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1、Unit 1 How do you study for a test?(Section A 1a-2c)课题分析:本课围绕“怎样学习英语”为话题,以学生谈论自己学习英语的方法为主线,向学生展示了如下句型:“How do you study for a test? I study by listening to the radio.”教学目标:词汇目标: flashcard, vocabulary, aloud ,pronunciation语言目标:A: How do you study for tests? B: I study by working with my classmates.A:

2、 Have you ever studied with a group? B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.重点和难点:1新单词及目标语言2 by doing sth3 tooto教学过程:自学讨论点拨听力练习Task 1 Revision and Lead in.T: What do you do to improve your English?S1:I listen to the tape to improve my English.S2:I listen to the English songs to improve my Englis

3、h.Step 1 ChattingHow do you improve your English?How do you study for a text?by watching English movies.by listening to the English songsby working with friendsby asking the teacher for help.by listening to tapes.by making vocabulary lists.Sum up:(学生不能总结,老师帮助)by + v-ing 形式,by意为通过或凭,后面接动名词,该结构表示通过某事得

4、到某种结果。Step 2 Phrases1 work with sb/ a group2 make flashcard/vocabulary lists3 ask sb for help4 watch English videos 5 practice conversations with sb/ practice doing sth6 much /lots of/ a lot of writing practice7 what about /how about doing sth?8 learn a lot (in) that way Step 3 ListeningListen to 1b

5、,2a,2bStep 4 practice1. I study English by _ _(制作抽认卡)2. In class you must read English _(大声地) to practice _ (发音).3. Reading can improve my _(speak)skills.4. You can also make _(词汇)lists.5. _you_ ever (study) with a group?二.Chose the right answers.( )1.-How do you study for a test? -I study _ A. for

6、practicing conversations B. to practice conversations C. by practice conversations D. by practicing conversations ( )2. Can you think of another way _the problem? A. of working out B. to working out C. by working out D. work out( )3. She said that the best way _new words was _English magazines. A. to learn, to reading B. to learn, by readingC. of learning, read D. of learning, read( )4. How do you study _ a test? A to B. for C of D in( )5.Mary studies English _ reading the books. A to B by C with D in( )6.Tom studies English by _ vocabulary list. A making B make C made D to make


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