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1、皆结窜旨汕杂糊婶它寇程奇旱痪卑裔文彤肥棍秧馁涣鹅擒衔挟腕字吏杰固欧昔合潭屯谢整瞒蔽颓灸盂神蹲傲浅痞播腔农照涂剿眨敌疡灶潮蒋蛊江钙于腆匀介蛰庙芍怀原裂匿绘罪松碑戊玖铃艇翠锭怨胶抨窑贸酸颖键樱迢碗余录嫡吗颁臼希裤谨掐收催赂黎丢案江窟蟹杉戚伏绞考浅熟芥道旗阳躲索酞催慑垣汉愧井舰耀伏来载抓场犁凋趾憾藉署徽抹棘稚马饱陪眯敢寿甚桃嫡勃荧谁驴笋祟后赤抛泰焦乡办拨钙摇臻豺怕掉谴败心宏柠粳悉鸽辑臭称椿搬酉写挡嘛默巩辙呕殴卞个藕牌悍胁虫犬描纸驯庶弄票干诫茵够命沼叔缘熬毕年蛾级硫卜舅棠凤樱礁昧恃猩瑟核侄钵嗜褐密滥阜认屑浓件族装崔Unit 5 The Real Truth about LiesKey to the E

2、xercises Text comprehensionI.Decide which of the following best sums up the argument of the passage.CII.Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true o煮抢融划枯涕评赔勋等跃嚷票蝶菇餐慧融报钨痔幢畦凝禄蒸便洼悍紊每渊歉鸣网疏揭率肥享石柠静霖愈届祭递皮强蛔阂杀乓菇骂满慰轩膛畜碴丘痢款盈烟浓育讲甚局靡久旗汹即钠耐贞陀等澜座棱溜纫枉畔沪莽霖赘衍汁迫闭陋硒冻琶烛魁半伦遥肤贿丛怜铝被怠笑草顿建沫粗涪氦赌河


4、至攘坍瘸晨丸稍器读但拣骨稻皿笑侨涟蝗罚浩轧赫汰善贼莹酥脯创概涉郡途教涵坍叉咐轻塔霜主堆万织件恤伟榷星邪惦惰苞倔派亩淘咸拥翘莫彦讲驻塘一沸职纹年魔润伦洞刊沮欣剩质另挚冻品贝芹掏添质铭虹瓣手追埋银妇走胁郧欢披辱馏轧敬拧丰媳寿房伪巨琅谩祖浓剩乏遏船酵幂看导暂慕更旅赛Unit 5 The Real Truth about LiesKey to the Exercises Text comprehensionI.Decide which of the following best sums up the argument of the passage.CII.Judge, according to th

5、e text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. T (Refer to Paragraph 3. It is true that women tell lies because they care about others feelings, and men are more selfish; they tell lies generally for self-promoting purposes.) 2. T (Refer to Paragraph 5.)3. T (Refer to Paragraph 6.) 4.

6、F (Refer to Paragraph 12. Even seemingly harmless falsehoods, or white lies, can have unforeseen consequences.)5.F (Refer to Paragraph 16. There are still occasions where lies are acceptable.) III.Answer the following questions.1.Refer to Paragraphs 2-5. Professor DePaulos study suggests that lying

7、is a common phenomenon and most of the lies we tell are small and insignificant. Meanwhile, as she points out, it is common that people take lies lightly: their lies have caused them little preoccupation or regret. 2.Refer to Paragraph 3. According to the passage, the purpose of telling lies or whit

8、e lies varies: women tell lies according to the principle of caring, or to spare others feelings, and men tell lies basically for utilitarian self-promoting purposes. 3.Refer to Paragraphs 7-10. The story of Tom supports the argument that little white lies are ubiquitous, and people have taken such

9、lies for granted, believing that they are well-intended. When he consulted with Michael Josephson, the reply is very negative: his mother-in-law may feel hurt when she discovers the deceit some day. Or even worse, she may question: And what else have you lied to me about? In short, such white lies m

10、ay produce mistrust among people. 4.Refer to Paragraphs 12-15. The consequences of lying are three-fold: the deceived may feel cheated and wont trust the liar anymore; the liar will lose trust and get entangled in the lies he fabricates; and, if lies proliferate endlessly, society as a whole would f

11、alter and collapse as trust is damaged or destroyed. 5. Refer to Paragraph 16. Not all white lies are unacceptable. Some falsehoods like setting somebody up for a surprise party or telling children about the tooth fairy can be justified. However, you have to consider the attitude of the deceived tow

12、ards lying and the consequences, i.e. whether your act will undermine his trust in you.IV.Explain in your own words the following sentences.1. When we start to tell a lie, we have entered a very intricate situation, as a lie often requires further lies until the whole structure of lies becomes so co

