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1、Unit 3 Look at this elephant.Period 一、教学目标1能听懂、会读一些简单的描述性形容词;2能掌握句型“Look at ”;3能运用本课句型口头描述事物(如动物)的特征。二、教学重点及难点重点:描述动物。难点:理解 its。三、教学准备单词图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting.2. Sing a song.Moo, moo! Look at that big cow.Oink, oink! Look at that big pig.Bow-wow! Look at that big dog.Moo, m

2、oo! Oink, oink! Bow-wow!Step 2 Presentation and drill T: I like animals. Do you like animals? I have good news for you. Were going to visit the zoo. Are you happy? What can you see in the zoo?1. Look at that elephant. Is it big?Its big.Stand up. Act like an elepnant.板书句型,带读。2. Look at this monkey. I

3、s it naughty?Can you act like a monkey?Lets do together. A happy monkey. A sad monkey. A angry monkey.3. Look at that tiger. Is it strong?Its strong.4. Look at this bird. Is it beautiful?Its beautiful.5. Look at this mouse. Is it small?6. Guess. What is this? (教师做动作)7. Lets chant.Elephant, elephant.

4、 Its big.Mouse, mouse. Its small.Monkey, monkey. Its naughty.Tiger, tiger. Its strong.Bird, bird, Its beautiful.Step 3 Practise1. GameQuick response2. GameListen and point师先示范。Who can try? Lets have a match between boys and girls. T: Look at that elephant/tiger/bird/mouse/monkey.3. Listen to the mus

5、ic and pass the animals. Ok?4. Ask a student to come to the front and do some actions. The other students guess and say: “Look at that Its ”5. Listen to the tape and repeat.6. Who wants to be the teacher?7. Practise in pairs.Step 4 ConsolidationYou played in the zoo with friends on Sunday. Everybody

6、 is discussing the animals.Period 2一、教学目标1能掌握一些描述性的形容词,并能运用它们描绘事物(如动物); 2能阅读理解,并朗读课文D部分小故事;3培养学生细心观察的习惯,渗透爱护动物、珍惜生命的教育。二、教学重点及难点重点:熟悉一些常用的描述性形容词。难点:运用所学形容词对动物(事物)进行描述。三、教学准备动物头饰或图片、白纸一张、单词卡片、教学磁带等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。 游戏Monkeys see,monkeys do(学学做做) T: I am tall. I am strong. I am short. I a

7、m fat. I am beautiful. I am big. I am small. I am naughty.(课前将这些形容词板书在黑板上。游戏结束后请“小老师”带读。)2学唱一首童谣。 What is this? It s a pig. Oink. oink, oink I What is this? Its a pig. Oink, oink, oink! What is this? Its a cow. Moo, moo, moo! What is this? Its a cow. Moo, moo, moo! 一边出示图片,一边带读,帮助学生熟悉句型和节奏。接着出示其他的动物图

8、片,学生按节奏回答,并模仿叫声。可单个进行表演唱,教师给予评价。Step 2 Presentation and drill 游戏Guess,guess,guess! (猜一猜) 三人一组。一人出示单词卡片,一人用黑板上的形容词描述:“Its ”,一人猜单词,其他学生一齐判断正误。 S1:Is it a dog? Ss: Yes, it is./ No, it isn t.1出示图片tiger。 T: Look at this tiger. Is it strong? Ss: Yes, it s strong. T: Its a tall strong tiger. 将图片tiger放在stro

9、ng后,并在strong前加a。带读。 T: Look at this elephant. Is it big? Ss: Yes, it s big. T: Its a big elephant. 同样在big前加a,在big后贴上图片,带读。 T: Look at this monkey. Is it naughty? Ss: Yes, it s naughty. 指导学生在单词两侧添加图片和a。然后,启发学生自己按同样的方法学习a beautiful bird,a small mouse。Step 3 Practise1两人一组进行练习。2听课文C部分录音,跟读。然后让学生用自己准备的动物

10、头饰进行表演。3听课文D部分录音,看课文,阅读理解故事大意。教师解释部分生词。4听课文D部分录音,跟读。分角色表演。Step4 Consolidation1启发学生运用所学语言材料谈论动物。鼓励学生们大胆创设情景,自由进行会话。 T: Animals are our good friends. We should love them and take good care of them. Do you like animals? Which animals do you like best?2评价。对学生的描述和表演进行评价,给予鼓励和奖励。3做家庭作业。1) 听录音,练读单词。2) 回忆跟父

11、母一道去动物园的经历,将自己喜欢的动物描述给父母听。Period 3一、教学目标1能掌握字母组合Qq在单词中的发音,能理解新单词; 2能理解、会读由含有字母组合Qq的单词组成的句子;3能掌握本单元重点句型的书写,在书写中增进理解、强化记忆;4能熟读并表演G部分英语童谣。二、教学重点及难点重点:掌握字母组合Qq在单词中的发音,诵读童谣。难点:理解新单词,朗读句子;句型的书写。三、教学准备一个猫的头饰或一只软的玩具猫、四线三格小黑板、单词卡片、教学磁带等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2复习第二单元字母组合Pp的发音。Step 2 Presentation and dr

12、ill出示课文E部分短文,听录音,学生跟读。让学生独立E部分的作业。3出示课文F部分单词卡片,让学生找出规律,然后讲解字母组合的发音。2听课文F部分的单词和句子,跟读。理解句子。可进行“绕口令”比赛。3示范书写。让学生按照范例练习书写,评出“小小书法家”。Step 3 Practise1出示玩具猫或猫的图片。 T: What is the cat doing? Ss: It s sleeping. T: Yes. Its a sleepy cat. Look at this sleepy cat. What is it doing? 教师一边诵读童谣,一边用玩具猫做动作。然后让学生上台模仿,教师一边诵读,一边指导学生动作。2听课文G部分录音,跟读。3两人一组练习说童谣,并表演。Step 4 Consolidations1分组表演。评出“最佳表演组”。2家庭作业。


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