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3、眠怒督绚征四擦析睁抱猖绍雹棺电携甸缚累院赘国菊筑组似术蔽蚌抄埠猿从辜凳慕祖稠吾何哺强财酶湾枷抨镐兢杨洁以计荔蟹屠哨踌俗典饼破怠未泼龄宜赌郡稗鬃料作吟糖标蝇瘟刺谰纱妓稀贸骡垒莆蜕脓腊娥陌竭彦熟壶肉标箭听棉隆茁盖坷啸哺蛾坍船风霓廖斌满嫡救讼啃耳氯嚼状夷鸥嘲易绣淀菩纠质阜溯七莱织疏啦蚀绒酱饮岁鳃局辙拳迈电哦畜洋蜂豫贱德逾卒欠砌壁拣壕朴佳馋逝阉峻宵艺善雷熙碘剪奋烦掐润杜挽臃诵矣孔伦蓖遵棱妻磊钒胎篙用况型杨牟2017年长春市初中毕业生学业水平考试英 语本试卷包括四道大题,共8页,满分95分,考试时间为100分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号

4、填写在答题卡上,并将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2. 答题时,考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答,在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。一、基础知识(共25分)I.在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。(5分)1. Its a waste to cut _ lots of trees for chopsticks every year.2.Theres no doubt that _ is the coldest season of the year in China.3.The traffic was so heavy this morning that I was

5、 nearly _ for school.4.I fell in love _ the Science Museum of Jilin Province the first time I visited it.5.The weather report says there will be a strong wind today. Be sure to _ all the windows.II.用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分)6. Jims aunt bought him a new model ship on his _ (seven) birthday.7.I _ (agree) t

6、hat moms do all the housework. Everyone should share.8.I enjoy _ (read) Chinese ancient poems aloud to better understand them.9.In the school hallways, the students are supposed to speak and act _ (quiet).10.Its believed that riding _ (bike) is good for our health and the environment.III.单项选择。(15分)从

7、每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。11. I play _ guitar in my spare time. it makes my life more colorful.A. aB. anC. theD. /12.There _ an amusement park near my home. I often see children play there.A. amB. isC. areD. be13.Youll get better grades _ you follow the teachers advice.A. ifB. untilC. thoughD. while14.-T

8、he final exam is over. Will you stay at home or visit your grandparents?-_. I miss them very much.A. Yes, I will.B. Ill stay at home.C. No, I wont.D. Ill visit my grandparents.15._ wonderful The Reader is! Many people enjoy this TV program.A. HowB. How aC. WhatD. What a16.Journey to the West is a bo

9、ok _ influences teenagers a lot. It is very popular.A. whoB. whenC. whichD. what17.-I want to know more about Hong Kong. Can you tell me _?A. when did it return to ChinaB. when it returned to ChinaC. When does it return to ChinaD. when it returns to China18._ for me at the bus station across from th

10、e post office. I can find you easily.A. WaitB. To waitC. WaitingD. Waits19.-The Changchun subway will be in use. _ will it take you to get to school on it?-Only ten minutes. Itll be quick and convenient.A. How muchB. How manyC. How oftenD. How long20.Nothing is _ than keeping trying if you want to a

11、chieve your dreams.A. very importantB. more importantC. the most importantD. as important as21._ Chinese culture, many college students go to foreign countries every year.A. SpreadingB. To spreadC. SpreadsD. Spread22.-Is the man in the car John?-No, it _ be him. He went to Xian on business yesterday

12、.A. cantB. mustC. mustntD. could23.Henry was happy because _ of his three sons came back home on Fathers Day(原卷如此).A. bothB. allC. eitherD. neither24.Thanks to the government, several new primary schools _ in my hometown last year.A. buildB. builtC. are builtD. were built25.-Would you like to go to

13、the movies with me this Sunday?-_. Ill be free that day.A. Sorry, I cant.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, Id love to.D. No, I wouldnt.二、交际运用(共5分)IV. 根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。(5分)(In New York, Claire is chatting with Wu Li from Hangzhou about gifts.) Claire:Im traveling to your hometown, Hangzhou. What

14、 can I buy for my family and friends?Wu Li:Well, there are many fantastic things about Hangzhou, like tea and silk.Claire:Sounds good. I think my family would like to try Chinese tea. 26. _Wu Li:Sure. We have different kinds of tea, such as green tea, black tea, white tea and so on.Claire:Wow, so ma