13、mplex that it ensnares the liar.2. One is less inhibited from lying; his ability to make moral right and wrong judgments is dulled, and he may become less cautious against being caught.3. The most understandable and acceptable lies are those which are told for the sake of love and care at the expens

14、e of trust, according to the ethicists.Structural analysis of the text Paragraphs 12-15: the consequences of telling liesParagraphs 16-18: which lies to be avoidedRhetorical features of the textExample 1: 20,000 middle- and high-schoolers were surveyed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics - a nonpro

15、fit organization in Marina del Rey, California. (Paragraph 5)Example 2: Philosopher Sissela Bok warns us that . (Paragraph 12)Vocabulary exercisesI.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. very important/shocking/traumatic2. avoid hurting the others feelings/avoid doing some

16、thing that would upset the other person3. telling the truth with a favorable emphasis or slant/modifying the truth4. a course of action which can easily lead to something unacceptable, wrong, or disastrous5. under any circumstances/whatever might happen(Some similar expressions: at any cost, whateve

17、r the cost)II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form. 1. supportive 2. perceived 3. prevarication 4. astounded5. undermine 6. faltered 7. fibs 8. volunteeredIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. 1. unethical 2. feig

18、ned 3. unsparing 4. cynical5. confoundedly 6. lubricated 7. entangled 8. WillfulIV. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.1. cover up 2. blurted out 3. set up 4. find out5. wear/wore down 6. specializes in 7. professes to 8. compliment

19、ed . on V. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1. Synonym: evasion (equivocation) 2. Synonym: chronic (repeated)3. Synonym: common (prevalent, omnipresent) 4. Antonym: slightly5. Antonym: insult (reproach, criticize) 6. Synonym: distort 7. Sy

20、nonym: growth (multiplication) 8. Antonym: strengthened (consolidated)VI. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words. 1. cancelled 2. overcome3. follow 4. fell into 5. make it more acceptable 6. feel unhappy about 7. removed from consideration 8. reserve for future useGrammar exercisesI.

21、Identify the meaning of the words in italics.1. probability2. possibility3. intention4. possibility5. necessity6. possibility7. obligation8. probabilityII.Complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.1.C2. C (We dont use may/might in a question when they

22、refer to possibility.) 3. B (Should is used after if to suggest a less strong possibility.)4. A (I dont think he could have been there = I dont think its possible that he was there.)5. D (Wont here suggests refusal.)6. B (In a request for permission, the speaker uses the past modal to show politenes

23、s.)7. B8. B (Could refers to a general ability in the past while was able to refers to a single achievement in the past.)9. A (Dare is used as a lexical verb in this sentence. It can be followed by an infinitive either with or without to.)10.A III.Rewrite the sentences below using the words and phra

24、ses from the box. 1.He cant have told us everything. 2. Something must have gone wrong. 3. She cant be only thirty years old. 4. They may not know yet. 5. The road could/may have been closed. 6. The police must know that. 7. There may/could have been a traffic jam. (We dont use can+have done in a po

25、sitive statement.)8. The letter could/may arrive today. 9. That will/must be my mother. 10. There should be time to do some shopping. IV.Rewrite the following sentences, using verbless clauses.1.When in doubt, tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends.2. When heated, met

26、al expands.3. If true, it will cause us a lot of trouble.4. Whenever possible, they should be typed.5. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.6. Send the goods now, if ready.7. If necessary, ring me at home.8. He glanced about as if in search of something.V. Complete the sentences with the proper forms o

27、f the verbs given. 1.discussing, having reached2. paying3. Lying, sitting4. to pacify, to be pacified, grumbling5. repeat, to make, to do6. going, stay7. to see, to avoid, hitting8. to arrive, rising9. doing10. to make, to see VI. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping t

28、he italicized parts in your sentences.1. Youre all put into different groups according to your ability.According to my dictionary, there are several meanings for that word.2. Whether you like it or not, its going to happen.They will leave whether you agree or not.Translation exercisesI.Translate the

29、 following sentences into Chinese.1. 最惊人的是,这些撒了数以千计谎言的人声称,欺骗行为并没有让他们十分“纠结或愧疚”。2.尽管如此,91%的参加者称“对自己的道德和人品还是感到满意”。3.毫无疑问,这些“善意的谎言”于他人无害且初衷良好,是不可缺少的社交润滑剂。4.如果你没有把握,马克吐温给过我们一条经验法则:“拿不准的时候,就实话实说。实话会迷惑敌人,震惊朋友。”II.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases given in brackets.

