2019年中考英语二轮复习 完形填空金榜选(七).doc

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1、2019年中考英语完形填空金榜选(七)及参考答案第一篇(2018中考选练)Typhoon(台风) in the northern part of the world have _1_ names. _2_ they have very beautiful names. Rose is a pretty name but there was nothing pretty about Typhoon Rose. It was the _3_ typhoon to hit Hong Kong in ten years.It began to rain _4_ the morning of Monda

2、y, August 16th, 1971. At ten oclock in the morning, Typhoon Rose was still 130 miles away but already the wind was blowing peoples umbrella away. The wind became stronger and _5_. The typhoon shelters(避风港) were soon _6_ of boats. Ships that were too big to go inside the shelters put down more anchor

3、s(锚). Some very big ships went out to sea. It is safer for a big ship to be at sea in a typhoon because it cannot _7_ onto rocks. Kai Tak Airport closed. _8_ planes were able to take off or land. At 9:00 in the evening, all the lights went out.No one slept well that night. It is difficult to sleep i

4、n _9_ bad weather.In Typhoon Rose, more than one hundred people died. 229 people were hurt and 66 of these had to go to hospital, 1500 lost their homes. The people of Hong Kong will not quickly _10_ Typhoon Rose!( )1. A. boys B. girls C. boys D. girls ( )2. A. Sometime B. Sometimes C. Some time D. S

5、ome times ( )3. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. best ( )4. A. in B. on C. at D. to ( )5. A. stronger B. strong C. strongest D. strongly ( )6. A. fill B. filled C. full D. fulled ( )7. A. blow B. be blew C. blown D. be blown ( )8. A. All B. No C. Few D. None ( )9. A. so B. so a C. such D. such a ( )10. A

6、. remember B. forget C. have D. think 参考答案15 DBCBA 610 CDBCB第二篇2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案教育类I have thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But only one was the most important. It happened last term just after I had got a result in an exam. I was sad and had lost my confidence(自信). I dec

7、ided to go to a class which can tell me how to be . The speaker walked into the room. But he did not start talking like a teacher. Instead, he held up a twenty yuan note(钞票). Who wants this? He asked.of us in the class help up our hands. He smiled. Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked

8、 the same question. Again, we all put up our hands. He smiled again but said. Suddenly, he threw the note onto the floor! Then he asked the same question a time. I didnt understand what the speaker was doing. Why was he asking the same question again and again? I wanted to get the note, I put my han

9、d up again. After a while, hethe note and started to laugh. “You have all just told me how to become successful. The note is worth (价值)20 yuan. It is 20 yuan even though I threw it on the floor. You are like the note. Whatever happens to you , you still have your worth.” Suddenly II worth a lot . I

10、may have done poorly in the exam, but it doesnt mean I cant do well in the future. If I believe in myself, I will be successful.【小题1】A. school B.class C. exam【小题2】A. good B. lucky C. bad【小题3】A. brave B. famous C. successful【小题4】A. Few B. All C. Many【小题5】A. nothing B. everything C. something【小题6】A. f

11、irst B. second C. third【小题7】A. so B. if C. but【小题8】A. cleaned up B. gave up C. picked up【小题9】A. never B. always C. hardly【小题10】A. forgot B realized C. dreamed第三篇【*年浙江金华】完形填空。Jim Green has been in China for more than two years. He has been to many interesting 31 in Beijing, but he has not yet been to

12、 many other parts of 32 . Last week he went to Mount Emei in Sichuan with his 33 .Many people like to travel by 34 , but the Greens think that travelling by train is the best. It is much 35 and far more enjoyable than a rushed journey by air. They had a wonderful train ride to Chengdu 36 they went o

13、n to Mount Emei by bus.The train was quite nice and tidy, and there werent too many people in 37 sleeping car. The Greens could stand up and 38 around. It was a long journey, 39 none of them felt tired. They kept 40 the beautiful things out of the window. They talked, laughed and played cards. The c

