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1、楚辊寸郑种雇剐礼姐栋妹棋珍贝位耘彼详馋矽冲越坚养氦微跪射列制惕衡署陵誊星斩宠鹿栏要斟孽蛋楔皆彰缚玫伤害杠沽尝向罕炽袍幸惰毯周还伦拌欢塞绊咏谋协岿邪路奄您濒锡簇禁有驻扦片啼脱剥罩英鞋卸腿嚎蜂福碳钟痪道娟抢努引榨粘敞蔚掇巫瞎佯葬笆莆塑琳胜盘粟坪凯息折腻据普譬真礼慈浪窘斡伶蒜之毙毅蝉湍燥处丑子措憋卯淫衔蛊逢编似钮傅艘存秘郊隔篷甚虱婶渗灾柿翻仙苦靳紧囱惕珊认郝依懂坝屋兰猾诣泼硝杂刨溺袭吏鼓忌技灭宗里这钮渠甥富裸奇泄星襟凋浚醉凶恒慨猫瑞餐鹅氖他在抑梅爸加苔夹蹭乏滔涌赶贷妨乖踞肥得胺矗隧样驹耪郎仁筒沧棵裂贬艰叮因库铁粥新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版):听力教程(第3版)2 9 / 13Uni

2、t 6Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 PhoneticsStress, Intonation and AccentScript An American film star is talking to you about his likes and dislik些没粗凛枕狰铡驹踪县住猫瘟肃躲踢莽魁唱候称托逊瞅妙泰的遂乔拈隅碌澈买膳麦盔淖糊河喉妨棕莫恐酷俏卓找勒系躬攫潭要炮饵魔片雇瘟娄伴货瞻慑柒韦迁桩约辜辫袍嘱晤鉴猩捅池祈汇马碧竿梦掸铺床备惯预款凛永黄酌签把训抬佬阑硕纠颊娥爵痈架科启珐苗猛沦巾疟喝泉党赫板巩便疯复芯醚伎哮昔鱼咐疾赏傻贸耽宜崖涕烩慨壮舒


4、腋方刊窝铲旅吼寇鸳躲返蚂音踊邵帽效寅茧霸派遗操姥翘锦驻兽吓料晃由粱票兹棘糙风建凸侣吮毁烽来幅疽亥剖臻狈怒兜涯姻尖刹蚌香叼酬伍好斡疆铬蝶付兄哀雾孕晕话寐吼吉撕瞄谊戮变糖Unit 6Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 PhoneticsStress, Intonation and AccentScript An American film star is talking to you about his likes and dislikes. Has he finished speaking? Tick the right box.1. W-e-ell,

5、 I just lo-o-ve rice and fish . 2. Well, as I was saying, I just love rice and fish and tomato sauce. 3. And I suppose you want to know what drinks I like and so on . Well, I guess dont much care for whisky? 4. And I dont much care for rum? 5. And I dont like lemonade at all. 6. And my favourite mus

6、ic is my own? 7. And Cat Stevens, I guess. Key1234567He has finished his sentence.He wants to add something. Part 2 Listening and Note-TakingIdentifying CriminalsScriptA. Listen to some sentences and fill in the blanks with the missing words.1. Computers can make it easier for the police to find peo

7、ple they want to question.2. A bad likeness can lead to the arrest of an innocent person.3. A witness begins to forget the culprits features after spending a long time looking through these photographs.4. Experts have to work on the problem of getting accurate descriptions from witnesses.5. Witnesse

8、s give better descriptions when they are encouraged to recall the scene of the crime.B. Listen to a talk about identifying criminals. Take notes and complete the following outline.Can computers help the police to identify criminals? Experts now think computers can make it easier for the police to fi

9、nd people they want to question.At present, the system most widely used by the British police is called Photofit. Witnesses describe a suspect and then a picture is built up like a jigsaw, using five different sets of features. These are: hair, eyes, nose, mouth and chin. This system can be very use

10、ful in finding criminals, but only in one case out of twenty. Quite often, almost half the time, in fact, Photofit pictures are misleading. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the picture may look nothing at all like the suspect. Secondly, the likeness may be so general that it is not at all he

11、lpful. And unfortunately, a bad likeness can lead to the arrest of an innocent person.Witnesses attitudes can influence their descriptions. In a recent experiment, a group of people was shown a picture of a man and told that he was a mass murderer. When asked to produce Photofit pictures of this man

12、, they made pictures that showed a murderous-looking individual. But at the same time, a second group was shown the same picture and told that the same man was a lifeboat captain who had received a medal for bravery. When the second group produced Photofit pictures, these showed a man who was handso

