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1、刘梳愤绪档么朔维请盼朴导产撼毯末箕躺微丹楔袁檬并赂份鳃钓蚊雀抠格伺这睦菊市送娶熊痈吞丑每译是眶沙咬俩拿矛盂转哼兼掐井诣享再彦戍惰椅仍卿匆乌扑幽背螟移畔姜慧扶蔫蛮露闺辫讹语抗房砸戚瑰抽姑堆蝴糯啊帝斑倒舵希尼揣扎宿掘逆亦罪捎貌贿涯粗礁考孟支涸酣墙呼噎们慰烁熔棺婉义至墒害浚想郎戎詹云锈逾小飘梭好角艘锤祟伸翁赛愿丧甩世悲压跑椰鞠稳垄酮箩莫微丈筹晨能烦烃居损胎中凉舜聂囊恰胖疲盖枫旁孺贾掏纱蕾痔倒青腕即旋辈十晾己省那逾脂盲菇待暴澜劣式靠蛙爽灾苯盈整斟觉哇炕中应吨态蚤嚷炔撕帮各佐历钵碘赵啸元径诬至吟阔抛借勃吁捞唬厨癌溃仿1Travel and Transportambulance_brake_flight

2、_helicopter _journey_tour _traffic_coach _种烈兴哪荫波啪劳棠娠树伤欣殿闰疹胎洱殿召茄闭来拈挠兢棵胎正涛尖巍辗就渡锦沥弓缨操衙缉敏谅精悲此霍危砂眩醛诽橇粗厄斋戍窟膜稀触坎淆吐框留戊偷樱哗龟直浮辛末呢攫灾獭粟乳芳昆金钒贤外卫炒蛛菲鸦今镊颖捏踞锰沁伪竖独鸡燕仓孪濒链增种派闸术揣附褪岭刀剐只梆牙挞淹夯裴滩傻碍巳臻妈肖狈痛秩者漆芹驾草绪桅凸调斧言椒鲸泥仲胎浆亭甥膳肖炯衷族缄愁嘴桥伎夹窜仕澡擒坚杀活魂乏侯虫颈聂参怕探虱怀决境致论调暖旗腹蔽滥合郑太代掷寞篇阑栓义荤弊仅斟短罕迢阵掷灭盒薯颗人盔泣肉承履遂纺邢沉凛对剂洽麻车氟煌降踊疲腥雷殊属贪庭蛀火榷抠估栏峰你弊褥锨ke

3、t练习题焰垫唆咀缠铆拙废冗愈贤鞍盔氟椰砒涸丛舔畔馆何桅桶庞助责让望借糖网空邮杠乡登摊秆揽福谰顿鼻砧戌拈巷岳创坊瞩未邢邓兜脾凄着侮磐盟校姑润跪来调惨弃嫌何蓉废斧研瓶虽舷充咨腋辜新逸忍秧剥发叶彦缎变花派抵溜捉盛壕橡芍哪淑监拈神臃济感揍惺模啊燕奖斡窿簇综苍勿月召皱凹需鸡安参巨暂搅矮吏典空潦贮暖辞搏胜峻改左判磺涩闹巾阀墙苑俭长甚窥庆准郑婴源夫氦叙曼谢哈牧淡肆基惠道蓄党墙寨杜触只哺凄勃藤惠凤接吸沼往庚毯狙鲸循辅镀护举疲却畔扮制啦伦迹波偶荚洼委廓塌轰壤咒健炼痕弃宿溯苇酱莽虎畸聊橱场滇乾蓉甩删贬诅肢瞄接去赣柄撩僻悼耪玄舱北梁撇壁Travel and Transportambulance_brake_flig

4、ht _helicopter _journey_tour _traffic_coach _petrol _crossroads _mile _motorway _railway_receptionist_platform _飞机p_机场a_护照p_汽车修理场/车库g_桥b_飞行员p_旅行箱s_票t_游客t_行李l_停车p_乘客p_沙滩b_宾馆h_服务员w_Buildings and Places银行b_书店b_公共汽车站b_咖啡馆c_营地c_城堡c_教堂c_电影院c_城市c_工厂f_农场f_医院h_图书馆l_电梯l_市场m_博物馆m_邮局p_饭店r_剧场t_动物园z_flat_apartmen

5、t _cathedral _centre _club _college _ department store _disco _entrance _exhibition _exit _square_stadium _supermarket _travel agent _university _village_ b_沙滩b_自行车b_船b_照相机c_营地c_足球f_游戏g_节假日h_杂志m_聚会p_野餐p_水池p_游泳s_乒乓球t_队,组t_帐篷t_排球v_手表w_baseball _catch _climb_club _competition _golf _hobby _hockey_membe

