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1、重点词句和语法,Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars,杨敏,第一部分 重点单词 第 1 组 _ vi. 存在;生存 _n. 谜;难题 vi. (使)为难,puzzle,exist,【连词成句】 她只靠吃蔬菜就能维持生存一事让我不解。 It _ me that she _ only on vegetables,exists,puzzles,第 2 组 _ prep. 不同;不像 a.不同的 _ n. _ my dog, it is much more _.,pull,unlike,violent,第 3 组 _ n. 学说;理论 _ adj. 有害

2、的 _ n. 系统;体系;制度,harmful,theory,system,【连词成句】 这种体制从理论上听起来是不错,但可能对孩 子们有害。 This _ sounds fine in _, but it may be _ to children.,system,theory,harmful,第 4 组 _ n. 气候 _ pron. 火柴;相配的人或物 V.和.相配; 使对应;比得上,matches with 与一样; 使一样,使对应,2.According to a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang”

3、that threw matter in all directions.,根据一种广为接受的理论,宇宙从“大爆炸”开始,它把物质抛向各个方向。,关于accept和receive,(1)accept表示主观上“接受”,表示的是一种主动的行为,并伴随有一种满意或允诺的意味;receive只是表示客观上“收到”、“接到”,表示一种被动的行为,他向她求婚,她同意了。,I received you apology letter, but I didnt accept it,我收到了你的道歉信,但是我不接受你的道歉,He asked her to marry him and she accepted hi

4、m,(2)表示“接见”、“接待”时, (3)表示“从收到/接爱”时,,她受到热情接待。,他收到 / 接受朋友的邀请。,用receive, 不用accept .,She was warmly received.,两者均可接from。,He received / accepted an invitation from his friend.,3.What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solidglobe.,),(,(1)

5、was 是主句系动词,uncertain作表语, What it was to become 部分中,what引导的句子充当主语,即:主语从句,意为“宇宙将会变成什么”,,(2)until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago是时间状语, 也作 when the dust settled into a solidglobe定语从句的先行词。,(3)直到45至38亿年前宇宙会变成什么样子才慢慢确定下来,这期间尘埃落定成固体地球。,4.The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the s

6、hape would last or not,(3)地球变得如此猛烈,以至于它的形状是否会持续下去是不太清楚的,(2)在so .that引导结果状语从句 中,it作形式主语,was not clear 是系表结构,whether the shape would last or not是whether 引导的句子作真正的主语。-此句为主语从句,whether 意为“是否” 可改写,whether the shape would last or not was not clear,(1)The earth became violent 是系表结构,so .that引导结果状语从句 。,5.What

7、 is even more important is that as the earth cooled down, water began toappear on its surface.,更重要的是,随着地球的冷却,水开始出现在地表.,(1)is是主句系动词,What is even more important是what引导的句子作主语,即:主语从句,意为“更重要的是什么”,(2)that 引导的句子在is系动词之后,即:表语从句。此表从中,又套装了一个as引导的时间状语从句。 可改写,(3)What is even more important is that water began t

8、oappear on its surface as the earth cooled down.,6.It was not immediately obvious that water was to befundamentalto the development of life.,(3)水对生命的发展是至关重要的,这一点在当时并不是显而易见的。,(1) was是系动词,it 作形式主语,that引导的句子作真正的主语. 可改写,(2)That water was to befundamentalto the development of life was not immediately obv

9、ious.,7. What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmfulgases andacidsinto the oceans and seas.,(3)许多科学家认为,水的持续存在使地球能够将有害的气体和酸溶解到海洋中。,(1)What many scientists believe是what引导的主语从句,意为科学家相信什么,科学家所相信的是.,(2)that the continued presence of water all

10、owed the earth to dissolveharmfulgases andacidsinto the oceans and seas.是系动词is之后 that引导的表语从句,8.Why they suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery.,为什么它们突然消失仍然是个谜。,(1)remain是系动词,Why they suddenly disappeared 是why 引导的主语从句,9. Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will

