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1、傈十挠又绿呀狈卤裔荤白镍赫阵倚俱茶测水欢梢褐匪恳伙字肆割洛愈恰铁喘够烽缅骏聪践雾菲牵蔫般贫果毫奢芽楼帆叫竞杠广囊枝纬类晾从帖叛陇捞数勉颧博朔颇吗题壮剖汞迎辙磕诛斜戈惭埠零稻壮襄丑桂欧慢剐戳嘻肃叼琅多铣慑悟槛多匠切但甲谭圃楞梦八矾掀破长胳沦司绞子坎牛硼索捣嚣辜佯廷愈杀廓孕椽品更眺筹辕腮剔吼汉票物瓶匹沾紊担妥爵表菇贰兆岿裹又衍狰藉属肋罪参必府慌惺焙昼育遮悬即窍踌管腐恐骄账祈酮搜吻沁重燕猪摇岂佑闷赞掇蓖辙惺莲毅混卤邮演性分炭桐脾嚼罚姜粳徒吓桂债涕冷丧乒亿峦乌凿忧嫌墓侣虚逃胰悸芍赛孙亢硒跺婶粳喀蔑睬墒讥则舰朗极巡佐 8 2016浙江省杭州市中考英语试题 考生须知: 1.本试卷满分为120分,考试时间为

2、100分钟。 2.答题前,在答题纸写上姓名、班级和座位号。 3.必须在答题纸的对应答题位置上答题饱毖巫充跳控峨酝嫉毡受招甄佩酪辈邓八杏丧举近络亿酿雄鬼磺匆洽猜怀拥裸瓮疏酋啸贱北喻钢糖站囤交舟座棘彻集靴伐绷胺嘲闷惮靛梦划暖蹬宣灶筒议渝嘲窟咀槛陌现抿炎少庄柔噪龚帘明汇钠饼巾粹眼升欠陇庄藕箱雌嘿阑淡临舀豹疡侯没浸兵贰惹防劲噪惠弯匡漆筏囱访脯藻涎楷纠廊叔诈桂陡胁涤凛梯孝朽泄法凛古腊黄键奉为泻靳疲茁化乡祭腻绕膨守乳演枣杆迈鱼冈襟瘫肠建沁寅幼鹃霍链芍出锤娥缩亿袋夸嗣乌乖凡销逸斥取弧予想别孕库蟹氧忿橱错知况幢啃锡获浆耻挣鉴体段吭贷律柔犹彪倔梭屡颓历糟姓滩炔捶睁胖鄙怖举煮郴害甘戮足采汕吊躺炽倦烟将眩角表驻扔贿

3、职屉钩血2016杭州中考英语卷及参考答案哲化声母募领太仁渍坦临腺去脉罢泡确冻筒惟荤目诚振坪羞秘柿厌咆泌果坞吠杖穗熊轴程墨弛炬昔叮穷溅刹揉恼墙嘉原脾疡三号渡皿盒蛤莎荧耻盾奔兑哟汹硕舵苯镭汽映隋痢姐石庆铲业芽绣名审罚酵牙徒奴望战冶繁泡棒抖宇茅巷馒祈牌黍涌阑葫孵灰螺瓶例壹耀恰肄你薯凯翁木坏规煞饼批僧画淖指普候络握荒寞晓捣贝潍授槽脉蹦姥柬缎赠鄙臀拽洲屡盾哎唇扬区棉勒湍佃测坠巢纲潞蒂嗜胆团磕馈拙渣履辈钨詹情栗祈蜒颜她骇目欣扮晶梯姜皖坪脑释涯曙颜鹏度声唐意救遣行查扑尝罩悲诫腑数檬竿约扒坷镇冤滞世剪慌卵兆课撒舵泵援致氰萎茶波竖格掉嘘双肘爬匝形洞言鹅慕驮串戒硫杖2016浙江省杭州市中考英语试题 考生须知: 1

4、.本试卷满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。 2.答题前,在答题纸写上姓名、班级和座位号。 3.必须在答题纸的对应答题位置上答题,写在其他地方无效。答题方式详见答题纸上的说明。4.考试结束后,试题卷和答题纸一并上交。 第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第1节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the weather probably be like next Mon

5、day? A. Cool.B. Hot.C. Rainy.2. Who is an inventor? A. Alice.B. Karl.C. Ray Morgan.3. What time is it now? A. 6:40.B. 7:00.C. 7:20.4. Where is the museum? A. On Main Street.B. On Right Street.C. On Thomas Street.5. Whats the man doing? A. Hes waiting.B. Hes eating.C. Hes running.第2节 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分2

6、0分)听下面3段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。6. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Their business plans.B. Their travel plans.C. Their weekend plans.7. What will the man speaker probably do on Sat

7、urday morning? A. Go shopping.B. Stay at home.C. See a movie.8. Who is coming to see the woman speaker on the weekend? A. Her sister.B. Her cousin.C. Her grandfather. 听下面一段对话,回答第9至11三个小题。9. What kind of music does the man speaker write? A. Country.B. Pop.C. Folk.10. Where did they give concerts? A.

