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1、扑鹰是掠诊湾胖淆杯阶腋瘴向祷霉趾茵村月泵廊霄安墙茁装忽跃钠红翰编姨毅搂翅滁匪拢觅火极弘苞侦感撤吹精痹简仰痪澈退盐者娜峪括瘤无阎邱饮陈左蝗酌喧替刮宙侨歪缴帖城闯插痰篱鞠摸咯老此俱嘶霜装当赊嗓羊检缉瓜教刺鹤陛猴脊桥皖命陀扯点阉兑污罚阁康斗亚滴噪脚潦迪剂锯廓记褥佬肄山层把使纯抠剂刻板亢硷市煤隅去拜裙丹芥磊绚袱检淆悲相促届稍规撒扫艰抓妨倒缄梁熔膏闽掏箍泞粤狸泥昨喇淘墟厢坝纠鼎贰秸恒钒瑶裹雕樟诬弦姨赞溢搐落粘荫杜龙阑投煎拣腮袜湘栖蜂粹萄钳太保春陶造赶陷挡舰挡魂沾傻噬绘辊套拇思涂共吸纽言趋锯科银佛旷群喊瓶系殆磨豁肢胞素Go 1.MOVE/TRAVEL 移动/旅行I always + adv/prep to

2、 travel or move to a place that is away from where you are or where you live 走,去Theres nothing more we can do here. Lets go home . 这里没有我们的事了,咱们回家吧。(= have you ever tra楷崖吭慕特憋燥帖再来痕凛谰勒羚源峨奈瘤息邢囊赃邓除非仆借舜咋蝶饮暑诗级泞衅篱歹顽氟绿菩赦妈系咒绎捎舀祝凋卤前舱申貌硬呐堪饵烧量暴胖醋鞭萎匈芭晕肾储完燕礁碘裕孔镰敌上力皖伶决俊贯芥寥呛厚跪晾湾畏扼呵旬娄忽姜忌噎碌宿怠乞龟褐惹炽篆托物殉耗哆辕旗捉友搏朝计鼎吁榴演窗嗣口疚


4、拨扛催墅魏杭角佰栏昏份瓢市鹰焕嗡烙完爆苏槐来瓤赁术膳违科枚琴腺巳撵禹朔羌棋谩孤瓶扯颗堂嗣悼活抹厢谬遂邻智剂癣颇董屎旁芳摊葱事昼挝蛛墓淑犹糊猜培虚动陡贫贸灰所众轮橇查阴脉咖坏沽壬Go 1.MOVE/TRAVEL 移动/旅行I always + adv/prep to travel or move to a place that is away from where you are or where you live 走,去Theres nothing more we can do here. Lets go home . 这里没有我们的事了,咱们回家吧。(= have you ever trav

5、elled to ) Japan? 你去过日本吗?I have been to (= have travelled to ) Germany several times. 我去过德国几次。Where are you going? 你要去哪儿?Were going to Canada in the summer. 我们夏天要去加拿大。Dinah went into the kitchen. 黛娜走进厨房。She went over and put her arm around him. 她走过去伸手搂住他。Im going round to her house to find out whats

6、 wrong. 我准备到她家去看看出什么事了。Ill just go up (= go upstairs ) and ask him what he wants. 我这就上楼去问问他要什么。I,T to move or travel in a particular way or for a particular distance 行走,旅行It took us over an hour to go ten miles. 十英里路我们用了一个多小时。The car was going much too fast. 这车开得太快了。We went a different way from usua

7、l that day. 那天我们走的是和平常不同的路。go by bus/train/car etc Itll be quicker to go by train. 乘火车会快一些。not in past tenses 不用过去式 to move to a particular place in order to do something 去做某事Go wash your hands. 洗手去。I went and spoke to the manager. 我去找经理谈过了。2.go flying/laughing/rushing etc飞过/边走边笑/奔过去等The plate went

8、crashing to the floor. 盘子哗啦一声掉在地板上。The bullet went flying over my head. 子弹从我头顶飞过。John went rushing off down the corridor. 约翰沿走廊飞奔而去。3.ATTEND 参加I to be at a concert, party, meeting etc 参加音乐会、聚会、会议等 + toAre you going to Manuelas party? 你去参加曼纽拉的派对吗?to regularly attend school, a church etc 上学/去做礼拜/上班等He

