2019秋七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas早读手册素材 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas【单词情景识记】101 banana bn:n n 香蕉 banana把拿拿你“把”“香蕉”“拿拿”试试,剁不了你的手,有啥好吃的非得一下子吃完不行啊?Theareais underbananacultivation.这个地区种植香蕉。hebananabearstwocropsevery year.香蕉一年收两喷。2 hamburger hmb:g (=burger) n. 汉堡包 ham憨吗bur不入ger哥入“汉堡包”真的好吃,你说你“憨吗?”你“不入”“哥入”,哥是非吃不可的了。Iordera sodaandahamburgerform

2、yself.Thenanotherpersongetscoffeefor me. 嗯,我为自己点了一杯苏打和一个汉堡包,然后另外一人给我拿了杯咖啡。3 tomatotma:tun(pl.tomatoes)西红柿,蕃茄 tomato偷嘛偷“偷嘛偷?”偷“西红柿”,因为西红柿最好吃。Fromlefttoright:durian,mushrooms,andtomato. 从左到右的蔬果为榴莲,蘑菇和番茄.4 ice-cream,aiskri:m n 冰淇淋 ice冰cream奶油“冰”和“奶油”可以制成“冰淇淋”。Do you want an ice cream?你想来个冰激凌吗?Ill get y

3、ou some ice cream.我去给你拿些冰激凌。5 salad sld n. 沙拉 sala沙拉d的“沙拉”“的”简称“沙拉”。Hemixedhis sonasalad. 他为儿子调制了一盘色拉。 Thissaladtastes ofgarlic. 这色拉有大蒜味。6 strawberry str:bri n. 草莓 straw稻草berry浆果“稻草”上的“浆果”就是“草莓”。Do youhavestrawberry? 你们有卖草莓吗?7 pear p n 梨 p拍ear耳朵“拍”“耳朵”会产生神奇的效果,是什么呢?那就是会从里边掉出“梨”来。Pe撇Ar爱人“撇”“爱人”,也就是说夫

4、妻离婚的时候,要吃“梨”。谐音“离”。Shetookapearandbitinto it. 她拿起一只梨,一口咬下去。Scoop outtherottenpartofthepear. 把梨烂的地方剜掉。8 milk milk n 牛奶 milk没有老渴天天要喝“牛奶”,“没有老渴”对身体不好。He stepped out to buy a quart of milk.他出去买了一夸脱奶。Shesoakedbreadinmilk. 她把面包浸在牛奶里。9 bread bred n 面包 bre不热ad俺的你做“面包”凭什么“不热”“俺的”,俺还不是一样掏钱?Hespreadsomebuttero

5、nhisbread. 他在面包上涂了些黄油。10 birthday b:dei n 生日birth出生day 天“出生”那“天”就是自己的“生日”。On his birthday she sent him presents.他生日那天,她送了他礼物。11 dinner din n (中午或晚上吃的)正餐 dindnn. 喧嚣vt. 喧闹er人“喧闹”之“人”,那可能就是在用“正餐”。She invited us to her house for dinner.她请我们到她家吃晚饭。Would you like to stay and have dinner?你愿意留下来吃晚餐吗?12 week

6、 wi:k n 周;星期 week谐音:微课学生每“星期”都要上“微课”。I had a letter from my mother last week.我上星期收到了母亲的一封信。This has been on my mind all week.我整个星期都在想这件事。13 think about phr. 思考,思索,考虑 We will think about your suggestion.我们会考虑你的建议。Ill be thinking about you all the time.我会经常想起你的。Dont think about it any more.不要再去想这事了。14

7、 food fu:d n 食物 food富的;发的;分的“食物”都是“发的”,不用自己去买。Enjoy your food.用餐愉快。Wecannotexistwithoutair,foodandwater. 我们没有空气、食物和水就不能生存。15 sure uadv.一定,当然,肯定 sure速热在微波炉里热东西,“速热”是“肯定”没问题的。Do you know where she lives?Sure.“你知道她住在哪儿吗?”“当然啦!”I amsureyoucangetwith itifyoutry. 如果你试一试的话,我相信你一定能适应。16 How about?(提出建议) 怎么样