14、onductor kept coming to give them hot water and 41 them newspapers. People nearby 42 with each other. A young man tried to speak English with Mr and Mrs Green. Jim thought the train was like a big moving party. He went to sleep quite 43 . He enjoyed listening to the sound of the running train and th

15、en fell asleep.When Jim woke up the next morning, the train was already 44 Chengdu. His train ride seemed really 45 , but his memory (记忆) of the pleasant journey will last long.31. A. schools B.places C.villages D.cities32. A. England B.America C.China D.the world33. A. friends B.classmates C. fathe

16、r D.family34. A. air B.bus C.train D.ship35. A. cheaper B.dearer C.dirtier D.quicker36. A. before B.when C.after D.while37. A. my B.your C.our D.their38. A. sit B.walk C.run D. dance39. A. and B.so C.also D.but40. A. looking B.drawing C.watching D.getting41. A. reading B.buying C.selling D.writing42

17、. A. talked B.spoke C.told D.said43. A. early B.late C.easily D. hard44. A. beside B. to C.past D.near45. A. quick B.slow C.short D.Long【主旨大意】本文介绍了Jim一家乘坐火车到峨眉山旅行的情况,并给Jim留下了美好印象。31. B 根据第一段第二句话和最后一句话可知许多有趣的地方,故选B。32. C 根据第一段第一句话可推断出C项。33. D根据第二段第一句话中的“the Greens”可推断出D项。34. A结合第二段可知选A。35. A cheaper意

18、思是“更便宜”;dearer意思是“更贵”;dirtier意思是“更脏”;quicker意为“更快”,根据本句意思可推断应该是“比起很快的飞机旅行,火车旅行更便宜更快乐”,故选A。36. A依据本句可推断他们是在到达峨眉山之前坐火车去的成都,故选A。37. D 由本段第二句话可推断选项为D。38. B 固定短语的用法。“walk around”意为“到处走走”,故选B。39. D根据本自然段的整体意思可推断出“大家一点也不累”,故选D。40. C依据前后句意可推断大家都在观看窗外的美丽风景,故选C。41. C 根据本句意思可知“售票员一直给他们提供热水并卖给他们报纸”,故选B。42. A 固定

19、短语的用法。“talk with sb”意思是“与某人说话”,故选A。43. B根据本段的最后一句“ He enjoyed listening to the sound of the running train”可推断Jim很晚才睡觉,故选B。44. D介词的用法。Beside“在、旁边”; to意思是“向,往,到”; past 的意思是“经过”; near的意思是“在、附近”,根据文章意思可推断出D项。45. C根据最后一段意思及“but”一词,可判断“Jim的火车旅行虽然很短但这次快乐的旅行将持续很长时间”,故选C。第四篇用词的适当形式填空型If you travel around Chi

20、na you _1_ (notice)a very popular activity everywhere you_2_ (go)一basketball. This much-loved sport_3_ (enjoy) by many, for fun and exercise.It_4_ (believe) that on December 21st,1891,the first basketball game in history was played. Then in 1936 in Berlin,it became an Olympic event. A team from Chin

21、a_5_ (take) part,and although they_6_ (win) they_7_ (use) the experience to help develop the game at home. Since then the popularity of basketball_8_ (rise) worldwide, and the number of foreign players in Americas NBA_9_ (increase). Basketball has become a more popular sport for people to watch,and

22、many young people dream of _10_ (become) famous basketball players.1._, 2. _, 3. _, 4. _, 5_, 6. _, 7_, 8. _, 9_, 10. _,【解题技巧】本文是适当形式型填空题。做本题时先快速通读本文以了解本文大意。本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了篮球运动的诞生、发展及最终成为在全世界都深受欢迎的运动。1. will notice。考查将来时。前面句子的意思:如果你在中国四处旅游,由句中的If(如果)可知后面的句子中用将来时。if(如果)+从句(一般现在时),主句(一般将来时)。故答案应写will n

