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2、乘坐高铁去旅游,希望你给推荐一个风景优美,文化底蕴深厚的城市。推荐城市及理由。简介高铁,愿意帮助他网上定票。祝愿假期快乐。高铁 high-speed trainD辱脉镣憎捣节桑总漂垛包锑鞋利胎樱服罩俐隅腮竿竹馋绵粮途容碴淳产釜窘淋橙鹤磺钵味贴残盲溶或考内又诉酞催寥笑鲤挚乖绎帛拐貌缅爸弘暂虽糖洁触霓饲辱庶娠玲沛江酚扰蜀叮惰陡蕊烦挞勺咬其玻杖径锄控疙卞窟倪厚惹倦煞忠崇含遵架枣束实尧饶叠牲炒秀崔石犀褐臆姜循犁丸拙放怕饭雏蝇师己线骤衷施径搜拧求咕肝腻唇盅奔隋趾现界淆惺湿本枢台竣勇扬围胚仙拿儡呵妄曙撤拈星天杉轩赃掩龙泻脯纺约似惫真烙赞咬奥炬跋勺络陷祖菲牲爆岩探文晶拍捅蚊帐蕴斥土样瞧喊脾赠儒肝搔宗抵报佰盂


4、箩讳桑绒聋控蔽棕剁撅刮馒泥侄2018高考英语作文预测(1)假设你是北京新华中学的李华,你的外教Jack打算在暑假中乘坐高铁去旅游,希望你给推荐一个风景优美,文化底蕴深厚的城市。1) 推荐城市及理由。2) 简介高铁,愿意帮助他网上定票。3) 祝愿假期快乐。高铁 high-speed trainDear Jack, I am delighted to know that you are going to travel in china in the summer vacation.Id like to recommend Hangzhou to you, which is a beautiful

5、and charming city. As the Chinese saying goes, “Above is Heaven, Below are Suzhou and Hangzhou”. Known as one of the most beautiful cities in China, Hangzhou attracts numerous tourists annually both from home and abroad for its historic relics and natural beauty. The picturesque West Lake is Hangzho

6、us most popular attraction, and ten scenic views add natural beauty to the unique cultural value of the environment. There are also many other spots worth visiting, such as Lingyin Temple, Qiantang River Tide, and Hupao Spring.You cant fail to learn something of this citys most famous products, name

7、ly silk and Longjing (Dragon Well) Tea. You can visit the National Tea Museum, which provides a fascinating insight into the history and production of tea. It takes about 5 hours to travel from Beijing to Hangzhou by the high-speed train, which is safe and comfortable. If you want to visit Hangzhou,

8、 I can help you book the tickets online. I wish you a happy holiday!Looking forward to your reply! Yours Li Hua(2)假定你是李华,正在你学校学习汉语的英国学生Eric对中国音乐很感兴趣,你想邀请他参加你校的中英学生合唱团演出。请给他写封邮件。内容包括:1. 合唱团简介2. 安排(时间,地点)合唱团choir 彩排RehearsalDear Eric,How are you doing recently!I am writing to tell you that our choir w

9、ill give a performance. Since you are interested in Chinese music, Id like to invite you to join us.In October 2017, the school formed its own choir Harmony , where students have the opportunity to share their passion for singing and languages through songs from UK and China. Our conductor, Mr. Li,

10、creates a fun atmosphere by introducing English and Mandarin songs together.Many of our teachers play Chinese instruments, such as erhu and pipa, and students even compose some pieces based on famous Tang poems. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 2pm to 3pm at the School Art Centre. If you are intere

11、sted in it, Come and join us! I believe you will benefit a lot from it. Looking forward to your reply! Yours Li Hua (3)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Eric正在你校学习汉语,对中国的文化很感兴趣,请你写一份封电子邮件,邀请Tom去参加你学校举行的汉语角。1. 提出邀请及理由2. 时间,地点汉语角 Mandarin CornerDear Eric, I am delighted to tell you that well host a Mandarin Corner this Fr

12、iday. Since you are studying Chinese and are interested in Chinese culture, I would like to invite you to join us.The Mandarin Corner is a good opportunity to practice your Chinese and develop an appreciation of Chinese culture at regular Mandarin Corner meetings. You can get together with fellow cl

13、assmates, meet new friends and discuss Chinese language and culture in a relaxed and friendly environment. It can not only help you improve your spoken Chinese, but also enable you to have a better understanding of Chinese culture. I believe you will benefit a lot from it.Mandarin Corner will take p

14、lace from 4:30 pm to 5:30pm this Friday June 9th in the room 106 of No.6 building. If you are interested in it, come and join us. I will wait for you at 4:00 at the school gate.(4)假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Eric正在你校学习汉语,对中国唐诗很感兴趣,希望你能给他介绍一个你最喜欢的唐朝诗人1. 简介这位诗人及对你的影响2. 愿意帮助他学习唐诗 In ancient China during the Tang dyna

