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1、1. The _ of goods by air is very expensive.货物空运是很昂贵的。2. A bus got fire when _ passengers from the city to the airport.一辆公共汽车在运送乘客从城里到机场的过程中起火了。3. The _ is very busy at this time every day.每天这个时候交通都很拥挤。4. Which do you _,rice _ bread?你比较喜欢哪一样,米饭还是面包?5. I _ the town _ the country.与农村相比我更喜欢城市。6. I _ out

2、doors _ TV.我宁愿在外面玩也不愿看电视。7. I _ idly.我宁愿读书而不愿闲坐在那儿。8. They _ their son _ to college.他们宁可让儿子上大学。9. She didnt have enough money for the ship _.她的钱不够付船费。10. Does the bank charge a _for opening the account? 到银行开账户要收取费用吗?11. The salesgirl _ her goods. The salesgirl _ her goods.那位促销员说服我们购买她的货物。12. The hun

3、ter tried to _ Wu Song _ walk through the mountain alone. The hunter tried to _ Wu Song _ walking through the mountain alone.猎户试图劝阻武松不要独自过山冈。13. I graduated _English _Shandong University.我毕业于山东大学并获英语学位。14. They finished the task _.他们准时完成了任务。15. Have you _ a date for the meeting?你决定会议的日期了吗?16. No mat

4、ter what happens,she has _ the truth.不论发生什么,她都已决定说出真相。1. The transport of goods by air is very expensive.货物空运是很昂贵的。2. A bus got fire when transporting passengers from the city to the airport.一辆公共汽车在运送乘客从城里到机场的过程中起火了。3. The traffic is very busy at this time every day.每天这个时候交通都很拥挤。4. Which do you pref

5、er,rice or bread?你比较喜欢哪一样,米饭还是面包?5. I prefer the town to the country.与农村相比我更喜欢城市。6. I would prefer playing outdoors to watching TV.我宁愿在外面玩也不愿看电视。7. I prefer to read rather than sit idly.我宁愿读书而不愿闲坐在那儿。8. They preferred their son to go to college.他们宁可让儿子上大学。9. She didnt have enough money for the ship

6、fare.她的钱不够付船费。10. Does the bank charge a fee for opening the account?11. The salesgirl persuaded us to buy her goods. The salesgirl persuaded us into buying her goods.那位促销员说服我们购买她的货物。12. The hunter tried to persuade Wu Song not to walk through the mountain alone. The hunter tried to persuade Wu Song

7、 out of walking through the mountain alone.猎户试图劝阻武松不要独自过山冈。13. I graduated in English from Shandong University.我毕业于山东大学并获英语学位。14. They finished the task on schedule.他们准时完成了任务。15. Have you determined a date for the meeting?你决定会议的日期了吗?16. No matter what happens,she has determined to tell the truth.不论发生什么,她都已决定说出真相。


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