七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Lesson 23-24随堂基础同步练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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1、Unit 4 Lesson 23-24同步练习一、单选题1. Here_muchtea()A. hasB. haveC. isD. are2. Please_thebagforme()A. getB. togetC. gettingD. gets3. Milkandbread_goodfood()A. hasB. areC. haveD. be4. _aroundthepaperandletsbegintoanswerit()A. GiveB. PassC. PutD. Take5. TherearemanypaperstarsonthewallPlease_somedown()A. putB

2、. writeC. buyD. take6. Lucyisillin_bedShecantgotoschool()A. aB. anC. theD. /7. Theyareaway_Handan_oneweek()A. at;onB. in;onC. from;forD. on;in8. Wecantmakeasandwichwithout-()A. breadB. onionsC. yogurtD. tomatoes9. -Themeatis_delicious-Yes,butdonteat_()A. muchtoo;toomuchB. toomuch;muchtooC. toomuch;t

3、oomuchD. muchtoo;muchtoo10. Here_sometipstolearnEnglish()A. amB. isC. areD. be11. Theseshortsareonsale(促销)Theyare_25yuaneach()A. alwaysB. onlyC. sureD. sometimes12. Whichwouldyoulike,tea_milk?()A. andB. orC. but13. Hesometimes_TVonSaturdayevening()A. watchesB. readsC. looksD. looksat14. Its11:00oclo

4、ckPlease_ourlunch()A. orderingB. orderC. toorderD. orders15. Hisfathersaysheis_togotoschool()A. youngenoughB. enoughyoungC. enougholdD. oldenough二、单词造句16. you,I,can,help_?17. overthere,is,thetea_18. like,what,you,would_?19. these,please,books,passaround_20. me,see,let,the,book_三、阅读理解A阅读理解 American b

5、reakfast is a very big meal-eggs,tomatoes,tea,coffee For many people,lunch is a quick mealIn cities there are a lot of sandwich bars(三明治店)People can buy sandwiches thereStudents can have hot meals at schoolBut many just take some sandwiches,some drinks,and some fruit from home Teameans two thingsIt

6、is a drink and a mealSome people have afternoon tea with sandwiches,cakes and a cup of tea They usually have supper quite earlyBetween 6pmand 8pm,often all the families eat together(一起) People often get takeaway meals-they buy food outside and then bring it home to eat21. _ is a very big meal in Ame

7、ricaA. BreakfastB. LunchC. Afternoon teaD. Supper22. Students can have hot meals _ at noonA. at homeB. in the restaurantC. outsideD. at school23. People in America dont eat _ when they have afternoon teaA. cakesB. a saladC. a cup of teaD. sandwiches24. They often have supper with _ A. friendsB. work

8、matesC. familiesD. nobody25. They usually have supper _ A. between 7pmand 8pmB. between 8pmand 9pmC. between 6pmand 8pmD. between 5pmand 6pm四、单词拼写26. Ihave_(很多)coke27. Ihave_(很多瓶奶)28. Juiceandcokeareinthefive_(冰箱)29. Theboyis_(在便利店)30. I_(想要)somewater五、单句语法填空31. Idonteat_(some)meat32. _(short)aremyf

9、avoriteinsummer33. CanIhavetwo_(glass)ofwater?34. JennyandI_(be)goodfriends35. LiMing_(eat)somevegetableseveryday六、句型转换36. Idrinkabottleofcokeaday(改为一般疑问句)_you_abottleofcokeaday?37. Ieatoneappleeveryday(对画线部分提问)_doyoueateveryday?38. Mymothermakesbreakfastforme(改为一般疑问句)_yourmother_breakfastforyou?39.

10、 TheywillstayinBeijingforthreedays(对画线部分提问)_willtheystayinBeijing?40. Makeasandwichnow(改为否定祈使句)_asandwichnow答案1. C2. A3. B4. B5. D6. D7. C8. A9. A10. C11. B12. B13. A14. B15. D16. Can I help you17. The tea is over there18. What would you like19. Please pass around these books20. Let me see the book21. A22. D23. B24. C25. C26. much27. many bottles of milk28. fridges29. in the convenience store30. would like31. any32. Shorts33. glasses34. are35. eats36. Do;drink37. How many apples38. Does;make39. How long40. Dont make3


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