2018年中考英语试题分项版解析汇编(第01期)专题04 单项选择(形容词及副词)(含解析).doc

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《2018年中考英语试题分项版解析汇编(第01期)专题04 单项选择(形容词及副词)(含解析).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年中考英语试题分项版解析汇编(第01期)专题04 单项选择(形容词及副词)(含解析).doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、专题04 单项选择(形容词及副词)1. 【2018年江苏省宿迁市】The local guide spoke _she could to make the visitors understand her.A. as clear as B. as clearly as C. so clear as D. so clearly as【答案】B【解析】句意:当地导游尽可能清楚地说话,以使访问者能理解她。考查副词短语辨析题。as+形容词或副词+as,用于同级比较,表示“和一样”。speak说话,动词需用副词修饰,可排除AC选项。否定结构用so+形容词或副词+as。根据句意结构和语境,可知选B。2. 【

2、2018年江苏省宿迁市】-Its reported that self-driving cars are expected to change the way we move around.-That sounds_.A. bad B. badly C. great D. greatly【答案】C3. 【2018年江西中考】Susan never gets upset when she has to wait in line. She is very _ .A. shyB. honestC. funnyD. patient【答案】D【解析】句意:当苏珊排队等候时,她从不心烦意乱。她很有耐心。考

3、查形容词辨析题。never get upset从不心烦意乱,表明有耐心,根据句意语境,可知选D。4. 【2018年山东省青岛】Mount Lao is one of mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it every year.A. famous B. the more famous C. most famous D. the most famous【答案】D【解析】句意:崂山是青岛最著名的山之一,每年许多游客喜欢爬它。根据one of -之一,后用形容词最高级,最高级前加冠词the;故选D点睛:形容词原级的用法 1.说明人或事

4、物的自身特征、性质或状态时,用形容词原级。通常用as-as结构; 2.表示A与B在某一程度相同或不同时,用原级。比较级的用法 1.常用于比较级+than的结构;2.形容词常用much /a little /even等来修饰,例如:much bigger;3.表示两者之间进行选择时“Which is +形容词比较级,A or B ?”;4. the +比较级,the+比较级 越-就越-。形容词最高级用法 1.表示三者或三者以上进行比较时用最高级;2.用于“one of the +最高级”。最高级前常加冠词the 。5. 【2018年山东省青岛】Allen always behaves , so

5、many people like him.A. easily B. politely C. friendly D. lively【答案】B6. 【2018年山东省青岛】As students, we should ourselves. We cant spend much time playing computer games.A. be responsible for B. be proud of C. be popular with D. be thankful to【答案】A【解析】句意:作为学生,我们应该对我们自己负责,我们不能花太多的时间玩电脑游戏。A. be responsible

6、 for 对-负责; B. be proud of 为-感到骄傲; C. be popular with受-欢迎; D. be thankful to对-感恩;根据We cant spend much time playing computer games.可知是对自己负责;故选A7. 【2018年四川成都市】 -Mary, do you prefer weekdays or weekends?-Of course weekdays. Because Im on weekends.A. busy B. much busier C. the busiest【答案】B【解析】句意:玛丽,你更喜欢工

7、作日还是周末?当然工作日,以往内我在周末最忙。A. busy忙的;B. much busier更忙;C. the busiest最忙的。根据语境可知用形容词的最高级。根据题意,故选B。8.【2018年四川省乐山市】Its reported that Fuxing high-speed train can go as _ as 350 km an hour.Wow, how amazing!A. fastestB. fasterC. fast【答案】C【解析】句意:据报道,复兴高速列车能以每小时350公里的速度行驶。哇,太神奇了!考查同级比较。as+形容词或副词+as,是同级比较,表示“和一样”

8、,可排除AB两项。go是动词,需用副词修饰。根据句意结构,可知选C。9.【2018年天津市】Tianjin is one of _cities in China.A. big B. bigger C. the biggest D. the bigger【答案】C10.【2018年天津市】-Can you open a gift_ after you receive it In England?-Yes. We dont have to wait.A. main B. immediately C. nearly D. loudly【答案】B【解析】句意:在英国,收到礼物之后,你能立刻打开吗?是的

9、,我们没有必要等。本题考查副词。A. main 主要的,最重要的; 全力的 ;B. immediately 立刻,马上 ; C. nearly 几乎,差不多 ;D. loudly大声地。由第二句得知我们等不及打开礼物了,可知第一句想表达“收到后立刻打开礼物”。故选B。11.【2018年江苏省徐州市】Would you like some coffee? No, thanks. I drink coffee.A. seldom B. often C. only D. always【答案】A【解析】句意:-你想要喝一些咖啡吗?-不,谢谢。我很少喝咖啡。seldom很少,几乎没有;often经常;o

10、nly仅仅,只;always总是,一直。根据对话的意思可知,说话人拒绝了对方喝咖啡的建议,因此我们可以知道,他不喝咖啡,故应选A。12.【2018年江苏省徐州市】Sandy seemed this morning. Do you know what was wrong?A. satisfied B. relaxed C. amazed D. unhappy【答案】D【解析】句意:Sandy今天早上好像不开心,你知道她怎么了吗?satisfied满足的,满意的;relaxed放松的;amazed吃惊的;unhappy不开心的。根据句中what was wrong可知,Sandy不开心了,故应选D

11、。13.【2018年江苏省徐州市】As an engineer, you cant be careful. You should pay attention to every detail.A. very B. too C. so D. quite【答案】B【解析】句意:作为一名工程师,你再小心都不为过,你应该注意每个细节。very很,非常;too太;so如此;quite相当,很。cant too是一个固定的句型,“再也不为过,越越好”,故应选B。14.【2018年云南省】Dont play games on the computer all day, Its _ to your eyes.A

12、. harmfulB. usefulC. helpfulD. thankful【答案】A15.【2018年云南省】- What do you think of your junior high school life?- I think it is one of _ periods in my life.A. wonderfulB. much wonderfulC. more wonderfulD. the most wonderful【答案】D【解析】句意:你认为你的初中生活怎样?-我认为它是我生命中最美好的一段时光。本题考查形容词最高级。One of +形容词最高级+名词复数形式,意思是“之一” wonderful是多音节形容词,其最高级形式为the most wonderful,故答案选D。16.【2018年浙江省温州市】Mrs. Smith showed the boys how to behave _ like a gentleman at the dinner table.A. happilyB. bravelyC. politelyD. differently【答案】C5


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