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1、安徽省泗县第二中学Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A (1a-1c)高 梅 超泗 县 第 二 中 学2013 - 10 18 Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A (1a-1c)学科英 语年级 七教学形式 新授教师高梅超 单位泗县第二中学课题名称 Teaching aims and demands: Unit 3 is this your pencil? Section A(1a- 1c)1. Language goals: Key words: pencil, book eraser, box, pencil box,

2、 schoolbag, his,dictionary, hers, mine Target language: -Is this your pencil?-Yes, it is. Its mine. -Is that your schoolbag? -No, it isnt. Its his. -Are these your books? -No, they arent. Theyre hers.2Ability goals: Students can communicate with others using theWords and sentence patterns learned in

3、 thisClass.3Moral goals:You must take good care of your personal things.Important and difficult points:1. Train the students speaking ability. 2. Master the new words and sentence patterns.3. The short answers to the yes/no questions.Teaching methods:Listening and writing methods;Pair work; Group wo

4、rk. Aids:A tape recorder, a computer, some real thingsin the classroom措施:运用多媒体和实物教学,直观,形象把教学内容直观化,形象化,使所学知识更具有吸引力,同时降低难度,使学生在老师的引导下,逐步理解并掌握所学知识。更重要是强化小组合作学习,进行师生,生生合作学习,开展教学,优化课堂教学结构,活跃课堂气氛,激发思维火花。教学分析本单元的主要词汇是Things in the classroom,所以,在进行词汇教学时,就以实物为主,让学生将单词与实物相结合,一方面容易记住,另一方面也增加了兴趣,知道自己经常用的物品怎么用英语

5、表示。在教pencil, book,pencil box, schoolbag, dictionary, eraser等实物名词时,用my/ your/his/her pencil/book/ pencil box/schoolbag/ dictionary/ eraser操练,既可以巩固单词,又可以练习形容词性物主代词的用法,达到温故而知新。然后对比形容词性物主代词,讲解明词性物主代词的用法,学生接受起来会更容易一些。Teaching ProceduresTeaching ContentsActivity Designs活动目标教具使用及分析Step 1:ReviewReview famil

6、y members.1. Ask some students to go to the blackboard and introduce their family members.2. Use a photo to introduce Xu Rans Family.复习上一节课关于家庭成员的部分内容。运用PPT的链接功能。Step 2:Lead in1.Put up a pen and ask:“Whats this in English?” “Is this your pen?”2.Use the target language to teach the new words:-Is this

7、 your pencil?-Yes, it is. Its mine.-Is that your schoolbag?-No, it isnt. Its his.-Are these your books? -No, they arent.1.The students answer:“Its a pen.”“Yes, it is.” Teach students to answer:“Its mine.”2. Teach: pencil, book, eraser, box, pencil box, schoolbag, his, mine, hers.掌握与学习用品相关的词汇,然后在老师的指

8、导下进行口语练习,掌握一般疑问句的使用。进行语言的输入。利用图片教学提高学生兴趣Step 3:PracticeMemory Challenge:Remember thepronunciation ofthe school thingsthat learnt inthis class.让学生在比较短的时间内记住所学的关于学习用品的单词,考察学生的短时记忆能力。由单词、语句的输入变为输出。通过练习让学生感知所学目标语言记忆挑战教学加深学生对单词的掌握Step 4:1a.Match the words with the things in the pictures.由单词的输入变为输出.通过练习让学

9、生感知所学目标语言和运用目标语言。Step 5:1b and 1c.1.Listen andnumber the conversations 1-3 2. Finish 1c.Act out the new conversations.1. Listen to the tape; Listen again, and finish 1c; Check the answers.2. Read the conversation.3. Make up new conversations and act them out, using the new words on Page 13.1在学生掌握相关语

10、言的基础上进行听力练习,进一步衡量学生的理解能力。2.提高学生的表达能力运用PPT的插入语音功能和展示功能。Step 6:Consolidation 1.Use the picture to consolidate the usage of mine, yours, his and hers. Do exercises.2.Read and remember it.学生根据图片及文字提示进行掌握,巩固所学内容;习题巩固所学内容。通过口语练习感知目标语言,掌握相关句式。当堂知识当堂检测运用PPT的展示与强化功能。Step7:Have a game1.Read the conversations;

11、2.Boys act A, girls act B.3.Boys PK girls.学生根据图片进行口语练习,提高说的能力。巩固本节课知识,复习以前知识,为下一环节练习做准备运用PPT的展示与强化功能。Step 8:Summary1.The words about the school things2.The usage of mine, his, hers, yours 3.The target language 让学生进行归纳总结提高学生的总结能力Step 9:Homework1.Master the new words about the school things on Page 13

12、.2. Prepare 2a-2d. PPT展示功能The blackboard design:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A (1a-1c)-Is this your pencil? -Yes, it is. Its my pencil. Its mine. -Is that your schoolbag? -No, it isnt. Its his schoolbag. Its his. -Are these your books? -No, they arent. Theyre her books. Theyre hers.教学反思:这节课是关于文具和物主关系的,非常贴近学生的生活,单词的实物也是随手就可以拿到的,因此,让学生将实物与单词联系起来进行学习和记忆,既增加了学生的学习兴趣,又能加深记忆,真正做到学以致用。对于重点句型,先用一般疑问句以及肯否定回答这些重要知识进行讲解,然后采取两人合作,小组合作等形式,利用他们拥有的实物再进行操练,并且让他们创设情境进行对话,让同学们体会到学习的乐趣,课堂气氛自然活跃。在讲授知识的同时,对学生进行情感教育是必要的,提醒学生在生活中要保管好自己的物品,还要有“拾金不昧”的精神。在教授名词性物主代词要与形容词性物主代词相联系,学生掌握起来还是会有一定难度的。7


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