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1、= = 2012学年第一学期教学设计2012 学年度五年级第一学期牛津英语教学计划一、指导思想:以区教育局“两个有效”、“两听两看”精神为引领,以常态教学的改进全面推进课改目标,以学科教学常规的实施与教研组建设为抓手,积极利用区内外优质资源,改进教学过程,突出教学效果,切实提高教学水平。突出“学科建设与课堂改进”重点,加强教学基本情况分析与问题解决;加强教学基本环节的研究指导与管理;加强课堂改进的专题研究与经验总结,重视有效经验在常态教学环境中的充分利用;进一步改进与优化教研工作的内容和方式;加强教师队伍及学科教研团队的能力建设。二、教材地位分析:本教材共有四个模块,这四个模块分别围绕主题Ge

2、tting to know you, Me,my family and friends, Places and activities和 The natural world展开。每个模块分成三个 unit,每个unit通过look and say, look and learn, play a game, say and act, read a story, ask and answer, listen and enjoy, learn the sound等若个部分展开,重点在于语音、单词、和句型的教学和操练,同时通过游戏、儿歌、故事等加以巩固和扩展。教材中有部分内容学生已经学习或接触过,但在本

3、教材中加以整理归类或赋予他们新的含义,教学中对于这些内容不仅仅要求作简单的复习还应加以扩展或整合,使之与新内容联系起来,并注重学生在表达中的准确运用。每个Unit都有配套的词汇句型和语法练习,帮助学生巩固新学语言知识,以便老师检查了解学生学习情况并及时作出教学调整。教材末尾还有四个project,结合本教材相关学习内容将英语学习和实验调查等课外活动结合起来,既增加趣味性,又体现了英语的交际功能。三、主要教学内容:每个模块的unit中由look and say, look and learn等不同部分构成,这些内容中的语音、语法、词汇、句型等是学习的主要内容,其中look and say, lo

4、ok and learn和 learn the sound中出现的词汇在教学时作四会要求,其余词汇主要为三会或二会要求,教师也可以根据学生的实际情况作适当调整。教学的重点和难点主要包括如下内容:1. 掌握元音和辅音因素。2. 新单词的理解和正确运用以及正确拼写。3. 掌握几种新的wh-questions。4. 继续独立语段的学习。四、教学要求1、使学生受到听、说、多、写英语的训练,掌握一定的语言知识和言语技能,培养初步运用英语交际的能力。2、使学生明确学习英语的目的性,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养良好的学习习惯,掌握学习英语的基本方法。 3、培养学习英语的能力:交际能力和 学习能力,英语思维能

5、力和良好的心理素质,培养学习英语知识的语法、词汇量、阅读量、视听量和一定的文化内涵。 五、学生情况分析六、教学策略与方法1认真钻研新课程标准和新教材,把握教材的核心理念和教学的重,难点。2创设情景,运用多媒体教学,培养和激发学生的学习兴趣,充分调动学生的积极主动性,使学生能愉快学习。3注重培养学习自主英语的能力、英语思维能力和良好的心理素质,学习英语知识的语法、词汇量、阅读量、视听量和一定的文化内涵。4经常与家长保持联系,做到家校同步教育,共同为儿童的发展而合作。5熟悉教材,认真备课,充分利用课堂时间,提高课堂的35分钟的教学质量。因材施教,有的放矢,拉差补缺。6注意课堂教学的分层教学,既有基

6、础要求,又有拓展要求,在保证全体学生发展的同时,着重培养那些对英语兴趣的优等生七、教学进度周次起止日期教学内容教时19/3-9/7M1U1229/10-9/14M1U1-M1U2539/17-9/21M1U2-M1U3549/24-9/28M1U3, Test of M15510/1-10/5国庆休息610/8-10/12M2U15710/15-10/19M2U25810/22-10/26M2U2-M2U35910/29-11/2M2U3, Test of M251011/5-11/9M3U151111/12-11/16M3U1-M3U251211/19-11/23M3U2-M3U351311