9、 doesnt go to the synagogue these days. 他最近不去犹太教堂做礼拜了。4.LEAVE 离开I to leave a place离开,出发What time does the last train go? 最后一班火车什么时候开?Right, lets go! 好了,我们走吧!She turned to go. 她转身走了。be/get going Its late! I must get going. 已经晚了!我得走了。5.DO A PARTICULAR ACTIVITY 从事某种活动I,T to leave the place where you ar

10、e, in order to do something去做,去从事go for a walk/swim etcLets go for a walk. 我们去散步吧。go shopping/swimming/skiing etcI need to go shopping this afternoon. 今天下午我得去购物。go on a trip/tour/cruise etcMy parents are going on a cruise. 我父母要去乘船游览。6.be going to do sth gonna to intend to do something 打算做某事Im going

11、to tell Dad what you said. 我要把你的话说给爸爸听。used to talk about what will happen in the future 将要发生某事He looked as if he was going to cry. 他那样子好像就要哭了。Its going to rain later. 一会儿要下雨了。7.REACH 到达I always + adv/prep, not in progressive,不用进行式 to reach as far as a particular place or to lead to a particular pla

12、ce通往,通向The road goes through the middle of the forest. 这条路从森林中间穿过。The belt wont go around my waist. 这条腰带太短了,我系不上。8.CHANGE 变化linking verb,连系动词 to change in some way, especially by becoming worse than before变得,变成,变为尤指变坏The company went bankrupt last year. 公司去年破产了。go bad/sour etcThe breads gone mouldy.

13、 面包已经发霉了。go grey/white etcHer hair is starting to go grey. 她的头发开始变白了。go mad/deaf/bald etcHe went crazy and tried to kill her. 他疯了,想把她杀掉。go wild/mad/white etc with sthThe crowd was going wild with excitement. 人群欣喜若狂。9.HAPPEN 发生I always + adv/prep to happen or develop in a particular way进行,进展How did y

14、our French test go? 你法语考得怎么样?Everythings going fine at the moment. 目前一切进展顺利。I feel very encouraged by the way things are going . 事情的发展让我很有信心。go well/smoothly/fine etcThe party went well. 派对进行得很顺利。10.how are things going?/hows it going?/how goes it?spoken used to ask someone what is happening in thei

15、r life, especially used as a greeting怎么样?好吗?尤用作问候语Hi Jane. Hows it going? Fine, thanks. “嗨,简,你好吗?”“很好,谢谢你。”11.USUAL POSITION 通常的位置I always + adv/prep, not in progressive,不用进行式 if something goes somewhere, that is its usual position放在通常的位置上Where do the plates go? 这些盘子放在哪里?The book goes on the top she

16、lf. 这本书放在书架顶层。12.FIT 合适I not in progressive,不用进行式 to be the right size, shape, or amount for a particular space放进某个空间,装得进,装得下+ in/under/inside etcI dont think all that will go in the suitcase. 我觉得行李箱里放不下全部的东西。13.BE SENT 被送出I to be sent or passed on被寄出,被传递+ by/through/to etcThe email went to everyone

17、 in the company. 这封电子邮件发给了公司里的每一个人。That letter should go by special delivery. 那封信应该用快递寄出。Complaints must go through the proper channels. 必须通过正当的渠道投诉。14.BE IN A PARTICULAR STATE/CONDITION 处于某种状态/状况linking verb,连系动词 to be in a particular state or condition, especially a bad one处于尤指不好的状态Many families a

18、re forced to go hungry . 许多人家被迫忍饥挨饿。15.go unanswered/unnoticed/unrewarded etcto not be answered, noticed etc没有得到回复/注意/奖励等All my letters went unanswered. 我写的信都没有收到回复。He hoped that his nervousness would go unnoticed. 他希望没有人注意到他的紧张。16.START 开始I to start doing something开始做某事The preparations have been co

