2018年秋九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Growing up Period 5 Integrated skills & Study skills听读本 (新版)牛津版.doc

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1、Unit 4 Growing upPeriod 5Integrated skills & Study skills 重点单词1recordn. 记录2victoryn. 胜利3spiritn. 精神;幽灵;灵魂4Naziadj. 纳粹的5Germanadj. 德国(人)的6thoughtn. 想法,看法,主意7survivevt. & vi.幸存,生存8admirevt.钦佩,羡慕9couragen. 勇气10German adj. & n. Germany n.11thought nthink v.12survive vt. & vi.survivor n. 重点短语1break out爆发

2、2lose ones life失去生命3since then自从那时起4translateinto把翻译成 5all over the world全世界6a record of的记录7a symbol of的象征8go into hiding躲藏起来9have sth done请人做某事10force sb to do sth强迫某人做某事11keep doing sth继续做某事12write down写下13any other任何别的,任何其他的14get away from从逃跑15admire sb for sth为某事欣赏某人16live in peace生活在和平时代17in fe

3、ar of ones life为生命安全担忧 重点句型1During that difficult time, Anne kept writing in her diary until they were discovered by the Nazis in August, 1944.在那个艰难时期,安妮一直在写日记,直到1944年8月他们被纳粹分子发现。2After the war, her father collected her diary and had it published in 1947.战争后,她的父亲搜集了她的日记,并于1947年发表。3It has been translated into 67 languages since then. 自从那时起,它已被翻译成67种语言。 公交小句1Many people die of hunger while many people die from traffic accidents every year. 每年有很多人死于饥饿,也有许多人死于交通事故。2The patient is going to have his temperature taken.这位病人准备请/叫/让人量体温。3It is a pity that he has to leave.很遗憾他必须要走了。3


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