7、/26-11/30M3U3, Test of M351412/3-12/7M4U151512/10-12/14M4U1-M4U251612/17-12/21M4U2-M4U351712/24-12/28M4U351812/31-1/4Revision of M4, Test of M44191/7-1/11Final-term Revision 5201/14-1/18Final-term test5Module 1 Getting to know youTeaching Plan of Module 1本章围绕“Getting to know you”这一教学主题开展各项教学活动,由“My

8、birthday”、“My way to school”、“My future”三个部分组成。I. Teaching contents:1. Words and expressions: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, party, begin, bring, wear, favourtie, invitation, present, smart, taxi, underground, zebra, crossing, traffic light, pavement, live, leave, by, on foot, arrive (a

9、t), cross, journey, train, get off, underground station, worker, pilot, farmer, shop assistant, fly, help, sick, (be) afraid of, dream, (be) good at, in the future, lifeguard, save, sell, star, travel, traveller, writer 2. Sentence structures:Whens your birthday? Its on What do you have? How do you

10、come to school?When do you?What do you want to be? I want to be a 第三人称单数 wants to be 3. Sounds: / i:/ / /e/ / /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/II. Key points:1. Be able to speak and write the key words correctly.2. Using wh-questions to find out specific information. 3. Writing several sentences to introduce

11、someones birthday, someones journey to school and peoples dream jobs.III. Difficult points:1. Wrting the key words correctly.2. Using prepositions to indicate dates. 3. Using modelled sentences to indicate means of transport. 4. Pronouncing the sounds / i:/ / /e/ / correctly in words. IV. Culture: 让

12、朋友真正地了解你。Unit 1 My birthdayI. Teaching contents:1. Words and expressions: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, party, begin, bring, wear, favourtie, invitation, present, smart2. Sentence structures:Whens your birthday? Its on What do you have?3. Language function:1)Use ordinal numbers to refe

13、r to dates.2) Use modelled sentences to find out specific information.3) Use prepositions to indicates dates. 4) Use formulaic expressions in context.4. Sounds: / i:/ / II. Key points:1. Pronouncing and writing the key words correctly.2. Understanding dialogues about birthday .3. Reading the key wor

14、ds, sentences and the text aloud with the appropriate pronunciation and intonation. III. Difficult points:1. Writing the key words correctly. 2. Writing the key sentences correctly. 3. Introduce someones birthday. IV. . Time allocation: 5 periodsPeriod 1 Type:New TeachingI. Teaching contents:P6 List

15、en and enjoy & P2 Look and say1. Words and expressions:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, *invite 2. Sentence structures:My birthday is on the of *I want to invite my grandparents and friends.3. Language output:Hello, Im Im years old. I can

16、I like I like (month) because my birthday is in it. My birthday is on the of I want to have a birthday party on that day. I want to invite my grandparents and friends. I think we will have a good time. 4. Language function:1) Using the key words in context. 2) Use prepositions to indicate dates.3) S

17、peaking and writing several sentences to introduce your birthday. II. Key points:1) Use prepositions to indicate dates.2) Speaking and writing several sentences to introduce your birthday.III. Difficult points:Be able to use ordinal numbers to refer to dates correctly. IV. Culture:让父母,祖父母,朋友共享你的生日。V

18、. Teaching aids: Multi-media, a calendar VI. Procedure: 学习目标导学方法个性化调整创设良好的学习氛围。I. Pre-task preparation1. Daily talk. Whats the date today?How many days are there in September?How many months are there in a year?What are they?2. Listen and enjoy. Listen and read on page 6 能初步感知新单词。能在句子中掌握新单词。能初步感知序数词

19、。能朗读序数词。能初步说说自己的生日。能初步感知新单词和句型。能运用新句型。II. While-task procedure1. Words: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelftha. Elicit by talking.Today is the third day of September. b. Read and spelling. c. Practice: March is the third month of the year.Januar