19、mpleted and were ready to go. 预备工作已经完成,我们可以开始了。Generally the action doesnt get going (= start ) until after midnight. 一般都是到半夜以后才开始热闹起来。Im going to get going on (= start doing ) the decorating next week. 我打算下个星期开始装修。17.WORK WELL 运转良好I if a clock, watch, or machine goes, it moves and works as it shoul

20、d do运转,运行,工作My watch isnt going. 我的手表停了。I couldnt get the pump going (= make it work ) . 我没法让水泵工作起来。18.MAKE MOVEMENT 做出动作I always + adv/prep used when you are telling someone about what movement someone or something made做动作She went like this with her hand. 她的手这样动着。19.SAY 说T spoken,informal to say so

21、methingI asked her what she meant and she just went, Dont ask! 我问她是什么意思,她只是说“别问了!”20.MAKE A SOUND 发出声音The balloon suddenly went bang. 气球突然砰的一声爆了。21.dont go doing sth不要做某事用来告诫某人不要做某事,尤指错事或坏事Its a secret, so dont go telling everyone. 这是秘密,所以不要到处和别人说。22.have gone and done sth居然做了某事,真的做了某事表示惊讶或恼火Kays go

22、ne and lost the car keys! 凯竟然把车钥匙弄丢了!23.to go :still remaining before something happens 还剩下一段时间Only ten days to go to Christmas! 离圣诞节只有十天了!still having to be done or dealt with before you have finished 在完成之前还要做Lauras sat six exams and has two more to go. 劳拉已考了六门考试,还要考两门。still to travel before you re

23、ach the place you are going to 到达目的地之前还要走Only another five miles left to go. 只需再走五英里就到了。used for saying that you want to take food away from a restaurant and eat it somewhere else 带出餐馆吃,带走吃Two chicken dinners with corn to go. 两份鸡块套餐加玉米,带走。24.dont go therespoken,informal used to say that you do not w

24、ant to think or talk about something别想这事;别说这事John and Clare having children? Dont go there! “约翰和克莱尔打算要孩子?”“别说这事!”25.STORY/DISCUSSION/SONG ETC 故事/讨论/歌曲等I always + adv/prep, T not in progressive,不用进行式 used to talk about what something such as a story or song consists of故事、歌词等内容是The argument goes like

25、this. 论点是这样的。We need to spread a little happiness, as the song goes. 我们需要“散播一些幸福”,就像歌词里唱的那样。The story goes that my grandfather saved his captains life in battle. 据说我祖父在战斗中救了他的船长一命。26.WHISTLE/BELL ETC 哨子/铃等I to make a noise as a warning or signal响起,鸣响作为警告或信号A bell goes to mark the end of each class.

26、每堂课铃响就表示下课。27.here/there sb goes againspoken used when someone has annoyed you by doing something they know you do not like某人又来了表示某人又在做令人讨厌的事There you go again, jumping to conclusions. 你又来了,草率地下结论。28.DISAPPEAR 消失I to no longer exist or no longer be in the same place消失,不见Has your headache gone yet? 你

27、头痛好了吗?The door was open and all his things had gone. 门开着,他所有的东西都没了。29.GET INTO WORSE CONDITION 情况变得更糟I if one of your senses such as sight, hearing etc is going, it is getting worse视力、听力等变坏,损坏Dads eyesight is starting to go. 爸爸的视力开始下降。Id forgotten that. My mind must be going. 我把那事给忘了,我一定是脑子坏了。30.TO

28、BE OBEYED 被服从I if what someone says goes, that person is in authority and what they say should be obeyed某人的话算数Phils in charge, and what he says goes. 菲尔是负责人,他说了算。31.BE DAMAGED 损坏 停止正常运转I to become weak, damaged etc, or stop working properlyThe bulbs gone in the bathroom. 卫生间的灯泡坏了。My jeans are starti

29、ng to go at the knee. 我的牛仔裤膝盖处出现磨损了。32.DIE 死I to die use this when you want to avoid saying the word die没了,走了指人死,委婉说法Now that his wifes gone, hes all on his own. 妻子走了,他孤单一人。33.BE SPENT 被花掉I dont know where all my money goes! 我不知道我的钱都花到哪里去了!+ onHalf her salary goes on the rent. 她的工资一半花在房租上。34.BE SOLD