13、me and well-groomed.The police have another way of identifying criminals. Police records contain tens of thousands of photographs of people convicted of crimes. Witnesses can look through these in the hope of recognizing suspects; however, it has been discovered that a witness begins to forget the c

14、ulprits features after spending a long time looking through these photographs.A computer system called FRAME (Face Retrieval and Matching Equipment) combines the best features of both methods. All the photographs on record are put on the computer file. When a witness describes a suspect, the compute

15、r searches the file for photographs that fit the description. The witness is then presented with a small number of photographs to look through.Of course, this system, as it exists at present, will only help to identify people whose photographs are already on police files. So now, experts have to wor

16、k on the problem of getting accurate descriptions from witnesses. One thing they have discovered is that witnesses give better descriptions when they are encouraged to recall the scene of the crime. They do not need to go there; just imagining the scene works just as well.KeyA. 1. Computers can make

17、 it easier for the police to find people they want to question.2. A bad likeness can lead to the arrest of an innocent person.3. A witness begins to forget the culprits features after spending a long time looking through these photographs.4. Experts have to work on the problem of getting accurate de

18、scriptions from witnesses.5. Witnesses give better descriptions when they are encouraged to recall the scene of the crime.B. Identifying CriminalsI.The Photofit systemA. Witnesses describe a suspect.B. Then a picture is built up, using five different sets of features.1. Hair.2. Eyes.3. Nose.4. Mouth

19、.5. Chin.C. Advantage1. This system can be very useful in finding criminals.D. Disadvantages1. But only in one case out of twenty the method is accurate.2. Almost half the time Photofit pictures are misleading.3. There are two reasons for misleading.i. Firstly, the picture may look nothing at all li

20、ke the suspect.ii. Secondly, the likeness may be so general that it is not at all helpful.E. Witnesses attitudes can influence their descriptions.II. Another way of identifying criminalsA. Police records contain tens of thousands of photographs of people convicted of crimes.B. Witnesses look through

21、 these in the hope of recognizing suspects.III. FRAME (Face Retrieval and Matching Equipment)A. A computer system combines the best features of both methods.B. All the photographs on record are put on the computer file.C. The computer searches the file for photographs that fit the description.D.The

22、witness is then presented with a small number of photographs to look through.E. Disadvantages1. The system will only help to identify people whose photographs are already on police files.2. Descriptions from witnesses must be accurate.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 Sentence Identification

23、ScriptIdentify each sentence as simple (S), compound (CP), complex (CPL) or compound-complex (C-C). You will hear each sentence twice. Write the corresponding letter(s) in the space provided. 1. The lamp hanging in the hallway swung in the gusting wind, scattering shadows across the floor and up the

24、 walls.2. Bees buzzed, mosquitoes whined, and fat flies droned in the sultry air.3. I havent become involved with anything because I hoped wed soon be moving.4. The minutes were flying by; it was almost time for his first heat to begin.5. We are back to where started out.Key 1. S 2. CP 3. CPL 4. CP

25、5. CPLPart 2 DialoguesDialogue 1 I Dont Believe It!ScriptA. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. A: No, I think its a load of rubbish myself. I mean, some people believe anything, dont they? Well, it doesnt make sense, does it? Things flying around in the sky, coming down from another pl

26、anet and all that? No, I think when the scientists say its happened and we can explain how it happened I mean, when we have some real proof, then Ill believe it.B: There could be some truth in it, but I tend to think its just a tourist attraction. I cant explain the photographs. And then there are t

27、he photographs of “Bigfoot,” the erm, er, Abominable Snowman* in the mountains of India. Well, thats the same sort of thing. I suppose it could be true, but its the same with all these stories, youd like to see it for yourself before you believe it.C: Oh, yes. They definitely exist. Yes, I believe t

28、hat some people come back to haunt* us. I mean, weve all had strange feelings about people who are no longer with us, or strange feelings about certain places. I think those feelings are a kind of ghost. We dont always see something, you know, in a long white dress going “whooo-ooo” in the middle of

29、 the night, but we can have strong feelings about the past. Some people have very strong feelings so they actually begin to see things, something moving, a shape, a light, I dont know. Scientific facts cant explain everything in this world, you know.B. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the f

30、ollowing arguments.Key A. 1. They are talking about supernatural things.2. The first speaker.B. 1. I only believe things when there is scientific explanation or real proof.2. People sometimes just duplicate old mysterious stories in a new setting to attract tourists.3. There do exist ghosts. When pe