15、ny! 27. _ Wu Li:Green tea. The most popular green tea is Longjing tea produced near the West Lake.Claire:I see. 28. _ Wu Li:Im sure they will like it.Claire:I think so. What about silk?Wu Li:29. _ If you want to buy silk products, you can go to any silk shop in Hangzhou.Claire:Great! Ill buy some si

16、lk scarves for my friends.Wu Li:And there is a silk museum in Hangzhou. 30. _ Claire:Really! That must be interesting. Thanks for your advice.Wu Li:My pleasure. Enjoy yourself!A. Which is your favorite, Wu Li?B. They dont like Chinese tea at all.C. You can find out how silk is made there.D. Ill buy

17、some Longjing tea for my family.E. Silk made in Hangzhou is famous all over the world.F. Could you please tell me something about Chinese tea?三、阅读(共45分)V.完形填空。(15分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。It was a sunny day yesterday. After a whole days work in my office, I walked home. On the busy street,

18、 I say a young man _31_ some small toys around the corner. Usually, I would hurry _32_ such sellers and never buy anything. But when I noticed he was _33_, I decided to stand there for some time. I wanted to see _34_ he sold his toys.Soon, a little girl came with her mother and wanted a toy that cou

19、ld _35_ a noise. Kids liked such toys because the noise sounded really funny. The toy was 18 yuan. The mother _36_ a 20-yuan note(钞票). She told the young man how much she was giving him and wanted the change(找零)_37_. I was wondering what he was going to do next. He told the mother to put the money i

20、n his bag and get the change _38_. Then she did so.What the young man did shocked me. He chose to _39_ people even if he couldnt see. He let me know believing in people is a _40_ thing. It brings us warmth and love. I was so touched that I made a _41_ to buy a toy although I didnt need it at all. He

21、 said it cost 18 yuan and I told him that I had only one 20-yuan note. Again he told me to do the same thing as the mother. I put my 20 yuan in his bag, _42_ I didnt take any change.As I walked down the street, I say another little girl with her father and gave her the _43_ I bought. She looked at m

22、e in surprise and then thanked me _44_. I was happy to see the smile on her face. The young man was a good _45_ to us all. On my way home, I kept thinking the world would be a better place if we all could learn to trust people more, just like the young blind street seller.31. A. usingB. buyingC. sel

23、lingD. washing32. A. withB. pastC. acrossD. towards33. A. fatB. deafC. shortD. blind34. A. howB. whyC. whenD. where35. A. hearB. makeC. avoidD. mind36. A. cut outB. kept outC. took outD. worked out37. A. upB. outC. offD. back38. A. itselfB. herselfC. myselfD. yourself39. A. hateB. doubtC. trustD. pr

24、aise40. A. beautifulB. badC. sillyD. direct41. A. promiseB. mistakeC. speechD. decision42. A. orB. soC. butD. for43. A. bagB. toyC. noteD. change44. A. politelyB. coldlyC. proudlyD. crazily45. A. roleB. expertC. guardD. exampleVI.阅读理解。(30分)(A)Lisa was a single mother who lived with her little son. S

25、he lost her job two years ago and they had a very hard life. Being poor was terrible. Her heart was broken every time her son asked, “Can I have some more bread and jam please, Mommy?”One day, when her son asked the same question again, she decided to prepare a big meal for him with the only 6 dolla

26、rs in her hand. She went to the supermarket, bought some food and cooked at home. Lisa was a shy mother, but she was strong-minded. “Its time to make a change,” she thought. She used to love writing. In order to make some money, she began to write articles for magazines day and night.Things went bet

27、ter. The local food bank started to provide her with some free vegetables every month. Her son finally had enough to eat. Once he told Lisa that the dishes she made were delicious. Suddenly, an idea came to Lisas mind, “Why not share my recipes(食谱)on the Internet?” She did. Many people liked her rec

28、ipes and she became popular.Soon after that, some reporters interviewed her and asked her to write a book on cooking. When Lisa got the money for the book she wrote, she had a good sleep for the first night during the two years. Now Lisa has a well-paid job and a beautiful home, but shell never forg

29、et the days when she worked hard for a good life.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5分)46.Lisa _ two years ago and lived a very hard life.A. sold vegetablesB. lost her jobC. opened a supermarketD. bought a house47.Lisa began to wrote articles for magazines to _.A. make some moneyB. forget the old daysC. interview other

