my sister B.Kate C.my brothers D.Lucys T

11、here are paper here. Please bring some. A. little B.less C.fewer D.a little The pen is than that one. A.more cheap B.cheap C.much cheaper D.quite cheaper Are you feeling_? Yes,Im fine now. A. any well B. any better C. quite good D. quite better .The dumplings are than the noodles, I think. A. more n

12、icer B.much delicious C.very nice D.far more delicious,C,A,C,D,B,This blue sweater is too big for me. will you please show me a one? A. small B.smaller C.the smallest D.smallest Tom writes his brother. A. as good as B.as fine as C.as better as D.as well as My brothers shoes are my fathers. A. So big

13、 as B.that big as C.as the same size as D.the same size as Of the two shirts, Id like to choose one. A. the less expensive B.the most expensive C.less expensive D.most expensive,B,D,D,A,The harder you work, . A. the greater progress youll make B.the greater youll make progress C.youll make the great

14、er progress D.youll make greater progress He drives than we had expected. A.more careful B.much more careful C.much carefully D.much more carefully Mike is taller than boy in the class. A.The other B.any other C.each D.all Who is ,Jim or Jack? Jim,by the way,I heard that Jims father wants to send hi

15、m to the US for education. A.older,farther B.older,further C.elder,farther D.elder,further What do you think of the park? I think it is_as the one we visited last week. A.Such beautiful a park B.so beautiful a park C.as beautiful a park D.as a beautiful park,A,D,B,B,C,Conclution,两者相比用比较,三者或三者以上用最高。 两者若是一个样,asas要用上。 甲不如乙加not,意思与less than差不多。 程度递增“越来越”,比较级用and来连接。 两种情况同时变,The morethe better是样板。,Thank you!,


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