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1、 Unit6 Im more outgoing than my sister .Section B一、教师寄语:Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。二、学习目标:Knowledge aims: New words and phrases: necessary, beat, care, friendship, information, be different form Ability aims: 1) 谈论自己所喜欢朋友的特征;2)能从文字表达中获取有关人物特征的信息。Emotion aim: 通过对别人不同点的肯定和包容,让学生树立尊重他人尊重自己优

2、良品质。三、教学重难点:加深巩固比较级的用法。四、学习过程:(一)预习导学:预习单词,完成下列各题1.学业;必要的,必须的 _对在意_友情,友谊_信息_(二)合作探究:Read 3a and talk about what you think a good friend should be like.(三)拓展创新:Write about the things that are the same and different between you and a friend.(四)梳理归纳:你掌握了多少描述人的外貌,性格的词语?(五)达标检测一、根据汉语意思完成单词1. Speaking in

3、front of so many people, he cant keep_ (平静).2. The teacher is_(严肃). We are a little afraid of him.3. The_(相反) of the word quiet is wild.4. It is_(必要的) for us to have a good study habit.5. Liu Ying is more_(活跃) than Liu Li. )二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Everyone in our class enjoys _ (run) in the morning.2. Who

4、is_ (funny), your father or your mother?3. She talks _ (much) than her sister.4. Liu Ying is _ (outgoing), and Im quieter.5. Why is your English book is _ (thin) than the others?三、单项选择1. We spent _ day_ the problems.A. the all; discuss B. the whole; discussing C. all the; with D. all the; to discuss

5、2. Its important _ me to have a new bike.A. of B. for C. to D. on3. I like to have a friend who _ me.A. like B. liking C. is like D. are like4. _he is a little boy, he plays soccer very wellABecause BBut CThough DFor四、根据要求变换句子1I study English very well(改为同义句)I am very _ _ English.2My box is heavyJim

6、s box is heavier(改为同义句)Jims box is heavier _ _.3They both study very hard(改为同义句)_ _ _ study very hard.4Tom is 15Jack is 17(合成一句)Tom isnt _ _ _ Jack五、 典型例题解析1 .Stop _so much noise! My father is sleeping.A. to make B. making C to hear D. hearing解析:stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事,stop doing停止干某事。由后句“我爸爸正在睡觉。

7、”可知应该停止“制造噪音”。故选B.2. Beijing,the capital of China,is one of _cities in the world.A. the biggest B. bigger C. much bigger D. big解析:考查形容词的用法句意为:“中国的首都北京世界上最大的城市之一。”one of + 形容词最高级+复数名词,意为“最之一”。六、中考链接1. The doctor told Mary to eat_vegetables and _meat because she was getting fatter and fatter.A. much;

8、little B. more; fewer C. many; few D. more ;less2. We all like Miss Yang. She always makes her history class very_.A. interest B. interests C. interesting D. interested3. -Bob, how are you feeling today? - Much_. I dont want to eat anything.A. better B. worse C. healthier4. -Knowledge is money. -But

9、 I think it is _money.A. as important as B. so important as C. more important than D. the same as七、课后反思这节课我学会了_我的困惑是_参考答案Unit6 SectionB预习导学:1.lesson 2.laugh 3.for 4.interest 5.though 6.necessary 7.care 8.friendship 9. information达标检测:一、1. calm 2. serious 3. opposite 4. necessary 5. athletic二、1. running 2. funnier 3. more 4. more outgoing 5. thinner三、1-6 BABCCC四、1. good at 2. than mine 3. Both of them 4. as old as 5. favorite subject五、1. more and more 2. better, listening 3. funny, laugh 4. as outgoing as, both outgoing 5. taller, than more outgoing中考链接:1-4 DCBC


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