2019年春八年级英语下册 Module 10 On the radio模块基础知识过关十练习 (新版)外研版.doc

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1、Module 10 On the radio模块基础知识过关十根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词1导演;主管;经理 n. _ (v. ) _ 2引领;带领 v. _ 3避免;防止 v. _ 4国家的;国内的 adj. _ (n.) _ 5国际的;世界的 adj. _6主持人 n. _ (v.) _ 7采访;访谈 n& 采访;访问 v. _8看来;似乎 v. _ 9听众;听者 n. _ (v.) _ 10兼职的 adj. _ (对应词) _ 11文章;报道 n. _ 12意图;目的 n. _ 13录制室;录音室 n. _ 14到处;向各处 adv. _(近义词) _ 根据汉语意思,写出相

2、应的英文短语1因而感谢某人 _ 2带某人参观;给某人做向导 _3没问题 _ 4这边走 _ 5(广播或电视)播出 _6避免做某事 _7在背景中 _ 8最新国内国际信息 _9坚持学习 _ 10成为某些人中的一员 _11在那边 _ 12采访某人 _13保持安静 _ 14可怕的消息 _ 15的结尾 _ 16低头看 _17靠近;接近 _ 18亲自;本人 _19在岁时 _ 20寻求兼职工作 _21每周一次 _ 22体育新闻 _23向外看 _ 24进行音质检查 _25看起来似乎 _ 26对感兴趣 _27坚持做某事 _ 28关闭;停业;停止播音 _.根据汉语意思完成句子1谢谢您带我们参观。Thank you

3、_ _ us around.2当它(红灯)亮时,表示我们正在广播。When its _, it means were _ _3所以,(你要)继续学习,我希望有一天你能加入我们。So keep _, and I hope that you can _ us one day.4那里是我们采访体坛巨星的地方。It is where we _ _ _ the big sports stars.5记住我说的话:如果红灯亮时,我们需要保持安静。Remember _ _ _: we need _ _ quiet if the red light is on.6我紧挨着客厅里的收音机坐着,听我最喜欢的节目。I

4、 sat _ _ the radio in the living room, _ _ my favourite programmes.连词成句根据括号内的中文提示, 将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。1they, seemed, were, to, in person, me, speaking, it, that(感觉好像他们是在亲自和我说话。)_2asked for, at the age of, jobs, in, radio, I, small, nine, parttime, stations(九岁时, 我去小电台找过兼职工作。)_3check, to, level, the, pu

5、rpose, is, the, sound (目的是测试声级。)_4my, this, job, how, is, real, began, first, in radio(这就是我在电台的第一份真正的工作如何开始的。)_根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1She is having a sound check in the s_. 2Zhang Yimou is a famous d_ in China.3Did Liu Jun write an a_ in the newspaper last month?4Do you know the p_ of his coming here?Yes

6、, he comes here to see his grandfather.5Yang Liwei is a _ (民族的) hero. Many students in my class like him very much.6There will be a new radio programme for younger _ (听众) next week.7Mr Green is _ (采访) your mother in front of the library.8Be careful, and try to _ (避免) car accidents.9She _ (看来;似乎) not

7、 to enjoy herself at the party yesterday.10In history class, the teacher introduced the _ (背景) of the developed country to us.根据汉语意思完成句子1在阅览室里,我们应该避免大声交谈。We should _ _ loudly in the reading room.2明天我将带你参观颐和园。Tomorrow Im going to _ you _ the Summer Palace.3我们的电台凌晨5点停止播音。Our radio station _ _ at five

8、oclock in the morning.4他10岁时写了一本书。He wrote a book _ _ _ _ ten. 5我的笔友对弹吉他感兴趣。My pen friend _ _ _ playing the guitar.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空keep on, be good at, close to, over there, as well 1.She _ swimming and she wants to join the Swimming Club.2The girl _ is in Class 2, Grade 7.3Just _ practising and youl

9、l be successful.4A lot of other students are good at writing_5Peter is the _ the school, so he often walks to school.按要求完成下列各题1Did you listen to the radio last night? Can you tell me?(改为宾语从句)Can you tell me _ you _ to the radio last night?2He had an_egg_and_a_glass_of_milk for breakfast. (对画线部分提问) _

10、 _ he _ for breakfast?3I learn English by_listening_to_the_radio. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you learn English? 4You showed us around. Thanks a lot.(合并为一句)Thanks a lot _ _ us around.5We need to clean the classroom.(改为否定句)We _ _ to clean the classroom.6Cant you play the guitar? (作否定回答)_, I _7She started to swim wh

11、en she was five years old.(改为同义句)She started to swim _ _ _ five.8Nobody seemed to know what had happened.(改为同义句) _ _ _ nobody knew what had happened. 9Tom asked me. Why do you like swimming? (改为宾语从句)Tom asked me _ _ _ swimming.10The sun is bigger than the moon. Didnt your teacher say? (改为宾语从句)Didnt

12、your teacher say_ the sun _ bigger than the moon?详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词1director; direct2.show3.avoid4national; nation5.international6presenter; present7.interview8.seem9listener; listen10.parttime; fulltime11article12.purpose13.studio14around; about重点短语1thank sb. for2.show/take sb. around3no e this way5.

13、on air6avoid doing sth.7.in the background8the latest national and international news9keep studying10.join sb.11.over there12do interviews with sb.13.keep quiet14awful news15.the end of16look down at17.close to18.in person19at the age of20.ask for parttime jobs21once a week22.sports news23look out o

14、f24.do a sound check25It seems that从句26.be interested in27keep on doing sth.28.close down重点句型.1.for showing2.on; on air3studying; join4.do interviews with5what I said; to keep6.close to; listening to.1.It seemed that they were speaking to me in person.2At the age of nine, I asked for parttime jobs i

15、n small radio stations.3The purpose is to check the sound level.4This is how my first real job in radio began.【基础知识迁移】单词回顾1. studio2.director3.article4purpose5. national6.listeners7interviewing8. avoid9.seemed10background短语运用.1.avoid talking2.show/take; around3closes down4.at the age of5is interested in.1.is good at2.over there3.keep on4as well5.closest to句型突破1if/whether; listened2.What did; have3How do4.for showing5dont need6.No; cant7at the age of8.It seemed that9why I liked10.that; is 6


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