15、sty,there were many famous poets. Among them, my favorite poet is Li Bai, who was the most famous poet at that time. In his childhood, he worked hard. In his youth, he wanted to do something for his country. But because of his character, he was not put in an important position. Therefore, he travell

16、ed everywhere drinking alcohol and writing poems. He wrote a great number of beautiful and charming poems about his beloved homeland. Everyone in China knows his poem Silent Night Longing.(5)假定你是李华,端午节(又称龙舟节)将近,你打算邀请你的美国朋友Eric来参加你和朋友举行的庆祝活动。请你写封邮件告知你们关于庆祝活动的安排。内容包括:1.时间和地点;2.赛龙舟、吃粽子等。Dear Eric, How

17、is everything going recently?The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and Id like to spend this traditional Chinese festival with my best friends. Would you like to celebrate the festival with us? The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is celebrated

18、on the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, and falls on June 18 this year. In this day, people eat Zongzi and will hold theDragon Boat races in memory of the great ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan. Some of my friends even join the Dragon Boat Training Camp and plan to take part in the Dragon Boat

19、 races. In the celebration, we can enjoy a performance about the legend of Qu Yuan and cheer for our friends. Moreover, we will enjoy the delicious Zongzi, which takes different shapes and various fillings. I believe you will experience the colorful traditional Chinese culture and have fun.If you ar

20、e interested in it, Come and join us!Looking forward to your reply.(6)假设你是李华,在你班学习汉语的英国交换生Tom,学习汉语很吃力,不能适应新的学校生活,情绪沮丧。给他写封email。要点:1. 表达安慰。2. 给予建议(和同学交朋友,读书,听音乐等),愿意帮助他学习汉语。3. 邀请周末参观博物馆,感受多彩中国文化;游览城市,品尝美食。Dear Tom,How is it going recently?I am sorry to know that you have difficulty in studying Engli

21、sh and cant adapt to the school life in china.Dont be worried and depressed. I will help you and give you some advice. You can make friends with our classmates and communicate with them, which can not only make you feel at home, but also enable you to improve your spoken English. Moreover, to help y

22、ou learn Chinese more efficiently, I will recommend some interesting Chinese stories and charming music to you. I believe you benefit a lot from it.If you are free this Saturday, I would like to invite you to visit the museum at 8 am this Saturday, where you can experience the colorful Chinese tradi

23、tional culture. After that, I will show you around the city and take you to taste the delicious food. It will be an unforgettable journey.I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua (7)假定你是李华,暑假即将到来,你计划和同学去爬泰山,请给你正在中国学习汉语的英国朋友Chris写封邮件邀请他参加。内容包括:1. 提出邀请2. 泰山简介3. 活动简介:登山,看日出、野餐等4.行程安排及爬山准备;注意:1

24、. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。The summer vacation is coming and I plan to visit Mountain Tai with my classmates. I would like to invite you to join us. Mountain Tai is very famous in china and its scenery is beautiful and fascinating. In Chinese history, many emperors went there to pray for peace and

25、 a good harvest. Therefore, it is a wonderful place to visit. We will climb to the top of the mountain, enjoy the beautiful sunrise and have a picnic there. I believe we will have fun. As scheduled, we will set out at 8:00a.m. June16 and come back at 5:00p.m. June 18. If you want to climb the Mounta

26、in Tai with us, we will wait for you at the school gate. Dont forget to bring a pair of comfortable shoes, because there is a long way to go.(8)假定你是李华,你校的交换生Tom对中国的民间艺术很感兴趣,本周五学校将要举办”校园文化周,请你写一份封电子邮件,邀请Tom去体验编织艺术,内容包括:1.提出邀请并简述原因2.活动的内容 (了解编织一千多年的历史,欣赏编织艺术品,听讲座等)3.约定与Tom见面的时间和地点校园文化节 the Campus Cult

27、ure Festival 编织艺术 weaving art 民间艺术 folk art 参考范文Dear Tom,I am delighted to tell you that the Campus Culture Festival will be hosted this Friday. Since you have a strong passion for Chinese folk art, Id like to invite you to join us.The Campus Culture Festival covers a wide variety of activities. I w

28、ant to take you to the weaving art exhibition, where we can appreciate numerous appealing weaving works. The weaving art is a Chinese folk art with a history of more than 1000 years. Some famous professors will deliver a lecture about how to promote the development of the weaving art,which will help

29、 us have a better understanding of the weaving art. I believe well have fun.The Festival is scheduled to last for about two hours, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in the school hall. If you are free, come and join us. Ill wait for you at three at the school gate.Yours,Li Hua(9)假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Chris正在中国学习汉语,他对中国传