8、? Howaboutwedothathere? 我们现在也这么做如何?Thenhowabouttomorrow? 那么明天如何?17 burger b:g (=hamburger) n. 汉堡包 bur补肉ger搁肉“汉堡包”需要“补肉”“搁肉”,这样才更好吃。How wouldyouknow ifyourburgercontainedclonedmeat? 你怎样知道你的汉堡包中有克隆肉呢?18 vegetable vedtbl n 蔬菜 ve五鹅ge 8鹅table桌子“五鹅”“8鹅”全放“桌子”上。这是“蔬菜”吗?A good general diet should include pl

9、enty of fresh vegetables.一份良好的日常饮食应当包括大量的新鲜蔬菜。19 fruit fru:t n 水果 fruit富人:我要它“水果”是有钱人需要的。所以“富人”说:“我要它”。每天吃一个水果,对健康很有必要。Theycandyfruitin autumnevery year. 他们每年秋天都做蜜饯水果。Thosechildrenhavefinished offthefruit. 那些孩子们把水果都吃光了。20 right rait Adj 对的,正确的,适当的 Right扔一个核桃“扔一个核桃”这是“对的”。舍不得孩子打不得狼。Clocks never told

10、the right time.时钟从来都不报正确的时间。Thats absolutely right.那是完全正确的。21 apple pl n 苹果 apple俺婆婆乐每天给婆婆吃一个“苹果”,“俺婆婆乐”。一天一苹果,疾病远离我。I want an apple.我要一个苹果。Itwistedanappleoffthetree. 我从树上摘下来一个苹果。22 then en adv 那么,然后 then讨好儿女“讨好儿女”,只有这么做吗?“那么”“然后”呢?I wasnt a very good scholar in school. Then why did you become a tea

11、cher?“我在学校时成绩不是很好。” “那你为什么当老师呢?”23 egg eg n 蛋,鸡蛋 egg 二哥哥“二哥哥”,你也会下“蛋”呀?Break the eggs into a shallow bowl and beat them lightly.把鸡蛋打在一个浅碗里并且稍微搅打。Meatdoesntcookasquicklyasanegg. 肉不像蛋那样容易煮熟。24 carrot krt n 胡萝卜 car小车rot肉汤“小车”把“肉汤”送到“胡萝卜”地里,当粪肥用,胡萝卜就能获大丰收。Thecarrotisthe secondmostpopularvegetableinthewo

12、rld,afterthepotato. 胡萝卜是世界上最受欢迎的蔬菜,它仅仅排在马铃薯之后。25 rice rais n 米饭;大米 rice人要吃呃“米饭”“大米”,“人要吃呃”,只吃小麦面,脑子糊涂。Droppingearsofricepromiseanothergood harvest. 沉甸甸的稻穗预示着又一个丰收。26 chicken tikin n . 鸡肉 chi吃c 象形:鸡肉ken啃把“鸡肉”拿在手里,左“吃”右“啃”一会就吃完了。Wedinedon achicken,porkandfreshvegetables. 我们正餐吃鸡、猪肉和新鲜蔬菜。27 so su conj.

13、(引出评论或问题)那么 So how was your day?那么,你今天怎么样?So youre a runner, huh?这么说,你是个跑步爱好者喽?So as for your question, Miles, the answer still has to be no.那么至于你的问题,迈尔斯,回答依然是否定的。28 breakfast brekfst n 早餐,早饭 break打破fast快“早餐”必须慢慢吃,必须“打破”“快”吃的习惯,这样对胃有好处。Whats for breakfast?早餐吃什么?Haveyouhadyourbreakfastalready? 你已经吃过早

14、饭了吗?29 lunch lnt n 午餐 lunch轮吃“午餐”人多,大家“轮吃”好了。Shall we meet somewhere for lunch?我们约个地方一起吃午饭好吗?He did not enjoy business lunches.他不喜欢工作午餐。30 star st: n. 星星;明星 star石头爱人牛郎和织女这两颗“星星”是一对“石头爱人”。The nights were pure with cold air and lit with stars.那些夜晚十分清静,空气清凉、繁星点点。Onanyfinenight,one canseethatstar. 凡是天气晴