23、otice2. go。考查动词。联系整个句子可知句子的意思是: 无论你去哪儿你都会注意到一项非常受欢迎的运动。本句所说的只是一般情况,所以用一般现在时。故答案应写go3. is enjoyed,考查被动语态。主语篮球运动是“喜欢、享受”的承受者。应该用被动、或直接把by many作为信号词、即:by sb.是被动语态的标志。4. is believed.考查固定句型。Its believed that. 是“据说。人们认为”的意思.属于固定结构。5. took,考查动词的过去式。in加过去的年代是一般过去时的标志。6. didnt win。考查动词的时态。由although可知此处表示转折,此

24、处表示“尽管他们没赢”,应用否定形式,且“没赢”是过去的一般事实,故用didnt win7. used。考查连词and的运用。and连接的前后两个动词的时态、词形和词性一般应该是相同的。8. has risen。考查动词的时态。表示从过去某一时间开始,一直持续到现在或仍将持续下去的动作或状态,应用现在完成时。since是现在完成时的标志。9. has increased。考查the number of的运用。The number of短语作主语,谓语动词用单三形式; 此处and连接的前后句子的时态应该是相同的。10. becoming。考查介词后的动词。of是信号词,即介词后的动词要用动名词形

25、式。【方法点拨】如何做完形填空题: 1.通读全文,掌握大意,把握结构。做题之前必须先集中精力快速地将短文读一遍,掌握其大意;同时把准文章发展脉络和文章的起承转合,要注意段落与段落之间,句与句之间的内在逻辑关系,领悟暗示。这样,答题时才能做到心中有数。 2.精读第一句。它是了解全文大意的基石,往往是文章的主题句,根据它来把握文章的中心思想,为下面答题莫定基础。3.从上下文寻找信息词。完形填空所选的文章都是具有逻辑关系、意义相关的语篇,而词语的重复出现、同义词和反义词的使用是重要的连句成篇的纽带,因此,在行文中不可避免地会出现词语的复现,前后同义词、反义词相互照应等现象。 4.形意结合,前后参照。

26、完形填空所要求填的答案在意义上必须和短文内容相符语法规则和习惯用法。,形式上必须符合语法规则和习惯用法。第五篇阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。After their 15yearold pet dog died, Rain and his wife, Ann, looked for months to find the right new pet. “I love dogs,” said Rain, a worker at a health club in New York. “I cant 16 not having one.”Finally, the

27、couple found a lovely young 17 and decided to 18 him home. They named him Little Sheep. Little Sheep quickly made himself at home, sleeping on his new 19 bed at night.With heart disease for 25 years, Rain 20 took his medicine four times a day and always had no problems. 21 on March 17, he took the w

28、rong amount(数量) of medicine before he went to sleep. When he got out of bed to 22 the bathroom at night, suddenly, he felt his heart beating fast and later fell to the floor heavily.“Little Sheep was usually very 23 and well-behaved,” said Ann. “But when my husband hit the floor, the dog gave a loud

29、 cry like a wild animal. I was woken but didnt know what was happening. Then I saw my husband 24 on the bathroom floor. I ran for the 25 and called a hospital at once.”Rain spent several hours in the hospital. By 6:30 a. m, he had been 26 enough to go home. “It surprises me that Little Sheep has suc

30、h great 27 ,” said his thankful owner. “Hes becoming a calm little gentleman. We can walk him on our street, unleashed(未拴住的), without any problem. Hes got a lot of 28 now, and everyone wants to 29 him kindly.”“We feel the name Little Sheep is not good enough,” said Rain. “So now we call him Big Hero

31、, more 30 for an animal of his ability.”( ) 16. A. plan B. imagine C. win D. decide( ) 17. A. dog B. cat C. sheep D. bird( ) 18. A. ride B. catch C. throw D. take( )19. A. relatives B. neighbors C. classmates D. owners( ) 20. A. politely B. hardly C. carefully D. widely( ) 21. A. And B. But C. Or D.