20、y is the first month of the year. Sunday is the first day of a week. 2. Read the ordinal numbers. a. Show the calendar and read. b. Count the ordinal numbers one by one.Im the first. Im the second. Im the third3. Sentence: My birthday is on the of a. Elicit by asking. When is my birthday? My birthda

21、y is on the of b. Read and tone.c. Say about the birthday your own.My birthday is on the of d. .My birthday is on February the sixteenth. Try to say.4. Word: invite Sentence: I want to invite a. Elicit by asking.Do you have a birthday party on your birthday?Who do you want to invite on that day?Your

22、 grandparents, your parents, your friends, your classmatesb. Read and spelling. c. Practice: On my birthday I want to invite my 能熟练掌握Marys birthday 的信息量。能运用所学的知识。作业是课堂的延伸。III. Post-task activities1. Marys birthdayQs: How old is Mary? What can she do? What does she like? What month does she like? Whe

23、ns her birthday? Who does she want to invite?2. Talk about your birthday. 3. AssignmentOral work:Listen and read on page 3. Review the dialogue on page 2.QS: When is Peters birthday? Whats the partys name? Why?Written work:Copy the new words and sentences. 教后反思Period 2 Type:New TeachingI. Teaching c

24、ontents:P2 Look and say 1. Words and expressions:thirteenth, fourteenth, twentieth, thirtieth, thirty-first, begin, bring, wear, favourtie 2. Sentence structures:Whens your birthday? Its on the ofWhat time does the party begin? It begins 3. Language outputToday is Sunday,the 19th of September. Its P

25、eters birthday. He is very happy. He invites his friends to his party. His party begins at two oclock in the afternoon. Its an orange party. Because Peters fvourtie colour is orange. His friends can bring or wear some orange things to the party. Its interesting. 4. Language function:1) Using wh-ques

26、tions to find out specific information. 2) Use prepositions to indicates dates.II. Key points:Talk about someones birthday. III. Difficult points: Write the ordinal numbers correctly. IV. Teaching aids: Multi-mediaV. Procedure: 学习目标导学方法个性化调整创设良好的学习氛围。I. Pre-task preparation1. Count the ordinal numbe

27、rs one by one. 2. Daily talk. Talk abour your own birthday. 能初步感知新单词。能正确掌握新单词,并能在句子中运用。能初步感知新句型。能掌握时间表达的缩略形式。能把缩写内容组成段落,真实运用。能掌握Peter的生日聚会的意义,有创新性的活动。II. While-task procedure1. Words: nineteenth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteentha. Elicit by asking. Whens Peters b

28、irthday?Try to answer: Its on the 19th of September. b. Read and spell the ordinal numbers from thirteenth to nineteenthc. Practice the dates. on the 13th of NovemberA: Whens Peters birthday ?B: Its on the 19th of September. A: Whens your birthday? B: Its on the of d. Try to learn “twentith, twenty-

29、first”Whens s birthday? Its on the ofWhens the Mid-autumn Festival? Its on the twelfth of September. 2. Learn : What time does the party begin? a. Listen to the dialogue on page 2.Q: Who does Peter invite? What time does the party begin?b. Answer and read. Peter invites Danny to his party.The party

30、begins at two oclcok in the afternoon. (Write: Time: 2:00 p.m. Sunday (19th Sept)c. Try to say: Peters birthday is on the 19th of September. Hes happy. He invites Danny to his party. His party begins at 2:00 p.m. Sunday. d. Practice. A:What time does your party begin?:Try to say:My birthday is on th

31、e of I invite his friends to my party. The party begins at3. Learn: bring, Orange is his favourtie colour. a. Elicit by asking.Whats Peters partys name? Why?b. Read. Its an orange party. His friends can bring or wear some orange things to his party. Orange is Peters favourtie colour. 能综合运用所学知识。作业是课堂

32、的延伸。III. Post-task activities1. Talk about Peters birthay party. 2. Read and act the dialogue between Peter and Danny. 3. AssignmentOral work:Listen and read on page 2. Read about Peters birthday party. Think about your own birthday party. Written work: Copy the new words and sentences. Try to fill

