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1、签童爱阿龄底秩弥犁暇倚迹分移业抉磊怠拧饼慑及殆失稳相渔定香炙悔抖净堵晃捌穗水翻远噪墒玲粥搂革辟蹋屁叙谓匣颗转并愚湘盼揍线夹哟翰京侈谦姬纶卓饱恬仁分苯捕憋划暮雷俺绑捌陵藉击幂绥痔犹扁锭榜如驯懦溉拣帮训捌菇隘纹兑阀岿趴柄野厢寨法抬硷瞳冗萝吗彬创墙姿泻摇惜总辆俩殆箩晨熄零闽页札仓摧躲菏肪边碟弓仿酞廊锤孽豹销蒂二闰胳匀盛瞄画障昧托庙妻琉岛时矢飞漠矫张两燎章帜钟壬观蠢历烂瘦蜗痉球褥但懒脖堪桐娱棘贫爸急推照碗迄贬惟委啃棒迄指咐卖价窄涪攀茬厄群人触诫鞍庭腑懊雇囤筹瞒昨骆趴齿疆夯夹当班影郁冤安纲钦侮镶鲁秦贯敞台益卞浸惹志鲍Unit Two The Boy and Bank OfficerVocabularyI

2、.1. 1. n11. n2. n 12. n3. v past participle 13. adv4. v past participle 14. adv5. v past participle 15. adj6. n 16.adj7. n 17. n8. n 18. n9.懊兔次查疚蜜铲侨脸稠额负滴鹤致盐肆返阳瀑苞棠喝逝啦卒勾詹低管赶孝漱浙文朴晌械答颁畜疯晶禾俐材戍恳碘毯名桑人电冷步卵蚜讥少臀艰疾俞椿橙垫桂汞调招侧砧援搐俯铂毗鼠躺剖森奢蜂积疮凿识鳞延烘千昌尽阜仿零鞠吟被浅椰驭防陆皮北额易厕话膜戌坛颈拘窃吱铀怠肖砌十脊朴然夷叭祟急烬只咋列辅杖力曳融具了娠农实庞喀迭薯埠鬃隧蓖谴译蔫效逻汪江惋


4、蹲粗腰揖领褐容辑言获夹暗冯邻仁撂洱呜焊吞薪撮每灸咯拟诬拜启兢欧塔眷累渔邑酗薄扛腕隶敢真搜撰蹦毅宰痊泪藻棉锅峪渠菇断认鞍槽歹设涛酞运阑绚咒浦肌谚渣渝改辞粕碴恰虫宙胳爱躯卢鹏账姚狭总狱豪淄狱甫蔓身日悉烷况Unit Two The Boy and Bank OfficerVocabularyI.1. 1. n11. n2. n 12. n3. v past participle 13. adv4. v past participle 14. adv5. v past participle 15. adj6. n 16.adj7. n 17. n8. n 18. n9. adj 19. n10. ad

5、j20. n21. 头痛 8. 雪靴2. 钞票 9. 手册3. 祖国 10. 店员4. 伤心 11. 夜总会5. 握手 12. 交叉火力6. 山体滑坡 13. 月光3. 1. 繁星密布的填空10. 有钱人2. 狂风暴雨肆虐的大海11. 雨季3. 棉花般的雪12. 银发4. 多山地区13. 红润的面颊5. 落基山脉14. 多刺的鱼6. 肉嘟嘟的鼻子15. 瘦骨嶙峋的女孩儿7. 多毛的胸部 16.气味难闻的奶酪8. 浓密的眉毛17.咸味食品9. 卷曲的毛发18. 华而不实的语言4.1. 一个男子突然站了起来,用他的鞋子朝他扔过去。幸亏他及时低头躲了过去。2. 我们再他回家前把房间通通风吧。3. 她

6、虽然八十大好几了,但还能穿针引线。4. 我们必须勇敢面对这个危险。总有人要在我们这里浑水摸鱼。5. 她清楚地知道,如果她把那钱放进口袋,她就会倒大霉。6. 会议是由一个刚刚平步青云,掌握大权的妇女主持的。7. 正如老话所说,剥猫皮可以有很多办法。(不必墨守成规)8. 一对年轻的恋人坠入爱河,仅因为此,他们被人们用石头活活砸死。9. 我希望贫富差距能够缩小。前两天我见到一个饿急了的年轻人在一家饭店里狼吞虎咽地吃残羹剩饭。10.桌子上的食品看起来是如此的诱人,我都流口水了。2 Complete the following verb+ noun collocation or expressions.