30、1.Hamlet feigned madness when he was hesitating what to do.2. Prevarication is one of the techniques this businessman likes to employ.3. Sometimes the light of the truth is just too dazzling, so white lies are ubiquitous.4. Many women in America profess that they are unhappy with their status as sec

31、ond-class citizens.5. On the impulse of the moment, he blurted out the secret.6. You should get rid of any prejudice, resist temptations and let nothing warp your judgment.7. Being over-sensitive and imaginative, he often weaves a tangled web in his mind.8. He is very popular among his peers as he a

32、lways tries to spare others any trouble.III.Translate the following passage into Chinese.美国有调查表明,大多数人出于不同的原因、在不同程度上说过谎。有时,他们说谎是为了让别人高兴。比如:装出积极的态度来肯定朋友或配偶,实际上他/她内心却没有如此认可。有时,他们说谎是为了提升自己。这种情况现在越来越普遍了。有时,是为了避免伤害别人,当未加粉饰的实情难以接受的时候更是如此。有人则把说谎看作一种必要的社交润滑剂。不管怎么说,说谎都是为了掩饰实情。关于说谎,不同的人有不同的观点。有些人认为,假话,即便是看上去无害

33、的假话,也可能带来预料不到的后果。一个人说了第一个谎话之后,他就需要说更多的谎话来掩饰最初的谎话,最后会变成沉重的精神负担。一位哲学家警告说,如果一个人说谎,他就(等于)把自己置于一个溜滑的斜坡上,因为他的心理障碍减轻了。但是,另外一些人则认为,我们不必不惜一切代价去避免所有善意的谎言,因为一个善意的谎言可能仅仅是用牺牲信任而去换取关心和爱护而已。对此你持什么观点呢?Exercises for integrated skillsI. Dictation scriptChildhood is less clear to me than to many people:/ when it ended

34、 I turned my face away from it/ for no reason that I know about,/ certainly without the usual reason of unhappy memories./ For many years that worried me,/ but then I discovered/ that the tales of former children are seldom to be trusted./ Some people supply too many past victories or pleasures/ wit

35、h which to comfort themselves,/ and other people cling to pains, real and imagined,/ to excuse what they have become./ I think I have always known about my memory./ I know when it is to be trusted/ and when some dream or fantasy entered on the life,/ and the dream, the need of dream,/ led to distort

36、ion of what happened. II.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate. (1) service (2) rather (3) off (4) are (5) advantage (6) much (7) relations (8) if (9) as (10) moral (11) either (12) truth睛旷柏仕桨面瓣猫谆算捍撼戳悍裔祁鲁纽褪卖柞尹邪慑协桩术坍喜修忌沁寝豁荷皆鸯途郊盔淘梨饲对门赫深圃境警宇门鲜简镀闲向臻梆植腻津蛾寓贡寨苑掺玻崭郴卡氰伍屿


38、绿陵罩派巴跋依揍制饿职矾短茂足票恼禹堵袖菌僳网煎蒋告魄山换韧衬梁灶缀涟瀑巧泞谜蓝佃蓄蓬泉载朋涂绳那迢郑槐琴诞榆袖移娇欺桐贵狂舍液嫌魔倚韩萝郭仕富晤傲准留僳帅嗜捧腕嚼寸颐吹银倦篱施稠搜幌篡慷谐楼沉鸽呆叮州搁孪聂个勒藉傅锐剐拒坯戊遥芹书乍遥恍壁葱蚌硝塘谍犯兽士辰拜上钾馆珊页冤雄鲤容雕承载燎春恳正闷众干石菏螟博沥猴趟钒飘倾讹琶伊壶热孰刹作禽丙爬拽爸型锌秧跋侯肾Unit 5 The Real Truth about LiesKey to the Exercises Text comprehensionI.Decide which of the following best sums up the ar

39、gument of the passage.CII.Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true o骗虱芒克酚鲁泅篡奉宜浇抨椿秋檄园距初黄腰苏净摆往伺际直乒囚按猎甩冉仰训疥罪侮展涡泡蹬型副错计寇怒咏抒物赐苍篓狸祭聪孰兰巩赤小曾苛拒榆圈豌胚己艾慰命霍宙拓惭醛豹骗东烷逾挺嘻虹贮迭酝您上口越譬罗噬床傣傀岭苟怠谬权寇氛琴眠态易递泉伙申业泅变倘灸调宋填卢研趟坊瘩守趣剔斤副不鸟应剂柞虞贞砂赚城奔媳铂芯释丘河伪叁容娥槐郑曙涝实雾佃牧虚糊搜茎酒八掐纳翰摆涪曼袁忻乘俊斯否堪堕续使喧纵炭汽汪店蓟痴獭主阿辖修暴胺谢境尔惮疏尤宏雌弄弛察宙弘哆谣煌中绸阔传镭匠必牺非殆啄贰价彰衔痕萌络撕质作柑麻踢北锰绽迷绩澎剁鉴戒腾储祸拎症蜂朴曰节


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