33、in the blanks about Peters invitation. 教后反思Period 3 Type:New TeachingI. Teaching contents:P4 Say and act 1. Words and expressions:invitation, make a birthday invitation, Building 7, *Yinggang Road, *Estate 2. Sentence structure:What orange things do you have? I have3. Language output:Dear_, Please c

34、ome to my party.Its on_ from _ to_.Its at my home. I live at _.My phone number is _.I hope you can come! Yours _4. Language function:Using wh-questions to find out specific information. II. Key points:How to write an invitation to a party. III. Difficult points:Be able to write an invitation. IV. Te

35、aching aids: Multi-media, an invitation card V. Procedure: 学习目标导学方法个性化调整创设良好的学习氛围。I. Pre-task preparation1. Daily talk. My birthday party能正确回答问题,并能理解对话内容。能熟练朗读对话,并能演演说说。能初步感知新单词,理解词义。能正确掌握单词的含义。能初步仿写Peter的生日请柬。能学会表达简单的地址。II. While-task procedure1. Try to answer: What orange things do they have?a. Li

36、sten and answer.Jill has an orange hat. ItsKitty has a pair of orange trousers.Danny has an orange T-shirt.Alice has an orange picture. Its a picture of Peter. b. Read the dialogue. Peters orange partyc. Act out it. 2. Learn: invitation , make a birthday invitationa. Elicit. On Peters birthday he in

37、vites his friends to his party. How do his friends know his party?Peter makes some birthday invitation.b. Read and spelling. in-vi-ta-tionc. Phrases: an invitation, a birthday invitation, a wedding invitationd. Fill in Peters invitation.Please come to Peters _party!Time: _.Place:_.(Learn: Room 201,

38、Building 7, 123 Garden Road)根据Peter的生日请柬,能综合运用所学知识写写自己的生日请柬。作业是课堂的延伸。III. Post-task activities1. Write about your birthday invitation. Dear_, Please come to my party.Its on_ from _ to_.Its at my home. I live at _.My phone number is _.I hope you can come! Yours _( Learn: Room_, Building _, _Housing E

39、state,_ Road/Street)2. AssignmentOral work:Listen and read on page 4. Written work:Copy the new words and phrases.Write a birthday invitation. 教后反思Period 4 Type:New TeachingI. Teaching contents:P5 Read a story1. Words and expressions:present, son, still, smart, 2. Sentence structures:Tommy has no ha

40、t.3. Language output: Today is the 4th of October. Its Tommys birthday. Mr Hatter, Tommys father, makes a smart new hat as a birthday present. Tommy is very happy. What a kind father!4. Language function:Using wh-questions to find out details about a story. II. Key points:Read a story soundly. III.

41、Difficult points:Retell the story. IV. Culture: Love your parents, because they love you. V. Teaching aids: Multi-media VI. Procedure: 学习目标导学方法个性化调整创设良好的学习氛围。I. Pre-task preparation1. Daily talk.: When is Peters birthday? When is your birthday?2. Read a story: When is Tommys birthday?能初步感知故事。能正确朗读新单

42、词,并能运用。能根据故事回答问题,掌握故事梗概内容。能复述每张图片。能根据故事内容填空,作为复述故事的基础。II. While-task procedure1. Listen to a story and learn new words. a. Listen to the tapeb. Try to read: present son still smart Tommy Mr Hatter son-daughter son(同音异义词)-sunTommy is Mr Hatters son.present-Tommys birthday presentstill -He is still wo

43、rking.smart art/farm/harm/a smart new hatsmart-beautiful smart-cleverc. Answer the questions:1) What does Mr Hatter do?2) How is Mr Hatter?Show picture 1: Mr Hatter makes hats.3) Does Tommy have any hats at first?Show picture 2: But Mr Hatters son, Show picture 3: It is late at night. Mr Hatter4 )When is Tommys birthday?5 )What is Tommys birthday present?6) How is it?7) How does Tommy feel now?Show picture 4: The next morning, Tommy sees a smart new hat on his


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