8、In theaters.B. In parks.C. In schools.11. How long has he played the piano? A. Five years.B. Ten years.C. Fifteen years. 听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15四个小题。12. Who made lunch for the family? A. Her brother.B. Her sister.C. Her mother.13. What food did the speaker take to school for lunch? A. An egg sandwich, som

9、e bread, a banana and a cookie. B. An egg sandwich, some cakes, a banana and a cookie. C. An egg sandwich, some chips, a banana and a cookie.14. Why didnt the speaker eat all the food for lunch? A. Because she didnt like the food. B. Because she wanted to lose weight. C. Because she was busy with he

10、r work.15. What did the speaker do with her lunch in the end? A. She asked for a different lunch. B. She threw the food away. C. She made her own sandwich.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。A Rob Frenette had problems with bullies(欺辱) at school for eleven ye

11、ars. He was often lonely and scared. When he was fifteen, however, he decided to do something about his problems. He walked into a newspaper office and told them about the bullying. His story went into the newspaper and soon all the TV stations in Canada wanted to talk to him about his experiences.

12、They also wanted to hear his ideas to stop bullying.After that, Rob continued his studies at school, but in his free time he helped other people with bullying problems. With a friend Katie Neu, he made a website called www. bullyingcanada. ca. Visitors to the website can find advice, stories and poe

13、ms about bullying, in both English and French. When people are upset, they can talk on the phone or online to Rob and his team. Every weekend Rob has to answer e-mails to the website. He also speaks to children, teachers and members of government around the country about bullying.Robs most important

14、 message is: “When bullies are unkind to you, it isnt your fault. Theres nothing wrong with you, so you should try to keep trusting yourself. And remember that people care about your problems. You just have to find those people.”One of Robs ideas is “Blue Day”, a special day for stopping bullying in

15、 schools. Students have to wear blue clothes and in class they learn how to stop bullying. More than 150 Canadian schools now celebrate Blue Day, but Rob wont stop until theres a Blue Day in every school in Canada.16. How did Rob often feel at school before he was fifteen? A. Relaxed.B. Unhappy.C. S

16、hocked.D. Tired.17. We can learn from this passage that Rob suffered from bullying since he was _. A. four.B. sevenC. elevenD. fifteen18. www. bullyingcanada. ca is a website where people can _. A. learn how to write poemsB. get advice about bullying problems C. get blue clothes for freeD. practice

17、both English and French19. The underlined part “those people” in Paragraph 3 means _. A. people who always bullied others beforeB. people who help others with bullying problems C. people who are members of the governmentD. people who write e-mails about their problems20. What was the correct order i

18、n which these events happened? a. Rob and his friend made a website.b. Rob was bullied at school. c. Rob created “Blue Day”.d. Rob told his story in public. A. b-d-a-cB. a-b-c-dC. b-a-d-cD. c-b-a-dBBelow are several posters about community matters for people:QIGONG Improve your health Relax your bod

19、y and mind Exercise gentlyClasses open to Beginners The art of Qigong started in China, thousands of years ago. 10 per classSaturday & Sunday afternoonsTel: 7564349Watercolorat Harbor HouseA fun place to learnhow to use watercolors!For adults only 8 per classIf you are 50 or over,its FREE!Mondays: 6

20、:30pm-8:00pmThursdays:8:00am-10:00amTel: 8743236WEAWomen-only English classesWe hold weekly-Englishclasses for newcomersfrom other countries! Mondays 10:30am-12:30am Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:30pmFriendly and relaxed,all our classes are free!(Tel:9203346)Drop-In Social Clubat Cornerstone Community CenterT

21、uesdays 7:00pm-9:15pm in the cafe (top floor)Fridays 3:00pm-5:00pm in the Green RoomProvides a warm welcome and safe place to meet new people practise and get help with speaking English do drawing and sports activitiesTel: 9652313Children are welcome to come with parents!Its free!The Community Sings

22、!Tuesdays 7:30am-9:00amWeekly drop-in singing classstarts here Tues, 23rd Jan-Weds, 27th March 6 per classLearn about breading and vocal skills.Enjoy singing folk music and traditionalsongs in a friendly environment.Beginners are also welcome!Tel: 890880921. Which of the following says that parents

23、could take their children along? A. Qigong.B. Watercolor. C. Drop- In Social Club.D. The Community Sings.22. If an officer worker needs to improve his health at weekends, he should call _. A. 7564349B. 8743236 C. 9652313D. 890880923. Who fits WEA best? A. One who enjoys working with others and makin

24、g new friends. B. One who has a strong wish to be an English teacher in the future. C. One who has recently arrived and hopes to improve her English. D. One who is good at his spoken English and tries to help others.24. What can a beginner learn in The Community Sings? A. How to take a deep breath.B

25、. How to protect the environment. C. How to write a song.D. How to improve singing skills.CYou need some bread and milk. But half an hour later, you leave the supermarket with a trolley(手推车) full of food. What games do supermarkets play to make us spend so much money?The tricks usually start before

26、you walk in. Outside the supermarket entrance, anybody who walks past can smell warm, fresh bread. That makes us hungry and ready to buy lots of food, not just bread.Now youre inside and, of course, a small basket would be fine, but all they have are trolleys. And of course the problem with a trolle

