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1、甘肃天水一中18-19 学度高一上年中考试题- 英语第 I 卷( 共 65 分)第一部分英语知识运用共三节,总分值35 分第一节语音知识共5 小题;每题1 分,总分值5 分1. styleA. diaryB. honeyC. JulyD. daily2. medicineA. twiceB. castleC. selectD. local3. decorateA. neighborB. evidenceC. eightD. receive4. foolishA. remindB. swiftC. smileD. tidy5. exampleA. experienceB. examineC. e

2、xciteD. explode第二节单项填空共15 小题;每题1 分,总分值15 分6. Many _ Chinese culturalrelics,which have been lostover _ lastcentury,have started to return home.A. /; theB. /; /C. the; aD. the; the7. You can not teach a man _; you can only help him find it within himself.A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing8

3、. The oldhouse is_ repairimmediately,forpartof itsroofhas beendestroyed by the strong rainstorm.A. in charge ofB. in place ofC. in need ofD. in search of9. After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, _ urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive.A. whichB. whoC. whereD.

4、what10. With the quick development of the Internet, e-mails have largely _ the letters.A. recognizedB. preventedC. replacedD. refused11. A sports meeting is going to _ next month. Oh, that s wonderful.A. organize B. be organized C. be organizing D. have been organized12. Nowadays customers become mo

5、re and more practical and buy only _they need.A. whereB. whichC. whenD. what13.Afterthreedays waiting,therewas some doubt inthe mother s mind _ thepolice could find her lost child.A. howB. thatC. whereD. whether14. Cheer up, Maria!You can alsoenjoy_ you have been dreamingof,ifyou dont lose heart.A.

6、as a convenient life asB. as convenient a life asC. as a life convenient asD. convenient as a life as15.No decision_ about any futureappointmentuntilallthe candidateshave beeninterviewed.A. will be madeB. is madeC. is being madeD. has been made16. It remains _ whether he will be fit enough to play i

7、n the finals.A. seeingB. seenC. to seeD. to be seen17.Allthescientificevidence_ thatincreasinguse ofchemicals infarming_ damaging our health.A. show; areB. shows ; areC. show ; isD. shows ; is18.Don t worry. The hard work that you do now _later in life.A. will be repaidB. was being repaidC. has been

8、 repaidD. was repaid19.Salesdirectorisa position_ communication abilityisjustasimportantas salesA. whichB. thatC. whenD. where20.The important report was lost. Someone _ to my office this afternoon.A. should have beenB. should beC. must have beenD. must be第三节 完型填空共 15小题;每题1 分,总分值15 分When I settled i

9、n Chicago, my new city seemed so big and unfriendly. Then I hada 21problem and had to go to hospital for a thorough examination.Itseemed a small22comparedtotheone Iwas aboutto face, butthingsstartedto go23 right from the beginning. Not having a car or24 the city, I wasdependingon a coupleof buses to

10、getme from A toB.25Id leftmyselfplentyof time, soon it was obvious I was going to be late, as I had mistakenly boardeda bus that was taking me in the26direction.I27the bus and stood on the pavement not knowing what to do. I lookedintotheeyes ofa28,who was tryingtogetpastme.29 ,insteadof movingon, sh

11、e stopped to ask if I was30 . After I explained my31to her, shepointed to a bus stop across the street, where a bus would take me back into thecitytomy appointment.Sittingtherewaiting,Ifelt32thatsomeone had beenwilling to help. 33, hearing a horn (喇叭 ) nearby, I looked up to see a carwithmy new frie

12、ndwavingat me to getin.She had returnedto offerme a34tothe hospital.Such unexpected 35from a passer-by was a lovely gift to receive. As Iclimbedout ofthecaratthe hospitaland turnedtothank her,she smiledand toldme not to lose faith, for all things are possible.21.A. physicalB. travelingC. socialD. ho

