2018年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks Section B练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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1、Unit 7 How much are these socksSection B单词闯关1.十/ten/_2十一/levn/_3十二/twelv/_4十三/(r)tin/_5十五/fftin/_6十八/etin/_7二十/twent/_8三十/(r)t/_9(用于男子的姓氏或姓名前)先生/mst(r)/_10.(pl.)衣服;服装/klz/_11商店/st(r)/_12特价销售;出售/sel/_13出售;销售;卖/sel/_14所有的;全部的/l/_15很;非常/ver/_16价格/pras/_17购买;买/ba/_(反义词)_18男孩/b/_(复数)_短语互译1.一双_2一家服装店_3紫色的

2、短裙_4.两件黄色的毛衣_5at good prices_6on sale_句型在线1.这个白色的包多少钱?How much is the _ _?2我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧!Come and _ your clothes _ our great _!3我们以非常优惠的价格出售所有的衣服。We sell all our clothes _ very good _.4.对于男孩子们,我们有仅售22美元的黑色裤子。_ _, we have black trousers for only $22.5对于女孩子们,我们有仅售20美元的紫色短裙。For girls, we have skirts _

3、purple _ only $20.课文初探根据课文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()1.Mr. Cools Clothes Store sells clothes at very good prices.()2.The green sweaters are only fifteen dollars.()3.For boys, they have black trousers for only $30.()4.For girls, they have purple skirts for only $28.1buy v. 购买;买 观察 I buy a sweater for my mother.

4、我给我妈妈买了一件毛衣。 He buys his father a blue tie.他给他父亲买了一条蓝色的领带。探究 buy sb. sth.buy sth._ sb.,意为“给某人买某物”。拓展 buy的反义词为_,意为“卖”; sell sth. _ sb.sell sb. sth.,意为“把某物卖给某人”。活学活用1(1)你可以给她买蓝色的短袜。You can _ blue socks _ her.(2)这家商店卖面包和牛奶。This store_ bread and milk. 2sale n. 特价销售;出售观察 Come and buy your clothes at our

5、great sale! 我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧!The magazine sells 300,000 copies a week. 这本杂志一周售出30万册。探究 sale的动词形式是_。拓展 有关sale的常用搭配:at great sale在大促销; on sale在促销,出售; for sale待出售活学活用2.(1)我们不卖学习用品。We dont _ school things.(2)这些钢笔在促销。These pens are _ _.3price n. 价格观察 We sell all our clothes at very good prices.我们以非常优惠的价格出售所

6、有的衣服。The price of the car is very high. 这辆小汽车的价格很高。The pencils are at a very low price.The pencils are very cheap. 铅笔很便宜。探究 (1)at a good/great price 以优惠的价格;at a high price 价格高;at a low price 价格低廉(2) 表示价格的“高低”用high和low。活学活用3We sell skirts _ very good prices.AinBatCof Don1For girls, we have skirts in

7、purple for only $20. 对于女孩子们,我们有仅售20美元的紫色短裙。探究 (1)“介词in颜色”常用来表示穿某种颜色的衣服。如:a girl in red一个穿红色衣服的女孩。 (2)介词for的用法:表示“对而言”。Its easy for me. 这对我来说是容易的。表示“交易的价格”。He has pens for ¥10. 他有十元钱的钢笔。 表示“用途”。I want shoes for sports. 我想要做体育运动穿的鞋子。表示“原因”。Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮我。活学活用1Do you know the boy _ black?

8、Yes.He buys the black sweater_ just $5.Ain; for Bin; at Con; for Don; at2Come to Mr. Cools Clothes Store now! 现在就来酷先生服装店吧!探究 (1)祈使句以动词原形开头,表示请求、命令等。(2)come to地点;come副词。如:come to school 来上学come back 回来come here 来这里活学活用2Please come _ the classroom now.A/ BtoCwith Din详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1ten2.eleven3.twelv

9、e4thirteen5.fifteen6.eighteen7twenty8.thirty9.Mr.10clothes11.store12.sale13sell14.all15.very16.price17buy; sell18.boy; boys短语互译1a pair of2a clothes store3skirts in purple/purple skirts4two yellow sweaters5以优惠的价格6降价销售句型在线1white bag2.buy; at; sale 3at; prices4.For boys5.in; for课文初探14TTFF【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1for; sell; to(1)buy; for(2)sells2sell(1)sell(2)on sale3B句型透视1Ain black意为“穿黑色的衣服”; for just $5意为“仅仅用5美元”。2B课文回顾1$152.Yellow3.$224Purple5.shoes6.three/38


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