15、朗的晚上都可以看见那颗星。31 eat i:t v 吃 eat饿啊讨乞丐的“吃”,其实就是“饿啊”,才去“讨”。She was eating a sandwich.她正在吃一个三明治。I ate slowly and without speaking.我慢慢地吃着,没讲话。32 well wel adv 好,令人满意的 wellwell我们将要“我们将要”做的事,一定是“好”的,一定是“令人满意”的。He speaks well of you.Im glad to hear that.“他对你评价很高。”“很高兴听见这话。”33 habit hbit n. 习惯 habit还逼他好“习惯”都是

16、慢慢养成的,你不逼他就不成,所以我们“还”得“逼他”,一旦养成终身受益。He has an endearing habit of licking his lips when hes nervous.他有个紧张时舔嘴唇的可爱习惯。Many people add salt to their food out of habit, without even tasting it first.许多人出于习惯往他们的食物中加盐,甚至都不先品尝一下。34 healthy heli adj. 健康的 heal和俺来thy桃花源“和俺来”“桃花源”吧,这里有一个“健康的”生活环境。Most of us need

17、 to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy.我们中的多数人需要过更平衡的生活,从而达到健康和快乐。35 really rili adv 确实,真正地realriladj. 实际的;真实的;实在的Im very sorry. I really am.我很抱歉。真的。The bookreallyknocksmeout. 这本书确实引起了我的共鸣。36 question kwestn n 问题 que缺s是tion甚?“缺”“是”“甚”,这还用问吗?缺就是“问题”。需要尽快解决。They asked a lot of questions

18、about China.他们问了许多有关中国的问题。Do yourealizetheimportanceofthisquestion? 你意识到这个问题的重要性吗?37 want wnt v 需要,想要 want玩童“需要”一个孩子,哪怕是个“玩童”。总比没有强。I want a drink.我想要点喝的。People wanted to know who this talented designer was.人们想知道这位天才的设计者是谁。38 be bi: v 变成 比较:beebin. 蜜蜂,蜂;勤劳的人“变成”“蜜蜂”,这是他一生最大的愿望。He wants to be a teach

19、er in the future.将来他想成为了名老师。fat ft adj. 肥的,肥胖的 fat发他“发他”像发面一样,一发他就变成“肥的”了。I could eat what I liked without getting fat.我可以吃我喜欢的东西而不发胖。Thesofawas squished byhisfatbody. 沙发被他肥胖的身体压得吱吱响。【重点短语】1. Johns birthday dinner 约翰的生日宴会2. Next week下周 3. Think about 考虑。4. Eat well 吃得好,吃得营养5. Ask sb about sth 询问某人关于

20、某事6. Eating habit饮食习惯7. After dinner晚饭(正餐)之后8. Want to be fat想变胖【经典句型】1. Do you like salad? 你喜欢沙拉吗?No, I dont.不,我不喜欢2. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗?Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢3. Does he like oranges? 他喜欢橘子吗?No, he doesnt. 不,他不喜欢。4. Lets have ice-cream.我们吃冰淇淋吧!5. How about/what about? 怎么样?6. Sounds good=that sou

21、nds good. 听起来真不错。7. Yes, you are right. 是的,你是对的。8. What do you like for breakfast? 你早饭吃什么?【写作素材】我的朋友我有一个好朋友。她有长长的头发,圆圆的脸,大大的眼睛和小小的嘴巴。她喜欢游泳和读书。她的英语很好,我的数学很棒。我们互相帮助,互相学习。看!她正在跳舞呢!例文:I have a good friend. She has long hair, a round face, big eyes and a small mouth. She likes swimming and reading. She is good at English. Im good at maths. We help each other and learn from each other. Look! She is dancing!【励志园】1. Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。2. Walls have ears.隔墙有耳。3. Eat to live, but not live to eat. 人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。


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