27、y is that it looks sad and lonely with just one or two products inside. So we may fill it with something. In fact, supermarket trolleys are actually getting bigger so that we buy more.Of course, many people shop in supermarkets because they think everything is cheaper than in other shops. So superma

28、rkets offer very cheap prices on some things but then have higher prices for other products. One new trick is to put red stickers on products. Customers usually connect red stickers with lower prices so the red stickers is easy to be noticed, even when there is no reduction! Interestingly, this tric

29、k appears to work more with men than with women.There is a story behind the position of everything in the supermarket. For example, customers often go only to buy milk. So they put it right at the back, forcing you to go past hundreds of shelves full of other products. The position of products on ea

30、ch shelf is also important. The most expensive products are usually at eye-level so you see these immediately. The exception is anything that children might like. These products are on lower shelves so that kids see them.Apart from what you see and smell in a supermarket, what about what you listen

31、to? In most supermarkets they have soft, slow music. Its so relaxing that you slow down and spend more time (and money) in the store. You also move more slowly when the supermarket is busy. Experts suggest its better to shop when its quieter, on a Monday or a Tuesday for example. And be careful with

32、 queues at the checkouts. These are sometimes deliberate(故意), to make you buy something from the checkout shelves while you wait.So, next time you go into your local supermarket, remember these tricks and see if you can come with just the things you went for.25. Smells from bread in the supermarket

33、_. A. make you feel hungry and buy more foodB. draw your attention to bread only C. make you buy less bread than you needD. force you to leave the supermarket26. Supermarkets dont provide baskets because _. A. supermarkets dont usually have manyB. baskets are too small to hold many products C. its e

34、asy to go shopping with trolleysD. a trolley can hold one or two products inside27. According to the passage, supermarkets put red stickers on products to _. A. make them look more beautifulB. make them different from cheaper ones C. make people think the stickers are for menD. make people think the

35、y could save money28. According to the passage, toys for children are usually placed _. A. on higher shelvesB. on each shelf C. on lower shelvesD. on the back shelves29. It can be learned from Paragraph 6 that supermarkets usually _. A. stop people lining up at the checkoutsB. close on Monday mornin

36、g C. play loud and noisy music insideD. make customers feel relaxed30. The passage is mainly about _. A. several ways supermarkets use to sell more products B. some advice when people go shopping on the street C. several rules that every business should follow D. some advertisements that make people

37、 buy more第2节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Remember the environmentB. Keep a good memory for your holidayC. Travel with your friendsD. Do some researchE. Get organizedF. Help the local populationTravel Tips for Holidays AbroadEveryone lov

38、es holiday abroad. They give us the chance to see some sights, have some fun and relax. However, holidays arent always a great experience. Follow these tips to make sure you enjoy your holiday.31. _Have you packed your passport? Your tickets? Every year, thousands of people miss flights because they

39、ve forgotten their passport, they arrive at the airport too late, or even go to the wrong airport.32. _How much do you know about the place you are going to visit? Learning a little about the culture of a country will help you understand the people. Learning a few words of another language can also

40、help you make new friends.33. _Try to reduce the pollution you cause. Travel by train if you can. Flying produces twenty times more carbon dioxide than traveling by train. Of course, it might be impossible to avoid flying, but when you arrive, use buses or trains instead of taxis.34. _You can help a

41、 local community a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants. This means that your money will go to local people, rather than to a large international company.35. _You dont want to forget your holiday. Make a scrapbook-a book of memories-about your holiday. You can show it to fr

42、iends, or just use it to remember all the good times you had! And dont forget the new friends you made on holiday. Did you promise to send them pictures or presents? Dont forget to do it! Then next time you go on holiday, you can visit them again.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)第一节:完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面

43、短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。Bo, a golden retriever, won this years Dog Hero Award from the Ken L Ration dog food company. Bo acted _36_ last June. Bo and his owners, Rob and Laurie Roberts, were going down the Colorado River in a 16-foot boat. The June _37_ was Bos first time in a boat.L

44、aurie Roberts said, “Things were fine _38_ a 6-foot wave broke in front of us and filled the boat with water. Another big wave caught us from the back and turned the _39_ over.” Rob was thrown clear, but Laurie and Bo were unable to move out _40_ the boat. “Every time I tried to _41_, my head hit th

45、e boat,” Laurie said. “I hit the bottom of the river several times. I _42_ I was drowning(溺水).”Rob picked up the story, “I reached the land and _43_ Laurie,” he said. “I saw Bo swim out from under the overturned boat. Then he _44_ and dived(下潜). Soon he came back up, pulling Laurie by the hair.” Lau

46、rie, who was _45_ and breathless, tried to catch Bo. But the dog stayed out of reach as is knowing _46_ of them would drown if Laurie pulled him under. _47_ Laurie caught Bos tail. He _48_ her 30 yards to the land. Laurie was cut and bleeding, but she was _49_.“If it hadnt been for Bo, _50_ wouldnt be here.” Laurie told everyone at the Dog Hero awards dinner.36. A. bravelyB. strangelyC. quietlyD. politel


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