32、 So( ) 22. A. start B. sell C. use D. burn( ) 23. A. quiet B. noisy C. worried D. rude( ) 24. A. singing B. standing C. lying D. dancing( ) 25. A. clock B. phone C. pen D. watch( ) 26. A. good B. full C. weak D. beautiful( ) 27. A. stress B. danger C. courage D. sadness( ) 28. A. pollution B. nature

33、 C. advice D. confidence( ) 29. A. touch B. throw C. hurt D. hit( ) 30. A. wrong B. suitable C. colorful D. common【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文中讲述了一对夫妇收养了一只宠物狗,男主人公因心脏病吃药过量而昏倒,这只宠物狗救了他的性命。这对夫妇非常感激这只狗,觉得他是一个英雄。16. B 根据上文“I love dogs”可知,她非常喜欢狗,都难以想象没有狗是什么样子的。plan计划;imagine想象;win赢得;decide决定。故答案为B。17. A 根据短文第一段中的第一句

34、“After their 15-year-old pet dog died”可知,这对夫妇要找的是宠物狗。dog“狗”;cat“猫”;sheep“绵羊”;bird“鸟”。故答案为A。18. D 根据前面“这对夫妇最后找到了一只可爱的小狗”可知,他们决定把它带回家。ride骑车;catch捉住;throw扔;take带,拿走。固定短语take sb/ sth home意为“带某人/某物回家”,故答案为D。19. D 句意:小绵羊很快使自己在融入了这个家庭,并在晚上睡在了新主人的床上。relatives“亲戚的”;neighbors“邻居的”;classmates“同学的”;owners“主人的”

35、。根据句意可知,狗睡在主人的床上,故答案为D。20. C 根据后面“always had no problems”可知,他一直是很小心地吃药。politely“有礼貌地”;hardly“几乎不,简直不”;carefully“仔细地;认真地”;widely“广泛地”。根据句意“他细心地一天吃四次药”,故答案为C。21. B 根据前面是很细心地吃药与后句中“he took the wrong amount of medicine”可知,此句与前面构成转折关系。and和,表示承接关系;but但是,表示转折关系;or或者,表示选择;so所以,因此。根据前后转折可知答案为B。22. C 根据此空前面“h

36、e got out of the bed”可知,他下床是为了去卫生间。start开始;sell买,出售;use使用;burn燃烧。根据句意可知答案为C。23. A 根据后句“but when my husband hit the floor, the dog gave a loud cry like a wild animal.”可知,这只宠物狗平时是非常安静的。quiet安静的;noisy吵闹的;worried担心的;rude粗鲁的。根据句意“小绵羊通常是安静的并且行为比较好”可知,答案为A。24. C 根据前面“and later fell to the floor heavily”可知,

37、此时“我”看见丈夫正躺在地上,短语see sb doing sth“看见某人做某事”,故答案为C。25. B 根据后句“called a hospital at once”可知,立刻打电话给医院,前句应该是跑去找电话。clock钟表;phone电话;pen笔;watch手表。故答案为B。26. A 根据后句“enough to go home”可知,Rain的身体已经足够好才能回家;又good好的;full充满的;weak虚弱的;beautiful漂亮的。故答案为A。27. C 根据前面短文的中讲述小绵羊救人的表现,可知句意为“使我惊讶的是小绵羊有如此巨大的胆量。” stress压力;dang

38、er危险;courage勇气;sadness悲伤。故答案为C。28. D 根据前面句子“We can walk him on our street, unleashed, without any problem.”可知,他现在已经获得了一些信任。pollution污染;nature自然;advice建议;confidence自信。故答案为D。29. A 根据前句“他获得了一些自信”可知,每个人都非常友好地触摸他。touch触摸,触碰;throw扔掉;hurt伤害;hit打击。故答案为A。30. B 根据前句“So now we call him Big Hero,.”可知,现在我们称他为“大英雄”,对于一个动物的能力来说更加合适。wrong错误的;suitable合适的,恰当的;colorful丰富多彩的;common普通的。故答案为B。 10


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