13、using22.A. chanceB. challengeC. successD. error23.A. wrongB. easyC. fastD. ahead24.A. leavingB. visitingC. knowingD. appreciating25.A. AlthoughB. SinceC. UnlessD. Once26.A. sameB. rightC. generalD. opposite27.A. looked atB. waited forC. got offD. ran into28.A. driverB. friendC. strangerD. gentleman2

14、9.A. EspeciallyB. SurprisinglyC. ProbablyD. Normally30.A. nervousB. excitedC. OKD. dangerous31.A. ideaB. motivationC. excuseD. situation32.A. afraidB. gratefulC. certainD. disappointed33 A. ThusB. ThenC. PerhapsD. Surely34. A. liftB. suggestionC. bikeD. guidebook35. A. resultsB. newsC. kindnessD. ap

15、pearance第二部分阅读理解共15 小题,每题2 分,总分值30 分ASolar ( 太阳能 ) water heaters can use energy from the sun to heat water. Theyare used around the world. The solar water heater is based on a design developedsome years ago in Afghanistan. Since then, it has been built and used in manycountries.Itcan heatseventylite

16、rs( 升)ofwater to60 .Itcando thisbetweensunrise and noon on a clear day with an average temperature of 32.Therearetwo partsof thesolarwaterheater.One part,the collector,ismadeofa metalplatepaintedblack.Thismetal surface,placedincontactwith thewater,willheatthewater.Black-paintedsurfacesthatreceivethe

17、 suns heat become hotterthan those of any other color. Metal plates that have raised parts on the surfacework better than those without them. Once the water is heated, it is kept hot withspecial material, which allows the water to stay warm for a long time.The second part of the solar water heater h

18、olds the water for the system. Thiswater tank ( 水箱 ) can hold about one hundred liters of water. Two rubber pipes areconnectedtothewatertank.One pipeletswatergo intothesystem.The otherletswater go out.When the water heater is working correctly, water will flow from the tank tothe collector and back

19、again. You can use the hot water at the top of the tank forwashing and cleaning.Thissolarwaterheateriseasytobuildand operate.Itwilllast about two years before the rubber pipes need to be replaced.36. We can learn that solar water heaters _.A. have three basic parts in their systemB. are hardly able

20、to heat water above 60C. are used widely by people all over the worldD. can heat water even on cold and rainy days37. The color of the collector is black because _.A. it is the cheapest color paintB. it can be found easily in daily lifeC. it can take in more energy than other colorsD. it is good for

21、 protecting the metal surface38. What does the underlined word“ pipes ” in Paragraph 3 mean?39. What is the text mainly about?A. The history of solar water heaters.B. Knowledge of solar water heaters.C. The advantages of solar water heaters.D. The steps of operating a solar water heater.BIn the Unit

22、ed States elementary (基础 )education begins at the age of six. Atthis stage nearly all the teachers are women, mostly married. The atmosphere isusuallyvery friendly,and the teachershave now acceptedthe idea thatthe importantthing is to make the children happyand interested. Theold traditionalmethods

23、ofeducation, which demand that the pupils fully obey their teachers, were rejectedrather a long time ago.Althoughmost peopleare againstthe old teachingmethod , yet some people thinkthat they have gone too far in the direction of trying to make children happy andinterested rather than having them lea

24、rn knowledge. They are afraid that theirchildren will lose the game when competing with their peers (同辈人 )Based on the widelyacceptedtheory,one of the most importantaims of the socialeducation of young children is to teach them to work together for the common goodofthesociety .Therefore,co-operation

25、ismore importantthancompetitionthroughout education. This may seem strange, considering the fact that Americansocietyishighlycompetitive;however,to makepeople sociableisthemostimportant for the interest of the whole state.Franklyspeakingmost Americans do grow up with competitiveideas,and obviouslyqu

26、itea few as criminals,but itis not fairto say thatthe educationalsystem fails.It probably does succeed in making most people co-operative and ready to help oneanother both in material ways and through kindness and friendliness.40 、 Accordingtothepassage,theAmericaneducationissupposedtomakechildren.A