11、 depend on whether this problem can be solved.,(3)未来几百万年,地球上的生命是否会继续下去,将取决于这个问题能否得到解决。,(1)Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come 为whether 引导的主语从句,(2)whether this problem can be solved.为whether 引导的 宾语从句,10.This disappearance made possible the rise of mammals on the eart

12、h.,(1)This disappearance made the rise of mammals on the earth .possible,谓语动词,宾语,(2)disappear(v.)-disappearance (n)消失,1.assist-assistance 2.accept-acceptance 3.appear-appearance 4.annoy-annoyance 5.disturb-disturbance 6.enter-entrance 7.guide-guidance 8.insure-insurance 9.inherit-inheritance 10.perf

13、orm-performance 11.rely-reliance 12.resist-resistance,宾补,1.assist-assistance 帮助2.accept-acceptance接受 3.appear-appearance出现 4.annoy-annoyance 烦恼 5.disturb-disturbance打扰 6.enter-entrance入口 7.guide-guidance 指导 8.insure-insurance保险 9.inherit-inheritance继承10.perform-performance演出 11.rely-reliance依靠 12.re

14、sist-resistance抵抗,1.differ-difference不同 2.existence存在 3.interfere-interference干涉干预 4.occur-occurrence发生 5.prefer-preference偏爱 6.refer-reference参考,11.Green plants began to grow on land. They were followed in time by land animals.,(2)他们通常通过产卵来繁殖。,(1)be followed by. 被 .紧跟着,作谓语,(2)Followed in time by la

15、nd animals,green plants began to grow on land. Followed 作非谓语,(1)produced young 做谓语,bylaying eggs作方式状语,They produced young generally bylaying eggs.,12.There used to be nine planets in the solar system.Recently scientists have decided that one of them can no longer be considered a planet.,used to do b

16、e used to do/be used for+n. be/get used to (doing) +n.,过去常干(现已不干) 被用作,被用于 习惯于(accustomed),(1)He used_ (get) up late,but he has got rid of the bad habit. (2)The lanterns are used _(decorate)the house. (3)The lanterns are used _decoration. (4)I have got used_the climate here. (5)I have been used to _(

17、skip) supper .,to get,to decorate,for,to,skipping,1.Before we left,Li Yanping explained to me that the force of gravity would change three times on our journey and that the first change would be the most powerful.,explain接双宾语从句,第一个that可以省略,第二个that不可以省略,Language points II,2. Then we were off.,kick of

18、f 开球,开始,踢掉 take off 脱下,休假,起飞,成功 set of f 出发,引燃,引发 pay off 还清;得到回报,see.off 送别 give off 散发 show off炫耀 turn off 关闭,拒绝,随后我们就启程了。,be off = set off 出发; 动身,I am off today. 我今天不用上班。 We are off today.今天我们不上班/不开张。,与off相关的短语:,(2)Leaving the moons gravity was not as painful as leaving the earths,3. (1)When we g

19、et closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us ,but it will not be as strong a pull as the earths.,当我们更接近月球时, 就会感到月球的引力在拉我们。但是, 月球的引力不像地球的引力那么大。,离开月球的引力不像离开地球的引力那么艰难,as 形(+名)/副 as not as/so 形(+名)/副 .as,(3)He ran as quickly as LiLei,so形(+名)/副,4. But when I tried to step forward, I found

20、I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.,1) “A + be + 倍数 + as +形容词原级 + as + B”.,This tree is three times as tall as that one.,2) “A + be + 倍数 +形容词比较级 + than + B ”,The Yangtze River is twice longer than the Pearl River.,3) “A + be + 倍数 + the +名词 (size, length, amount) + of + B”,The n

21、ewly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one.,4) the +名词 (size, length, amount) of “A + be + 倍数 +that of + B”,The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous one.,5.That experience was very exhausting and exciting.,那种经历令人疲惫又兴奋,She felt exhausted and exci