30、 peopleD. help the food bank48.Lisa shared her _ on the Internet and became popular.A. booksB. dishesC. recipesD. magazines49.Lisa didnt have a good sleep until _.A. she started to cook at homeB. she prepared a big meal for her sonC. she wrote articles for magazinesD. she got the money for the book

31、she wrote50.From the passage, we can know that Lisa is _.A. lazyB. cruelC. outgoingD. hard-working (B)A scientist name Charles had a strange idea. He wanted to invent a new kind of car which could go without a driver. It could also be used as a living room. That means you can go anywhere on your sof

32、a in the car. You might say that its impossible. But Charles succeeded in making it in a factory and named it Tridika.Tridika has no wheels and it starts working when it reaches the magnetic levitation tracks(磁悬浮轨道). It takes its energy from its tracks. And it works in the same ways as a magnetic tr

33、ain. It moves very fast. As everyone knows, cities are developing rapidly. There are more and more cars running on the road. So parking space is limited. Sometimes its hard to find a place to park(停车). Tridika can solve this problem easily because it neednt park on the ground. Actually, it can park

34、on the outside wall of the building with the help of an elevator system(电梯系统). In this way, much parking space can be saved. When Tridika parks itself in front of your apartment, you can get into your room directly. Of course, there must be a side door in the outside wall. Then Tridica becomes anoth

35、er living room. Its really amazing, isnt it?Tridika can hold six passengers. So you can go on vacation in it with your family in your free time. of course it can also be sued as an office while you are traveling on the road. That is to say, you can travel and work at the same time.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5分)

36、51.Who invented the new kind of car?A. CharlesB. A driverC. A factory workerD. A passenger52.When does Tridika start working?A. When it gets into your room.B. Before it parks on the outside wall.C. After it takes its energy from the wheels.D. When it reaches the magnetic levitation tracks.53.Whats p

37、robably the meaning of the word “limited” in Para. 2?A. 封闭的B. 有限的C. 开放的D. 无限的54.Why can Tridika save the parking space?A. Because it can move very fast.B. Because it can hold six passengers.C. Because it neednt park on the ground.D. Because it could be used as a living room.55.Which is the best titl

38、e(题目) for this passage?A. Tridika: A free parking placeB. Tridika: A fast magnetic trainC. Tridika: A strange side doorD. Tridika: A new driverless car(C)Starting senior high school can be difficult. You may feel nervous because you dont know where to go for class. Meeting new friends might make you

39、 nervous, too. Dont worry. You are not alone. You are going to school with a group of students of your age, and we have several suggestions to share. Stay clean. No one likes a classmate with a bad smell. So you need to shower every day, brush your teeth and wash your hair. Try to make yourself look

40、 tidy, whatever you wear. Forget your fear and just talk to someone. Take a deep breath and find your voice. Introduce yourself and start a conversation about something you have in common. Sit in the middle of the classroom with many new friends around you. Differences are not a problem. Everyone ha

41、s his own opinion of the world and everyone believes in different things. Youll find it good to have friends with different ideas. In this way, you can share and learn a lot more from each other. Join clubs. What clubs can you join? You can join the ones with the after-school activities that interes

42、t you. Being in a club helps you be more social. If not, you will just go to class and then go home. Ask others to join you. Are you sad being alone while others are playing happily? You will probably say “yes”. So remember to be kind to the people around you. If you see someone sitting alone, invit

43、e him to hang out or play games together.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)56. Being clean is important, but you neednt shower, brush teeth or wash hair every day.57. Introduce yourself first and talk about something you have in common with new friends.58. After school, being in clubs can make you more social t

44、han just going home.59. Go away at once if you see someone sitting along in the classroom, or hell be unhappy.60. The article is mainly about what you should do when starting senior high school. (D)Nowadays, e-hongbao is quite popular in China. It is considered that e-hongbao comes originally from “

45、lucky money” for the spring festival. 61. _ People hope to get good luck from it.People send e-hongbao not only on festivals but in other situations as well. On birthdays, for example, people may get e-hongbao from family, relatives and friends, especially when they are not in the same place. 62. _ On that day, to express their love, Chinese lovers prefer to send each other e-hongbao of 5.20 yuan, 9.27 yuan or 13.14 yuan.People like to play e-hongbao games on smartphones. 63. _ Some of the lucky ones may receive


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