27、、 knowledgeable and educatedB、 competitive and interestedC、 furious and friendlyD、 happy and co-operative41、 Some Americans are dissatisfied with their elementary education because theythink.A、 children are unwilling to help each otherB、 schools make too much of co-operationC、 children should grow u

28、p with competitive ideasD、 children learn little knowledge42、 It seems that author thinks the American elementary education is.A、 effectiveB、 commonC、 advancedD、special43、 Wecan inferthatAmerican educationattachesmore importanceto developingthestudents .A、 knowledgeB、 competitionC、 teamworkD、 learni

29、ng skillsCWhenearly colonial settlers went to America, they took many forms of dance totheir new home. Square dancing, one of the oldest forms of American folk dancing,developed from several different Old World group dances, mainly English countrydances, and the French quadrille(四对方舞 ).In the Americ

30、an version of squaredancing,four couples form asquare and danceto music. An American addition to square dancing is the caller. What do you thinka caller does?The callers-someone who calls outthe dancesteps intimeto the music- wasa completely American invention. At first dancers memorized all the ste

31、ps for aparticular dance, but eventually the dances became so complicated that it wasnecessaryto have someone callout cues ( 提示 ) so thatdancers didn t have to rememberso many steps. The caller didnt just call out“do-se-do your partner” ; a goodcaller also came up with colourful sayings or witty lin

32、es that he said in betweenthe cues such as “ Don t be shy and don t be afraid.Swing on thecornerina waltzpromenade ( 步伐 ). ” Acallermightalsocome up withnew dance steps and routines.Although popular for years, square dancing seemed to be going out of style andfading away until the early 1930s, when

33、Henry Ford helped revive interest in it.Ford,theautomobilemanufacturer,usedtovacationattheWaysideInninMassachusetts, where he enjoyed the dance programme run by a man named BenjaminLovett. Ford asked Lovett to come to Detroit and teach dances, but Lovett said hecouldn tbecause he had a contractwitht

34、he inn.Fordsolvedthatproblemby buyingthe innand Lovett s contract.He tookLovettbacktoDetroit,where togethertheyestablisheda programme for teachingsquaresand rounds.Square dancing was updatedand groups began forming all over the country.44. What is the best title for the passage?A. The Different Step

35、s of Square DancingB. The Origin and Development of Square DancingC. Who Was the Inventor of Square Dancing?D. Why Did Square Dancing Go Out of Style?45. What does the underlined part“ their new home” refer to?A. The United Kingdom.B. France.C. Africa.D. America.46. Why did the caller call out the s

36、teps for the dancers? A. Because the dance was invented by the caller.B. Because the dancers didn t know the names of the steps.C. Because the steps were very particular.D. Because it was hard for the dancers to remember all the steps.47. Why did the author mention Henry Ford in the last paragraph?A

37、. Because he was the man who made the first car.B. Because he was vey fond of dancing.C. Because he helped make square dancing popular again.D. Because he taught people how to dance.DHere are some sports in the Winter Olympics:BobsleighingBobsleighing has been an Olympic sport since 1924. It came fr

38、om the Swissof St. Moritz in the late 1800s and looks great fun! If you want to do thisyou shouldbe ableto run on the ice!Top athletescan sometimes reach130 kilometers an hour. Germany picked up the gold for both the two andbobsleigh at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics.townsport,speeds aboutfour men

39、CurlingCurlinghas alsobeen an Olympic sportsince1924 and itsbirthplaceis Scotland.Curlingisa competitionbetween two teams withfourplayerson each side.The gameis played on the ice, and the two teams take turns pushing a 19.1kg stone towardsa series ofconcentric circles( 同心圆 ). The object is to get th

40、e stone as closeto the centre of the circles as possible. You need to be light on your feet andhave goodbalance ( 平衡 ) to walk on the ice.HockeyHockey is an Olympic sportsince1920. Itis fun,fastbut also a littledangerous.Women were not allowed to play in the Olympics until 1998. Teamsconsist of( 包括) 12 people, but each team can t have more than six players on the ice at onetime.The game lastsforthree20-minuteperiods,witha 15-minute


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