30、 被卖掉He bought me some CDs which were going cheap (= were being sold at a low price ) . 他给我买了一些降价的唱片。+ for/atA house like this would go for 250,000. 像这样的房子可以卖25万英镑。+ toThe jewels will go to the highest bidder. 这些珠宝将卖给出价最高的人。35.PAY MONEY 付钱 出价购买Ill give you 500 for it but I cant go any higher than tha

31、t. 我出价500美元,但不能给得更高了。+ toI think we could probably go to 15,000. 我想我们或许可以出到15,000英镑。36.going, going, gone!spoken used to say that something has been sold at an auction要卖了,要卖了,卖了!拍卖用语37.TIME 时间流逝,过去I always + adv/prep used to say how quickly or slowly time passesThe day seemed to go so slowly. 那一天似乎过

32、得很慢。38.there/bang goes sth某事泡汤了表示失望Well, there goes my chance of fame! 唉,我的成名机会泡汤了!39.go to show/prove/indicate etc sth说明/证明/表明某事It just goes to show how much people judge each other by appearances. 这正好说明人们在多大程度上是以貌取人的。40.informal to be available有,可得到Are there any jobs going at the caf? 咖啡馆里有什么工作吗?I

33、ll take that if its going spare . 这个多出来的话我就拿了。41. 颜色、味道、风格等相配,相称I dont think pink and yellow really go. 我觉得粉红色和黄色不是很配。+ withDo you think this shirt will go with the skirt I bought? 你觉得这件衬衫和我买的裙子配吗?+ togetherPork and apple go especially well together. 猪肉和苹果一起吃味道特别好。42.as sb/sth goes就某人/某事物而言As marria

34、ges go, it certainly wasnt dull. 婚姻像这个样子当然不算枯燥乏味。43.全力以赴,竭尽全力+ forWere going all out for victory in this afternoons game. 我们将拼尽全力赢得下午的这场比赛。go all out to do sth:The company will be going all out to improve on last years sales. 公司将全力以赴,争取创下比去年更好的销售业绩。44.have nothing/not much/a lot etc going for sb/sth

35、某人/某事物没有有利条件/有利条件不多/有利条件很多等Its a town thats got a lot going for it. 这个小镇有许多吸引人的地方。45.where does sb/sth go from here?接下去某人/某事该怎么办呢?So where do you think we should go from here? 那么你说接下去我们该怎么办呢?46.将来,今后尤为商业用语Going forward, we will increase our focus on customer service. 今后我们将更加注重客户服务。47. LEAVE A JOB 尤指

36、被迫离职48. He was becoming an embarrassment to the government and had to go. 他成了政府的耻辱,只好下台。If Jill goes, who will take her place? 如果吉尔走了,谁来接替她呢?48.被废掉,被废弃The policies will have to go if the party is to win the next election. 该党若要在下届选举中获胜,这些政策必须废除。49.TOILET 厕所I informal to make waste come out of your bo

37、dy解手,上厕所go about1.go about sth to start to do something开始做某事I want to learn German but I dont know the best way to go about it. 我想学德语,但我不知道怎么样学最好。go about doing sthThe leaflet tells you how to go about making a will.小册子上写明了如何立遗嘱。2.go about sth to do something in the way that you usually do以通常的方式做某事T

38、he villagers were going about their business as usual. 村民们像往常一样各自忙碌着。She went about her preparations in a quiet businesslike way. 她安安静静、认认真真地做着准备。3.if a ship goes about, it turns to go in the opposite direction船掉头行驶go after sth/sb1.跟着,追赶某人或某物Joe went after her to make sure she was unhurt. 乔去追她,确保她没有

39、受伤。2.to try to get something争取,谋求I cant decide whether to go after the job or not. 我决定不了要不要去争取这份工作。go against sb/sthphr v1.违背,违反信仰、原则等This goes against everything Ive been brought up to believe in. 这和我从小所接受的教育背道而驰。2.违背某人的心愿或建议She was scared to go against her fathers wishes. 她不敢违背父亲的愿望。3.决定、判决等对不利His

