2018年秋九年级英语上册 Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 33 The Fisherman and the Goldfish(Ⅰ)同步练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2018年秋九年级英语上册 Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 33 The Fisherman and the Goldfish(Ⅰ)同步练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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《2018年秋九年级英语上册 Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 33 The Fisherman and the Goldfish(Ⅰ)同步练习 (新版)冀教版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年秋九年级英语上册 Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 33 The Fisherman and the Goldfish(Ⅰ)同步练习 (新版)冀教版.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Movies and Theater单词闯关1.妻子_(复数)_2无论什么;不管什么_3灰色(的)_4结婚;嫁;娶_5.我们的(名词性物主代词)_6goldfish _7net_短语互译1.过着贫穷的生活_2. 拉出_3打开_4jump out of_5ask for _6wish for _7on the sea_ 8go out fishing _句型在线1.我和我的妻子过着贫穷的生活。 My wife and I _ a poor life.2它请求我放它走。It _ me _ let it go.3它说它能够给我所希望得到的一切。It said it could give

2、 me _ I _ _.4. 今天我钓到了一条会说话的金鱼。I _ a_ _ today.5你为什么不向它要一栋新房子呢?_ _ _ ask it for a new house?1wife n. 妻子观察 My wife and I lead a poor life.我和我的妻子过着贫穷的生活。The two men went fishing while their wives prepared the dinner.那两个男人去钓鱼,他们的妻子准备晚饭。探究 wife 的复数形式为_。 拓展 以f 或fe 结尾的名词变为复数时,把f或fe 变为v,再加es。thiefthieveswife

3、wivesleafleavesknifeknivesshelfshelvesscarfscarveshalfhalves 记忆口诀小偷(thief)的妻子(wife)拿树叶(leaf)当刀子(knife),将书架(shelf)和围巾(scarf)一劈两半(half)。 1那座架子上有两把刀。There are two _ on the _2whatever pron. 无论什么;不管什么;任何(每样)事物观察 I will give you whatever you want.不管你要什么,我都将给你。Whatever she did was right.她所做的事情都是对的。探究 whate

4、ver是合成词,由“whatever”构成,意为“无论什么;不管什么;任何(每样)事物”,相当于_。拓展 类似的单词还有whenever(无论何时), wherever(无论何地)等。2I hope to make decisions by myself. OK. But remember _ you do, you should think about the results. Awhenever Bhowever Cwhatever Dwherever3marry v. 结婚;嫁;娶观察 My father married my mother in 1983. 1983年,我爸爸娶了我妈妈

5、。探究 marry为_词,意为“结婚;嫁;娶”。拓展 married 为形容词,意为“已婚的”。其常用结构为be/get married,意为“结婚”。其中be married表示状态,可以和表示一段时间的单词或短语连用;get married表示动作,不能和表示一段时间的单词或短语连用。表示“与某人结婚”用marry sb.或get married to sb.。32017鄂州Sandys grandparents_(marry)for 50 years.1It asked me to let it go. 它请求我放它走。探究 本句中动词不定式作宾语补足语。ask sb._ sth.意为“

6、请求某人做某事”,let sb. _ sth.意为“让某人做某事”。拓展 在英语中,有些动词后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,现归纳如下:一“感”(feel),二“听”(hear, listen to),三“让”(let, make, have),四“看”(observe, see, watch, notice),半“帮助”(help)。12017广东For more than once, our head teacher asks us_ the habit of keeping a diary. AdevelopBdevelopsCdeveloping Dto develop2Why di

7、dnt you ask it for a new house?你为什么不向它要一栋新房子呢?探究 句型“Why dont/didnt you do sth.?”是提出建议的一种表达方式,其同义句型为“_?”,注意有主语时必须加上助动词。Why dont you come earlier?Why not come earlier?你为什么不早点儿来呢?拓展 其他提建议的句型:How/What about doing?做怎么样?Shall we do?我们做好吗?Let sb. do sth.让某人做某事。Youd better (not) do sth.你(们)最好(不要)做某事。22017眉山

8、Bob, Im not good at English. What should I do?Why not_ an English club to practice_ English?Ato join; speaking Bjoin; to speakCto join; to speak Djoin; speaking教师详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1wife; wives2.whatever3.grey4marry5.ours6.金鱼7.网; 网络短语互译1lead a poor life2.pull out3.open up4从跳出来5.请求; 要求6.希望得到7在海上8.出去打鱼句型

9、在线1lead2.asked; to3.whatever; wished for4. caught; talking goldfish5.Why didnt you【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 wives knives; shelf2 no matter what Cwhenever意为“无论什么时候”; however意为“无论怎样”; whatever意为“无论什么”; wherever意为“无论哪里”。句意:“我希望自己做决定。”“好吧。但是记住无论你做什么,你都应该考虑后果。”故选C。3 动have been married句型透视1 to do; doD2 Why not do sth.D。4


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