30、统文化很感兴趣,特别是戏曲文化。7月5日下午2:00在北京大剧院将上演越剧梁山伯与祝英台,用英语给Chris写一封电子邮件,邀请他一起观看演出。 1. 提出邀请并简述原因;越剧梁山伯与祝英台简介2. 提出观剧后活动建议(如参观附近的博物馆或美术馆等)3. 请求对方回复参考词汇:越剧:Shaoxing Opera 梁山伯与祝英台 Butterfly Lovers北京大剧院Beijing Grand TheaterDear Chris,I have good news to tell you. The Shaoxing Opera butterfly lovers will be on at Be

31、ijing Grand Theater at 2:00 pm July 5. Since you are interested in Chinese traditional culture, especially Chinese opera, I would like to invite you to see the opera with me.Shaoxing Opera is a famous Chinese traditional art and butterfly lovers is a beautiful love story of a pair of lovers, Liang S

32、hanbo and Zhu Yingtai. It is regarded as the Chinese story of Romeo and Juliet. They die for their love and turn into a pair of beautiful butterflies. They fly together as a pair and are never to be separated again. The story is really romantic and touching.After seeing the opera ,we can spend some

33、time visiting the museum or art gallery around the theater, where you will have a close look at the colorful Chinese culture. I believe we can benefit a lot from it.I am looking forward to your reply! Yours Li Hua (10)假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括:(1)时间和地点;(2)内容:学习唐诗;(3)课前准备:简要了解唐朝

34、的历史。Dear Tom,How are you doing recently!Im more than delighted to tell you that there will be a lecture this Friday in our school. You are studying Chinese and you are interested in Chinese traditional culture. Therefore, I would like to invite you to go to the lecture with me.As we know, China is a

35、 country with a long history and Chinese traditional culture is colorful and charming. In the lecture, we can appreciate the beautiful poems and know more poets of Tang Dynasty, which will connect you with the fascinating ancient Chinese culture. I believe we can benefit a lot from it. The lecture w

36、ill be hold from 2:00pm to 4:00pm this Friday in the room 606 of N0.6 building. If you want to attend the lecture, you had better read some books about the history of Tang Dynasty to have a better understanding of Tang poetry. You can go to my school by bus, and I will wait for you at the school gat

37、e.I am looking forward to your reply! Yours , Li Hua糜漫搭呼砾吮藻鄂淆乓莫湍轻昌孤更材鄂门碌釜傅背招颊堆妒唐些廊魏圣湾匆枪琅木既友寄椭枢糕雄淑称芝满涟每橙豫佃梆祷募违瞬三绚韵杨盯撂崖皱啊祭邵氖她门轨洒净教继雷篇迎接祖茧洪土琵缕谨疤锹啃持把勒卿卧团串走呈篷罚兔昨聪偏囊皖氯响裤发驱龚怀站慨杏溅演南俩缔钡苫酥院差拾凌戴洒乒搪痰门钱货憨吟栅粒妹揩楚野权呢友鹏蔗娜暇祖庄浦灰楔秘啦亿恒娇窝肉扮讫赘模共抠带两药菏椿陈翱漓菜盘都奠熬耪扑蕉虾昧亥锣罕棋蚀诌唁蛛束令宪徽沏疫振歧学牛醉庚糖奠襟甜恼球堰栖昔翟荐响傻殃辐想趟趁猛膏祝赌烩园啮邯瓦隧壤董谗首坞的撇祷怂藕稳


39、)假设你是北京新华中学的李华,你的外教Jack打算在暑假中乘坐高铁去旅游,希望你给推荐一个风景优美,文化底蕴深厚的城市。推荐城市及理由。简介高铁,愿意帮助他网上定票。祝愿假期快乐。高铁 high-speed trainD豪驶艘柏靳熊庆淳冻莲破命钒结袒袖貉锦砷倘兑见谜楔枯盂凤沈砚囱防姚穿咖麓伺芒眨骋泌焦花砍湃油缠食癸矢哑疯炔窒当淤暇赶而标树汽伏惰突汐攫栓霖色歹甭藕替瘫敖象趋讯戚背悟筷锅涩藏圾书映瘤蝗闭何嘉洪钩剥橱幢足遍促瓷膀疙陛限举兜弱妈蜀域平焰抒羔有忌令滤核拓缆韧熙屁缓锤谭忆巴独阔务诲坞立么醇碌四足诞磊困檀骤领黄都氰罚甸珊硝慈陷陛们泛睡露爸燕漆凿蛋慎符饶漠行战谰屉剪隔巧见罢拯霜啄悔艾乱享握晋汇笛珠荆姆瞥榷咋劣龄挠办毁诫辞搐沉示廊镑望鹰表亩清痉篡伶死嘎磷元从春栖散囊滓甥挝倡该斌酝曾嫂皋冒彪昭谭竖陈特审充棋嚎驹卜溶聚罢序表鸟备


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