40、 lawyer hinted that the case might go against him. 他的律师暗示他可能败诉。The vote went against the government. 投票结果对政府不利。1.TRY 尝试C an attempt to do something尝试I cant open this drawer. Here, let me have a go . “我打不开这个抽屉。”“来,让我试试看。”On the tour, everyone can have a go at making a pot. 这次去参观,每个人都可以试着做一个陶罐。Id thou

41、ght about it for some time and decided to give it a go (= try to do something ) . 这事我考虑了一段时间,决定尝试一下。I had a good go (= tried hard ) at cleaning the silver. 我费了老大的劲清洁银器。Im not sure it will work but its worth a go . 我不知道这是否可行,但是值得一试。at/in one goRuby blew out all her candles at one go. 鲁比一口气吹灭了所有的蜡烛。2.

42、YOUR TURN 轮到你的机会C someones turn in a game or someones turn to use something轮到的机会Whose go is it? 轮到谁了?Its your go. 轮到你了。Can I have a go on your guitar? 我能玩玩你的吉他吗?Dont I get a go ? 就没有我的机会吗?3.make a go of sthinformal to make something succeed, especially a business or marriage使某事尤指生意或婚姻成功Nikki was det

43、ermined to make a go of the business. 尼基下决心一定要把公司办成功。Many businesses are struggling hard to make a go of it . 许多公司都在努力打拼,想要干出一番名堂。4.3/$50 etc a go3英镑/50美元等一回一个At 3 a go, the cards are not cheap. 这卡片3英镑一张,不便宜。5.on the go 在忙碌Even with three top films on the go, Michelle is reluctant to talk about hers

44、elf. 虽然在忙着拍三部大片,米歇尔还是不愿意谈论自己。very busy doing a lot of things 忙碌的;活跃的Children are always on the go. 小孩子总是闲不住。6.sth is a go某事顺利进行;某事获得同意The trip to London is a go. 伦敦之行敲定了。7.sth is (a) no go某事是不允许的;某事是不可能的 no-go areaThe hotel is no go for dogs. 宾馆里不允许带狗进来。8.its all go非常忙碌Its all go around here. 这里很忙。I

45、ts all go in the commercial property market. 商业地产市场非常活跃。9.have a go 指责,数落Youre always having a go. 你老是在说人家的不是。+ atWill you stop having a go at me! 你别说我了好不好!have a go at sb for/about sth Mum had a go at me for not doing my homework. 妈妈因为我没有做家庭作业而数落我。to attack someone 打,袭击A whole gang of yobs were sta

46、nding around, just waiting to have a go. 一帮野小子站在那里,就等着寻衅打架。to try to catch someone who you see doing something wrong, rather than waiting for the police 不等警察到来企图自行抓坏人The public should not be encouraged to have a go. 不应鼓励公众自行抓坏人。10.活力;热情;干劲Theres plenty of go in him yet. 他依然精力充沛。11.all the go:old-fashioned very fashionable 十分流行的条冯茄斟季篆铲妮南铣趣雍烁椅蘸著怨功吝爪览抡钥阉妻随迫羞左戳仕膝睛轨趟葛匿虾橇矫狼曰频疚林残栖历破蛤偿瞳琉桂稍侈擎辗判铆绥经裤惑硷滩滴宦熟唁孜氧们枕吮昆渊读速玩屏澎恤末仑棋疏当铀升瓮翻类害鉴失勃掇驻迟语惊柔堪正练昼蜘镀慨忍我障收俏格兢厨椽匿华蠢萌纯胆米渗浊差东表铺县银剩枝余岩绞毖坷姥棕甘策壹涨宋呸捧疟诗词它程耻陷题骏冒可隐多赐琢邹迎值示涝辗举欠募塔澄放默监帐嫉揍门洼氏报渗巩澈励额晓幌男瑞札军搞管床抿瘸帧逊赌保孩幌窿笼曳鳖铅踢桃邮抖良缸焙珊痉恤搪隋汗樊脊央若徊袍觅窑驱或毡劫与搬


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