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1、名词的数专题复习一、 专有名词(表示人、某地、某机构等专有名称的名词)的第一个字母大写。Eg: Kate, Jim, China, Shaoguan, Party, League, the Great Wall二、 不可数名词只有单数形式,表单数,前面不能用a/an修饰。Water, milk, bread, orange(橙汁), rice, food, time, money, News, maths, meat, chicken, pork, beef, fish(鱼肉)三、 不可数名词表数量多少时,可用计量单位表示。表示单数: 表示复数的:A cup of tea two cups o

2、f tea a glass of water three glasses of water a bottle of water three bottles of water a bottle of milk four bottles of milka piece of bread/news two pieces of bread/newsa bag of rice three bags of rice a kilo of pork five kilos of pork可数名词单数形式表“一”的概念是时,用a(用于辅音音素前)或an(用于元音音素前)来修饰。A book a banana a b

3、lack cat a desk a door a white shirt a teacher a sweater a Chinese book An apple an hour an egg an old man an orange an English book 四、 可数名词表复数(2个或以上)形式的构成;A:规则变化1、 一般在单数名词后面加s:Book-books boy-boys key-keys day-days girl-girls 2、 以字母s,x,ch,CH结尾的名词加esGlass-glasses watch-watches match-matches3、 以辅音字母加y

4、结尾,去y为i再加esCity-cities baby-babies country-countries factory-factories libray-libraries family-families story-stories body-bodies dictionary-dictioanaries pary-parties4、 以字母f或fe结尾,去f或fe为v,再加esKnife-knives leaf-leaves wife-wives shelf-shelves life-lives thief-thieves half-halves wolf-wolves5、 以字母o结尾的

5、可以吃的加es, 不可以吃的加sPhoto-photos radio-radios zoo-zoos piano-pianos tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes B:不规则变化1、 变单数名词中的元音字母Man-men woman-women policeman-policemen English-Englishmen Frenchman-Frenchmen foot-feet tooth-teeth goose-geese mouse-mice 2、 单复数形式同形;Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese fish-fish shee

6、p-sheep deer-deer people-peole 注意: German-Germans American-Americans Australian-Australians Russian-Russians 3、 词尾加ren child-children4、 只有复数形式Clothes glasses trousers socks shorts jeans 注:表示数量时,用计量单位表示:表单数的: 表复数的: A pair of glasses two pairs of glassesA pair of trousers three pairs of trousers 五、可数名

7、词有时也可以借助单位来表示一定的数量: 表单数的: 表复数的:A basket of apples three baskets of apples A box of books two boxes of books六、1)名词修饰名词要表复数时只把最后的名词变复数:An apple tree(一棵苹果树) two apple trees(两棵苹果树)A girl student three girl students2)man, woman修饰名词表复数时则两名词同时要变复数:A man teacher two men teachers A woman worker four women wo

8、rkers 专项练习( ) 1. How many _are there in the village?A. Chinese B. American C. Russian D. Australian( ) 2. Can I help you? -Id like _for my twin daughters.A. two pair of shoes B. two paris of shoe C. two pair of shoe D. two pairs of shoes( ) 3. Ive got a little _in my house. -Why not keep two or more

9、?A. juice B. mice C. bread D. fish( ) 4. All the _teachers and _students are having a meeting there.A. women; girl B. women; girls C. woman; girls D. woman; girl( ) 5. There are _on the table.A. a piece of bread B. two pieces of bread C. three pieces of bread( ) 6. There are a lot of _down there, bu

10、t hardly any_.A. sheep; people B. sheep; peoples C. sheeps; peoples D. sheeps; people( ) 7. Some_and _will come to visit our school next month.A. Germans; Englishmans B. Germen; Englishmen C. Germans; Englishmen D. Germen; Englishman( ) 8. Beijing is one of the most beautiful _ in China.A. city B. c

11、itys C. cityes D. cities ( ) 9. The news _true.A. am B. is C. are D. were( ) 10. Maths _very useful.A. am B. is C. are D. were( ) 11. All the _are made of _, not plastic.A. glass, glass B. glasses, glasses C. glassesl glass D. glass, glasses( ) 12. Please help me move the table in. -But there isnt e

12、nough _.A. place B. floor C. room D. ground( ) 13. You need take more _, doing morning_ every day is good for our health. He _every day.A. exercise; exercise; exercise B. exericses; exercises; exercises C. exercises, exercises, exercise D. exercise, exercises, exercises( ) 14. There are few _in the

13、fridge. Lets go and buy some peas,carrots and cabbages.A. meat B. fruit C. vegetables D. eggs( ) 15. Would you like some _?-No, thanks. Im not thirsty at all.A. bread B. water C. cake D. tomatoes( ) 16. We have bought two _for the coming party.A. box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. b

14、oxes of apple( ) 17. _is spoken the most widely in the world.A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Russian ( ) 18. Beth has a beautiful_. Listen! She is singing very well.A. voice B. look C. sound D. smell( ) 19. These Germans want to have some _for supper, so they decide to catch _now.A. fish, many B.

15、 fishes, much C. fish, much D. fishes, many ( ) 20. I want to explain, but he didnt give me any _.A. excuse B. chance C. way D. choise( ) 21. In autumn _turn yellow.A. leaves B. leafs C. leaf D. leafs( ) 22. Linda, Ive bought several _.Now lets make the birthday cake.A. fresh eggs B. chocolate milk

16、C. frozen food D. frozen fruit( ) 23. I have to speak to my grandpa loudly because theres something wrong with his _.A. eyes B. legs C. mouths D. ears( ) 24. You need to look at a _when you cant find your way.A. map B. list C. menu D. dictionary( ) 25. We have to be quick. The train starts at 10:35

17、-Dont worry. There is _ time to go.A. some B. few C. little D. any( ) 26. _work is very important I a discussion.A. Team B. House C. Farm D. School( ) 27. Do you like fruit? Yes, I like the _best.A. pototo B. chicken C. pear D. bread( ) 28. _ a pen and two books on the desk. A. There are B. There is C. Have D. Has3


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