22、ted,情感类动词:主语是人 ,用ed 形式 ;主语是物 用ing,amaze annoy astonish confuse convince delight depress disappoint discourage disgust embarrass encourage excite exhaust fright frustrate inspire interest irritate move please puzzle satisfy shock sickening surprise terrify tire touch worry,amaze 使吃惊 annoy使恼怒 astonish

23、使惊愕 confuse使困惑 convince使信服 delight使高兴 depress使沮丧 disappoint 使失望 discourage使泄气 disgust使厌恶 embarrass 使尴尬 encourage 使有勇气 excite使兴奋 exhaust 使筋疲力尽 fright 使惊恐 frustrate使沮丧 inspire使鼓舞 interest使有兴趣 irritate使愤怒 move使感动 please使愉快 puzzle使困惑 satisfy使满意 shock使震惊 sickening使恶心 surprise使惊讶 terrify是害怕 tire使疲惫 touch

24、使感动 worry 使担心,第五部分 重点语法 主语从句 (1)在复合句中作主语的从句叫主语从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it代替, 而本身放在句子末尾。,That,(2)引导主语从句的主要有2个连词(that和whether)、 4个连接副词(when, where, why, how)和5个连接代词(what, which, who, whom, whose)。,1. _she was chosen made us very happy. 她当选使我们非常高兴,(3)主要看意思,2. _ he will be able to come remains a question. 他

25、是否能来还是个问题。 3. _ he needs is time and money. 他所需要的是时间和金钱。 4. _ it was done was a mystery. 这是怎样做的是一个谜。 5. _ they have gone is none of my business. 他们去哪儿了不关我的事。,Whether,What,How,Where,第五部分 重点语法 主语从句 当主语从句太长时,为使句子平衡,避免头重脚轻,常用it作形式主语,而将主语从句后置。,(1) It is 名词 从句 It is a fact that 事实是 It is an honor that 非常荣

26、幸 It is common knowledge that 是常识,(2) It is 形容词 从句 It is natural that 很自然 It is strange that 奇怪的是,(3) It is 不及物动词 从句 It seems that 似乎 It happened that 碰巧 It appears that 似乎,(4) It 过去分词 从句 It is reported that 据报道 It has been proved that 已证实 It is said that 据说,1. It is well known _ Cuba is a socialist

27、 country. 众所周知,古巴是个社会主义国家 2. It is important _ this mission not fail. 这项使命不失败是至关重要的。 3. It remains to be seen _ the weather will be better. 天气是否会好转还要看看。 4. It hasnt been announced _ won the prizes. 还没宣布谁获奖。,that,whether,who,where,that,5. It did not matter much _ he lived. 他在哪里住都没有关系。,How he became a

28、 great scientist is known to us all.,谓语动词用单数,从句用陈述语序,第五部分 重点语法 主语从句,不能省略关联词,What interests me most in this unit is astronomy. 2. When the party will be held hasnt been decided yet. 3. Whether we visit the zoo this weekend depends on your behaviour. 4. How you plan your wedding is a personal decision

29、.,Discovering useful structures,1. His discovery has not yet been proved. What _. 2. Do the other astronomers accept his ideas? It remains a question. Whether _. 3. The first appearance of life on earth is still a mystery to scientists. How _.,has not yet been proved is his discovery,other astronome

30、rs accepts his ideas remains a question,life first appeared on earth is still a mystery to scientists,Ex. 29,4. Why is the earth becoming warmer? It is an important topic for research. Why _ _. 5. Step en Hawking at 65 experienced zero gravity during a flight. It amazed everybody. It amazed everybod

31、y _ _. 6. Pluto is no longer considered a planet in our solar system. What a surprise! It is a surprise _ _.,that Stephen Hawking at 65 experienced zero gravity during a flight.,that Pluto is no longer considered a planet in our solar system,the earth is becoming warmer is an important topicfor research,Dripping water pierces a stone,


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