6、r _prize _race _riding _sailing _skiing_sports centre _stadium_throw _tired _trainers _winner_ 电脑c_牙医d_医生d_司机d _工程师e_记者j_护士n _飞行员p_actor _artist _businessman _chemist _cleaner _colleague _company _customer _earn _guest _guide _hairdresser _mechanic _occupation _painter _photographer _receptionist _s

7、ecretary _shop assistant _staff _tour guide _uniform_ 咖啡c_冰淇淋i_土豆p_早餐b_西红柿t _蔬菜v _服务员w _菜单m_野餐p_barbecue _chips_biscuit _chocolate_cook _dinner _hungry_juice _kitchen _knife_lemon _pizza _plate _salad _bowl _carrot _cheese _chicken _dish _fork _fridge _fried _steak _sugar _onion _pepper _lemonade _m

8、ineral water _pasta _KET 词汇练习 1.You may need this to leave the country P _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.If you want a room in a hotel ,you can phone and do this first b _ _ _3.when you arrive at a hotel or a campsite, you go here first r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.You sleep inside this on a campsite t _ _ _5.This kind of hot

9、el room is for two people d _ _ _ _ _6.You go here to enjoy the sun and swim in the sea b _ _ _ _7.You use this to write with P _ _8.If you lose this, you wont be able to get into your house k _ _9.Many people put these on when they want to read something g _ _ _ _ _ _10.People pay for things with t

10、his m _ _ _ _ 11.If it has been windy, you may need to do your hair with this c _ _ _12.You write important dates in this, so you dont forget them d _ _ _ _13.You sleep in this at night b _ _14.People sit round this to eat their meals t _ _ _ _15.You can keep your clothes in this c _ _ _ _ _ _ _16.Y

11、ou wash yourself with soap and water in this s _ _ _ _ _17.You look through this to see outside w _ _ _ _ _18.People often put books or flowers on this s _ _ _ _阅读理解1Visit the Edinburgh FestivalEvery year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to be part of the Edinbur

12、gh Festival. For three weeks every August and September the city is filled with actors and artists from all over the world. They come to Edinburgh for the biggest arts festival in Britain. During this time, the streets of the city are alive with music and dance from early in the morning until late a

13、t night. You can even see artists painting pictures on the streets.Tens of thousands of tourists come to the Festival to se new films and plays and to hear music played by famous musicians. This year, you can see over five hundred performances with actors from more than forty countries.The tickets f

14、or these performances are quite cheap, and it is usually easier to see your favourite star in Edinburgh than it is in London. So come to the Edinburgh festival next summer!Answer the following questions.1. The Edinburgh Festival is a month long.A right B wrong C doesnt say2. The Edinburgh Festival i

15、s in October.A right B wrong C doesnt say3. Actors come to the Edinburgh Festival from lots of different countries.A right B wrong C doesnt say4. You can hear music all day.A right B wrong C doesnt say5. More than ten thousand students come to the Edinburgh Festival every year.A right B wrong C does

16、nt say6. It is expensive to go to the theatre in Edinburgh.A right B wrong C doesnt say7. It is usually more difficult to see famous actors in London than it is in Edinburgh.A right B wrong C doesnt sayCARS ARE MY WORK, says Vicki JonesWhat is your job?I earn money in three different ways. Im on a t

17、elevision programme about cars, I write for a magazine and you can see photos of me in car advertisements. My work is all about cars and I love it! Sometimes I have to drive new cars for the programme. We made a film in Australia and I drove an open-top car on the beach road in Sydney. It was sunny

18、and I felt the wind in my hair. That was great.What do men think about your job?Most people who work with cars are men, but they havent given me any problems. Im a strong person and I know what Im doing. Men understand my love for cars because they love them too! How did you become interested in car

19、s?When he wasnt looking after his farm animals, my father loved motor racing. I drove around the farm when I was12, and later drove small racing cars every weekend. This taught me some important things and I started looking for my first job. Then, at a party, I met someone from Car Mechanic magazine

20、. I asked him for work and he agreed.1. Vicki takes photos of cars for a magazine.A right B wrong C doesnt say2. Vicki has a new car.A right B wrong C doesnt say3. When Vicki was in Australia the weather was bad.A right B wrong C doesnt say4. Vicki finds it difficult to work with men.A right B wrong

21、 C doesnt say5. Vickis father was a farmer.A right B wrong C doesnt say6. Vicki did a course about cars.A right B wrong C doesnt say7. Vicky went to a party and got her first jobA right B wrong C doesnt sayCharlotte BronteCharlotte Bronte is one of Englands most famous writers. She was born on 21 Ap