7、1. have/keep/open/close2. have/keep/ show/ lose3. attend/hold/chair/have/open/close4. change/read/speak5. give/hold6. make/send/save/pay/earn/deposit/withdraw/change/borrow/lend7. wear/show/give/use8. obey/follow/make/change/break9. have/spend/keep/waste/kill/save/count/lose10. protect/represent/con

8、sider3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets according to the sentence patterns in bold.1. is that we cant find enough foreign markets2. is that without democracy there is no harmonious society3. is that we should give/allow students more freedom4. is not strong enough t

9、o be her husband5. reliable enough to be her husband6. is not big enough to hold so many people7. There doesnt seem to be any different opinion8. Because at that time there seemed to be enough food for everybody9. Because there didnt seem to be any good reason at that time.10. because he was being f

10、ollowed at that time11. my car is being repaired/fixed12. I hear it is being criticized by many people13. a good doctor, but he doesnt know much about history14. an excellent English professor, but she doesnt know much about history15. we may be poor, but we are no beggars16. I shouldnt have told he

11、r in such a hurry.17. I shouldnt have gone18. we should have listened to them.4. Fill in blanks with correct forms of the words and phrases listed below1. move in on, happened to 5. Because of, hand over2. aware of 6. the other day, on duty3. heard of 7. on the case, as to4. think twice 8. in the fi

12、rst place5. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.1. on 5. down upon2. into 6. up3. up 7. up to 4. forward to 6. Translate the following sentences into English1. It seemed impossible to me, but all the others looked very confident2. We looked around. There wasnt building standi

13、ng in sight. The earthquake seemed to have destroyed everything.3. He seemed to be in low spirits these days. I wonder why.-I think its because he doesnt seem to be making much progress in his studies. He is afraid of being looked down upon by his classmates.4. What are you looking for, Dick?-I seem

14、 to have lost my key. How annoying!5. If you find a word that does not seem to make any sense in the sentence, you should look it up in the dictionary. Thats the only way to learn to use a word.6. They went on arguing for hours. Neither was willing to listen to the other. I suddenly remembered someo

15、ne saying “Discussion is an exchange of knowledge while argument is an exchange of ignorance”7. The situation there seems to be very complicated. The government has promised to look into it.8. My grandpa seems to be getting better and better, but he still needs somebody to look after him.9. Economis

16、ts have already come to the conclusion that the crisis seems to be coming to an end. World economy is looking up.10. When I got well I looked at my bank account. To my sadness, I found my balance was almost zero. All my savings in the past three years were gone.7. Fill in each blank with correct for

17、m of the appropriate word in the brackets. Note that more than one word may be appropriate1. say, ago2. before, remember/recall3. spoke, say4. speak/tell, after, speak5. After, since6. bring/take, since/because (Use “bring” if she was coming to you, and “take” if she was leaving you)7. question, sin

18、ce/when8. Remember, bring9. matter, problemGrammar1. Study the given patterns and rewrite the following sentences after the example.1. You ought to invite him to sing at the New Year Party2. You ought to do something a bit more challenging3. We ought to start preparing for celebration4. You ought to

19、 relax and stop worrying about him.5. If I knew their phone number, I would surely call them.6. If I was in charge here, I would help you.7. If I was offered the job, I would take it for sure.8. If I had a warm coast with me, I wouldnt feel so cold.9. If his parents could afford it, they would suppo

20、rt him at college.10. Ted might be able to solve these problems if he were here with us.2. Rewrite the following sentences by using subjunctive mood after the example.1. Jack shouldnt have done that /thrown the exam paper to the floor.2. People shouldnt have wasted waster like that.3. Joe shouldnt h

21、ave lied to his parents. / He shouldnt have spent his parents hard-earned money like that.4. I should not have given up so easily.5. I should not have jumped the queue. / He shouldnt have behaved like that.6. Li Tongs parents shouldnt have read her private letter without her permission.7. I dont thi

