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1、中学英语教学案七年级( 下 ) 第( 8 )单元 第 ( 6 ) 课时 课题Unit8 Id like some noodles.Review备课教师授课教师课时目标复习本单元重点单词、短语、句型导课 Hello, boys and girls, Today were going to have an English test? Do you have confidence? Ok, lets begin.自学指导与展示反馈教与学优化设计一、重点单词:1. w ld 表示意愿 2. n dle 面条 3. b f 牛肉 4. c bb ge 洋白菜 5. p t t 土豆 6. sp c l

2、特色菜7. dr nk 饮料 8. l ge 大的 9. s ze 大小 10. b l 碗 11. j ce 果汁 12. d mpl 饺子13. p rr dge 粥 14. t 茶 15. r ce 米饭 16. s p 汤 17. f sh 鱼,鱼肉 18. r s n 原因 19. m n 菜单二、必会短语:1. like 想要 2. a of 一碗3. kind of 什么种类 4. size 什么尺寸5. orange 橘汁 6. tea 绿茶7. a menu 制定菜单 8. nouns 可数名词9. nouns 不可数名词三、应知语法和句式:1. would like to

3、do sth 想要做某事, 如: 想要吃面条 would like noodles2. 提问种类时用: 3. 提问号码、尺寸、大小时用: 4. 要区别可数与不可数名词,如: 一些牛肉 八个土豆 5. Monday的缩写形式是: 四、 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。1. What kind of (noodle) would you like?2. How (many) beef do you want?3. Would you like (have) an orange?4. I like (beef) noodles very much.5. This kind of noodles has

4、 (tomato).6. We have some great (special) today.7. Whats the weather like today? -Its (sun).8. Look! They (buy) fruit and vegetables in the market.9. Id like some (strawberry).10. The Chinese people like (eat) dumplings on Spring Festival.五、 选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。1. I would like some color pens. A. like

5、 B. want C. have D. eat2. China is a large country. A. very big B. very small C. not big or small D. not big3. What do you do at night? A. in the evening B. in the morningC. in the afternoon D. at noon4. The fish smells nice. A. beautiful B. cute C. delicious D. kind5. He enjoys playing basketball.

6、A. likes B. watches C. takes D. comes板书设计课堂作业班级姓名次数一,根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1. 早餐你想吃什么? you like breakfast?2. 他想要哪种类型的面条? kind of he like? 3. 我不喜欢汉堡,沙拉和汤。I dont like soup. 4. 你穿几码的鞋? Shoes do you wear?5. 我们想要羊肉和洋葱面条。We would like and noodles.二用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. I would like you (come) to my house and eat dinner. 2. She (have) an egg, a small bowl of (chicken) noodles and two apples every day. 3. He likes (listen) to music and (watch) TV. 4. There are some (tomato) and (porridge) on the table. 5. What about (swim) in the pool?


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