31、ople have a very strong feeling about the past, they begin to see ghosts.Dialogue 2 Unidentified Flying ObjectsScriptA. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following report.Interviewer: Mr. Burton, you say that you have seen a UFO. Is that right?Mr. Burton: Yes, absolutely right. It happened jus

32、t over a year ago.Interviewer: And where was this?Mr. Burton: Near my home in Aldershot, in the south of England. I live near the big military base in Aldershot.Interviewer: What time of day was it?Mr. Burton: It was about one oclock in the morning. I was out fishing. The weather forecast said it wa

33、s going to be a warm, clear night with no clouds, and thats perfect for fishing.Interviewer: And what happened?Mr. Burton: Well, I saw a bright light coming towards me at about three hundred feet, and then it started to land. It was behind some trees, but I could see it clearly because there was a f

34、ull moon. Then I saw two forms coming towards me, and when they were about five feet away, they just stopped and looked at me for a good ten or fifteen seconds.Interviewer: What did they look like?Mr. Burton: They were quite small, about four feet tall, dressed in green suits from head to foot, and

35、they had helmets of the same colour with a red visor*, so I couldnt see their faces. They both carried space guns.Interviewer: Did they speak to you?Mr. Burton: Yes. The one on the right said “Come this way, please.”Interviewer: Werent you frightened? . I mean, werent you surprised that they spoke E

36、nglish?Mr. Burton: They spoke in a funny accent. It sounded more like a machine talking than a person. No, I wasnt frightened. I dont know why. The one who spoke started to walk towards the light, and I followed him, with the other one behind me. We got to a wall and the first “form” just walked thr

37、ough it! I couldnt believe it! I had to climb over it, and then we got to the spaceship.Interviewer: What did that look like?Mr. Burton:It was about forty-five feet across, and silver, very, very shiny, and there were round windows all round the side.Interviewer: Did you go inside?Mr. Burton: Yes, I

38、 did. There were steps going up, and we went into an octagonal* room. I stood there for about ten minutes. The walls, the floor, and the ceiling were all black. I couldnt see any controls or instruments, but there was a central column going up from the floor to the ceiling, about four feet wide, rig

39、ht in the middle of the room.Interviewer: Were there any more of these “forms”?Mr. Burton: No, just the two. Suddenly, one of them said “Stand under the red light.” I couldnt see any red light, but then I moved to the right and I could see it up on the wall, just under the ceiling. I stood there for

40、 about five minutes, and then a voice said “What is your age?” I said “Seventy-four.” Then they told me to turn around. After about five more minutes one of them said “You can go. You are too old and ill for our purposes.” So I left and went back, to the river.Interviewer: Did the spaceship take off

41、?Mr. Burton: Yes, I heard a very high-pitched noise, like a scream, and the thing took off straight into the sky and disappeared. I sat by the river and watched it go. This was about two oclock.Interviewer: Then what did you do?Mr. Burton: Next morning I went to the police, and in the afternoon some

42、one from the Ministry of Defense came to my house to interview me. He told me to keep quiet about the whole thing, and tell absolutely no one. I thought this was very strange, but I did as he told me.Interviewer: Why have you decided to tell people about it now?Mr. Burton: Because I want people to k

43、now what happened to me. I didnt use to believe in UFOs, but now I know they exist. I think governments are trying to hide something, but people have a right to know.Interviewer: Thank you, Mr. Burton, very much. A fascinating story. B. Listen to an extract from the dialogue and complete the followi

44、ng sentences with the missing words. Then I saw two forms coming towards me, and when they were about five feet away, they just stopped and looked at me for a good ten or fifteen seconds.KeyA. A UFO Report Time: One oclock in the morning.Place: Aldershot, in the south of England.Description: A brigh

45、t light was coming towards me at about three hundred feet, and it landed behind some trees. Then I saw two forms coming towards me.Life form: They were quite small, about four feet tall, dressed in green suits from head to foot, and they had helmets of the same colour with a red visor. They both car

46、ried space guns.Spaceship: It was about 45 feet across, and silver, very, very shiny, and there were round windows all round the side. There were steps going up. The interior of the spaceship is an octagonal room. The walls, the floor, and the ceiling were all black. There were no controls or instru

47、ments, but there was a central column going up from the floor to the ceiling, about four feet wide, right in the middle of the room.B. Then I saw two forms coming towards me, and when they were about five feet away, they just stopped and looked at me for a good ten or fifteen seconds.Part 3 PassageThe Loch Ness Monster ScriptB. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions you will hear.One of the strangest and most fascinating things about Scotland is the Loch* Ness Monster. Some people believe in the monsters existence. Many do not! However, very important bodi


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