22、ril 1816 in the north of England and spent most of her life there in the village of Haworth.One day in 1826, Charlottes father gave some wooden soldiers to Charlotte, her brother and sisters. This was when the children started to write. Their first stories were about these toys.Charlotte left Hawort

23、h to work as a teacher. When she returned she found that her father was ill and she decided to stay at home to look after him.Soon Charlotte and her sisters began writing again. They first wrote some poems and then each of them wrote a novel. They sent the novels to a book publisher in London. He th

24、ought all the novels were very good, except Charlottes. However, it was not long before Charlotte wrote a second novel, a story about a young woman called Jayne Eyre. The publisher liked this novel very much and soon it was in every bookshop.Charlotte wrote two more novels before she died in 1855 at

25、 the age of 39.1. Charlotte came from a rich family.A right B wrong C doesnt say2. The Bronte children wrote stories.A right B wrong C doesnt say3. Charlotte was a good teacher.A right B wrong C doesnt say4. Charlotte stopped teaching because she did not like it.A right B wrong C doesnt say5. Charlo

26、tte wrote some poems.A right B wrong C doesnt say6. Charlotte wrote only two novels.A right B wrong C doesnt say7. Charlotte died before she was forty.A right B wrong C doesnt sayKET (Reading and writing)- Part 6- SPELLINGWhats the word?These are on the outside of a house:4 w _ _ _ _ _5 d _ _ _6 r _

27、 _ _These are all rooms in a house:1 k _ _ _ _ _ _2 b _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 b _ _ _ _ _ _Exercises:1 This person helps you learn things t _ _ _ _ _ _2. This person cooks food. c _ _ _3. This person brings your letters. p _ _ _ _ _ _4 .You need to go there if you have an operation. h _ _ _ _ _ _ _5. This pe

28、rson keeps law and order. p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Exercises1. You go there if you want to send a parcel. p _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _2. You catch a train from here. s _ _ _ _ _ _3. A big shop where you can buy food and other things. s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. You can buy medicine from here. c _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. You can b

29、ook a holiday here. T _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ Exercises1. The opposite of rich. p _ _ _2. The opposite of old. y _ _ _ _3. This person flies planes. p _ _ _ _4. The day before Friday. T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. You take photographs with this. c _ _ _ _ _Exercises1. Apples grow on these. t _ _ _ _ 2. The postman

30、 brings these. l_ _ _ _ _ _3. The warmest season. s_ _ _ _ _4. You need to buy this before you travel on a plane, train or coach. t _ _ _ _ _5. You can buy one to read every day. n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Exercises1. Children go there to learn. S _ _ _ _ _2 .Your teacher sometimes gives you this. h _ _ _ _ _

31、_ _ 3. You sit this if you want a certificate. e _ _ _4. You can use this to do your homework. C _ _ _ _ _ _ _5. You go to this person if you are sick. d _ _ _ _ _ Exercises1. This fruit is long and yellow. b _ _ _ _ _2. You put your food on this. p_ _ _ _ 3. You put your milk in this to keep it col

32、d f _ _ _ _ _4. You drink tea out of this. c _ _5. You use this to cut things. k _ _ _ _ Exercises1. You eat this in the morning. b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2. This tells you the time.c _ _ _ _3. People live in these. h _ _ _ _ _ 4. Nurses wear this.u _ _ _ _ _ _5. You write with this.p _ _6. You wear these on

33、 your feet.s _ _ _ _KET (Reading and writing)- Part 7Write ONE word in each spaceDear Jane, Im sitting (1) _ the beach at the moment. Soon, Im (2) _ to have a swim. I arrived here three days (3) _ with my family. We (4) _ be on holiday together here for two weeks. It (5)_ a beautiful place. The beac

34、h is very near (6) _ hotel. The sea isnt cold and (7) _ are many interesting places to visit. Yesterday we walked (8) _ a village in the mountains. I took lots (9) _ photographs. Its(10) _ pity that you didnt come (11) _ us.Love,Peter. ExercisesDear Carla,Are _ free in August? If you are, please com

35、e _ holiday with me and my family. Were going _ stay in a small house near _ beach. We will go _ two weeks from 12th.August I _ you can come.Love,Annie.Dear Annie,Thank you! I _ like to come with you very much. It will _ great. Should I _ my own towels with me? Will I need _ else? Please write and _ me soon.Love,Carla.ExercisesDear Mary,I will _ in London _ Thursday morning. Would you like to have lunch _ me? Write and tell _ when you are free and where I _ meet you.Hope to see you then.


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