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1、专题强化练三十四提能练 (十一 ).语法填空(1)A group of students ranging from Years 9 to 13 are benefiting from a schedule which is run by the Confucius Institute孔(子学院 ) atNewcastle University,which aims 1._(build) closer academic,cultural and social ties between China and the North East of England.Staff at the institu

2、te work 2._(patient) with schools andthe other day the pupils took part in weekly afterschool sessions with teacher Qiang Xingdi 3._gave them an introduction tothe Chinese language and culture.Alreadythepupils4._(award)certificatesofachievement from the institute.They are making rapid progress in le

3、arning Chinese now.Adam said,“I have always had an interest 5._Chineseculture and this course has been a great way toteach me all about it.”Confucius Institutesareworldwidenon profitpublicinstitutions 6._(design) bytheChinese government topromote its language and culture through teaching 7._(plan)an

4、d cultural exchanges.The Confucius Institute at the university was set up in 2019,and it is 8._first one in the North East.Student Voice 9._(say) last week,“Many thanks to theConfucius Institute at Newcastle University for helping to arrange such a memorable experience for the students and Qiang Xin

5、gdi for 第 1 页her weekly enthusiasm, which has certainly made a significant 10._(impress) on them”.答案:1.to build 2.patiently 3.who/that 4.have been awarded 5.in 6.designed 7.plans 8.the 9.said 10.impression(2)Organic means being produced 1._(natural),without theuse of any chemicals ormedical products

6、.Organic fruitsandvegetablesare grown 2._(use) the cleanest possiblesoil andwater.Organic meat means the meat of the animals that are fed only with the 3._(healthy) foods and lived in the cleanest possibleenvironments.However, most of the big farms growing our food are only concerned 4._makingmoney.

7、The farmers use productsthat make their plants and animals grow bigger and faster thanever.We dont fully understand 5._these things do to ourbodies.Its much healthier to eat real food that is grown the way it was generationsago.6._istrue that our restaurant is a little more expensive than other rest

8、aurants, but we buy our food fromsmaller, family runfarms.We feel good about payingthem7._averageof20%morefortheirhigh qualityproducts.And wethinkonceourcustomerstastethe8._(differ)in our cooking, theywillnever gobackto “ regular ” foodagain.IfIhad one pieceofadviceforotherrestaurant 9._(own) who wa

9、nt to follow in our footsteps,itsthis: be patient.It will take time to get the right relationships with the farmers and customers who want to change.Just believe in what youre doing,keep working hard,and you 10._(succeed)definitely.第 2页答案: 1.naturally 2.using 3.healthiest 4.about 5what 6.It 7.an 8.d

10、ifference(s) 9.owners 10will succeed.短文改错(1)It was in a hot summer holiday which I visited Qingdao ,port city in Shandong Province.My favourite sport is swimming,so I decide to go swimming in the sea one afternoon with my friend, Wang Fei and Li Lei.It was the first time that I had swum in the sea,w

11、ith waves come one after another to the shore and making great noises.Facingthe rough sea,I felt a bit worrying and nearly gave up at first.And when I saw many people enjoying myself in the water, my fear was reducing.At last I joined in the swimmers.Now I still remember how wonderful I was swimming

12、 in the sea.答案:whichIt was in a hot summer holiday thatI visited Qingdao,portcity in Shandong Province.My favourite sport is swimming,so Idecide friend decided to go swimming in the sea one afternoon with my friends,Wang Fei and Li Lei.It was the first time that I had swum in the sea,with wavescomeo

13、ne after another to theshoreand making greatcomingworryingnoises.Facing the rough sea,I felt a bitworriedand nearly gave up第 3页Andat first. But when I saw many people enjoying myselfthemselves inthe water , myfear was reducing.At last Ijoinedthemyselfswimmers.Now I still remember how themselvesI was

14、 swimming in the sea.(2)One afternoon in February,my classmates and I was on the wayto the cinema.Suddenly an old woman falls down heavily due to the ground covering with thick ice.Seeing what had happened,we dialed 120 without a second thought.On such cold weather, we stayed with her until the ambu

15、lance came to scene.And then they left for the cinema.Although we were later for the film ,we all thought it was worthwhile.After all ,help people in need is a good way to obtain joy and happy.Now we all remember the day which we spent it together.答案:wasOne afternoon in February ,my classmates and I

16、 were on thefallsway to the cinema.Suddenly an old woman felldown heavily due tocoveringthe ground covered with thick ice.Seeing what had happened,weOndialed 120 without a second thought. Insuch cold weather, westayed with her until the ambulance came toscene.And thentheylaterwe left for the cinema.

17、Although we were late for the film,we allhelpthought it was worthwhile.After all,helping people in need is a good第 4页way to obtain joy andhappy.Now we all remember the dayhappinesswhich we spenttogether. .阅读提升大声地反复朗读下列短文,注意领悟黑体部分。(思考:下面的单词有什么特点?各种前缀如何用?各种前缀表示什么意思?单词加了前缀后词性有没有变化?)John and his father

18、never agree on one thing,so they often disapprove of each other,for there was some misunderstanding between them.Once,John and his parents went to his aunts home for dinner.When they left after dinner,John said“ Bye bye!”to his aunt in a low voice.However,his father didnt hear it and he thought John

19、 misbehaved himself for it was impolite to leave without saying goodbye.John insisted that he did say,itbut his father didnt listen to him.From then on,John was unfriendly to his father,which made his father extremely unhappy.Undoubtedly,it is unwise of John to do so.After all,they are father and so

20、n.His father sent him to a class of manners to enrich his knowledge of manners, which his father believed would enable him to be a goodmannered boy.Johns father said he was angry at his sons dishonesty,which would certainly endanger his future.His fathers nonstop nonsense caused John much discomfort

21、.John had to go to the class.Later on,he did everything against his fathers will.答案:约翰和父亲总有分歧,所以他们经常不赞同对方的想法,因为他们之间有一些误会。 一次,约翰和父母去姑姑家吃饭。 晚饭后当他们离开时,约翰小声对姑姑说“再见” !然而,他的父亲没听到,第 5页他认为约翰不懂规矩, 不告而别是非常不礼貌的。 约翰坚持说他确实说了,但他父亲不听。从此,约翰对父亲很不友善,这使他的父亲非常不高兴。毫无疑问,约翰这样做是不明智的。毕竟,他们是父子。他的父亲把他送去上礼仪班以丰富他的礼仪知识,父亲认为这样做会使他成为一个懂礼貌的男孩。 约翰的父亲说对于儿子的不诚实他感到很生气,他的不诚实当然会危及他的未来。他父亲的不停的乱说使约翰非常不舒服。 约翰不得不去上礼仪班。 后来他做的一切都有悖于他父亲的意愿。第 6页


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