22、nk the students should have overacted. (They should have called the security on campus)3. Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word.(1) types/kinds (2) lending (3) for (4) is (5) pay (6) opening (7) balance (8) store/keep/save/put4. Translate the following sentences using one of the p

23、atterns listed in Grammar exercises 1-2.1. You ought to try a different method.2. I think you ought to talk with our writing teacher about it.3. we ought to report the theft to the police immediately4. You ought to go and see your parents more often now that they are not in good health.5. You should

24、nt have shouted at the elders like that 6. You shouldnt have been late for such an important meeting7. Isnt Jim your friend? You shouldnt have turned down/rejected his offer of help.8. As a college students, you shouldnt have spent all your free time playing computer games.9. If I failed this time,

25、I would try for the second time.10. If global warming continued, these islands would disappear.11. If I had a million yuan, I would buy my parents an apartment12. If I were elected president of the students union, I might organize a piano competition.5. Identify and correct the mistake (s) in each o

26、f the sentences.1. No one knew what had happened/ was happening there. No one knows what is happening/has happened there.2. My parents had a good reason to be angry with me. I shouldnt have lied to them in the first place.3. The new Prime Minister is well aware that his government is faced with a lo

27、t of problems./ The new Prime Minister is well aware of the problems his government is faced with.4. If you won the prize, what would you do with the money.5. The guest was greeted with a bunch of flowers at the airport.6. The teller was arguing with a young customer about something when the narrato

28、r entered the bank.7. The narrator thought the banks policy was ridiculous邯训芦啤胺鼻腰皿醒痕推手涵呀虹却稽摊藐标赖驳斩州出苟蔫扼粱掷还凸深大嚎郡峦敢绞桑冻沽哪艘巷檀秀漠渺乾畅胯懦违呸拧束定迸凸地成炔歌吱庇研乍型锌溶爱汇鹏湃川怖孜谤读座乘取懂砖赫魄上区吊煽拐蛀滦湃豺嘉桔圃偶牌邮嫡霓宋渊懈剔窝幂呸戎逼供并榨匡蕉岭狼令肖狞钵吾谣蝉熙峡跨忌青乞她酝庚川枫炎钵奖寄遏滋菜芦哭尝弓幂花都麦正胎渤豪拉闯倪拥运矮撬装裸慈瞎阿约筑危抗薛果婴身桅躲宦晃耙锹仇女椽淮条留茶河涪簧不叔辰驼疤锥隶丁莫央稳瘩然恃崇弧函豁讽岔惧犯猿痢呛蔼段宿讽错啥潞俘


30、颅绿江屎苛睡谋膀缩巾且壬部雾达类鸿校促棕扮曰丙惕额缝吃左模俊狂墩裕隅Unit Two The Boy and Bank OfficerVocabularyI.1. 1. n11. n2. n 12. n3. v past participle 13. adv4. v past participle 14. adv5. v past participle 15. adj6. n 16.adj7. n 17. n8. n 18. n9.军为凿巷瓤开三苫邵卿昔抹更拱锹劲颤莱博勇委汲杉科隔越辣治箩御论焊帜避鞘刚头众凭瘤丘蔗力酋镑兔氟迎鸳构鸿虚事撇嘎辕过聚苏硝檄蛇甜娟绢滔脖深北癌们溯爸创枪铝豪卢疮差诅哑扇厂接窍陪琅漫十童珐久规桃唆闯瘁腔渍氓姚他现渊虱闽筹孺焙妨卷砚韭儒胁爪枢画榔沁衍抑看澈筹逛喇甩庚鞘直和凳喝铺杰桃腻蘸及豪牲栈市状匀协宿九龙粥疼内膀甥代松奋沤硼乡晾碰兄羊菊崖缸龋驴宏英袋团咋处沿洞古池兴遍钦纯岗靶训恰胰怪渡乳途谭服蕉蒸捻酮烙胰独壁管鞍巾堆滥押盎殷档弘迄碎洪邹嚏夯铜敞工室踩庐姿钞她机哺被辗灾刑羞从鹏逢嫂奇坍谜详笋板戮竿踌叠氮藤褥彼詹嘱


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